MHE :: Volume #19

#1811: Cultivates true virtue the institute

Murders day of blade edge Chapter 1811 to cultivate true virtue the institute 弒天刃第1811章修真學院 «» main text Chapter 1811 cultivates true virtue the institute 《》正文第1811章修真學院 «» 《》 «» main text Chapter 1811 cultivates true virtue the institute 《》正文第1811章修真學院 Then, fills toward civil and military, almost all thoroughly did not have the words to say! 這下,滿朝文武,幾乎全都徹底沒話說了! If the emperors want to withdraw from any government order forcefully, they do not have the means to stop actually thoroughly. Let alone this time, emperor said that unexpectedly must use own pin money to handle this matter. 皇上如果想要強行退出一條什么政令,他們其實也沒有辦法徹底阻攔。更別說這一次,皇上居然說要動用自己的私房錢來做這件事情。 Although in the heart fills puzzled, even some were the considering emperors of minister heart of hearts lese majeste is a little insane? The otherwise words, how believe that what cultivates true virtue this illusory matter? 心中盡管充滿不解,甚至有些大臣內心深處大不敬的認為皇上是不是有點要瘋了?不然的話,怎么會相信什么修真這種虛無縹緲的事情? Although this in society exists about various fables of Cultivation, about Immortal Ascension and immortal throughout. But in fact, almost nobody will regard this fable real. Really because of this matter, the cognition that has the people are too many. It is not able to understand. 雖說這世間始終存在著關于修行、關于成仙和長生的各種傳說。但實際上,幾乎沒有人會把這種傳說當成是真的。因為這種事,實在出人們的認知太多。根本無法理解。 As for Crown Prince Xia Jing That side, was mad almost spits blood. Has the feeling of unlucky year. 至于夏京親王那邊,更是被氣得差點吐血。有種流年不利的感覺。 First was the son is trampled the court eunuch by others foot, was a series of accidents. Youth who a basis could not arouse his any interest, however overnight, has become incomparably fearful existence. 先是兒子被人家一腳踹成了太監,然后就是一連串的意外。原本一個根本引不起他任何興趣的少年,就然在一夜之間,成了一個無比可怕的存在。 His lawful right... Even loses in the hand of this youth. 他的權柄…甚至都丟在這少年的手中。 Cultivates true virtue the institute? I looked that is the brain is sick, was insane?” Xia Jing complexion pale sitting in studio, in both eyes is glittering the cold and gloomy ray. Then told: How many imperial princes immediately contacts with, what makes? No, does not need to make anything, only needed to be all right before them to talk over to cultivate true virtue the matter of institute to be good.” “修真學院?我看是腦子有病,要瘋了吧?”夏京臉色鐵青的坐在書房里面,一雙眼中閃爍著森冷的光芒。然后吩咐道:“立即去聯系幾位皇子,做什么?不,不需要做什么,只需要沒事在他們面前念叨念叨修真學院的事情就好了。” In the room, a grey clothes man nods, getting down of being quietly. 房間里,一個灰衣人點點頭,悄無聲息的下去了。 Remaining Xia Jing people sit on the chair, long time, his complexion finally returned to normal, then muttered: Thinks that Immortal Ascension thought insanely, what did to cultivate true virtue the institute? Your several sons are in the prime of life, they may don't want to Immortal Ascension, only want to proclaim oneself emperor!” 剩下夏京一個人坐在椅子上,良久,他的臉色終于恢復了平靜,然后喃喃自語了一句:“想成仙想瘋了,搞什么修真學院?你的幾個兒子年富力強的,他們可不想成仙,只想稱帝啊!” Entire Yan and Huang city, about cultivating true virtue the news of institute flooding. 整個炎黃城,都被關于修真學院的消息給充斥了。 The people have not recovered from former these all sorts of hearsay, finally, the recent news came. 人們還沒有從之前那些種種傳聞中回過神來呢,結果,新的消息就來了。 But this time, resounding is stronger! 只不過這一次,轟動性更強! Is makes people think unbelievable. 更是讓人覺得難以置信。 Cultivates true virtue the institute? What thing is that? Cultivation? Ha, isn't that the fable?” “修真學院?那是個什么東西?修行嗎?哈哈哈,那不都是傳說嗎?” Why can the emperor under this kind of government order? Isn't this tires the people and squanders resources? Makes these not to have the matter of significance, in Guo in Min, does what advantage have? What? Own pin money? Ha, no joking, in did the state treasury money, what have to distinguish with the pin money of emperor? Well... Do you want to do? I warned you, person who I had the status...” “皇上為什么會下這樣一道政令?這不是勞民傷財嗎?做這些沒有意義的事情,于國于民,何利之有?什么?自己的私房錢?哈哈哈哈哈,別鬧了,國庫里面的錢,跟皇上的私房錢有什么區別?咦…你們要干什么?我警告你們,我是有身份的人…” „The emperor is really willful, since he can make this matter, do not fear that others said that unexpectedly also makes an arrest. Yeah yeah, what I may not speak irresponsibly, do you want to do?” “皇上還真的是任性啊,既然他能做出這種事情,就不要怕人家說嘛,居然還抓人。哎哎哎,我可什么都沒亂說,你們想要干什么?” This time, with beforehand any time completely is different. Before the person in Yan and Huang city, discussed two royal government absurdly, even said moderately emperor several, will not have any issue. But this time, any has to dare to question the person of emperor decision, once were heard or is reported. Will come by snatch directly. 這一次,跟之前的任何一次都完全不同。之前炎黃城中的人,妄議兩句朝政,甚至不輕不重的說皇帝幾句,都不會有什么問題。但這一次,任何有敢質疑皇上這個決定的人,一旦被聽到或是被人舉報。直接就會被抓起來。 Therefore, the entire Yan and Huang city, for several days, from being in chaotic situation becomes is frightened by the slightest sound. 所以,整個炎黃城,短短幾天的時間里,就從雞飛狗跳變得風聲鶴唳。 Almost nobody dares to discuss this matter again. 幾乎沒有人敢再談論這件事了。 However, an imperial decree, fell afterward. 不過,一道圣旨,隨后就降下來了。 Crown Prince Xia Ying, the honor of your visit public sentiment, acts without authorization the wind of overbearing, good blood and iron, creates the atmosphere of menace in the Yan and Huang city. Causes the people not to dare to complain, does not dare to say. Causes the enormous damage to the Imperial Family image. Now except the position of its Crown Prince, only keeps the big imperial prince identity, is confined to barracks in Crown Prince in...” 太子夏英,枉顧民情,專擅霸道,行鐵血之風,在炎黃城中制造恐怖氣氛。導致民不敢怨,更不敢言。對皇家形象造成極大傷害。今除去其太子之位,僅保留大皇子身份,禁足于東宮之中…” The entire imperial decree, was excerpted, posted in Yan and Huang city various crossroads. Let all common people, can see this above content. 整個圣旨,被摘抄下來,張貼在了炎黃城的各大路口。讓所有的平民百姓,都能看見這上面的內容。 Many people then understand that originally in the past few days made an arrest everywhere this matter, is not the emperor does. But is Crown Prince Xia Ying! 很多人這才明白,原來前些天到處抓人這件事,并不是皇上做的。而是太子夏英 Also on the several th, imperial decree lowering again, this time, what processed is Second Prince Xia Xiong and Third Prince Xia Hao. Because they participated similarly have made an arrest this matter, and also the massive sewages, will sprinkle to big Prince Xia Ying. 又過了幾日,圣旨再一次的降下,這一次,被處理的是二皇子夏雄三皇子夏豪。因為他們同樣參與了抓人這件事,并且還將大量的臟水,潑向了大皇子夏英那邊。 This, almost the whole nation in an uproar. 這一下,幾乎舉國嘩然。 Big summer altogether three imperial princes, unexpectedly in short within several day, all had the big problem. 大夏一共三個皇子,居然在短短的幾天之內,全都出了大問題。 Although the emperor is also in the prime of life now, and male offspring is numerous. But since, these three imperial princes in the mind of big summer common people, the vivid status have been very high. The future monarch, almost must select from these three people. 雖然皇帝如今也算年富力強,而且子嗣眾多。但一直以來,這三個皇子在大夏百姓的心目中,形象地位都很高。未來的國君,幾乎就要從這三人當中選拔。 Now three imperial princes are processed one after another, moreover in this also presented the program of brothers quarrel at home. This lets them, in the mind of big summer people, the image dropped instantaneously did not have the several fold. 如今三個皇子接連被處理,而且這里面還出現了兄弟鬩墻的戲碼。這讓他們三人,在大夏人民的心目中,形象瞬間跌落了無數倍。 Then in the future, who makes Crown Prince? Who is the emperor? Was the emperor this? 那么未來,誰來做太子?誰來當皇帝?皇上這是怎么了? Among the entire government and people, the sound of discussion starts to fill the air. 整個朝野之間,議論之聲開始彌漫。 However, that side the imperial palace, from beginning to end, has not actually given any answer and explanation. 然而,皇宮那邊,卻從始至終,都沒有給出任何一個答復和解釋。 After three imperial princes were processed, although the sounds of various suspicions are lingering on faintly, but has before actually been short, that type criticizes and attacks wantonly. The people are more, from doubts and discussion, turned into waiting and seeing. 在三名皇子被處理之后,各種猜忌的聲音雖然不絕于耳,但卻少了之前那種大肆批判和抨擊。人們更多的,從疑惑、議論,變成了觀望。 The second month after Chu Mo return. 楚墨歸來之后的第二個月。 Cultivated true virtue the institute fire to appear in the Yan and Huang city, this type, in the entire big summer historical, was unique. 修真學院火出現在了炎黃城中,這種度,在整個大夏的歷史上,都是絕無僅有的。 Afterward, Chu Mo compiled the first batch of teaching materials personally. 隨后,楚墨親手編纂出了第一批的教材。 Entire institute, only then his teacher, in addition, does not have other people again. 整個學院,就只有他一個老師,除此之外,再無他人。 In the Yan and Huang city has too many people to wait to look at the joke, they thought that the emperor must be insane insanely, unexpectedly deliberately creates trouble with a ten -year-old child. However in folk , a view, said that child who the fence invincible senior general picks, is actually the deity descends to earth. The beforehand memory by the seal, this year the seal had been untying, therefore he was all of a sudden fierce. This view, has the market very much. Person who believes is not only these ordinary people. Even many senior officials are continually high-ranking, believes. 炎黃城中有太多人等著看笑話,他們都覺得皇上得了失心瘋了,居然跟一個十來歲的小孩子胡鬧。不過在民間,也有一種說法,說樊無敵老將軍撿來的那個孩子,其實是天神下凡。之前的記憶一直都是被封印著的,今年封印被解開了,所以他一下子就厲害了。這種說法,也很有市場。相信的人不僅僅是那些市井小民。甚至連很多高官顯貴,也都相信。 Because besides this view, does not have other explanations, can convince on Chu Mo the huge change. 因為除了這種說法之外,沒有其他的解釋,能說得通楚墨身上的這種巨大的變化。 But at this time, entire cultivates true virtue institute, altogether has three students. 而此時呢,整個修真學院,一共就只有三個學生。 Xu Fufu, Miao Yiniang, Liu Meier. 許浮浮、妙一娘、柳梅兒。 Miao Yiniang is harbors that type with Xu Fufu: You are willing to laugh laugh at me I to help the mentality of person on one's own side in any case, is similar to goes to generously same enters has cultivated true virtue the institute. As for Liu Meier, that is by Xu seething stiffly drawing. 妙一娘跟許浮浮是懷著那種:你們愿意笑話就笑話我吧反正我得幫著自己人的心態,如同慷慨赴死一樣的進入了修真學院。至于柳梅兒,那是被許浮浮硬生生的給拉來的。 However Liu Meier the growth environment since childhood, making her extremely not care about this matter. Because to mortal world all sorts of visions, she early became accustomed. 不過柳梅兒從小的成長環境,使得她并沒有太過在意這件事。因為對世俗的種種眼光,她早已經習以為常。 Three the time of students, quick in the past, three months later, entire Da Xia Imperial Family, more than 30 four years old above, under 12 -year-old boy girls, entered to cultivate true virtue the institute. 三個學生的時代,很快過去,三個月之后,整個大夏皇族,有30多個四歲之上,12歲之下的男孩女孩,進入到了修真學院。 Hence, cultivated true virtue the front door of institute to close directly. 至此,修真學院的大門直接關閉了。 The fence invincibly comes back, saw one side Chu Mo merely, then took away religious texts from Chu Mo here. Hereafter returns to the army, then again has not come back. 就連樊無敵回來,也僅僅見了楚墨一面,然后從楚墨這里拿走了一部經文。此后回到部隊,便再也沒有回來。 Entire Yan and Huang city, because cultivates true virtue various noises that institute makes, with the lapse of time, the person of attention became fewer and fewer. 整個炎黃城,因為修真學院鬧出的各種動靜,也隨著時間的推移,關注的人變得越來越少了。 No matter what, the life must continue eventually, can't stare all day is cultivating true virtue the institute not to put? Also, even to stare is not putting, cannot obtain any useful news. 不管怎樣,生活終究是要繼續的,也不能整天就盯著修真學院這邊不放吧?再說,就算想盯著不放,也根本得不到任何有用的消息。 Because entire cultivates true virtue the institute, from beginning to end, is at the close condition, outside has the imperial guard guard of imperial palace, guards the strength to be quite stern, almost exaggerated the degree that the company fly cannot only fly. 因為整個修真學院,從始至終,就處于封閉的狀態,外面有皇宮的禁軍把守,守衛力量相當森嚴,差不多就夸張到連只蒼蠅都飛不進去的程度了。 This matter seems like here the big summer already gradually uneventful, but has actually transmitted that side the neighboring country at this time. 這件事在大夏這邊看似已經漸漸風平浪靜,但此時卻已經傳遞到鄰國那邊去了。 They may, no matter the emperor of big summer will have anything to feel, from top to bottom, the sounds of various taunts are in any case lingering on faintly. Some writers even specially create all kinds of stories, comes confusing this matter to Da Xia's Emperor by a youth ridiculed wantonly. 他們可不管大夏的皇帝會有什么感受,反正從上到下,各種嘲諷的聲音不絕于耳。一些文人甚至專門編成各種各樣的故事,來對大夏皇帝被一個少年給迷惑這件事情大肆嘲笑。 Some man of insight even weeps with emotion, loudly shouted oneself country to have the opportunity expansion territory finally! 一些“有識之士”甚至感動涕零,大呼自己國家終于有機會擴張疆土了! Because in their opinion, Da Xia's Emperor such does, does simply in oneself. Soon, the entire big summer could perish badly. 因為在他們看來,大夏皇帝這么做,簡直就是在自己作死。用不了多久,整個大夏可能就要差地滅亡了。 This matter, even has alarmed the immortal day top big influence, they send the disciple to come to inquire about specially. 這件事情,甚至驚動了長生天這種頂級的大勢力,他們專門派弟子前來過問。 Different in mortal world these sounds, the immortal day can be said as the school of this world closest cultivating true virtue. Therefore, they treat the manner of this matter, is much more earnest. 不同于世俗間的那些聲音,長生天可以說是這個世界最為接近修真者的門派。所以,他們對待這件事的態度,要認真得多。 What makes person some not think, keeping aloof the immortal day disciple of walk in society, cultivating true virtue institute here of big summer Yan and Huang city, has been denied entrance similarly! 只不過讓人有些沒想到的是,高高在上的行走世間的長生天弟子,在大夏炎黃城的修真學院這里,同樣吃了一個閉門羹! They are very angry, has not encountered this matter, by their status, goes to this in society any country, the monarch in that country must personally show up and receive. But big summer here, emperor has not made an appearance, only sent a court eunuch main pipe to accompany. Arrives to cultivate true virtue institute here, has been denied entrance directly, has not gone in including the gate! 他們很憤怒,從來沒有遭遇過這種事情,以他們的身份地位,去這世間任何一國,那個國家的國君都要親自出面接待。但在大夏這里,皇帝沒露面,只派了一名太監總管陪著。來到修真學院這里,又直接吃了一個閉門羹,連門都沒進去! This immortal day disciple, contains ones anger to return, afterward said. 這名長生天的弟子,含怒而回,隨后放話出來。 Daxiaguo, is waiting for perishing country!” “大夏國,等著亡國吧!” This is not the threat, but is similar to a circular. The simple direct telling common people, Daxiaguo must end! 這可不是威脅,而是如同一句通告。簡單直接的告訴世人,大夏國要完了! Obtained this news same day, Daxiaguo emperor went to one to cultivate true virtue the institute. The time of burning a joss stick came out, it is said that comes out, on the face of emperor, has the happy smiling face of suppression. 得到這個消息的當天,大夏國皇帝去了一趟修真學院。一炷香的時間就出來了,據說,出來的時候,皇帝的臉上,有著抑制不住的開心笑容。 That smiling face bright to letting some personal maidservants thought that the emperor is somewhat strange. 那笑容燦爛到讓一些身邊人都覺得皇帝有些陌生。 Then, did not have anything then. The emperors should have an audience with the emperor every day. Then every day takes several compounded drug that from cultivating true virtue the institute takes. Regarding this, the imperial hospital that side is some opinions, their don't want to emperor takes this type of thing of unknown origin. The emperor insisted that they cannot change the idea of emperor. Only can implore to leave any accident to be good completely. 然后,就沒有什么然后了。皇上每日該上朝上朝。然后每日服用幾顆從修真學院那邊拿出來的丹藥。對此,御醫院那邊是有些意見的,他們不想皇上服用這種來歷不明的東西。只是皇上堅持,他們也改變不了皇上的這種想法。只能祈求完全別出什么意外才好。 Although the emperors were calm, but under entire Xia Dynasty Nonoue, started to present that unquenchable question sound again. This time, the artificial factor has not been promoting, three imperial princes are very honest, Crown Prince Xia Jing is more honest. 皇上雖然淡定了,但整個大夏朝野上下,再一次開始出現了那種難以抑制的質疑聲。這一次,并沒有人為的因素在推動,三位皇子都很老實,夏京親王更老實。 After all these time related to the entire big summer the national destiny, the immortal day disciple said personally Daxiaguo must perish, can that have the mistake? 畢竟這一次關系到整個大夏的國運了,長生天的弟子親口說大夏國要滅亡了,那還能有錯? This in society, who can be the immortal day match? 這世間,誰能是長生天的對手呢? The immortal day that side means what he says, half a month later, three immortal days disciples, void walked, appear sky over the Yan and Huang city. 長生天那邊說話算話,半個月后,就有三名長生天的弟子,虛空行走,出現在了炎黃城上空。 The renewal delivers.( To be continued.) 更新送到。(未完待續。) This book quickest renewal website invited: Cloud / comes to / pavilion, or direct visit website 本書最快更新網站請:云/來/閣,或者直接訪問網站 Work storehouse 作品庫 Novel rank 小說排行 Novel recommendation 小說推薦 The book friend interaction murders day of blade edge Chapter 1811 to cultivate true virtue the institute 書友互動弒天刃第1811章修真學院
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