MWDITAK :: Volume #18 第十八卷

#871: Cuts to say

All these happen in the time do not exist, fragment that is also hard to define. 这一切都发生在时间不存在,亦难以定义的片段。 Black spring, spurts the thin pure white bubbling spring, this spring ascends in the nihility Chaos place, overflows the fluctuation toward ten side All Worlds. 一处黑色的泉眼,喷薄纯白的涌泉,这泉眼在虚无混沌处升腾,朝着十方诸界流溢波动。 The black is lonesome of dying, white/in vain is ‚the breath of living. 黑乃‘死之寂’,白为‘生之息’。 Lonesome dies, is static, does not have the beginning spookily ; The breath lives, is the spring, does not have the institute boundlessly finally. 寂是死,也是静,幽幽无所始;息是生,亦是泉,茫茫无所终。 The quiet spring is overflowing great waves halo, It anchor in nihility, endless strength from It, but the beginning, created many world in the sea of endless Chaos, these world are ‚the water of spring, is ‚the breath of living, they are moving of quiet spring well up to create, in which myriad things all living things are born with the strength of quiet spring, forms because of the overflowing wave of quiet spring. 幽泉流溢着涛涛光晕,祂于虚无中锚定,无尽的力量自祂而始,在无尽的混沌之海中缔造了诸多世界,这些世界乃是‘泉之水’,是‘生之息’,它们是幽泉的移涌所缔造,其中的万物众生都是借幽泉的力量而诞生,因幽泉的溢波而成形。 The spring water gushes out unceasingly, overflows, spreads the own strength to boundless void, but It, even if can flow out without limits, is actually not able to invade entire Multiverse, even affects the periphery ultra-large world group unable, spring water after flowing to certain range, will bog down. 泉水不断地涌出,流溢,将自己的力量扩散至无垠的虚空,但祂即便可以无止境地流出,却无法侵染整个多元宇宙,甚至就连影响周边的超大型世界群也不能,泉水在流淌至一定范围后,就会停滞不前。 At that time, the white spring water, will stagnate, the freeze, changed to lonesome of jet black death, re-entered the jet black spring place to breed, changed to the white spring water again, toward void proliferation. 那时,白色的泉水,将会凝滞,冻结,化作漆黑的死之寂,重回漆黑的泉眼处孕育,紧接着再次化作白色的泉水,朝着外界虚空扩散。 The spring water return spring that every freezes one time, the birth world dies out breeds again, but process, is one time ‚the rotation of life and death. 每一次冻结的泉水回归泉眼,诞生的世界寂灭又再次孕育而出的过程,便是一次‘生与死的轮转’。 Then is one time Dao Fusion Divine Ability Great Dao life and death wheel cultivation. 便是一次【合道神通大道生死轮】的修行 The spring water not stops surges, It is the lord of creation, the original intention above heaven, Dao Fusion expert, is overlooking universe all living things, is observing the situation the entire world myriad things. 泉水无止息地涌动,祂乃造物之主,苍天之上的本意,合道强者,俯瞰着宇宙众生,环视着寰宇万物。 It has love-, if not loves, the spring water is unable to surge, the breath of living is unable to sway void, the command moves to well up the tumbling, the disaster rushes, the world is unable is born from that moved folding. 祂并非没有爱-如若无爱,泉水就无法涌动,生之息就无法吹拂虚空,令移涌翻滚,劫波澎湃,世界无法从那被吹荡的皱褶中诞生。 But Its love pours into similarly dying-, if the ripple does not return to normal, if spring water Undying lonesome, the tide that if in flood cannot back up to sweep across, return sea, then the Dao Fusion strength is unable to solidify. 但祂的爱同样倾注于死-如若波纹不平复,如若泉水不死寂,就如若泛滥的潮汐不会倒退席卷,回归沧海,那么合道的力量也无法凝固。 Like wielding the fist needs to take back, can make the strength stronger second fist again. 正如同挥出的拳头需要收回,才能再打出力量更强的第二拳。 Fresh, must have. But dies, will certainly breed new living. 生,就要有死。而死中,也必将孕育出新的生。 This is the quiet spring is filling Heavenly Dao of beautiful, is similar to most cancels the person heartstrings the story, one volt, the life extinguishes together, one static moves, in exudes the chaotic ripple in overlapping void, many world are therefore born, will therefore wither away. 这就是幽泉充满着美的天道,就如同最勾人心弦的故事,一起一伏,一生一灭,一静一动,在层层叠叠泛起纷乱波纹的虚空中,诸多世界因此诞生,也将会因此而消亡。 Established destiny, substantive Heavenly Dao. 既定的命运,实质的天道 Should the meeting live world, die ; But world that this damn goes , will also fill vitality. 本该会活的世界,将会死去;而本该死去的世界,也会充满活力 This is quiet spring Dajie periphery, in quiet spring world group fair definition. 这就是‘幽泉大界’周边,幽泉世界群中‘公平’的定义。 Does not subvert the natural law, reckless Jie concept, but is natural law word, concept's definition, was written by Dao Fusion. 并非颠覆自然规律,胡解概念,而是自然规律这个词,概念本身的定义,本就由合道来撰写。 In the spooky spring cover void world group category, all toward is better the category development, Divine Ability in many world will be getting better and better, is getting higher and higher, all living things' comprehension to the Great Dao will also be getting deeper and deeper, is getting more and more thin. 在幽幽之泉覆盖的虚空世界群范畴内,一切都是朝着‘更好’的范畴发展的,诸多世界中的神通会越来越好,越来越高,众生对大道的领悟也会越来越深,越来越细。 Each life and death rotates, is boiling to the utmost intelligent spark ; Each Great Dao lives to extinguish, is a Transcendence passing limit wrestles...... such beauty furiously, such shock, even if 10000.00000001 trillion absolutely not poor eras, the quiet spring will not be sick. 每一次生死轮转,都是一次智慧火花的极尽沸腾;每一次大道生灭,都是一次超越过往极限的奋力一搏……这样的美,这样的震撼,纵然是亿亿万万无穷纪元,幽泉都不会看腻。 Quiet spring Ai all living things, is loving the myriad things, if not love, then the myriad things will not exist, It is loving the life and death equally, all things exists by Its strength, this is the truth that no one is able to deny. 幽泉爱着众生,爱着万物,如若不爱,那么万物本就不会存在,祂平等地爱着生与死,万事万物都由祂的力量而存在,这是谁也无法否认的真理。 Therefore, as the creation lord, as founder, as the initial first propelling force, as creation god, as dominating divine intervention above vault of heaven. 所以,作为造物主,作为缔造者,作为最初的第一推动力,作为创世的神祇,作为凌驾于苍穹之上的天意。 Can the quiet spring treat under oneself many world at will? 幽泉可以随意对待自己麾下的诸多世界吗? Because thought that also insufficient limit, also insufficiently constrains, has not arrived at final time, like the author who wants the line ball to renew, must arrive at writer such that the dead line can try hard, wants, when oneself felt was almost OK time, starts to take action, the stimulation of movement saves the arrival. 因为觉得‘还不够极限’,‘还不够压抑’,‘还没到最后的时刻’,就像是非要压线更新的作者,非要到了死线才会努力的写手那样,非要等到自己觉得‘差不多可以了’的时候,才开始行动,催动拯救到来。 Because thought that has not arrived prosperously, ‚is not very radiant, has not arrived at moment that most sparkles, like wants, when had the interest in start to write, must wait till creator such that happy can take up the pen, wanted oneself to feel almost arrived at selected the time, removed the asylum, making the delay for a long time arrived finally. 因为觉得‘还没到鼎盛’,‘还不够璀璨’,‘还没到最闪耀的关头’,就像是非要等到有了兴致才开始写作,非要等到心情舒畅才能动笔的创作者那样,非要自己觉得‘差不多到点了’的时候,才撤下庇护,令延迟许久的终焉降临。 Because of such reason, the revolutions of disturbance many world, can It? 因为这样的原因,就干扰诸多世界的运转,祂可以吗? Regarding original Multiverse, this naturally. 对于原本的多元宇宙来说,这当然可以。 If the average person, such action could call it the odd, a little obsession, or said being sick-, but regarding heaven, this is the divine intervention, this is the natural justice, this is established Order and iron rule, no one is able to violate. 如若是普通人的话,这样的行动或许可以被称之为怪癖,有点强迫症,亦或是说‘有病’-但是对于苍天而言,这就是天意,这就是天理,这就是既定的秩序和铁则,谁也无法违背。 Regarding Dao Fusion, this is truth- is not unreasonable, but is they are the truth. 对于合道来说,这就是道理-不是不讲道理,而是祂们就是道理。 The quiet spring felt, this is good, therefore the matter such became. 幽泉觉得,这样是好的,于是事就这么成了。 All living things? It is loving. Regardless of the ant or Kunpeng, is the beggar or Heavenly Emperor, in front of Heavenly Dao that the life and death rotates, all things will be repeating the rotation of love, outside except this Heavenly Dao, again there is no thing to call it eternal, all were being loved equally, one such as the dust of equality. 众生?祂爱着。无论蚂蚁还是鲲鹏,是乞丐还是天帝,在生死轮转的天道面前,万事万物都将重复着爱的轮转,除却天道外,再无任何事物可称之为永恒,一切都被平等地爱着,一如平等的尘埃。 Who can deny this truth? 谁能否定这一道理? Only then other truth. 只有其他的道理。 You can Creation, be able to grant, can you think that the good thing, presents as a gift to Putian myriad things all living things.” “你可以创造,可以施予,可以将你认为好的事物,赠给普天万物众生。” Has the sound that the victory hot burns burns to resound, turbulent void star sea, making the spring water ripple, the thunder lived suddenly. 有胜火般灼燃的声音响起,动荡虚空星海,令泉水荡漾,雷霆骤生。 A hand, suffused dragon scales, resembles fiercely, but also is temperate, not only can destroy, can the great hand of Creation extend from the distant space and time beyond. 一只手,一只盖满了龙鳞,似狰狞,又温和,既可以摧毁,也可以创造的巨手自悠远时空之外伸展而来。 This hand breaks open is cut off layer on layer/heavily, tears the blockade of Great Dao, he following the vein vanguard of quiet spring ripple, breaks out the mighty waves of fresh spring, dying out that the dissolved ice concentrates, goes straight to the most core place of that quiet spring. 这只手破开重重阻隔,撕裂大道的封锁,他顺着幽泉波纹的脉络前行,一路劈开生泉的波澜,溶解冰凝的寂灭,直抵那幽泉的最核心处。 This great hand camouflage vault of heaven, must press toward that spring, making that stop thriving in the spring water that the Myriad Heaven row empty galloped, making that eternal bubbling spring stop. 这巨手遮蔽天穹,就要朝那泉眼直压而下,令那在诸天列虚中奔腾的泉水停止勃发,令那永恒的涌泉止息。 This sound has the anger that hidden is not sending: You, when gives all living things rejection right.” 这声音带着隐而不发的怒意:“你当给予众生‘拒绝’的权利。” What agreed?】 【什么才是同意?】 But presses the great hand that comes facing this, the spring water rushes immediately continuous, It bursts out the unprecedented strength, the supernatural power that black and white happened simultaneously condenses, changes to grey flowing rapidly Tienchu, resisted that to suppress the hand of only heaven sufficiently: What rejects?】 而面对这直压而来的巨手,泉水登时澎湃不休,祂迸发出前所未有的力量,黑白交加的神力凝聚,化作灰色的奔流天柱,抵住了那足以镇压苍天的只手:【什么才是拒绝?】 The voice of quiet spring brings puzzled, astonished, angry, regretted, as well as purest being unwilling: Torch Dragon, do you define? Do you run? Do you rule all these?】 幽泉的声音带着不解,惊异,愤怒,懊悔,以及最为纯粹的不甘:【烛昼,你来定义?你来掌管?你来裁定这一切?】 You are also Dao Fusion, is allowing nature to take its course, is not mighty current- however even the mighty current, is still natural, is not Transcendence above that mighty current, is not such as I hopes!】 【你亦不过是合道,是‘顺其自然’,远不是洪流-而即便是洪流,也不过是‘理所当然’,更不是那洪流之上的超越,并非‘如我所愿’!】 Tienchu towering that is lived by the quiet spring is incomparable, palatial grand, even if obstructs the day great hand to depress is also resisted. 由幽泉而生的天柱高耸无比,巍峨壮阔,即便是遮天的巨手压下亦被抵御。 But in Tienchu of this spring water spout stars, many world is glittering, the mountains river sea, the cloud star space, all living things are common and good, bend down the eye to look, the day and place are how tiny, the rotation of life and death is Supreme read to move, the alone quiet death and noise living of rushing was nondistinctive, that was quiet the spring, the life and death, the original intention of sound and lonesome say/way. 而在这泉水喷涌星辰的天柱之中,诸多世界正在闪烁,山川河海,云涛星宇,众生碌碌而行,俯目看去,天与地何其渺小,生死的轮转不过是至高者的一念而动,孤寂的静谧之死与喧嚣的澎湃之生原本并无区别,那正是幽泉,生死,动静与寂涅之道的本意。 The strong winds curl up, is forward turbulent following Tienchu, the meaning shoves open that great hand, launches the counter-attack. 狂风卷起,顺着天柱向前汹涌,意欲将那巨手推开,展开反击。 Fool?” “傻逼吗?” But next flickers, the great hand has nothing depresses hesitant, that seemingly indestructible spring pillar thundered immediately downward falls, many world were depressed in the thunderclap of thundering, changes to the waterdrop that in Void Sea All Worlds splashes, everywhere heavy rain, sprinkles freely in the boundless Chaos nihility. 但下一瞬,巨手毫无任何犹豫地压下,那原本看似坚不可摧的泉柱登时向下轰鸣一坠,诸多世界在轰鸣的雷声中被压下,化作虚海诸界中飞溅的水滴,漫天的大雨,自由地洒落在茫茫混沌虚无之中。 That sound has nothing dignified, does not have slightly politely, only then the purest angry shake, changes to Divine Thunder that wells up through ancient times, shake highest heaven universe: „Are you asking me unexpectedly?!” 那声音毫无任何庄严,没有丝毫礼貌,只有最纯粹的愤怒震荡,化作亘古涌来的神雷,震荡九霄天宇:“你居然在问我?!” All living things here, you did not ask them, how also to ask me!” “众生就在这里,你不问他们,怎又来问我!” A pair of pupil condenses in the nihility, azure purple Dragon Pupil is staring at the bubbling spring in nihility, the roaring flame and gray-black Sun of flaming combustion carry continually, but, brings the dreadful mighty waves. 一双眸子在虚无中凝聚,青紫色的龙瞳凝望着虚无中的涌泉,熊熊燃烧的烈焰与灰黑色的太阳连携而至,带起滔天波澜。 The master of sound grasps to hold to become fist, then, Torch Dragon radiance has sufficiently. 声音的主人握掌成拳,然后,足以烛昼光辉顿生。 Ananda. Other pious man, in this greatly illustriously 【阿难。彼善男子,当在此中得大光耀】 His heart invents, in damps excessively. in Qichu sends suddenly infinitely sad. If and even the view sees mosquito meng, just like the newborn baby, has to sympathize with, bursts into tears unconsciously 【其心发明,内抑过分。忽于其处发无穷悲。如是乃至观见蚊蝱,犹如赤子,心生怜愍,不觉流泪】 That is the desire, is the light of desire. 那是愿望,是愿望的光。 What is the desire? Desire on own initiative raised thing, the desire is certain people earnestly seeks on own initiative, thing that anticipates, the desire not by the thing that the desire master will reject. 愿望是什么?愿望是被主动提起的东西,愿望是某些人主动去渴求,去期待的东西,愿望是不会被愿望主人拒绝的东西。 The desire is sacred foundation. 愿望就是神圣的根基 Some people do not need to save, some people do not need to innovate. 有些人不需要拯救,有些人不需要革新。 The somewhat pure evil person, has the own esthetics, they rather die, does not change the own conduct, is not willing to be saved absolutely, is not willing to admit mistakes to lower the head absolutely. 有些纯粹的恶人,自有自己的美学,他们宁肯死,也绝不更改自己的行事,绝对不愿意被拯救,绝对不愿意认错低头。 The somewhat stubborn madman, has the own goal, they are rather defeated, must according to the own method conduct, even if there is a better quicker method, they do not lower the head, does not change, for the so-called progress, does not change oneself to achieve the process of goal. 有些顽固的狂人,自有自己的目标,他们宁肯失败,也一定要依照自己的方法行事,即便有更好更快捷的方法,他们也绝不低头,绝不更改,绝不为了所谓的进步,改变自己达成目的的过程。 Therefore they do not need to be saved, they do not need to be innovated, they will walk firmly in the boundless Chaos infinite possibility, advances to the own end point with the own will. 所以他们不需要被拯救,他们不需要被革新,他们会坚定地行走在苍茫混沌的无限可能之中,以自己的意志迈向自己的终点。 They will not have the desire, but Torch Dragon radiance still shone they, because just has their rejections, the sincere desire has the significance of existence. 他们不会有愿望,但烛昼光辉仍然照耀他们,因为正因为有着他们的拒绝,真诚的愿望才有存在的意义。 At this moment, was only been that great radiance by that the hand pinches to grasp, starts to condense in illusory, in Torch Dragon in radiance light/only, divine blade that light/only casts is taking shape, its extinguishing, is a Nirvana, time when all desires achieve, this blade will be quiet, changes to the nihility the rock waste, does not lose radiance and sharpness, thorough dissipation significance. 此时此刻,被那只巨手捏握的光辉,开始在虚幻中凝聚,在烛昼之光的璀璨中,光铸的神刀正在成型,其名灭度,亦是涅槃,当一切愿望都达成的时刻,这柄刀就会沉寂,化作虚无的顽石,再也不负光辉与锋锐,彻底消散意义。 But the desire in world is inexhaustible, without beginning or end, therefore it is eternal, eternal firm, eternal sparkle. 但世间的愿望无穷无尽,无始无终,故而它永恒锋锐,永恒坚固,永恒闪耀。 Facing this blade, even if the inextinguishable quiet spring, eternal Dao Lord must dread. 面对这刀,纵然是不灭的幽泉,永恒的道主也要畏惧。 Because, this cuts the blade of say/way! 因为,此乃斩道之刀! The quiet spring heard, hears in ripple that the oneself spring water overflowed becomes, transmits named rejection sound. 幽泉听见了,听见了自己泉水流溢而成的波纹中,传来名为‘拒绝’的声音。 If this is the truth of the world, this is the creation main will, I rather never exist, is never born, even if the world destroys, did not certainly make It achieve wishes! 倘若这就是世界的真理,这就是造物主的意志,那我宁可从不存在,从未诞生,哪怕是世界毁灭,也一定不让祂如愿以偿! But such sound, has millions, 10002 trillion, countless. 而这样的声音,有着千千万万,亿亿兆兆,数之不尽个。 Your beauty, my in one's heart is unhappy. 你的美,我心中不喜。 Your say/way, I am to disobey. 你的道,我意欲违逆。 Your love, I am sick of the resistance. 你的爱,我厌烦抗拒。 Your light, I am not willing to bathe. 你的光,我不愿沐浴。 The heaven on, you are mortal world constant, if you are eternal, all living things then allow nature to take its course. 苍天在上,您是凡世的恒常,如若您永恒不动,众生便顺其自然。 But if the heaven has the privacy, why all living things can actually 't reject that unfair destiny? 但倘若苍天有私,众生为何却不能拒绝那不公的命运? Just like a simplest joke, again also normal truth. 正如一个最简单的笑话,再也正常不过的道理。 The defendants were white, can accept? 被告白了,就一定要接受吗? Some people loved, loved can accept? 有人爱了,被爱的就一定要接受吗? Is this truth.” “就是这个道理。” Each world, each summon, each rejection, creates the ray, blends in that just like raging fire generally dazzling divine blade: I am that truth.” 每一个世界,每一声呼唤,每一次拒绝,都缔造出光芒,融汇进那宛如烈火一般璀璨夺目的神刀中:“我就是那个道理。” Since knows the own strength, sufficiently after influence myriad things all living things, Su Zhou every changes making a move of the world one time sufficiently, will inquire. 自从知晓自己的力量,足以影响万物众生后,苏昼每一次足以改变世界的出手,都会询问。 Question desire. 寻问愿望。 From Beast God World to the azure mound, from World of Reincarnation to Dusk, Torch Dragon radiance is complying with the desire the line, the Ray of Hope flame by the hope combustion of all living things- is not willing to be saved, that waits , the endless time, Torch Dragon radiance has one day to be able finally the dazzling bright world. 兽神界至青丘,自轮回世界黄昏,烛昼光辉顺应着愿望而行,希光的火焰以众生的希冀燃烧-不愿意被拯救的,那就等待,无尽的时光,烛昼光辉终有一日可以明耀天地。 Also at this moment, is the same. 此时此刻,也是一样。 Blade of Nirvana, cuts the body, cuts to say!” 灭度之刃,斩身,亦斩道!” Derived many because of the quiet spring in the derivation world, all living things rejection the will, a divine blade blade cuts, the Great Dao eternal be continuous vein breaks, the quiet spring can induce, these should be the oneself Immortal inextinguishable foundation quiet spring life and death said, temporarily separates with oneself, It is unable in link these world the own praise, own Immortal, the spring of own strength. 汲取了诸多因幽泉而衍生的世界中,众生‘拒绝’的意志,神刀一刀斩下,大道永恒绵延的脉络就此断裂,幽泉能感应到,那些本应该是自己不朽不灭根基的幽泉生死道,暂时地与自己分离,祂无法联通那些世界中自己的传颂,自己的不朽,自己的力量之泉。 So-called good, is if good, then others will also follow to study, with doing. Looking like correctly same, if really correct, no one will reject, even if shakes the head, will not deny its radiance. 所谓的‘好’,就是如果好,那么其他人也会跟着学,跟着做。就像是正确一样,如若是真的正确,就没有人会拒绝,即便摇头,也不会否认它的光辉 That is with the thing that refusing to miss, the say/way of quiet spring is perhaps correct, but quiet spring Dao Lord was wrong. 那是与拒绝无缘的东西,幽泉的道或许无错,但幽泉道主错了。 In rushing the anger of no resting howls, quiet spring Dao Lord was cut by this blade, immediately, Its all strengths then start the self- collapse, the dissociation, bursting to solve more basic , there is nothing wrong to says intent purely, in the deep and quiet spring to resist this collapse, spurts to be thin infinitely the breath of pure white living, but this does not have the significance, Its will extinguished roaring flame ignition, gradually breaks up everywhere fragment. 在澎湃无休的怒啸中,幽泉道主被这一刀斩中,登时,祂的一切力量便开始自我崩溃,解离,溃解成更加基本,无有对错的纯粹道意,幽邃的泉眼中为了抵抗这崩溃,无限地喷薄出纯白色的生之息,但这却毫无意义,祂的意志被不熄的烈焰灼烧,逐渐崩解成漫天碎片。 A blade cuts, in boundless void Chaos, the black and white two colours quiet spring starts to twist feebly. 一刀斩下,无垠的虚空混沌中,黑白二色的幽泉开始衰弱扭曲。 Not-】 【不-】 At this moment, can still hear the quiet spring unwilling call: Perhaps I have the mistake, but is innocent! The myriad things are lived by me, I also love all living things, I am willing to repent-】 此刻,仍然能听见幽泉不甘的呼声:【我或许有错,但无罪!万物由我而生,我亦爱众生,我愿悔改-】 Rubbish to do with me, you and they said Ah! “和我废话作甚,你和他们说啊! However the second blade cuts, immediately then breaks out the quiet spring, racing wells up the spring water starts feebly, the divergence, changes to murmur the rivulet. 然而第二刀斩下,登时便将幽泉劈开,奔涌的泉水开始衰弱,分流,化作潺潺的细流。 The desperate quiet spring looks everywhere All Worlds, Its strength does not have certainly possibly resists with that Torch Dragon, beside that Torch Dragon, has a silent great beginning let alone. 绝望的幽泉遍寻诸界,祂的力量绝无可能与那烛昼对抗,更何况在那烛昼之外,亦有一位沉默的弘始。 That silent great beginning stares void, It is thinking at this time, thinks deeply about own to save whether gives the right that myriad things all living things rejected...... It to smile bitterly, is full of the sorrowful hope facing the quiet spring the look, It also shakes the head slightly. 那沉默的弘始凝视虚空,祂此时正在思索,思索自己的拯救是否给予了万物众生拒绝的权利……祂正在苦笑,面对幽泉充满悲哀祈求的眼神,祂亦是微微摇头。 I also wear the body of crime, that Torch Dragon is also】 The great beginning like this field of endeavor, spoke softly: We were born in the nihility, who refused most primeval love...... to be innocent? Who can be chaste?】 【我也是戴罪之身,那烛昼也是】弘始如此道,轻声细语:【我们生于虚无,本就拒绝了最原始的爱……谁人能无罪?谁能纯洁?】 Quiet spring, refusing stubbornly finished, but is beginning...... your crime, if must clean, then must go to that life and death within, rotates one 【幽泉,死不是结束,而是开端……你的罪如若要洗净,便要去那‘生死’间,轮转一番】 The third blade cuts, sad and shrill thunderous crack Myriad Heaven. 第三刀斩下,凄厉的雷鸣炸响诸天 The will of quiet spring gradually breaks, Dao Fusion expert is Immortal inextinguishable, even if no their Great Dao, without their inheritance, without their wills and legends spreads, their oneself is also the Immortal entity, does not need the Great Dao support, can still inextinguishable in the myriad things. 幽泉的意志逐渐破碎,合道强者不朽不灭的,哪怕是没有祂们的大道,没有祂们的传承,没有祂们的意志与传说流传,祂们自己本身也是不朽的实体,无需大道支持,仍然能不灭于万物。 However the fourth blade cuts, even if the Immortal inextinguishable entity, will fall into- It who silent dies out was not destroyed, merely is only quiet. 但是第四刀斩下,纵然是不朽不灭的实体,也会陷入寂灭的寂静-祂并非被毁灭,仅仅只是沉寂。 But the eternal dreariness, is eternal rest, dies, this is dying one of the many different names. 而永恒的沉寂,便是永眠,亦是死,这正是死的诸多不同名字之一。 In the meantime, the fifth blade has wielded, this blade, will cut to extinguish all, even if quiet does not remain, but is thorough turning over to perishes, it will destroy row of empty All Worlds, the entire quiet spring world group chain will destroy completely, then made the quiet spring Dao Lord radical dissipation, only the brand marks of other nihilities. 就在此时,第五刀已经挥起,这一刀,将会斩灭一切,纵然沉寂也不留,而是彻底的归亡,它将会摧毁列虚诸界,将整个幽泉世界群全部连锁毁灭,进而令幽泉道主彻底消散,只余下虚无的烙印。 Even if not destroy the world, the blade wields gentle, may still spend the long time, strips from universe All Worlds Great Dao, then bit by bit destroys Dao Fusion foundation. 即便不摧毁世界,刀挥动的温柔一点,也可花费漫长时间,将大道从宇宙诸界中剥离,进而一点一点地摧毁合道根基 However this blade has not cut. 但是这一刀并没有斩下。 It lifts, actually to turn over to sheath. 它抬起,却只是为了归鞘。 His crime, although was sentenced sufficiently, but is actually insufficient to extinguish.” “祂罪虽足以被判死,但却不至于灭。” Su Zhou receives the blade to turn over to the sheath, he is gazing at the present many world, the youth said lightly: „The say/way of life and death rotation has not left the right that all living things reject, is not all world is actually rejecting.” 苏昼收刀归鞘,他注视着眼前的诸多世界,青年淡淡道:“生死轮转之道没有留给众生拒绝的权利,却也不是所有世界都在拒绝。” In it at present, several world, are sparkling the black and white two colours light, that is one by one complies with the say/way of quiet spring, but the good world, never rejects, wholeheartedly desires. 在其眼前,有几个世界,闪耀着黑白二色的光,那是一个个遵从幽泉之道而行的世界,从未拒绝,一心向往。 This is in the future Miracle the possibility of beginning. 这便是未来‘奇迹’开端的可能性。 If, in remote in the future, these approve of all living things of say/way of quiet spring were really born newly Dao Fusion of life and death rotation, then the quiet spring perhaps then can in own this person of same belief under the summon returns. 倘若,在遥远未来,这些赞同幽泉之道的众生真的诞生了新的‘生死轮转之合道’,那么幽泉或许便可以在自己的这位‘同道者’的呼唤下归来。 But that was the future matter. 但那就是未来的事情了。 At this moment, the will of quiet spring is quiet, Its Great Dao was shattered, was been stave by four blades, falls into eternal rest. 此时此刻,幽泉的意志已经沉寂,祂的大道破碎,被四刀破碎,陷入永眠 This dies. 这就是死。 Before the light buoy of Great Dao round of black and white two colours rotates now body of Su Zhou, rejection the halo lingers in its periphery, made its gloomy thin and pale. 一轮黑白二色轮转的大道之光浮现在苏昼的身前,‘拒绝’的光晕萦绕在其周边,令其晦暗憔悴。 Su Zhou puts out a hand to pick it. 苏昼伸手将其摘起。
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