MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1683: Tyrannical 9 snakes

After the gods get the demon wing insect fused other ten different insects, the strength obviously rises suddenly. 神变魔翼虫融合了其余十只异虫之后,实力明显暴涨。 Under bell shake that wing changes , the silver as if falls into the mire, difficult, almost became the target. 那翅膀化作的大钟震荡之下,银仿佛陷入泥沼,寸步难行,几乎完全成了靶子。 The gods change the demon wing insect to seize the opportunity not slightly hesitant, other insect wings change to various sword and spear sword halberd types of weapons, goes toward the silver bombardment again. 神变魔翼虫抓住机会也没有丝毫犹豫,其余虫翼化作刀枪剑戟各种兵器,再次朝着银轰击而去。 This wave of attack obviously be stronger than much before, Dao Tool that almost every wing changes, leaves behind the deep wound on the body of silver. 这一波攻击明显要比之前强出不少,几乎每只翅膀化作的道器,都在银的身上留下深深的创口。 The silver can only protect the strategic point, attempts region that withdraws from the bell to control. 银只能护住要害,试图退出大钟控制的区域。 But his wound quantity is rising dramatically almost every seconds. 但他身上的伤口几乎每一秒钟数量都在暴增。 Together, ten, 100, 1000...... 一道,十道,一百道,一千道…… His wound healing speed also soon starts to present obvious slowing down. 他的伤口愈合速度也很快开始出现明显的减缓。 Before almost restrained the god to change the silver of demon wing insect, at this moment was suppressed completely, did not have the strength to hit back. 之前几乎完全克制住神变魔翼虫的银,此刻完全被压制住了,毫无还手之力。 The gods change the demon wing insect also to know, wanting the killed opposite party to be very difficult, but he is consuming Dao Rhyme of opposite party within the body with every effort. 神变魔翼虫也知道,想要斩杀对方很难,但他在尽力消耗对方体内的道韵 Nine snakes that not far away has observed after the hesitation of moment, acted eventually. 不远处一直观战的九蛇在片刻的犹豫之后,终究还是出手了。 He hesitant is because he knows that the silver has not used the card in a hand, he is considering the silver also to have the opportunity of overturn. But is only pondering over of moment, chose making a move. Is because he feels by present this condition, even if the silver used the card in a hand to win the significance is not big. Might as well makes him save a strength to cope with Lin Huang. 他犹豫是因为他知道银没有用出底牌,他在斟酌银还有没有翻盘的机会。但只是片刻的思忖,还是选择了出手。是因为他觉得以现在这种状况,就算银用出底牌赢了也意义不大。还不如让他省点力气对付林煌 After all oneself one group of largest enemy is not present Insect Race, Lin Huang that but is observing in secret. 毕竟自己一行人的最大敌人并不是眼前的虫族,而是正在暗中观察的林煌 Nine snakes jump out a shadow behind suddenly, changed to tie down the body of silver, then Extreme Speed withdrawing. 九蛇身后陡然窜出一道黑影,化作一条乌芒缠住了银的身体,然后极速抽回。 Induces to the great resistance that the bell transmits, he cannot bear the brow slightly wrinkle. 感应到大钟传来的巨大阻力,他忍不住眉头微皱。 He led Plunderer one group to come, wants to suppress Insect Race strongly, shows a oneself side in front of Lin Huang the military force. 他本来带着掠夺者一行人前来,是想强势镇压虫族,在林煌面前展现自己一方的武力。 Has not actually thought, matter develops present this degree. 却没想到,事情发展到了现在这种程度。 The red fox and silver connect loss, oneself have to lend a hand to rescue on own initiative. 赤狐和银接连败北,自己不得不主动出手救援。 To punish one as a warning to others, was actually pecked the eye by the chicken, but also looked at the joke by the monkey. 想杀鸡儆猴,却被鸡啄了眼,还被猴看了笑话。 The snake tail the silver rollback oneself camp, nine serpentes light looked at the god did not change the demon wing insect coldly to the present aura intensity oneself is weaker than many. 蛇尾将银卷回自己阵营,九蛇目光冷冽地看向了如今气息强度并不比自己弱多少的神变魔翼虫。 He naturally has the confidence to rout the opposite party, but oneself acts, must win attractively. 他自然有信心将对方击溃,但自己出手,就必须赢得漂亮。 The gods change the demon wing insect not to act to him on own initiative, the Insect Sovereign whole face of core place dreads the color. He naturally knows, at present the leader of this vertical pupil, is most powerhouses in nine intruder. 神变魔翼虫没有主动对他出手,核心处的虫皇满脸忌惮之色。他自然知道,眼前这名竖瞳的带头人,才是九名入侵者之中的最强者。 Looked that the opposite party intended to save others a moment ago knows, even if oneself strengthens to present this degree, under dozens bells shake, speed of opposite party had not been controlled as before. 看对方刚才出手救人就知道,哪怕是自己强化到现在这种程度,数十座大钟震荡之下,对方的速度依旧没怎么受到控制。 You can achieve now this degree, to be honest, even I somewhat admired.” Nine snakes tread One Step forward, the whole body imposing manner start to rise suddenly, „, but the farce stops.” “你们能做到现在这种程度,说实话,连我都有些佩服了。”九蛇向前踏出一步,浑身气势开始暴涨起来,“但闹剧就到此为止吧。” The voice falls, sky over his top of the head appears suddenly together giant phantom. 话音落下,他的头顶上空陡然浮现出一道巨型虚影 That is a giant snake must blame. 那是一只巨型蛇怪。 The scale is all over the body jet black, the whole body black fog fills the air, a pair of Scarlet-Gold color vertical pupil observed closely the god to change the demon wing insect stubbornly. 通体鳞片漆黑,浑身黑雾弥漫,一双赤金色的竖瞳死死盯住了神变魔翼虫。 Next flickers, the black snake tail sweeps just like the long whip, such as the full moon sickle, changes the demon wing insect to strike to go toward the god horizontally. 下一瞬,黑色的蛇尾宛若长鞭扫出,又如圆月弯刀,朝着神变魔翼虫横击而去。 The black glow of arc drew near pinnacle, before arrived in the god to change the demon wing insect body, instantaneously. 弧形的黑芒快到了极致,瞬间就抵达了神变魔翼虫身前。 He evades not to be possible radically to evade, can only strive to control the wing to change to great shields to block before the body. 他根本避无可避,只能勉力控制着翅膀化作一道道巨盾拦在身前。 Almost while that matter level great shield condenses the formation, the arc black glow hit suddenly. 几乎在那层层巨盾凝聚成型的同时,弧形黑芒猛然撞击了上来。 At collision instantly, the god changes the demon wing insect only to think that a copious Giant Strength bombardment comes, the entire person advantage of terrain flies upside down uncontrolled. Then hit ruthlessly above Insect Nest. 在碰撞的刹那,神变魔翼虫只觉得一股沛然巨力轰击而来,整个人身形便不受控制地倒飞出去。然后狠狠地撞击在了虫巢之上。 Under Insect Nest in this struck has one diameter three meters to have big holes hollowly, even the entire ten thousand snake labyrinths shook slightly, exuded the depressed bellow faintly. 虫巢在这一击之下都凹陷出了一个直径三米有余的大坑,甚至整个万蛇迷宫都微微震荡起来,隐隐发出沉闷的轰鸣声。 The Insect Nest deep place, Lin Huang felt the obvious tremors. 虫巢深处,林煌都感觉到了明显的震感。 Really is close to existence of Peak Position Lord God worthily.” Lin Huang Divine Intent crosses void, saw that clearly the god changed demon wing insect that to retract for the wing condition insect wing on almost loomed the faint trace crack. “果然不愧是接近极位主神的存在。”林煌神念越过虚空,更是清楚看到神变魔翼虫那已经缩回为翅膀状态的虫翼上几乎都隐隐出现了丝丝裂纹。 He can also induce to the god clearly changes the aura obvious dispirited of demon wing insect to be many. 他也能清晰感应到神变魔翼虫的气息明显萎靡不少。 But what he cannot see, under Insect Formation, lots of True God soldiers in that struck the body to rupture a moment ago directly, simultaneously falls from the sky also some Insect Race Heavenly God. 但他看不到的是,虫阵内部,大量的真神战士在刚才那一击之下身体直接爆裂,同时陨落的还有少量虫族天神 Nine snakes the strikes, it can be said that has almost not kept the hand, the attack intensity obviously exceeds the limit that Insect Formation can withstand. 九蛇的这一击,可以说是几乎没有留手了,攻击强度明显超过了虫阵能够承受的极限。 Exceeded the Insect Formation limit bearing capacity the strength to shake Insect Formation automatically, causing lots of Insect Race soldiers to fall from the sky. 超出虫阵极限承受能力的力量就自动震荡到了虫阵内部,导致了大量虫族战士陨灭。 But nine snakes are not very as if satisfied to the effect that this strikes. 但九蛇对这一击的效果似乎并不是很满意。 Saw that Insect Formation this had not been struck routs at the scene, the god changed the aura of demon wing insect also to drop some, he could not bear the brow wrinkle. 看到虫阵没有被这一击当场击溃,神变魔翼虫的气息也只是跌落了些许,他忍不住眉头微皱了一下。 I must have a look but actually, you can also catch several to strike!” “我倒要看看,你还能接住几击!” The voice falls, nine snakes make a move again. 话音落下,九蛇再度出手。 His head grand python phantom locks the god to change the demon wing insect stubbornly, the Inky snake tail plunders to empty again. 他头上巨蟒虚影死死锁定住神变魔翼虫,墨色蛇尾再次掠空而来。 This one time, the god changes the demon wing insect not to dare to neglect, 108 wings shake suddenly, figure rapidly shift. 一次,神变魔翼虫丝毫不敢怠慢,一百零八对翅膀猛然震荡,身形急速挪移 He has experienced to cross powerful of nine snakes, does not dare to meet again hardly. 他已经见识过了九蛇的强悍,不敢再硬接了。 However at this moment, that black snake tail splits the innumerable snake heads suddenly, changes the demon wing insect to cover to go toward the god just like inescapable net. 然而就在这时,那黑色蛇尾陡然分裂成无数蛇首,宛若天罗地网般朝着神变魔翼虫笼罩而去。 The gods change the demon wing insect to expedite childbirth speed to pinnacle, wants to flee, but that snake first time after time crazy fissions, covered his figure finally. 神变魔翼虫将速度催生至极致,想要逃离出去,但那一颗颗蛇首一次次疯狂分裂,最终还是将他的身形笼罩了进去。 His 108 wings change to a sharp blade, has split several times of snake first cutting to go toward that cuts actually Fire Star four to shoot, cannot stay behind slightly the trace. 他一百零八对翅膀化作一柄柄利刃,朝着那已经分裂过数次的蛇首切割而去,砍上去却火星四射,没能留下丝毫痕迹。 At this moment, he degenerated into the cageling thoroughly. 这一刻,他彻底沦为了笼中之鸟。 But that basket is actually also reducing unceasingly, snake contract unceasingly, finally embezzled it thoroughly. 但那笼子却也在不断缩小,一根根蛇首不断收缩,最终将其彻底吞没了进去。 But at this moment, ten thousand insect labyrinths shake suddenly. 而就在这时,万虫迷宫突然震荡起来。 Lin Huang thinks is Insect Race also has the method, wants to rescue, but he induces to strength of the tremendous space quickly. 林煌以为是虫族这边还有手段,想要救援,但他很快感应到一股巨大的空间之力。 „Is this wants to escape?!” Lin Huang stunned flickered, but understands immediately. “这是想逃?!”林煌愕然了一瞬,但随即明了。 This action is seemingly brutal, is actually the wise action. 这种举动看似无情,实则是明智之举。 Cannot be victorious, will consume entire Insect Nest to fall to the enemy again, giving up a rook to save a king naturally will be the best choice. 根本就打不过,再耗下去整个虫巢都会沦陷,弃车保帅自然是最佳抉择。 Changes the demon wing insect is not got rid of to hurry while the god to slip away thoroughly! 趁着神变魔翼虫还没有被彻底干掉赶紧溜之大吉! Insect Nest tore the space directly, then runs away toward the void deep place, obviously has prepared running away. 虫巢直接撕裂了空间,便朝着虚空深处遁去,显然早就做好了逃走的准备。 But where wants to escape is so easy. 但想逃哪有那么容易。 Before nine snakes make a move officially, he has turned toward the red fox and silver silently passes message, making them stare at Insect Nest, to guard against Insect Nest flees. 早在九蛇正式出手之前,他就已经默默向着赤狐和银传音,让他俩盯着虫巢,就是为了防备虫巢遁走。 He has had the innumerable social dealings in star sea with Insect Race, similar trick saw has not known many times. 他在星海跟虫族打过无数次交道,类似的伎俩见过不知多少次了。 The red fox and silver battlefield unfavorable situation, naturally does not dare to neglect to the orders of nine snakes. Two people on have observed in the wholeheartedly investment outwardly, in fact Divine Intent had not left Insect Nest secretly. 赤狐和银战场失利,对九蛇的命令自然不敢怠慢。两人明面上一直在全身心投入观战,实际上一直暗地里神念就没离开过虫巢 Insect Nest has the movement slightly, two people then detected immediately, makes a move to intercept without hesitation. 虫巢只是稍有动作,两人便立即察觉,毫不犹豫就出手拦截。 The space crack that two Upper Position Lord God, Insect Nest rips open jointly was disappeared instantaneously. 两名上位主神联手之下,虫巢撕开的空间裂缝瞬间就被泯灭。 The half had searched into void Insect Nest to be shot directly, runs away the plan to end in failure thoroughly! 原本已经半截探入虚空的虫巢直接就被弹了回来,逃遁计划彻底宣告失败!
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