MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1682: This Insect Formation is a little fierce

The gods change that the demon wing insect exposes suddenly, obviously presents everyone not to expect. 神变魔翼虫突然展露的这一手,显然是在场所有人都没有预料到的。 As we all know, his wing can change various shapes, but no one knows, can also turn into Dao Tool unexpectedly, and has the Dao Tool ability. 大家都知道,他的翅膀能够变化成各种形态,但没有人知道,竟然还可以变成道器,并且具备道器的能力。 And 12 wings change to the bell, ding erupts, invisible ripple ripple. 其中有十二只翅膀化作大钟,钟声大作,一圈圈无形波纹荡漾开来。 The figure that red fox Extreme Speed approaches, as if falls into the mire instantaneously, slow dozens times continued. 赤狐极速逼近的身形,仿佛瞬间陷入泥沼,慢了数十倍不止。 Also 48 wings split up into the sword and spear sword halberd, seizes the chance to attack to go toward the red fox. 又有四十八只翅膀分化为刀枪剑戟,趁机朝着赤狐攻伐而去。 The red fox sees that the figure suddenly again changes. 赤狐见状,身形陡然再变。 What this incarnation is a muscle dragon ties the robust man , the body best pupil is two meters five to continue, compared with short strong bald also wants on big. 这次化身的是一名肌肉虬结的壮汉,身高足有两米五不止,比矮壮光头还要大上一圈。 transfiguration completes at the same time, his body changes to the Bronze color instantaneously, Dao Rhyme covers the body surface, attacked to resist this wave forcefully hardly. 变身完成的同时,他的身体瞬间化作青铜颜色,道韵覆盖体表,硬生生将这一波攻击硬抗了下来。 Lin Huang is saw clearly, the god changes the wave of attack of demon wing insect not to leave behind the tiny bit scar on him unexpectedly. 林煌更是清晰看到,神变魔翼虫的这一波攻击竟然没有在他身上留下一丝一毫的伤痕。 This transfiguration should not be the say/way strength, but is his Gold Finger ability.” Looks that the red fox changed the demon wing insect to grin extremely arrogant laughing to the god, Lin Huang made the judgment quickly, what his can the principle of Gold Finger operation be? Should not be will see somebody, can transfiguration be so simple. Massacres somebody, can transfiguration become the opposite party, gains all abilities of opposite party......” “这种变身应该不是道则力量,而是他金手指的能力。”看着赤狐冲着神变魔翼虫咧嘴狂妄的大笑,林煌很快做出了判断,“他的金手指运作的原理会是什么?应该不会是看到某个人,就可以变身这么简单。难道是杀掉某个人,就能变身成对方,获取对方的所有能力……” „His transfiguration as if traded a personality......, therefore he uses the Gold Finger price is, every time obtains a transfiguration jurisdiction, increases a personality?” “他这次变身似乎又换了一个人格……所以他使用金手指的代价是,每获得一个变身权限,就增加一种人格?” Lin Huang in guessed at heart silently. 林煌在心里默默猜测。 „If not take the disassociation of personality as the price, this Gold Finger should be able be said as talented Gold Finger.” “如果不是以人格分裂为代价的话,这个金手指应该可以说是能力很强的一个金手指了。” After transfiguration becomes the muscle robust man, the red fox fight pattern obviously becomes crazy. 变身成肌肉壮汉之后,赤狐战斗模式明显变得疯狂起来。 He starts recklessly changes the demon wing insect to approach toward the god, almost looked like loses sanely was roaring, disregarded all attacks of opposite party. 他开始不顾一切的朝着神变魔翼虫靠近过去,几乎像失去了理智般咆哮着,无视了对方的所有攻击。 The gods change the demon wing insect fight experience is quite rich, he changed the fight strategy immediately. 神变魔翼虫战斗经验也相当丰富,他立马更改了战斗策略。 The wing changed more bells, was used to limit the action of opposite party. 翅膀变化出了更多大钟,用来限制对方的行动。 On the other hand, his these attacked the sharp weapon also to transform the Spirit Soul attack class instantaneously Dao Tool, turns into evil spirit heads. 另一方面,他原本那些攻伐利器也都瞬间转化成灵魂攻击类的道器,变成一尊尊厉鬼头颅。 Dozens evil spirit heads screamed with one voice, shakes states of mind to attack. 数十颗厉鬼头颅齐声尖叫,震荡出一圈圈神魂冲击。 The red fox is not only hard to start, in the brain is the stabbing pain is more incomparable, only felt that the state of mind seems like bitten by ten thousand ghosts. 赤狐不仅举步维艰,脑中更是刺痛无比,只感觉神魂像是在被万鬼咬噬。 This one time, nine snakes could not bear make a move finally. 一次,九蛇终于忍不住出手了。 His tongue projects just like the electric light, curls up the waist of red fox, pulled out the battlefield it. 他舌头宛若电光般射出,卷起赤狐的腰部,就将其拉出了战场。 You rest a meeting.” “你休息一会吧。” Sees the red fox that a muscle dragon ties to hold the head as before, nine snakes open the mouth to say directly, then signals with the eyes to nearby silver. 见一身肌肉虬结的赤狐依旧抱着脑袋,九蛇直接开口道,然后冲着一旁的银使了个眼神。 The silver naturally does not dare to reject, the figure changes to the silver glow to change the demon wing insect to approach toward the god together. 银自然不敢拒绝,身形化作一道银芒朝着神变魔翼虫逼近过去。 Saw changed the opponent suddenly, the god changed the demon wing insect is not unhurried. 见突然换了对手,神变魔翼虫也丝毫不慌。 The fight with red fox, obviously made him find many self-confidence a moment ago. 刚才与赤狐的战斗,明显让他找到了更多的自信。 He the similar style will use on the body of silver a moment ago. 他还是将刚才同样的招式用在了银的身上。 Although the silver the movement slows down, but the state of mind impact seems to be unfruitful on him. 银虽然动作减缓许多,但神魂冲击在他身上似乎毫无效果。 The gods change the demon wing insect to see that evil spirit heads transform Buddha vultures instantaneously. 神变魔翼虫见状,一颗颗厉鬼头颅瞬间转化成一尊尊佛雕。 That Buddha carves is rapping the dried fish, while read aloud is reading the scrip­tures. 那一尊尊佛雕一边敲击着木鱼,一边诵念着经文。 At once, the void sutra chanting, the dried fish sound and bell Shengsheng act as companion. 一时之间,虚空中诵经声,木鱼声与钟吕声声声作伴。 Lin Huang thought that oneself as if places oneself in the temples, only almost zhu burning incense. 林煌觉得自己仿佛置身于庙宇之间,只差点一炷焚香了。 This Buddha carves the method as before is the state of mind attack, but traded an attack method. 这佛雕手段依旧是神魂攻击,只是换了一种攻击手段。 However the silver falls except for the figure, has not come under slightly the influence of state of mind attack as before. 然而银除了身形微陷,依旧没有受到丝毫神魂攻击的影响。 The gods change the demon wing insect then to realize, the opposite party possible state of mind to be unusual, attacks the immunity to the state of mind. 神变魔翼虫这才意识到,对方可能神魂异常,对神魂攻击免疫。 He without hesitation, traded the method very resolute. 他毫不犹豫,十分果决就换了手段。 Buddha carves changes to the sword and spear sword halberd instantaneously again, 18 weapons on entire. 一尊尊佛雕瞬间再次化作刀枪剑戟,十八般武器全上。 Which type of weapon does this to probe is most effective to the opposite party. 这样做只是为了试探哪种武器对对方最为有效。 However each article endures compared with the weapon attack of superior quality Dao Tool on the body of silver, can only cut less than one centimeter deep shallow mark. 然而一件件堪比上品道器的武器攻击在银的身上,只能砍出不到一厘米深的浅痕。 Even these shallow marks, will be repaired by the silver instantaneously, the existed time is longest not for over one second. 甚至连那些浅痕,都会被银瞬间修复,存在的时间最长都不会超过一秒钟。 Dual defense capability very strong Machine Species......” Lin Huang also stares at the silver to be lost in thought. “双重防御能力都很强的机械种……”林煌也盯着银陷入了沉思。 He was considering, if not break it by the strength, how oneself runs into such enemy to deal. 他在考虑,如果不以力破之,自己遇到这样的敌人该怎么应对。 The opposite party almost can the complete immunity state of mind attack, because he is the pure mechanical body, from the start does not have the state of mind. 对方几乎能够完全免疫神魂攻击,因为他是纯粹的机械体,压根就没有神魂。 His consciousness, saves in some body interior machinery Fire Seed. 他的意识,存储于身体内部某一处的机械火种里。 The state of mind attack, the nature is useless to him. 神魂攻击,自然对他无用。 To kill him by the state of mind attack, must the state of mind intensity powerful enough to break through Fire Seed of his within the body, erases his consciousness forcefully. 想要以神魂攻击杀死他,就必须神魂强度强大到能够突破他体内的火种,强行抹除他的意识。 The gods change the state of mind of demon wing insect is not this intensity obviously. 神变魔翼虫的神魂显然没有达到这种强度。 Even Lin Huang not too definite can oneself achieve this point, after all the opposite party is Upper Position Lord God. 甚至林煌都不太确定自己能不能做到这一点,毕竟对方是一名上位主神 As for the defense of physical level, the silver obviously is also an apex. 至于物理层面的防御,银显然也是顶尖。 The pure mechanical body, the physical defense capability places star sea is also an apex. 纯粹的机械体,物理防御能力放在星海也是顶尖。 Their defensive strength is not only intrepid, the strength greatly is infinite, even was not inferior in the body cultivator kind of ominous beast of many antiquity era. 他们不仅防御力强悍,更力大无穷,甚至不逊色于很多上古纪元的体修类凶兽。 Wants killed this physics defensive strength strong fellow, best way by strength suppression. The Dao Seal strength that either oneself grasps is strong the opposite party to be many, Dao Tool that either oneself uses surpasses the opposite party fleshly body intensity. 想要斩杀这种物理防御力强的家伙,最好的办法还是以力镇压。要么自己掌握的道印力量强出对方很多,要么自己用的道器超出对方肉身强度。 But the god changes the demon wing insect two not to have obviously. 但神变魔翼虫显然二者都不具备。 Lin Huang even conceived, is enthralled to change the demon wing insect present position the oneself generation, supposed that oneself changes the demon wing insect present strength to go on stage by the god. He simulated in the brain, discovered that is still very difficult broken to guard to the opposite party, even if oneself is one attacks ability powerful blade cultivator. 林煌甚至设想了一下,将自己代入神变魔翼虫现在的位置,假设自己以神变魔翼虫现在的实力上场。他在脑子里模拟了一番,发现依旧很难对对方破防,哪怕自己是一名攻伐能力强悍的刀修 A little was then difficult.” Some Lin Huang sympathies looked that changed the demon wing insect to the god. “这下有点难了。”林煌有些同情地看向了神变魔翼虫。 He can defeat the attacking method of enemy to be almost restrained now by the silver. 他现在能够败敌的攻伐手段几乎完全被银克制住了。 Is effective besides the control class skill, the Spirit Soul attack, the physical attack has no effect. 除了控制类技能还有效,灵魂攻击,物理攻击都没什么效果。 When Lin Huang thinks that the god changes the demon wing insect exhausts the bag of clumsy tricks as before, in the battlefield suddenly the mutation steep lives. 就在林煌认为神变魔翼虫依旧黔驴技穷的时候,战场上突然间异变陡生。 The gods change an demon wing insect cry to howl, the ten different insects of not far away almost also had the movement, starts one only to change Insect Formation of demon wing insect to fuse toward the god unexpectedly. 神变魔翼虫一声唳啸,身后不远处的十只异虫几乎同时有了动作,竟然开始一只只朝着神变魔翼虫的虫阵融合进去。 As an only different insect integrates, the god changes the aura of demon wing insect to start to rise suddenly rapidly. 随着一只只异虫融入,神变魔翼虫的气息开始飞速暴涨。 Entered the Upper Position Lord God aura initially, increased quickly by visible speed Upper Position Lord God Peak. 原本只是初入上位主神的气息,很快以肉眼可见的速度攀升到了上位主神巅峰 This Insect Formation, is a little fierce.” “这虫阵,有点厉害啊。” Lin Huang saw that this scene cannot bear the brow select, after Insect Formation carries out thoroughly the fusion, the god changed the aura intensity of demon wing insect only to miss one from the Upper Position Lord God limit unexpectedly. 林煌看到这一幕都忍不住眉头一挑,在虫阵彻底完成融合之后,神变魔翼虫的气息强度距离上位主神极限竟然只差一线了。 Has been maintaining the calm nine snakes, sees the god to change demon wing insect change, in the eye also obviously flashes through wipes dignifiedly. 就连一直保持着淡定的九蛇,看到神变魔翼虫这番变化,眼中也明显闪过一抹凝重。 The Insect Formation prestige can promote to this degree, has been able to threaten to other party to become Yixie. 虫阵威能晋升到这种程度,已经能够对他造成一些威胁了。 Three prize-winners who 【in September draw are as follows: In the eye has the galaxy, one glass of muddy liquor smile the travel fatigue, star Yu said. Congratulates three, because has not bought the moon cake( Lingyin Temple to sell in Lingyin Temple every day within a limited time with limited quantity, some aunt 6 : 00 am were lining up, are very difficult to snatch), therefore the prize of this month is the biscuit of Lingyin Temple. By the way, draws the later each month to have, not necessarily is the tea leaves. Sometimes possibly is complies with the holiday the present, or is other I thought that can be the present to give everyone's small thing. Here also announces a next next month reward, is the poster of «Monster Paradise» cartoon. Wanted baby shoe, next month can actively participate(???)??】 【9月抽奖的三位获奖者分别是:眼里有星河,一杯浊酒笑风尘,星宇雲。恭喜三位由于在灵隐寺没有买到月饼(灵隐寺每日限时限量出售,有些阿姨早上 6 点就在排队了,很难抢),所以本月的奖品是灵隐寺的饼干。顺便说一下,抽奖以后每个月都有,不一定是茶叶。有的时候可能是顺应节日的礼品,或者是其他我觉得可以作为礼品送给大家的小物件。我这里也预告一下下个月的奖励,是《怪物乐园》漫画的海报。想要的童鞋,下个月可以积极参与(???)??】
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