MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1579: banned/confer a title 9 quiet

Hit!” “击中了!” The silver armor feels clearly, the attack of oneself has not failed. 银甲清晰感觉到,自己的攻击并没有落空。 When he also wants to continue to pursue, suddenly the induction to a fierce crisis transmission, he fully is sharp a ground figure to explode decisively draws back. 就在他还想继续追击的时候,突然感应到一股剧烈的危机感传来,他足尖一点地面身形果断爆退。 In next one flickers, the innumerable black vines that he just had an action to perform change to ten million root advantages to puncture the underground penetration that just stood from him, just like blooming a black ice crystal great flower. 就在他刚刚有所动作的下一瞬,无数黑色藤蔓化作千万根利刺从他刚刚站立的地下穿透而出,宛若绽放开的一朵黑色冰晶巨花。 Although has expected, this set of chain blows is impossible to get rid of nine quiet vines directly, the silver armor thought at least can cause some damages to the opposite party. But looking back now, oneself underestimated nine quiet, oneself one set of even/including incurs has not as if become any substantive injury to other party. 虽然早就料到,这一套连击不可能直接干掉九幽藤,银甲还是觉得至少能够给对方造成一些创伤。但现在看来,自己还是低估了九幽,自己的一套连招似乎并没有对他造成任何实质性的伤害。 Strikes cannot go well, one of the ice crystal great flower punctures on the leaf piece by piece, condenses a great face, when was before and Four Faced Person meets impressively that face. 一击未能得手,冰晶巨花的一片片刺叶上,凝聚成一张巨脸,赫然是之前和四面人见面时的那张脸。 Worthily is a silver armor, a moment ago this set of chain blows, perhaps if beside my Divine Territory, I will also really cause heavy losses by you.” “不愧是银甲,刚才这一套连击,如果是在我的神域之外,或许我还真的会被你重创。” But, you place in my Divine Territory now, can only accept my game Rule. But under my game Rule, you are honest defeat!” “不过,你现在身处我的神域之内,只能接受我的游戏规则。而在我的游戏规则之下,你还是老老实实的战败吧!” The great face finishes speaking, the whole piece face collapses directly, changes to the innumerable black vines. 巨脸话音刚落,整张脸直接坍塌,化作无数黑色藤蔓。 The silver armor is preparing to dodge, actually sees that vine not toward oneself, but started the morphological change by visible Extreme Speed, the incarnation becomes shape various monster. 银甲正准备闪躲,却看见那一根根藤蔓并没有朝着自己袭来,而是以肉眼可见的极速开始了形态变化,化身成一只只形态各不相同的怪物 Has human, has God Race, has Insect Race, there is a Abyss lifeform...... 人族的,有神族的,有虫族的,也有深渊生物…… Each, the aura intensity is almost ninth Order Heavenly God realm. 每一只,气息强度几乎都是第九秩序天神境 Dozens aura intensities, had been close to Overlord Grade. 有数十只的气息强度,已经接近了霸主级别 Even several, the aura intensity was not under six big overlords obviously. 甚至还有数只,气息强度明显不在六大霸主之下。 Has swept aura strongest that dozens monster, some red glow slightly Flicker in silver armor eye pupil. 一眼扫过气息最强的那几十只怪物,银甲眼瞳中的红芒微微有些闪烁 And more than 50%, are actually he knows. 其中一半以上,竟然都是他认识的。 That powerhouse, was in the world history once participated in a side fierce and ambitious that the overlord has competed. 那一尊尊强者,都是里世界历史上曾经参与过霸主争夺的一方枭雄。 The one who makes the silver armor state of mind unassuageable is, he also saw Three Tailed Snake Woman that just defeated, the blood pupil and great lump, the aura and living time is almost exactly the same. 更让银甲心绪难以平静的是,他还看到了刚刚战败的三尾蛇女,血瞳和巨瘤,气息和活着的时候几乎一模一样。 „Is this card in hand that you have hidden?!” The silver armor restrains by force the heart to shock, he had guessed correctly probably what ability nine quiet vines have. “这就是你一直藏匿的底牌吗?!”银甲强压住心头震撼,他已经大概猜到了九幽藤具备什么样的能力。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) you think that I named nine quiet, is only the unwarranted reputation?” The sound that nine quiet vines slightly mocked obviously conveyed lightly, nine quiet, was my banned/confer a title!” trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)“你以为我名为九幽,只是虚名?”九幽藤略显讥诮的声音淡淡传来,“九幽,是我的封号!” Hears these words, in the silver armor eye the flame drags again. 听到这番话,银甲眼中火焰再次摇曳。 banned/confer a title is anything, he is very naturally clear. 封号是什么,他自然很清楚。 A person on the way of practicing, achieves certain special conditions, will obtain corresponding banned/confer a title. 一个人在修行途中,达成某些特殊条件,会获得相应的封号 Different banned/confer a title, will bring the different effects. Some can directly to grasp Divine Rule Order, some possibly are magical powers, may make you comprehend some True Meaning Heavenly Rule directly, but also some will have some special effects...... 不同的封号,会带来不同的效果。有的可以直接让人掌握一种神则一种秩序,有的可能是一种神通,也有可能让你直接领悟某种真意天则,还有的会产生一些特殊效果…… Nine quiet this banned/confer a title, made nine quiet vines obtain some special magical powers or the Order strength obviously, enabling him to resurrect some powerhouses of dying in some method, and controlled them. 九幽这个封号,显然让九幽藤获得了某种特殊的神通或是秩序力量,使得他能够以某种手段将一些死去的强者重新复活过来,并且控制他们。 Some non-solutions of this ability to silver armor. 这种能力对银甲来说有些无解。 After all nine quiet vine strengths under him, again in addition several blood pupils, the powerhouse of great lump same rank, his odds of success are quite not uncertain. 毕竟一个九幽藤实力就已经不在他之下了,再加上几个血瞳,巨瘤这种同等级别的强者,他的胜算相当渺茫。 However silver armor very clear awareness, oneself had seen the opposite party largest card in hand, the opposite party was impossible to keep the living witness again. Present oneself, does not have any escape route, only has at risk of life a war. 不过银甲很清楚的知道,自己已经看到了对方最大的底牌,对方是不可能再留活口了。如今的自己,已经没有了任何退路,唯有拼死一战。 Read and this, the silver armor did not have the thoughts of escape thoroughly. Looks the monster group of coming in swarms, moves forward to meet somebody directly. 一念及此,银甲彻底没有了逃避的心思。看着蜂拥而至的怪物群,直接迎了上去。 In the hand the Black Dragon spear/gun rainstorm attack, passed through another monster rapidly. 手中黑龙枪暴雨般侵袭而出,迅速贯穿了一只又一只怪物 insta-kill continually is seemingly relaxed, but only the silver armor heart even more is serious. 连番的秒杀看似轻松,但只有银甲心头却越发沉重。 Before beginning, in his heart is actually also holding a luck. Thought that nine might simulate the shapes and aura of these dead quiet, these planned the thing essentially are nine quiet vines doppelgänger, did not have the original strength. 在动手之前,他心中其实还抱着一丝侥幸。觉得九幽有可能只是模拟出了这些死者的形态和气息,这些拟物本质上还是九幽藤的分身,并不具备原本的实力。 But is only the first wave of collision, he knows that oneself is much more wrong. 但只是第一波的碰撞,他就知道自己错得离谱。 These monster do not plan the thing, but has existence of self- fighting will, is the aura with is incessantly same before death, but almost can perfect duplicate/restores carve before death all abilities and strengths. 这些怪物都不是拟物,而是具备自我战斗意志的存在,也不止是气息与生前相同,而是几乎能够完美复刻生前的所有能力和实力。 Nine quiet vines naturally also detected his probe. 九幽藤自然也察觉到了他这番试探。 It seems like you have detected, they almost can perfect duplicate/restores carve before death all strengths. However you know that my banned/confer a title ability, uses to be simple. I only need before a dead soul sleeve all dissipates, obtains the opposite party body part, can come its perfect resurrecting.” “看来你已经察觉到了,他们几乎能完美的复刻生前的所有实力。但是你知道吗,我的这个封号能力,用起来非常简单。我只需要在一名死者魂体完全消散之前,获得对方尸体的一部分,就可以将其完美‘复活’过来。” trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; catch ( ex ) naturally, this type resurrecting also has the condition limit. That is, they are unable to leave my Divine Territory. However, this is not the major problem, I only needed to drag into my Divine Territory the opponent on the line.” trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)“当然,这种‘复活’也是有着条件限制的。那就是,他们无法离开我的神域。不过,这也不是什么大问题,我只需要将对手拉入我的神域就行了。” Also does not know that thought oneself has victory in the hand other what reasons, the words of nine quiet vines started become a lot. 也不知道是觉得自己胜券在握还是其他的什么原因,九幽藤的话开始变得多了起来。 Pitifully four sides that boy has problems, ahead of time was separated from Divine Territory. Originally I am thinking, first solves you, finally even he also tidied up together, gets it over and done!” “可惜四面那小子出了点问题,提前脱离了神域。本来我是想着,先解决掉你们,最后再连他也一起收拾了,一劳永逸!” Nine quiet Fujimi had/left the true idea of oneself innermost feelings, if in fact at that time were not because thought that four sides the condition was somewhat strange, he definitely began directly. 九幽藤道出了自己内心的真实想法,事实上如果当时不是因为觉得四面的状态有些诡异,他肯定就直接动手了。 So-called ally, but for the benefit links. The benefit succeeded in obtaining, this/should getting angry naturally does not need scruples. This matter to nine quiet, is completely the normal state. 所谓的盟友,不过是为了利益结合在一起。利益到手了,该翻脸自然也不用顾忌。这种事情对九幽来说,完全是常态。 The silver armor knows until this time, four sides has not fallen from the sky. 银甲是直至此时才知道,四面并没有陨落。 He induced to four sides aura before disappears does not see, has thought four sides died in battle. 他之前感应到四面的气息消失不见,一直以为四面是战死了。 Now hears nine quiet these words, he knows that the original opposite party successfully was separated from Divine Territory, in the heart admired. Even, some regrets dripped this turbid water. 现在听到九幽这番话,他才知道原来对方成功脱离了神域,心中不由一阵艳羡。甚至于,都有些后悔来淌这趟浑水了。 If knew ahead of time nine quiet vines have this ability, he will not choose absolutely with it is an enemy. But now, he has not resulted in completely elects. 如果提前得知九幽藤有这种能力,他绝对不会选择与之为敌。但现在,他已经完全没得选了。 Is fending the attack of monster group with every effort, the silver armor while is thinking deeply about the countermeasure in the brain fast. 一边尽力闪避着怪物群的攻击,银甲一边快速在脑中思索着对策。 By the monster quantity and strength that nine quiet vines summoned, wanted to solve completely, basically was not the matter that was possible to complete. The silver armor even suspected, oneself Divine Energy can insist solves 1/3. 以九幽藤召唤出来的怪物数量和实力,想要全部解决掉,基本上是不可能完成的事情。银甲甚至怀疑,自己神能能不能坚持到解决三分之一。 Key that therefore collapses, is on nine quiet vine main body. 所以破局的关键,还是在九幽藤本尊身上。 So long as solved nine quiet vine sources, his Divine Territory will collapse automatically, these that he made Return to Life will naturally also disappear does not see. 只要解决掉了九幽藤这个源头,他的神域会自动坍塌,他所制造出来的这些“返生者”自然也会消失不见。 Now the largest issue is, how should bypass these Return to Life, gets rid of nine quiet vines. 现在最大的问题在于,该怎么绕过这些“返生者”,干掉九幽藤。 Moreover must in a short time, get rid of nine quiet vines extremely. Otherwise these Return to Life quick will pester. 而且必须是在极短时间内,就干掉九幽藤。要不然这些“返生者”很快就会重新纠缠上来。 The silver armor is lost in thought...... 银甲不由陷入了沉思…… Please remember this book first round domain name:. Apex novel cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。顶点小说手机版阅读网址:
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