MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1578: 9 quiet VS silver armor

Induced vanished to the great lump and four sides aura, the silver armor mood was somewhat anxious. 感应到巨瘤和四面的气息先后消失,银甲情绪有些焦急起来。 He somewhat urgent wish breakthrough vine obstruction, starts the final decisive battle with nine quiet vines layer upon layer directly. 他有些迫切的想要突破层层藤蔓阻挠,直接与九幽藤开启最后的决战。 He knows that drags again, Three Tailed Snake Woman might be killed. 他知道再拖下去,三尾蛇女都有可能会被干掉。 Because actually not he has what friendship to Three Tailed Snake Woman, but is he clear nine quiet is powerful, assurance that he cannot win. Hopes Three Tailed Snake Woman can live, collaborates the anti- enemy with oneself together. 倒不是因为他对三尾蛇女有什么情义,而是他清楚九幽非常强大,他没有必胜的把握。希望三尾蛇女能活下来,跟自己一起联手抗敌。 When his train of thought flutters, the distant place transmits the intense fight fluctuation suddenly. 就在他思绪飘飞的时候,远处突然间传来强烈的战斗波动。 This direction, before is not , the direction that nine quiet vines guard......” silver armor rushes to nine quiet vines to guard the place footsteps slightly, was the snake female escapes?!” “这个方向,不是之前九幽藤镇守的方向……”银甲赶往九幽藤镇守地的脚步微顿,“难道是蛇女逃出来了?!” In entire Divine Territory, is only left over oneself now, nine quiet vine and Three Tailed Snake Woman three people. 整个神域里,如今只剩下自己,九幽藤和三尾蛇女三人。 oneself does not have the encounter enemy, then erupts the fight now, can only be nine quiet vines and Three Tailed Snake Woman. 自己没有遭遇敌人,那么现在爆发战斗的,就只能是九幽藤和三尾蛇女 The train of thought and this, the silver armor without hesitation, shifted toward the direction breakthrough that the fight fluctuation erupted in the past. To snatch before Three Tailed Snake Woman was killed, completes meeting with her. 思绪及此,银甲毫不犹豫,转向朝着战斗波动爆发的方向突破过去。想要抢在三尾蛇女被干掉之前,与她完成会合。 But in the multi- congresses, that fierce fight fluctuates stops suddenly suddenly. 但没过多大会,那激烈的战斗波动突然间就戛然而止。 Silver armor heart immediately thump. 银甲心头顿时咯噔一下。 „Was snake female got rid of?!” “蛇女被干掉了?!” Strength of Three Tailed Snake Woman in six big overlords is weakest, this weakness is not only all -round strength, is various all. If behind four sides her does not have and silver armor these two powerful cohabitants, by her strength, cannot sit of positions six big overlords. 三尾蛇女在六大霸主中实力最弱,这种弱不仅仅是综合实力,更是各方各面。她背后如果没有四面和银甲这两个强大的姘头,以她的实力,根本坐不上六大霸主之一的位置。 Her short time was killed by nine quiet vines, actually does not come as a surprise to silver armor. This fight fluctuation stops suddenly, somewhat suddenly. 她短时间就被九幽藤干掉,其实不出乎银甲的意料。只是这战斗波动戛然而止,有些突然。 „It is not right, the snake female aura has not dissipated!” After the surprise of moment, the silver armor responded instantaneously. “不对,蛇女的气息并未消散!”片刻的诧异过后,银甲瞬间反应过来。 But almost in simultaneously, another direction of distant place, is an intense fluctuation of energy transmits. 但几乎就在同时,远处的另一方向,又是一股强烈的能量波动传来。 That direction, before impressively is, position that from the beginning nine quiet vines are. 那个方向,赫然就是之前一开始九幽藤所在的位置。 Although has not clarified completely exactly had anything, the silver armor shifts toward the direction breakthrough that this one time fluctuation transmits without hesitation goes. 虽然还没有完全弄清楚到底发生了什么,银甲毫不犹豫就转向朝着这一次波动传来的方向突破而去。 The standard keeps off to dodge in all directions the hindrance of vine, the silver armor while urgent speeds away in the direction of fluctuation of energy. 一边格挡闪躲着四面八方藤蔓的阻碍,银甲一边迫切的朝着能量波动的方向疾驰。 He induced, after that wave of energy shook a moment ago, the Three Tailed Snake Woman aura then started to get down fast feebly. 他感应到了,刚才那一波能量震荡过后,三尾蛇女的气息这才开始快速衰弱下去。 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; before catch ( ex ) „, that continued more than ten minutes of fight fluctuations is not nine quiet and snake female is fighting, just this wave of energy shake was!” trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)“之前那持续了十多分钟的战斗波动并不是九幽和蛇女在战斗,刚刚这一波能量震荡才是!” Changes mind, he then speculates probably, exactly had anything a moment ago. 一个转念,他便大概推测出来,刚才到底发生了什么。 Nine quiet this old fogies, are really good to plan!” “九幽这老家伙,真是好算计!” Induces the Three Tailed Snake Woman aura to vanish, the silver armor felt the pressure big immediately many. 感应着三尾蛇女的气息消失,银甲顿时觉得压力大了不少。 2 : 1 aspects, turn into 1 : 1 duel now thoroughly. 原本二比一的局面,现在彻底变成了一比一的单挑 Although the snake female strength is not much, but if she is also living, at least can play an auxiliary role in the one side. Even if a little jamming effect, oneself Win Rate can promote slightly much. 虽然蛇女实力不怎么样,但如果她还活着,起码能在一旁起到一个辅助的作用。哪怕只是稍微有一点干扰效果,自己胜率都能提升不少。 But now, can only 1 V 1 duel. 但现在,只能1V1单挑了。 ...... …… The design solved Three Tailed Snake Woman, nine quiet vines lost the pressure of ally to release slightly some. 设计解决了三尾蛇女,九幽藤失去盟友的压力才稍稍释放了些许。 In fact, he made the 1 V 2 plan in the earliest possible time that Four Faced Person left immediately. And rapidly made the plan that designs Three Tailed Snake Woman, considered Three Tailed Snake Woman all action possibilities. 事实上,他在四面人离开的第一时间就立马重新制定了1V2的方案。并迅速做出了设计三尾蛇女的计划,将三尾蛇女所有的行动可能性都考虑了进去。 Finally in all possibilities, Three Tailed Snake Woman chose the most advantageous nine quiet that possibility, the body to fall finally at the scene. 结果在所有可能性里,三尾蛇女最终选了最有利九幽的那一种可能性,身陨当场。 Now is only left over you......” “现在就只剩下你了……” Nine quiet vine innumerable rattan form grand python, the high holding up the head skull, looked distantly to the silver armor of distant place. 九幽藤无数藤条汇成一条巨蟒,高高昂起了头颅,遥遥看向了远处的银甲。 Next flickers, grand python is defeated and dispersed, changes to myriad small snakes, submerges the sea of vine. 下一瞬,巨蟒溃散,化作万千小蛇,没入藤蔓的海洋。 Almost at the same time, the entire Divine Territory internal vine starts to surge crazily. 几乎在同时,整个神域内部的藤蔓都开始疯狂涌动起来。 At once, the silver armor peripheral vine as if entered the violent to walk the condition, the attack intensity and frequency starts significantly to promote. Even the attacking track starts becomes crazy and strange, making people be hard to sentence in advance. 一时之间,银甲周边的藤蔓都仿佛进入了暴走状态,攻击强度和频率都开始大幅度提升。甚至连攻击轨迹都开始变得疯狂而诡异,让人难以预判。 The silver armor slightly was distressed flickered, then kept up with the new fight rhythm again. 银甲只是稍稍狼狈了一瞬,然后就再度跟上了新的战斗节奏。 This sudden change, not only has not created to the silver armor oppresses the effect slightly, makes him even more steady on the contrary. 这突如其来的变化,不但没有对银甲造成丝毫压迫效果,反倒让他越发稳健起来。 The reason does not have him, he knows, nine quiet vines soon began. 原因无他,他知道,九幽藤快要动手了。 He actually also somewhat worried from the beginning, was worried nine quiet vines have no probe from the start, comes up to meet the tough head-on with toughness directly. Here after all is the home games of nine quiet vines, really must meet the tough head-on with toughness directly, oneself cannot ask for any advantage. 他其实一开始还有些担心,担心九幽藤压根没有任何试探,就直接上来就是硬碰硬。这里毕竟是九幽藤的主场,真要正面硬碰硬,自己讨不到任何好处。 But is good because, nine quiet vines chose another safer opening way. 但好在,九幽藤选择了另外一条更加稳妥的开局方式。 He by the vine steamroll, wants to rely on the quantity and attack frequency of advantage vine at the same time, lets the silver armor expose weaknesses. On the other hand, in Divine Energy of consumption silver armor within the body. 他一方面以藤蔓碾压,想要凭借藤蔓的数量和攻击频率优势,来让银甲露出破绽。另一方面,也在消耗银甲体内的神能 trymad1 ( gad2 ) ; the catch ( ex ) but silver armor actually saw from here another news nine quiet vines have hidden in the nearby. trymad1(gad2);catch(ex)但银甲却从这里看到了另外一条讯息九幽藤已经潜藏在附近了。 Because only then in the position that the comparison approaches, he can in the earliest possible time that oneself exposes weaknesses, promptly gives oneself to kill strikes. 因为只有在比较靠近的位置,他才能在自己露出破绽的第一时间,及时给予自己必杀的一击。 Nine quiet vines are actually also sending this signal intentionally, brings the pressure on the silver armor. 九幽藤其实也是在故意传递这个信号,对银甲施加压力。 To him, here is his home game, in his Divine Territory, his Divine Energy will consume speed to be slower. Therefore this fights the time to tow for a long time, to the silver armor is more disadvantageous. His pressure will be getting bigger and bigger, the probability of exposing weaknesses will also be getting bigger and bigger. 对他而言,这里是他的主场,在他的神域里,他的神能消耗速度会慢很多。所以这一战时间拖得越久,对银甲是越不利的。他的心理压力会越来越大,露出破绽的概率也会越来越大。 But another side silver armor, clear this point. 而另一边的银甲,也清楚这一点。 But he is unhurried, as before steady is maintaining the fight rhythm, does not reveal slightly the flaw. 但他丝毫不慌,依旧稳稳的维持着战斗节奏,不露丝毫破绽。 Such condition, maintained for a half hour. 这样的状态,足足维持了半个多小时。 Suddenly, in his hand the Black Dragon spear/gun shakes suddenly, void swings black ripple immediately. 突然间,他手中黑龙枪陡然震荡,虚空中顿时荡出一圈圈黑色波纹。 That ripple as if sharp blade, the place visited, all vines all count are cut the round number section. 那一圈圈波纹仿佛利刃般,所过之处,所有藤蔓皆数被斩成数段。 speed that wave opens turbulently is extremely quick, almost proliferated the surrounding area several hundred kilometers in a flash. 波动荡开的速度极快,几乎转瞬之间就扩散到了方圆数百公里。 But at this moment, the silver armor has almost no stop, was a spear/gun dispatches suddenly, separates the spatial point to approach some direction. 而就在这时,银甲几乎没有任何停顿,突然间又是一枪递出,隔空点向了某个方向。 In an instant, the lance point sprays together the black shock wave crazily, embezzled over a hundred kilometers region. 刹那间,枪尖疯狂喷射出一道黑色的激波,将上百公里的区域吞没了进去。 If the eyesights of some people can follow his making a move speed, should be able to see that in the straight line range that he attacks, has also to be submerged just like the small snake vine. 如果有人的目力能够跟得上他的出手速度,应该能看到就在他攻击的这一条直线范围内,有着一条条宛若小蛇般的藤蔓也被淹没了进去。 That small snake has not as if come under the influence that the beforehand black ripple cuts to strike completely, impressively before is, shape that nine quiet vines split up. 那一条条小蛇似乎完全没有受到之前黑色波纹斩击的影响,赫然就是之前九幽藤分化出来的形态。 In the black shock wave submerges that small snake next one flickers, silver armor pinched the seal secret art fast, in the eye pupil red fire light burns pinnacle in the flash. 就在黑色激波淹没那一条条小蛇的下一瞬,银甲一手快速掐出印诀,眼瞳中红色火光在一瞬之间燃烧到了极致 Above his top of the head, a black big dragon transfers among the breaths then to condense the formation. 在他的头顶上方,一条黑色巨龙转息间便凝聚成型。 Almost in formation instantly, that big dragon set eyes on by some region that the shock wave submerged, then without slightly hesitant, opened mouth then spout endless black dragon flame, submerged the trim region again...... 几乎在成型的刹那,那只巨龙的目光就锁定在了被激波淹没的某片区域,然后没有丝毫犹豫,张嘴便喷涌出了无尽的黑色龙炎,将整片区域再次淹没……
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