MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1571: Old Yin ratio

Main text Chapter 1571 old Yin ratio 正文第1571章老阴比 Outside the jungle, the great lump, the blood pupil and silver armor three Overlord Grade powerhouses reached the last act with the fights of over a thousand Heavenly God puppets quickly. 密林之外,巨瘤、血瞳、银甲三名霸主级强者与上千名天神傀儡的战斗很快进入了尾声。 After mastering the correct method of cleaning up puppet, three people almost do not have the reservation to act full power, erases existences of Heavenly God puppets thoroughly. 在掌握了清理傀儡的正确方法之后,三人几乎都没有保留地全力出手,彻底抹除一具具天神傀儡的存在。 By three people of nearly half step Lord God strengths, slaughters these puppets to have no need for the second move from the start. 以三人近乎半步主神的实力,屠戮这些傀儡压根就用不着第二招。 not much time, all Heavenly God puppets were slaughtered. 没多大会,所有天神傀儡就被屠戮一空。 Outside the jungle, the flesh, the dregs has not even stayed behind incessantly, only remained a fight trace of place. 密林之外,不止血肉,连渣都没留下,只残留了一地的战斗痕迹。 But after slaughter completely all puppets, three Overlord Grade powerhouses do not have first to intrude the jungle. 但屠尽所有傀儡之后,三名霸主级强者并没有第一时间闯入密林。 This jungle, are nine quiet vines dens are, no one knows that he arranged many methods here. 这片密林,是九幽藤的老巢所在,没有人知道他在这里布置了多少手段。 Moreover, nine quiet vines are in the entire in the world have record monster of most longevity, no one knows that so many years get down deeply his background. This is also the silver armor three people have the dreaded primary cause to him. 而且,九幽藤是整个里世界里有记录的最长寿的一只怪物,没有人知道这么多年下来他的底蕴到底有多深厚。这也是银甲三人对他有所忌惮的主要原因。 In three people also in hesitant, the blood pupil opens the mouth suddenly. 就在三人还在犹豫的时候,血瞳突然开口。 We did not begin without enough time, the snake female already the style that used to maintain life.” He saw the purple fog that from afar the snake female releases, knows the opposite party could not have supported. “我们再不动手就来不及了,蛇女已经用出保命的招式了。”他远远就看到蛇女释放出来的紫雾,知道对方已经撑不住了。 Blood pupil saying, silver armor direct moved sideways to rush in the heavily-forested area. 血瞳这话一出,银甲直接一个闪身就闯进了密林区域。 He worries , because he and Four Faced Person are the same , relates significantly with Three Tailed Snake Woman. 他之所以这么着急,是因为他和四面人一样,也跟三尾蛇女关系匪浅。 The complex relations of three worlds, other three Overlord Grade powerhouses actually also know. 三人间的复杂关系,其余三名霸主级强者其实也都知道。 The Four Faced Person most uncomfortable reason also lies in this, Three Tailed Snake Woman chose the silver armor in this case, rather than oneself. 四面人最不爽的原因也在于此,三尾蛇女在这种情况下选择了银甲,而不是自己 Arrived their levels, actually Four Faced Person puzzled does not lie in the snake female loves anyone, but is in the face cannot pass. 到了他们这个层面,其实四面人纠结的不在于蛇女到底爱谁,而是面子上过不去。 The silver armor to/clashes, wants to rescue Three Tailed Snake Woman, is not because he has loves this woman, but is he knows that oneself must display like this. 银甲之所以冲出去,想要营救三尾蛇女,也不是因为他有多爱这个女人,而是他知道自己必须这样表现。 At the same time, to let Three Tailed Snake Woman saw, making her determine her choice right. On the other hand, to let the great lump and blood pupil sees, oneself is a reliable ally. 一方面,是为了让三尾蛇女看到,让她确定她的选择没错。另一方面,是为了让巨瘤和血瞳看到,自己是一个可靠的盟友。 He is also very clear, the snake female chooses oneself, the big probability is not because oneself is more outstanding than Four Faced Person. But compares in the 3 v 3 deadlock, 4 v 2 can quicker is eliminated two opponents of the same class. This woman, nothing but wants to obtain more resources. 他也很清楚,蛇女选择自己,大概率不是因为自己四面人优秀。而是相比于3v3的僵局,4v2能够更快的将两名同级别的对手淘汰出局。这个女人,无非是想获得更多的资源罢了。 Can sit to overlord position, in their eyes, the benefit is higher than all. Even if kills the father to murder the female personal enemy, cooperation that with a smile when necessary can also be without turning a hair. 能坐到霸主这个位置,在他们眼里,利益高于一切。哪怕是杀父弑母的仇人,在必要的时候也可以面不改色的笑着合作。 Let alone no sentimental fetters **, from the start on influence any choice and decision. 更别说一个没什么感情羁绊的**了,压根就影响不到任何选择和决策。 Silver armor seemingly hurried intrudes nine quiet vines the dens, but in fact he hit 12 vigilance, is guarding against the methods of nine quiet vines momentarily. 银甲看似匆忙的闯入九幽藤的老巢,但实际上他打起了十二分的警惕,随时防备着九幽藤的手段。 But steps into the jungle in him the earliest possible time, nine quiet vines launched the attack immediately. 而在他踏入密林的第一时间,九幽藤就立马发动了攻击。 The opposite party stepped into the oneself home game with great difficulty, he is not naturally willing easily to let up this making a move opportunity. 好不容易对方踏入了自己的主场,他自然不肯轻易放过这种出手机会。 The trim jungle almost changed to the world of vine instantaneously, everywhere rattan not only camouflaged the daylight, even undifferentiated coverage to all positions. 整片密林几乎瞬间化作藤蔓的世界,漫天的藤条不仅遮蔽了天日,甚至无差别的覆盖到了所有方位。 If from the third angle of view, the silver armor looks like the small boat of float above sea, is facing the howling of attack and strong winds of tide at any time, has the possibility ship to destroy the person to perish anytime. 如果从第三视角来看,银甲就像是漂浮在大海上方的一叶扁舟,随时都面临着浪潮的侵袭和狂风的呼啸,随时都有可能船毁人亡。 But in fact, the silver armor has not dreaded, his each time shift is self-confident, does not worry about the attack of everywhere vine. 但实际上,银甲没有丝毫畏惧,他每一次挪移都自信满满,丝毫不担忧漫天藤蔓的侵袭。 Shuttle Flicker of his figure in the vine sea, is dodging the attack of rattan at the largest degree unceasingly. Really regarding attack that cannot hide, he shakes long spear directly, extinguishes it. 他的身形在藤蔓海洋中不断穿梭闪烁,以最大的程度躲闪着藤条的攻击。对于实在躲不过去的攻击,他则直接震荡长枪,将其消弭。 Although at once, is hard to escape from this region, actually also the self-preservation no worries, were in the deadlock stage with nine quiet vines. 一时之间,虽难以逃出这片区域,却也自保无虞,与九幽藤进入了僵持阶段。 However he does not worry, can fall from the sky regarding Three Tailed Snake Woman, he is not extremely concerned. 不过他一点也不着急,对于三尾蛇女会不会陨落,他并不是太过在意 He has made the gesture of rescue, can rescue, mainly must look at the snake female oneself luck. 他已经做出了营救的姿态,能不能救得下来,主要还是要看蛇女自己的运气。 Under the attacks of innumerable rattan, 在无数藤条的侵袭下, His figure as in slowly and stably forward running. This performance the bystander, he has made at least has tried hard. 他的身形依旧在缓慢而稳定地向前行进着。这种表现起码在外人来看,他是已经做出了努力的。 But in fact, he did not plan that for snake female adventure, he seems like in slow forward running, in fact and other ally fates. 而事实上,他并不打算为了蛇女冒险,他看似在缓慢的向前行进,实际上是在等两位盟友下场。 Although nine quiet vines are the established powerhouses, moreover is the home game battles, has certain advantage. 九幽藤虽是老牌强者,而且是主场作战,具备一定的优势。 But looks like in the silver armor, his strength is strong, impossible by an enemy three. 但在银甲看来,他实力再强,也不可能以一敌三。 Even if in his territory, he wants to shoulder the invasions of next three same rank powerhouses, is unlikely to achieve. 哪怕是在他的领地里,他想独自一人扛下三名同等级别强者的入侵,也是不太可能做到的。 Because the silver armor knows this point, therefore does not worry. 银甲正是因为知道这一点,所以一点也不着急。 But he is also quick so as he expected, waited till the reinforcements. 而他也很快如他所料的那样,等到了援军。 Great lump and blood pupil, after the silver armor intrudes the jungle on own initiative, two people hesitated slightly flickered, with rushing. 巨瘤和血瞳,在银甲主动闯入密林之后,两人只是稍稍犹豫了一瞬,就跟着闯了进来。 As soon as two people enter the stadium, the silver armor can obviously feel the oneself pressure reduced much. 两人一入场,银甲能够明显感觉到自己的压力减小了不少。 May lead! 可领! After all three people are the opponents of same rank, even if nine quiet vine strengths are strong, he also has to branch out certain energy to deal with besides the silver armor other two. 毕竟三人都是同等级别的对手,哪怕九幽藤实力再强,他也不得不分出一定的精力来应对除了银甲之外的另外两人。 But silver armor also not with enough time happy, heard the distant place to transmit nine quiet vines suddenly the sounds. 但银甲还没来得及高兴,就突然间听到了远处传来九幽藤的声音。 Your three, delivered unexpectedly on own initiative. Poured also saved my many times!” The sounds of nine quiet vines sound somewhat happy, you know that the world think, this jungle are I are idling bored to the nest that oneself constructs. Actually without many people knows, this jungle, are actually my Divine Territory! ” “你们三个,竟然主动送上门来了。倒也省了我不少工夫!”九幽藤的声音听起来有些高兴,你们知道吗,世人都以为,这片密林是我闲着无聊给自己建的巢。却没有多少人知道,这片密林,其实就是我的神域!” Nine quiet vine these words, hear to present almost all people to stare. 九幽藤这番话,听得在场几乎所有人都是一愣。 But at the same time, the environment of jungle starts to have the naked eye obvious change fast. 而与此同时,密林的环境开始快速发生着肉眼可见的变化。 Logs change to Kofuji gradually, even the flowers and plants, change to thin vines. 一棵棵巨木都渐渐化作一根根古藤,甚至连花草,都化作一根根细藤。 The trim jungle, turned into a world of piece of vine in an instant. 整片密林,转眼间变成了一片藤蔓的世界。 These vines, the thick or thin size is various, even some colors vary. 这些藤蔓,粗细大小各不相同,甚至有些颜色都各异。 Welcome you, enters my Divine Country!” “欢迎你们,进入我的神国!” The sounds of nine quiet vines from convey in all directions, looked like each rattan to speak these words. 九幽藤的声音从四面八方传来,就像是每一根藤条都在说这句话。 Divine Territory that „the Lord God Grade powerhouse has, can be called Divine Country. What Divine Country is your? Really oneself, when Lord God?!” The taunt sound of great lump clears away the audience quickly. 主神级别的强者拥有的神域,才能被称作为神国。你这算什么神国?真把自己主神了?!”巨瘤的嘲讽声很快涤荡全场。 Nearby silver armor and blood pupil also follow to smile to make noise. 一旁的银甲和血瞳也跟着笑出声来。 Isn't funny importantly, at this time wanted was the supporting effect. 好不好笑不重要,这个时候要的就是捧场效果。 Later you could not smile.” The sounds of nine quiet vines sounded like somewhat inwardly angry. “待会你们就笑不出来了。”九幽藤的声音听起来似乎有些愠怒了。 Him finishes speaking, the innumerable vines sweep across toward the silver armor three people. 他这边话音刚落,无数藤蔓朝着银甲三人席卷而来。 These vines, some belts various Order strengths, are somewhat coercing the element truth, almost every strikes, endures compared with the ninth Order Heavenly God full power acts. 这些藤蔓,有些带着各种秩序力量,有些裹挟着元素真理,几乎每一击,都堪比第九秩序天神的全力出手。 The silver armor three people have not resisted hardly, but adopted fended for the lord countermeasure, the figure connected Flicker to be uncertain. 银甲三人也没有硬抗,而是采取了闪避为主的应对策略,身形接连闪烁不定。 Three people of performance, look like three small boats to flutter in the turbulent sea, is facing the danger of tilting at any time...... 三人的表现,就像是三叶扁舟飘荡在波涛汹涌的大海上,随时都面临着倾覆的危险…… Still in looking for " Monster Paradise " free novel? 还在找"怪物乐园"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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