MP :: Volume #8 在人间

#1570: Overlord tangled warfare

Main text Chapter 1570 overlord tangled warfare 正文第1570章霸主混战 Four Faced Person finishes speaking, the surrounding area several thousand kilometers trim jungle as if lived instantaneously, branch derive the innumerable vines, toward encircling the people outside jungle brushes crazily. 四面人话音刚落,方圆数千公里的整片密林仿佛瞬间活了过来,一根根枝丫衍生出无数藤蔓,朝着围在密林之外的众人疯狂抽打过去。 Nine quiet vines this intended almost not to have the slight indication, everywhere vine then to block the sky to come, to be found in the trim world. 九幽藤这番出手几乎没有丝毫征兆,漫天的藤蔓便遮天蔽日而来,遍布了整片天地。 Several hundred higher Order Heavenly God that can also stand, had not responded from the start with enough time. Some were penetrated the body by the innumerable vines directly, turned into the screen, some twined vine strangled to death the muddy flesh directly...... 原本还能站立的数百名高等秩序天神,压根没来得及反应。有的直接被无数藤蔓穿透了身体,变成了筛子,有的则被缠绕的藤蔓直接绞杀成了肉泥…… A half second is less, several thousands besiege the army total group to extinguish. 半秒钟的时间不到,数千围攻大军全数团灭。 In that everywhere vine world, only then four forms had not been affected, even does not have shift half step. 那漫天的藤蔓世界里,只有四道身影没有受到影响,甚至都没有挪移半步 The wave of attack of nine quiet vines, but also is not enough to shake with is four people of Overlord Grade powerhouse. 九幽藤的这一波攻击,还不足以撼动同为霸主级强者的四人。 Nine quiet, perhaps your frightens the junior also to be effective, but draws on to deal with us with this, rather looked down on us?” Great lump that spreads just like the sound that the flesh wriggles spookily, does not seem to paid attention to opposite party move slightly. “九幽,你这一手吓唬小辈或许还能奏效,但拿这招来应付我们,也未免太小瞧我们了吧?”巨瘤那宛若血肉蠕动的声音幽幽传出,似乎丝毫没有将对方这一招放在眼里。 But at this moment, nearby blood pupil actually exuded the warning suddenly. 但就在这时,一旁的血瞳却突然发出了警告声。 Be careful!” “小心!” His voice has not fallen, sees only the sturdy vine that several hundred vine dragons tie become to rupture from the place bottom suddenly, changed to a great net to wrap Three Tailed Snake Woman. 他话音还未落下,只见数百根藤蔓虬结而成的粗壮藤蔓陡然从地底爆裂而出,化作一张巨网将三尾蛇女包裹了进去。 Without and several other people lend a hand to rescue, that great net contracts instantaneously, drew in Three Tailed Snake Woman underground. 没等其余几人出手救援,那巨网就瞬间收缩,将三尾蛇女拖入了地下。 In the silver armor eye pupil scarlet flashes suddenly, the figure is wanting to flush away toward the jungle deep place, actually before seeing several thousand, Heavenly God that falls to the ground stood up the body. 银甲眼瞳中猩红陡然一闪,身形正欲朝着密林深处冲去,却见数千名之前倒地的天神都一个个站起了身来。 This is the method demon of nine quiet vines. 这是九幽藤的手段种魔。 Can plant the demon to plant in the corpse, lets its become the oneself puppet. 能够在尸体里种下魔种,让其变为自己的傀儡。 Was planted the corpse that the demon plants, is not only inheriting before death most abilities, has many abilities of nine quiet vines, will be stronger than before death, is almost equivalent to nine quiet vines doppelgänger. 被种下魔种的尸体,不仅继承着生前的绝大多数能力,还有具备九幽藤的很多能力,会比生前更强,几乎相当于九幽藤的分身 Moreover, the demon plants does not destroy, these puppets will never drop down. 而且,魔种不毁,这些傀儡就永远不会倒下。 They can time after time stands the charge. 他们会一次次的站起来冲锋。 A bang of silver armor fist another fist exploded the Heavenly God puppets, but soon discovered, these have almost turned into the body of blood froth the by visible speed again congealment formation, quick returns to the battlefield again. 银甲一拳又一拳的轰爆了一个个天神傀儡,但很快发现,那些几乎已经化成血沫的身体都在以肉眼可见的速度重新凝结成型,很快又再度回归战场。 Nearby blood pupil and great lump also soon discovered this issue. 一旁的血瞳和巨瘤也很快发现了这个问题。 Regardless of they kill these puppet many times, they can quickly restore completely, joins the battlefield. 无论他们杀死这些傀儡多少次,他们都能迅速恢复完好,重新加入战场。 In three people, what is most helpless is the blood pupil, he attacked time and time again to burst Spirit Soul of these puppets by Spirit Soul, but their Spirit Soul can actually condense the formation throughout. 三人之中,最为无奈的是血瞳,他以灵魂攻击一次又一次地破裂了这些傀儡的灵魂,但他们的灵魂却始终能重新凝聚成型。 The fight continued for more than ten minutes, the silver armor could not bear use the weapon finally. 战斗持续了十余分钟,银甲终于忍不住动用了武器。 Coped with these to be small, he disdains in acting seriously, but this endless entanglement, making him somewhat move the real anger, took out the oneself weapon Black Dragon spear/gun! 原本对付这些小喽啰,他是不屑于动真格的,但这无休无止的纠缠,让他有些动了真怒,取出了自己的武器黑龙枪! The Black Dragon spear/gun of silver armor, Quality Step has surpassed general Order Divine Tool, even can be the false Dao Tool rank the weapon. 银甲的黑龙枪,品阶已经超出了一般的秩序神具,甚至可以算得上是伪道器级别的武器了。 It can be said that takes the silver armor of Black Dragon spear/gun, is the silver armor under complete condition. 可以说,拿着黑龙枪的银甲,才算是完全状态下的银甲。 He is only a spear/gun wields at will, then a puppet who throws strikes to come disappears the nihility directly thoroughly. 他只是一枪随意挥出,便直接将一只扑击而来的傀儡彻底泯灭成虚无。 After this strikes, that puppet has not reactivated finally again. 这一击过后,那只傀儡终于没有再度复活过来。 The silver armor also finally found the means of solving this group of puppets, send greetings toward the other two immediately. 银甲也终于找到了解决这群傀儡的办法,立即朝着其余两人传音。 I know issue, must ruin their fleshly body thoroughly, drop of flesh cannot remain!” “我知道问题的所在了,必须彻底毁掉他们肉身,一滴血肉都不能剩下来!” The silver armor truly found the key of issue, nine quiet puppet technique want to eradicate, must ruin him to plant in the demon that puppet within the body plants. 银甲确实找到了问题的关键,九幽的这个傀儡术式想要破除,就必须毁掉他在傀儡体内种下的魔种。 But the demon that he plants plants to have the strong seeking livehood consciousness, when will be attacked hides the safe place automatically. 而他种下的魔种具备着强烈的求生意识,会在遭受攻击的时候自动躲藏到安全的地方。 Even if a drop of blood, meat froth remains, the demon plants can hide survives, then waits for an opportunity to condense the formation. 哪怕是一滴血,一丝肉沫残留,魔种都可以藏匿其中残存下来,然后伺机重新凝聚成型。 Why this is also, even if were strangled to death the meat froth, the puppets can live. 这也是为什么,哪怕被绞杀成肉沫,傀儡都能重新活过来。 To extinguish eliminates the demon of puppet within the body to plant, 想要灭除傀儡体内的魔种, The only means that disappear fleshly body and Spirit Soul of puppet thoroughly, lets sending body that it loses thoroughly hides. In losing in the situation of sending the body, the demon that nine plant quiet plants extremely frailly, casual higher Order Heavenly God can damage it. Obtains the solution from silver armor here, the great lump and blood pupil entered quickly hunted and killed the condition. 唯一的办法,就是彻底泯灭傀儡的肉身灵魂,让其彻底失去藏匿的寄体。在失去了寄体的情况下,九幽种下的魔种极其脆弱,随便一名高等秩序天神都能将其毁损。从银甲这里得到解决方案,巨瘤和血瞳很快进入了猎杀状态。 Since is this, that was easy to do!” “既然是这样,那就好办了!” Great lump tentacles find out crazily, coerce to disappear the tentacle of Order, penetrates the bodies of puppets. 巨瘤一根根触手疯狂探出,裹挟泯灭秩序的触手,穿透一只只傀儡的身体。 That puppet Heavenly God, the body fast becomes pale, then changes to a nihility by visible speed rapidly. 那一只只傀儡天神,身体快速变淡,然后以肉眼可见的速度迅速化作一片虚无。 Another side, the scarlet pupil slightly is innumerably bright, projects black glow, covers puppet Heavenly God. 另外一边,赤瞳无数小眼亮起,射出一道道黑芒,将一只只傀儡天神笼罩进去。 Contains the withering away Order death black glow, shortly will change to the ashes that puppet. 蕴含着消亡秩序的死亡黑芒,顷刻间将那一只只傀儡化作灰烬。 ...... …… When the fierce combat, the jungle deep place, Three Tailed Snake Woman has worked loose the great net. 在外界激战的时候,密林深处,三尾蛇女已经挣脱了巨网。 But before her body, is standing Four Faced Person and nine quiet vine two big powerful enemies. 而她身前,站立着四面人和九幽藤两大强敌。 Three, I do not want to begin to you. I give you now two choices, either you join us, outside resistance that three fellows. Either, you turn around to leave, pledged, forever no longer participates in competition of City Lord Seal!” Four Faced Person has not acted immediately. “三尾,我不想对你动手。我现在给你两个选择,要么你加入我们,对抗外面那三个家伙。要么,你转身离开,发誓以后永远不再参与城主印的争夺!”四面人并没有立即出手。 If my both don't elect?” Three Tailed Snake Woman sneers. “如果我两个都不选呢?”三尾蛇女冷笑。 That dies here!” Nine quiet vines have no patience to consume the time with the opposite party, he has induced to outside puppet is withering away fast, should unable to stop the silver armor three people too long. “那就死在这里吧!”九幽藤却没什么耐性跟对方耗时间,他已经感应到外面的傀儡正在快速消亡,应该阻拦不了银甲三人太久了。 Without Four Faced Person said anything again, he acted without hesitation. 没等四面人再多说什么,他毫不犹豫就出手了。 Everywhere rattan throws toward Three Tailed Snake Woman just like the tsunami raids to go. 漫天的藤条宛若海啸般朝着三尾蛇女扑袭而去。 His first catches Three Tailed Snake Woman , because she strength in six big overlords is weakest. Has not actually thought that after the person grasps, Four Faced Person actually also thought of the former friendship, without the earliest possible time coordinated oneself to intend to strike to kill the opposite party. 他之所以第一个捕捉三尾蛇女,是因为她在六大霸主中实力最弱。却没想到,人抓过来之后,四面人竟然还念旧情,没有第一时间配合自己出手击杀对方。 Is good after seeing nine quiet vines acts, Four Faced Person has not stopped. 好在看到九幽藤出手之后,四面人没有阻拦。 In his eye only flashed through wiped hesitant, but changed instantaneously firmly. 他眼中只闪过了一抹犹豫,但瞬间就化作了坚决。 In next one flickers, he who nine quiet vines make a move also acted. 在九幽藤出手的下一瞬,他也出手了。 Sky over his top of the head concentrates a giant beast of 12 arm, the vine of following everywhere shells with heavy blows...... 他头顶上空凝成一只十二臂的巨兽,重拳跟着漫天的藤蔓轰击下来…… The Three Tailed Snake Woman instantaneous eye pupil is scarlet, figure in an instant incarnation three. 三尾蛇女瞬间眼瞳猩红,身形刹那间化身三道。 Summons everywhere black water together, opens mouth to put out the infinite purple fog together, incarnation black grand python, the giant tail extracts together loudly, welcomes the giant arm bombardment to go. 一道召出漫天黑水,一道张嘴吐出无穷紫雾,还有一道化身黑色巨蟒,巨型尾巴轰然抽出,迎着巨臂轰击而去。 The black water place visited of that everywhere, the innumerable vines were corroded annex and destroy. 那漫天的黑水所过之处,无数藤蔓被腐蚀吞灭。 The giant snake tail was loudly with the giant arm heavy blows hit in one, shook the infinite storm. 巨型蛇尾更是轰然与巨臂重拳撞击在了一起,震荡起无穷风暴。 But quick, the consumption of black water arrived at the production of vine eventually, everywhere vine covered black water gradually. 但很快,黑水的消耗终究还是抵不过藤蔓的生成,漫天的藤蔓渐渐覆盖了黑水 But another side, giant snake tail during time after time hits is also pounded by the heavy blows festers. 而另外一边,巨型蛇尾在一次次撞击之中也被重拳砸得溃烂。 Three Tailed Snake Woman the strength was weakest, five big overlords, she is to lose all-win is few to any, let alone must now by an enemy two. 三尾蛇女本就实力最弱,五大霸主,她对上任何一个都是输多赢少,更别说现在要以一敌二了。 Sure enough, commencing of action is also less than five minutes, she has presented the loss. 果不其然,战斗开始还不到五分钟,她就已经呈现出败势。 She actually also fully realizes this point, therefore slightly reveals the declining tendency, she chose very simply gave up resisting, remove two doppelgänger, escaped into the purple fog to hide...... 她其实也深知这一点,所以只是略显颓势,她就十分干脆地选择了放弃对抗,撤掉了两道分身,遁入了紫雾之中藏匿起来…… Still in looking for " Monster Paradise " free novel? 还在找"怪物乐园"免费小说? hundred degrees celsius direct search: "……" Looked that the novel is very simple! 百度直接搜索:""看小说很简单!
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