MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#969: Cultivating the behavior is low-key, is inexpansible

Heaven Connecting Peak, the common borders situated in three districts, here is also for over ten thousand years three districts holds jointly the activity fixed place. 通天峰,位于三大区的交界,这里也是上万年来三大区举行联合活动的固定场所。 Around 9 : 00 am, the Heaven Connecting Peak under foot dense and numerous is a person. Many were rushed last night at the same night, waited for night at the foot of the hill. 这一天早上九点多,通天峰脚下就已经密密麻麻全是人了。多数都是昨晚连夜赶到,在山脚下等了一夜的。 In the entire prison space, the 100,000 many convicts, except for minority were hunted and killed by trialist in the past few days, basically 99% arrived. 整个监狱空间里,十万多名囚徒,除了少数前些天被试炼者猎杀的,基本上90%九都到了。 But Lin Huang, was early morning ate some dry rations, rushed to the scene unhurriedly. Just, he has hidden in Nine Tailed Heavenly Cat's Subspace, others cannot see. 林煌,也是一大早吃了些干粮,才不慌不忙地赶到了现场。只不过,他一直躲藏在九尾天猫的亚空间里,其他人看不到。 The leaders have not arrived, everyone is quite sloppy, the known well people gather together chatted. 头领没到,大家都比较散漫,熟识的人都聚在一起聊天。 Some Region Chief, discuss spiritedly to this grand meeting. 就连一些区域长,都对这次盛会议论纷纷。 You said, three leaders do such a, actually wants to do? Must really come the minute/share of meat according to Rule that they formulate, their radically minute/share is less than many.” “你们说,三位头领搞这么一出,到底是想干嘛?要真的按照他们制定的规则来分肉食,他们三人根本就分不到多少吧。” Idles the egg to hurt, tosses about us.” “闲着蛋疼,折腾我们呗。” Why can also, nothing but to struggle a face. Still remembers the previous iron man 18 things?” “还能为什么,无非就是为了争个面子。还记得上次铁人十八项的事情吗?” Not to mention iron man 18, mentioned this matter my egg to hurt.” “别提铁人十八项了,提这事我就蛋疼。” Right, previous time iron man 18 were your district took first from the bottom. What's wrong, this time prepares to struggle first from the bottom?” “对了,上次的铁人十八项就是你们分区拿了倒数第一。怎么,这次又准备争倒数第一?” You roll! Can't say a Jili? With first from the bottom, Boss Zheng can hack me again exactly.” “你滚!就不能说点吉利的?再拿倒数第一,郑老大能活剐了我。” You said, this Imperial Clan trial, we cleaned up trialist, can Imperial Clan that side person act crazy?” “你们说,这次皇族试炼,我们把试炼者都清理掉了,皇族那边的人会不会发飙?” Should, we not be only that over ten thousand smelting trials hit the mark. The trial failure is very normal, is not points can satisfy points to surpass 1000 point recessive conditions with first trialist each time.” “应该不会吧,我们只是上万个试炼点中的一个。况且试炼失败很正常,又不是每次积分拿第一的试炼者都能满足积分超过1000点这个隐性条件。” I thought that cannot, here after all is only D Grade trial space. Even trial result qualified trialist, still attains the D Grade jurisdiction status. The Imperial Clan member of D Grade jurisdiction, Imperial Clan at least several million, many few, they will not care.” “我觉得也不会,我们这里毕竟只是一个d级试炼空间。就算是试炼结果合格的试炼者,也只是拿到d级权限身份而已。d级权限的皇族成员,皇族至少有数百万名,多一个少一个,他们根本不会在乎。” ...... …… In the morning 9 0.5 about ten, the Liang Hao three people rushed to the scene finally. 上午九点五十左右,梁昊三人终于赶到了现场。 A three people of appearance, people An Jing/peaceful that encircles densely and numerously at the foot of the hill, returned to the oneself camp respectively. 三人一出现,密密麻麻围在山脚下的众人都安静了下来,各自回归了自己的阵营。 Idle talk were not many said, who various Region Chief count not to arrive now, handed over the list of absence. Before ten points, rushes, can cross out from the list. After ten points, rushes, according to the custom manages, confiscates the meat, deducts food and water source assigns for 100 years!” “废话不多说,各区域长现在统计一下谁没到,把缺席的名单交上来。十点之前赶到的,可以从名单上划掉。十点之后才赶到的,按规矩来办,没收肉食,扣除食物和水源分配一百年!” Many Region Chief looked to another two leader Zheng Tu and Liu Hong. 不少区域长都看向了另外两名头领郑屠柳宏 Two people to the oneself Region Chief nod, according to the office that beam head said.” 两人都冲着自己手下的区域长点头,“按梁头说的办。” Two people voice falls, Region Chief and Region Vice Chiefs bustle about immediately. 两人话音一落,区域长副区域长们都立马忙碌起来。 Just much rushed shrank the neck, rejoiced secretly oneself has not been late. 不少刚赶到的都缩了缩脖子,暗自庆幸自己没有迟到。 Almost at exactly 10 : 00 times, four aura intensities under them the Purple-Gold Emperor Palace powerhouse in Liang Hao did not press the time line to arrive, looked to some Liang Hao three people of vision provocation. 差不多十点整的时候,四名气息强度不在梁昊他们之下的紫金帝宫强者压着时间线到了,看向梁昊三人的目光有些挑衅。 But the Liang Hao three people under the control of Dream Tapir, have not done right after something else. 梁昊三人在梦貘的控制下,没有接茬。 The time one ten points, Liang Hao has opened the mouth again. 时间一过十点,梁昊再次开口了。 From now on will not have arrived, all according to the custom that last night sets punishes.” “从现在开始没到的,一律按昨晚定下的规矩来惩处。” Roughly crossed for ten minutes, 35 districts Region Chief, only then three people submit the list, other districts, the person were in attendance. 约莫过了十来分钟,三十五个分区的区域长,只有三人将名单提交上来,其余分区,人都到齐了。 In these three points of lists, only has four names. 这三分名单上,也只有四个名字。 In these four names, the person also rushed to Heaven Connecting Peak, but was late for about three minutes. 这四个名字里,有一人还赶到了通天峰,只是迟到了三分钟左右。 When three leaders read his name, knew that his person turned head to look toward him, many were the mean looks, only then in a few person eyes flashed through wipes to pity. 当三名头领念出他名字的时候,认识他的人都扭头朝着他看了过来,多数都是幸灾乐祸的眼神,只有少数几人眼中闪过一抹怜悯。 Zheng head, gives me the one time opportunity. I can on time rush, was just pursued by monster on the road, circled the road, late......” “郑头,给我一次机会吧。我本来是可以准时赶到的,刚刚在路上被一只怪物追击,绕了路,才迟到的……” Stature short strong Zheng Tu opens the mouth to say unemotionally, „ you are an adult, the adult should pay for the mistake that oneself makes, have nothing to complain. Whatever the cause, 身材矮壮的郑屠面无表情地开口道,“你是个成年人,成年人就应该为自己犯的错误买单,没什么好抱怨的。不管出于什么原因, Violates Rule that we set is the fact. If my time lets off you, held the precedent of this broken custom, later everyone believes that the custom that we set can make an exception. You accept the punishment honestly, leaving was boisterous. Is boisterous, I killed you! ” Male hears word who also wants to quibble shuts up hastily, does not dare to say one again. 违反了我们定下的规则都已经是事实。如果我这次放过你,开了这个破规矩的先例,以后大家都会认为,我们定下的规矩是可以破例的。你就老老实实接受惩处吧,别再聒噪了。再聒噪一句,我就杀了你!”原本还想狡辩的男子闻言连忙闭嘴,不敢再多说一句了。 Have not appeared remaining three to the present, waited for this grand meeting to end, three of us will pay a visit personally.” Zheng Tu said these words time, the vision has swept the surrounding people, making many people unable to bear hit to tremble. “还有剩下三名到现在还没有出现的,等这次盛会结束,我们三人会亲自登门拜访。”郑屠说这句话的时候,目光扫过周围众人,让不少人都忍不住打了个寒颤。 Ok, starts to deliver the meat now. Each district, gives oneself Region Vice Chief the meat. Region Chief is responsible for the registration and statistics. After the statistics ended, Region Chief gives the oneself district leader the data, three of us will take inventory again. Do not counterfeit, once discovered that who uses deception in the data, entire district all meat confiscate completely!” “好了,现在开始上交肉食。每个分区,都将肉食交给自己副区域长区域长负责登记和统计数据。统计结束之后,区域长将数据交给自己的大区头领,我们三人会重新进行清点。都不要作假,一旦发现谁在数据上弄虚作假的,整个分区所有肉食全部没收!” Hears final these words, all Region Chief received the wishful thinking, registered honestly. 听到最后这句话,所有区域长都收起了小心思,老老实实登记起来。 Lin Huang has waited till around 12 : 00 pm in Subspace, sees the trialist corpse that everyone will hunt to deliver, several thousand corpse pestles became 35 piles, this made Nine Tailed Heavenly Cat release oneself. 林煌一直在亚空间里等到了中午12点多,见所有人都将狩猎的试炼者尸体上交了,数千具尸体碓成了三十五堆,这才让九尾天猫自己释放了出来。 When his figure appears side three leaders, everyone on the scene is the whole face surprise. 当他身形出现在三名头领身旁的时候,在场的所有人都是满脸诧异。 Many people responded immediately, detected he is external trialist. But makes them feel what is strange, three leaders look but not see him. 很多人立马反应过来,察觉到了他是一名外来的试炼者。但让他们觉得奇怪的是,三名头领都对他视而不见。 Sleeps well.” A Lin Huang sound refers to falling, Dream Tapir raised the head to exude one to angrily roar, the sound wave swings by about hundred times of speed of sound Extreme Speed. “都好好睡一觉吧。”林煌一个响指落下,身旁的梦貘抬头发出一声怒吼,音波以近百倍的音速极速荡开。 The sound wave place visited, the large expanse of convict cannot fall to the ground. 音波所过之处,成片的囚徒倒地不起。 Several their strength suitable Purple-Gold Emperor Palace realm powerhouse responded quickly with Liang Hao, first launched the attack to Lin Huang. But their speed is quick, was far less than sound wave attack of Dream Tapir, by sound wave sweeping in the past, the figure crashes from the midair. 几名和梁昊他们实力相当的紫金帝宫境强者反应最快,第一时间就冲着林煌发动了袭击。但他们速度再快,也远不如梦貘的音波攻击,被音波扫荡过去之后,身形都一个个从半空中坠落下来。 Only less than one second, the 100,000 many convicts all throw the street, drew in the dreamland by Dream Tapir. 只一秒钟不到,十万多名囚徒全部扑街,被梦貘拖入了梦境。 After spending one hour completed everyone's reading brain, Dream Tapir makes everyone permanently perish in Dreamland World. 花了一个多小时完成了所有人的读脑之后,梦貘让所有人永久地沉沦在了梦境世界里。 Then Lin Huang summoned Undying Netherworld River, took over the subsequent work. 然后林煌召唤出了不死冥河,接手了后续的工作。 Originally only then four times change to one to flow rapidly the restless black rivers in Undying Netherworld River of basketball size, embezzles completely all the convict besides Purple-Gold Emperor Palace. 原本只有四倍于篮球大小的不死冥河化作一条奔流不息的黑色河流,将所有除了紫金帝宫之外的囚徒全部吞没进去。 Only spent for less than one hour, more than 4000 trialist and 100,000 many convicts who perish in the eternal dreamland revive again, but the eye pupil turned into like by the Pure Black color that the ink is contaminated. 只花了一个小时不到,四千多名试炼者十万多名沉沦于永恒梦境的囚徒们就再度苏醒过来,只是眼瞳都变成了如同被墨汁浸染的纯黑色。 As for the remaining more than 180 Purple-Gold Emperor Palace powerhouses, Undying Netherworld River almost spent to embezzle for one day and one night completely, successfully came back to life them. 至于剩下的一百八十多名紫金帝宫强者,不死冥河差不多花了一天一夜才全部吞没下去,将他们成功复生过来。 The time that and three leaders spend is longest, used for over a half hour to come back to life successfully. 其中三名头领花费的时间最长,都用了半个小时以上才复生成功。 Looks at about 11 ten thousand Emperor Palace realm army, Lin Huang thought that oneself somewhat inflated, such corps, should sweep away Gravel World any influence sufficiently.” 看着近十一万帝宫境大军,林煌觉得自己都有些膨胀了,“这样一支军团,应该足以横扫砂砾世界的任何一个势力了吧。” But Bloody broke his fantasy quickly, perhaps insufficient, even the Emperor Palace realm quantity far exceeds any influence, we also lack Peak strength Half-God!” 血色很快打破了他的幻想,“恐怕还是不够,即便帝宫境的数量远超任何一个势力,我们还缺巅峰战力半神!” Like Alliance Government this influence, at least over 15 Half-God exists. Hunter Association perhaps also over ten. Even if Imperial Dynasty, Half-God quantity also definitely over five. This is the data of conservative estimate.” “像联盟政府这种势力,至少有十五尊以上的半神存在。猎人协会恐怕也有十尊以上。哪怕是皇朝,半神的数量也肯定超过五尊。这还是保守估计的数据。” Bloody basin cold water sprinkles, Lin Huang's inflates is punctured instantaneously. 血色一盆凉水泼下来,林煌的膨胀被瞬间戳破。 Un, I thought that cultivates the behavior is low-key, cannot inflate......” “嗯,我觉得做人还是要低调,不能膨胀……”
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