MP :: Volume #6 毁灭与新生

#968: Hongmen banquet

The Imperial Clan trial starts tenth day, 10,000 trialist, are annihilated besides Lin Huang. 皇族试炼开启的第十天,一万名试炼者,除了林煌之外全军覆没。 Hence, the tour of goal Lin Huang's Imperial Clan trial had achieved most probably. 至此,林煌的皇族试炼之行目的已经达成了大半。 Turns away from the prompt of trial system, Lin Huang looked down to the woman headless body. 将视线从试炼系统的提示上移开,林煌低头看向了女人无头的尸体。 One group of black liquors emerged out of thin air left side of his body, change to a black brook to plunge the headless body and her head of woman. 一团黑色液体在他身体左侧凭空出现,化作一条黑色溪流扑向了女人的无头尸体和她的头颅。 Roughly crossed for ten seconds, the black liquor vanishes thoroughly does not see, the woman shut off head was met by black silk threads, crawls to set out again from the ground just like the sudden rising, aura as before is original White-Gold Emperor Palace. Except that a pair of eye pupil turns does not have an eye White's darkness, almost cannot see any exceptionally. 约莫过了十来秒钟,黑色液体就彻底消失不见,女人被切断的头颅被一根根黑色丝线重新接了回去,宛若诈尸般重新从地上爬起身来,一身气息依旧是原本的白金帝宫。除了一双眼瞳变成没有眼白的一片漆黑,几乎看不出任何异常。 Host.” The woman line of sight falls after the Lin Huang body, bows toward him slightly. 主人。”女人视线落在林煌身上之后,朝着他微微躬身。 Lin Huang selects the brow, just that group of black liquors, were his God Figurine War Soul Undying Netherworld River. He only knows that probably its ability is to let the dead comes back to life, and come back to life dead will obtain Undying Body. 林煌一挑眉头,刚刚那团黑色液体,是他的神俑战魂不死冥河。他只大概知道它的能力是让死者复生,并且被复生的死者会获得不死之身 At present this woman, the strength is astonishing before death, therefore he had the thought suddenly, tries the Undying Netherworld River coming back to life ability. 眼前这名女人,生前实力惊人,所以他突然动了念头,试试不死冥河的复生能力。 „Can this coming back to life, retain her before death ability and remembers?” “这种复生,能保留她生前的能力和记忆吗?” Ok. So long as Spirit Soul preserves completely, can achieve the complete preservation.” The women nod to reply. “可以。只要灵魂保存完整,就能做到完整保存。”女人点头回答道。 „Was brain damaged are not related?” Lin Huang is somewhat astonished asks. “大脑被毁损也没关系?”林煌有些讶异地问道。 Doesn't matter. Damages or corrupts does not affect, because I read the information from their Spirit Soul directly.” “没关系。毁损或者腐烂都不影响,因为我是从他们的灵魂中直接读取信息。” How many people that are one time most can control?” Lin Huang also asked. “那一次最多可以控制多少人?”林煌又问道。 According to my inheritance memory, should not have the quantity to limit.” “按照我的传承记忆来看,应该没有数量限制。” The reply of Undying Netherworld River somewhat stems from Lin Huang's to expect, quantity increases, won't cause the burden to you?” 不死冥河的这个回答有些出乎林煌的预料,“数量增多,不会对你造成负担吗?” Cannot. I embezzle will become part of my body by Spirit Soul and fleshly body that will only expand me.” “不会。被我吞没的灵魂肉身都会成为我身体的一部分,只会壮大我。” Strength upper limit that comes back to life?” “那复生的战力上限呢?” Only can come back to life Purple-Gold Emperor Palace high. Above Half-God and Half-God are unable to come back to life, because within the body has Divine Energy. But as a result of me at present strength, only then White-Gold Emperor Palace, comes back to life Purple-Gold Emperor Palace to compare to cost the time, Soul Strength is stronger, the time of consumption more will be much.” “最高只能复生紫金帝宫半神半神以上无法复生,因为体内有神能。但由于我目前战力只有白金帝宫,复生紫金帝宫会比较耗费时间,灵魂强度越强,耗费的时间就会越多。” How long comes back to life Purple-Gold Emperor Palace to want?” Lin Huang pursues immediately asks. “复生紫金帝宫要多久?”林煌立马追问道。 Ordinary takes about three minutes, the Exceed Quality evildoer/monstrous talent promotion, at least takes over ten minutes, if endures to compare Four-time Variation Monster, at least takes two hours. And due to the strength limit, currently I do not have the means to come back to life many Purple-Gold Emperor Palace simultaneously, can only one time come back to life one. If the strength promotes Purple-Gold Emperor Palace, did not have this problem, will come back to life speed also to promote dozens times.” “普通的要三分钟左右,超品妖孽晋升的,至少要十分钟以上,如果是堪比四次变异怪物的,至少要两个小时。而且由于战力限制,目前我没有办法同时复生多名紫金帝宫,只能一次复生一个。如果战力晋升紫金帝宫,就不存在这个问题了,复生速度也会提升数十倍。” Lin Huang also inquired one after several other issues, had a general understanding of the Undying Netherworld River ability. 林煌又接连询问了数个问题,才对不死冥河的能力有了一个大概的了解。 After Undying Netherworld River takes back, he discovered that the come back to life female also disappears to disappear similarly. 不死冥河收回之后,他发现被复生的女子也同样消失不见了。 By the Undying Netherworld River ability, should soon, we be able to form Undying Army.” Bloody quite admired that said with a smile. “以不死冥河的能力,应该用不了多久,我们就能组建一支不死大军了。”血色颇为艳羡地笑道。 You do not need to envy his ability, he can only come back to life the dying thing. But you to all living creatures can parasitic Control.” Lin Huang spoke the comfort to say. “你也不用羡慕他的能力,他只能复生死物。而你对所有活物都可以寄生掌控。”林煌出言安慰道。 Bloody has not made the entanglement in this topic, then the attention will return in the proper business. 血色没有在这个话题上多做纠缠,转而将注意力放回到了正事上。 Now trialist has cleaned up cleanly, then cleans up the convict.” “现在试炼者都已经清理干净了,接下来就是清理囚徒了。” How to gather these convicts together, did you have the idea?” Lin Huang also has actually been considering this issue for serveral days, but has not thought of a good way. “怎么把这些囚徒聚集到一起,你有主意了吗?”林煌这些天其实也一直在考虑这个问题,但没有想到一个好的办法。 „Very simple, we hold a Hongmen banquet!” “很简单,我们摆一场鸿门宴!” Then, Bloody told the regulation of concrete operations slowly. 接下来,血色将具体操作的细则慢慢讲述了出来。 Two people have discussed late at night, decides all details of this Hongmen banquet. 两人一直讨论到深夜,才将这场鸿门宴的所有细节敲定。 Quickly to 10 : 00 pm time, Lin Huang made Dream Tapir issue the instruction to three leaders, jointly issued a new circular at exactly 10 : 00. 快到深夜 10 点的时候,林煌梦貘对三名头领下达了指令,在十点整联合发布了一条新的通告。 This time to joint extermination of trialist, will formally finish from now on!】 【本次对试炼者的联合清剿,从现在开始正式结束!】 Congratulates everyone, cleans up from our domains all Imperial Clan trialist for the first time cleanly. 【恭喜大家,首次将所有皇族试炼者从我们的地盘中清理干净。 Three leaders formally invite Region Chief, all members in Region Vice Chief and all prisons at 10 : 00 am at the Heaven Connecting Peak under foot participation grand meeting.】 】【三位头领正式邀请各位区域长,副区域长和所有监狱中的所有成员于明天上午十点在通天峰脚下参与盛会。】 At the appointed time, asking everyone to deliver all meat that oneself this time hunted. We can one by one count, ranks three districts and each district hunting quantities. After ranking is completed, according to Rule that before will give will conduct the meat assignment.】 【届时,请大家上交自己本次狩猎到的所有肉食。我们会一一进行统计,对三个大区和各个分区狩猎数量进行排名。排名完成之后,会按照之前给出的规则进行肉食分配。】 Arrived assigning the time has not attended this grand meeting, or harbors the meat, the grand meeting ended later three to comprehend pays a visit personally, brings back all meat, and no longer assigns any food and water resources in hundred years. After three leaders visit, cannot hand over the meat, suppresses at the scene kills!】 【到指定时间没有出席本次盛会,或私藏肉食的,盛会结束之后三位头领会亲自登门拜访,取回所有肉食,并在百年之内不再分配任何食物和水资源。三位头领登门之后,交不出肉食的,当场剿杀!】 ...... …… This circular, the fellows of some wishful thinkings, cancelled the thought in brain immediately. No one is willing to be visited by three leaders, no one is willing to give up the ration of hundred years of food and water. 这则通告一出,原本有些小心思的家伙,立马打消了脑子里的念头。没有人愿意被三名头领登门,更没有人愿意放弃百年的食物和水的配给。 Although the circular is harshly worded, moreover requests everyone to arrive somewhat strangely, actually without many people suspects the circular the genuine and fake. Before one is similar matter, has happened, the Liang Hao three leaders made this competing contest are not first time. Another is, this circular is three leaders jointly issued that explained that three leaders are reach an agreement, then this grand meeting has the possibility of issue is almost zero. No one in a big way meets the brain hole to arrive thinks, three leaders were controlled. 通告虽然措辞严厉,而且要求所有人到场有些奇怪,却没有多少人怀疑通告的真假。一个是类似的事情以前也发生过,梁昊三名头领做这种攀比的较量已经不是第一次了。另外一个是,这个通告是三名头领联合发布的,说明三名头领是商量好的,那么这次盛会有问题的可能性几乎为零。没有人会脑洞大到想到,三名头领都被人神不知鬼不觉的控制了。 After the circular sends out, many people set off, rush to Heaven Connecting Peak simply at the same night. 通告发出之后,很多人都干脆连夜出发,赶往通天峰 A few have not joined under three leaders the powerhouse of influence, after receiving circular brow slightly wrinkle, hastily interconnection. 少数几名没有加入三名头领麾下势力的强者,在接到通告之后都眉头微皱,连忙相互联系了起来。 The circular that Liang Hao they send, did you see?” 梁昊他们发的这个通告,你们都看到了吧?” Saw, is obviously aiming at us.” “看到了,明显在针对我们。” How many meat wasn't fishes in troubled waters to make? This also wants us to hand over, was very mean-spirited.” “不就是浑水摸鱼弄了几具肉食吗?这还要我们交回去,也忒小气了。” Has not related with the meat, they want to take this opportunity, to several of us demonstration of authority.” “跟肉食没关系,他们仨就是想借这个机会,给我们几个下马威。” „Can that go? Words that does not go, I estimated that they also really may get the gate. After all was the letting out words, did not hit in the face unable to pass.” “那要去吗?不去的话,我估计他们还真有可能打上门来。毕竟都是放出去的话了,不打面子上都过不去。” Naturally must go, did not go instead to grasp the handle to them. We press their game Rule to come, if their three also find fault intentionally, we do them jointly. Who will be the winner is really when the time comes uncertain!” “当然要去,不去反而给他们抓了把柄。我们就按他们的游戏规则来,要是他们三个还故意找茬,我们就联手干他们。到时候鹿死谁手还真不一定!” Has a look at them actually to play what trick is also good.” “去看看他们到底想玩什么把戏也好。” ...... …… Obviously, deterrent of this announcement is extremely high. The fellow who some usually refuse to accept to teach, this time does not dare to raise one's head to say anything. 显然,这一则公告的威慑性还是极高的。就连一些平常不服管教的家伙,这次都没敢伸头说什么。 Even a few strengths are not at Liang Hao under their three leaders, chose the compromise. After all individual strength is strong, cannot shoulder Liang Hao their people many. Really must begin, they cannot take what advantage. 甚至少数几名实力不在梁昊他们三名头领之下的,都选择了妥协。毕竟个人实力再强,也扛不住梁昊他们人多。真要动起手来,他们占不到什么便宜。 After the circular sends out, Lin Huang and Bloody are waiting for the next day arrival patiently...... 通告发出之后,林煌血色都耐心等待着第二天的到来……
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