MF :: Volume #8

#791: Going home

The Am Timan war started entire day. 安提曼战争打响了已经整整一天。 In this by the international press forgot the state, is launching a ferocious war. 在这个被国际新闻遗忘了的国度,正在展开一场激烈战争。 Both troops large-scale centralized near the Capital city, the airport was blown up, all bridges and say/way crossroads, are equipped with firepower bringing under control completely, with inspection sentry post. 双方人马大规模集中在首都城市附近,机场被炸毁,所有的桥梁和道路口,全部设有火力布控,和检查岗哨。 both sides also depend upon the fortification that establishes temporarily, launches the attack mutually. 双方也依靠临时建立的工事,互相发起攻击。 Suddenly, Capital city each region cloud of smoke float over, often has the mortar shell to howl from airborne has been flying. 一时间,首都城市各地硝烟弥漫,不时有迫击炮炮弹呼啸着从空中飞过。 In the city outside Capital, Blue Helmet armed wing and government forces , the city of respective control, enters the martial status on all fronts, the transportation interrupts completely, both sides are frightened by the slightest sound. 首都之外的城市,蓝头盔武装组织和政府军,也将各自控制的城市,全线进入戒严状态,交通全部中断,双方风声鹤唳。 Central city Urrell, belongs to the city that the both sides influence has not infiltrated completely. This also caused two side troops to occupy in the surrounding, formed the military to holding. Before the main battlefield circumstance in Capital city has not understood, no one dares to take the lead to open fire. 中部城市乌雷尔,属于双方势力都没有完全渗透的城市。这也造成了两方人马盘踞在外围,形成军事对持。在首都城市的主战场情势未明了之前,谁也不敢率先开火。 Dismal scene that in the Urrell city, an end approaches. 乌雷尔城市内,一片末日来临的悲凉景象。 This population hundreds of thousands of people, the economic index in the Am Timan top three big cities, from the government apparatus to the merchant peddler, has been out of business completely. The ordinary resident, hides in home does not dare to take the gate. 这座人口数十万人,经济指数在安提曼位列前三的大城市,从政府机构到商户小贩,已经全部关门歇业。普通市民,更是躲在家中连门都不敢迈出。 If merely is this, is far from the Armageddon scenario. 如果仅仅是这样,远谈不上末日景象。 When the strength disappearance time of maintenance city order, evil often at war previous step approaches. 然而当维护城市秩序的力量消失时候,罪恶往往在战争的前一步来临。 The evil member who on the Urrell street, in some ordinary days does not dare to crop up, as if welcomed the holiday revelry. They crowded together in threes and fours, grasp to grind AK of bore of gun, opens pickup truck that is snatching, rode roughshod passes through in the street. 乌雷尔街上,一些平日里不敢冒头的罪恶分子,仿佛迎来了假日狂欢。他们三五成群凑在一起,手持磨光了枪膛的AK,开着抢来的皮卡车,横行无忌地在街头穿过。 With the lapse of time, on the Urrell street more and more stores were broken open the front door, robs all them to think the valuable thing. 随着时间的推移,乌雷尔街道上越来越多的商铺被人砸开大门,抢走所有他们认为有价值的东西。 Some people dare to revolt, often welcomed was not the butt that brandished, but was a 7.62 millimeters bullet. 有人敢反抗,往往迎来的不是挥舞的枪托,而是一颗7.62毫米子弹。 Naturally, the way of resistance is not depends upon the throat to shout that irrevocably asked you to let off us, the earliest possible time that also some ruthless people, for example these large-scale stores, they will often flush in the scoundrel, stood up without hesitation a row of person, took up a more advanced weapon, made into the screen them, then like throwing the trash lost. 当然,反抗的方式并不是一成不变地依靠喉咙大喊“求求你放过我们”,也有一些狠人,例如那些大型商铺,他们往往会在歹徒冲进来的第一时间,就毫不犹豫地站起一排人,抄起更先进的武器,把他们打成筛子,然后像丢垃圾一样丢出去。 Until after the successor sees the fate of seniors, does not dare to be close here one step. 直到后来者看见前辈们的下场后,再也不敢接近这里一步。 If, Urrell is biggest, population strength many commercial constructions, when China Resources Lijin Hospital. 如果说,乌雷尔最大,人数力量最多的商业建筑,当属【华资丽金医院】。 This hospital, is coordinated by the China government, aid nature Erjia Level Hospital that Domestic Lijin Hospital technical assistance establishes. 这座医院,由华夏政府牵头,国内丽金医院技术协助建立起的援助性质二甲级医院。 The hospital plan constructs 15 wards, 40 outpatient service administrative offices, 1000 hospitalized beds. 医院计划建设15个病区,40个门诊科室,一千张住院床位。 Occupies a land area of 60 mu, has the hospitals of six in-patient departments, if places China, breaking open the day is also a scale of coastal area county hospital. 占地六十亩,拥有六栋住院部的医院,如果放在华夏,撑破天也就是一座沿海地区县医院的规模。 rank that county hospital near the bottom. 还是排名靠后的那种县医院。 However puts Am Timan this state, China Resources Lijin Hospital, once completes, not only can become the nation to be largest, most advanced hospital. Even several Am Timan peripheral several states, China Resources Lijin Hospital is also most top grade, most can with international standard surpassing Hospital large-scale. 不过搁安提曼这个国度,华资丽金医院一旦建成,不仅能够成为全国规模最大,最先进医院。甚至数遍安提曼周边几个国度,华资丽金医院也是最顶级,最能和国际接轨的超大型 Without exaggeration, has China Resources Lijin Hospital , the medical standard of Am Timan this country must enhance 30% at least. 说句不夸张的话,有华资丽金医院在,安提曼这个国家的医疗水平起码要提高30%。 Why must give in vain a Am Timan hospital as for China, this must ask the Am Timan government, why must be able to take the copper mine that acts the home only, contracts to China state-owned Company mining. 至于为何华夏要白送安提曼一座医院,这就得问安提曼政府,为何要把国内唯一能拿得出手的铜矿,承包给华夏国有公司开采。 Naturally, the hospital has not completed completely, copper mine mining also only signed the contract, related Company has not entered, Am Timan erupted the chaos caused by war. 当然,医院还未完全建成,铜矿开采也只签订了合同,相关公司还未进驻,安提曼就爆发了战乱。 ...... …… In China Resources Lijin Hospital, more than 300 China worker, with dozens embassy personnel in Am Timan, get together in the No. 1 building outpatient service building. 华资丽金医院内,三百多名华夏工人,和数十位驻安提曼的使馆工作人员,齐聚在一号楼门诊大楼内。 The clinic building has been completed, now worker open all large-scale machinery device in the entrance. 诊所大楼已经竣工,现在工人们把所有的大型机械设备都开在了门口。 device with the iron chain interconnection, worker also steel bar welding on all windows of clinic building, the main entrance welded two roads iron gate simultaneously. But in the clinic building, worker all can the acquired food and water used centralized here, even here has independent electricity generation device and communication device. 设备用铁链互联,同时工人们还把钢筋一根根焊接在诊所大楼的所有窗户上,正门更是焊了双道铁门。而诊所大楼内,工人们把所有能收集到的食品和用水都集中在了这里,甚至这里有单独的发电设备和通讯设备 More than 300 staff gather in the clinic hall, an embassy personnel are telephoning. In the surrounding, the 20 position grasps the staff of assault rifle to look into the distance in the window registered permanent address back and forth. 三百多位员工聚在诊所大厅,一名使馆工作人员正在不停打着电话。在外围,还有二十位手持突击步枪的员工来回在窗户口眺望。 Mayor Kermen, I know your difficult. However you cannot look at our several hundred China staff helplessly, has fallen in the Am Timan city cannot move, is?” 克尔温市长,我知道您为难。但是您也不能眼睁睁看着我们几百位华夏员工,一直陷在安提曼城市里动弹不得,是不是?” I know that in that route, is the Blue Helmet organization is responsible for admonishing. We already and that organization has contacted, they pledge to allow to pass to our teams.” “我知道那条路线上,是蓝头盔组织负责警戒。我们已经和那个组织联络过了,他们承诺会对我们的队伍放行。” You only need to help us prepare ten minibus car(riage)s, our here vehicles are really insufficient, even if counted insufficiently also several machine shop trucks.” “您只需要帮我们准备十辆小巴车,我们这边的车辆实在不够,哪怕把几辆工程车算上也不够。” Helps, Mr. Mayor.” “帮帮忙,市长先生。” I know your difficult, like this, is our engineer brigade here remaining some commodities of being able to carry off, all good to you?” “我知道您为难,这样,我们工程队在这边剩下的一些带不走的物资,全给您行不行?” In the hall, more than 300 worker, look at Ambassador Yu Yong in Am Timan embassy silently. The latter stands in the crowds, takes the satellite phone, with anxious facial expression, rapid tone, with the Mayor Kerwen intense communication of Urrell. 大厅内,三百多位工人,默默地看着驻安提曼使馆的大使俞永。后者站在人群中间,拿着卫星电话,用焦急的神情,急促的语气,在和乌雷尔市长克尔温激烈沟通。 Now, Urrell has fallen into the chaotic situation of anarchy completely. 现在,乌雷尔已经完全陷入无政府的混乱状态。 The police complete contraction in the government apparatus, protects the local mind character. Only one after another prison, is the front door opens wide, all criminals escape completely. Communication interrupt and traffic interruption, commercial economy interrupt. 警察们全部收缩进政府机构内,保护起当地的头脑人物。唯一一所监狱,也是大门洞开,所有的犯罪分子逃跑殆尽。通讯中断、交通中断,商业经济中断。 More than 300 China staff, cannot leave Urrell on foot, goes to the border. 三百多位华夏员工,总不能徒步离开乌雷尔,前往边境。 They need the car(riage), what now on work site active is two Mitsubishi all-terrain vehicles, with three dump truck. The remaining four excavators, with a concrete boom truck, can only the cheap native. 他们需要车,现在工地上能动的是两辆三菱越野车,和三辆渣土车。剩下的四台挖掘机,和一台混凝土泵车,只能便宜当地人了。 The vehicles in work site can push probably over a hundred people, worker had welded a steel bar in the dump truck fight, then hoodwinked with the waterproof canopy. Now more than 200 people do not have the vehicle, therefore Ambassador Yu Yong can only relate Urrell Mayor, with the commodity exchange means that changes dozens minibus car(riage)s from their hands. 工地上的车辆大概能挤上百人,工人们已经在渣土车斗上焊了一圈钢筋,然后用防水雨棚蒙了起来。现在还有两百多人没有车子,所以大使俞永只能联系乌雷尔市长,用物资交换办法,从他们手里换来数十辆小巴车。 Mr. Ambassador, you also knows, now outside situation is not clear. No one can guarantee that is the Blue Helmet victory, our government forces win.” 大使先生,您也知道,现在外面的局势非常不明朗。谁也不敢保证是蓝头盔胜利,还是我们政府军胜利。” Branches out ten minibus car(riage)s to you, when that supposition is one's turn us to retreat, what to do should?” “分出十辆小巴车给你们,那假设轮到我们要撤退时,该怎么办呢?” Urrell Mayor Kerwen, with English difficult reply, you can also forge Blue Helmet that side relations, is we? Absolutely does not have the escape route, once we were defeated, retreats also merely to live several months of matter.” 乌雷尔市长克尔温,用英文为难地回答,“你们还能打通蓝头盔那边的关系,可是我们呢?根本就没有退路,一旦我们失败了,撤退也只是多活几个月的事情。” 100,000 dollars, our work site project section, 100,000 dollars construction industries can use.” Ambassador Yu Yong scolded one with clenched jaws, then said cruel-heartedly: All gives you, minibus car(riage) that so long as I ten can start.” “十万美金,我们工地项目部,还有十万美金的工程款能动用。”大使俞永咬牙切齿的骂了一句,然后狠心道:“全给你,我只要十辆能开动的小巴车。” Money is not multipurpose, but money in Africa, the dollar, is not particularly far from the omnipotent disparity. 金钱不是万能的,但金钱在非洲,尤其是美金,距离无所不能也差距不远。 Therefore, the telephone that side fell into ten-second silent. 所以,电话那边陷入了长达十秒的沉默。 Mr. Ambassador, did you...... really forge Blue Helmet that side relations?” The Mayor Kermen tone makes one ascertain airtight. 大使先生,你们……真的打通了蓝头盔那边的关系?”克尔温市长的语气让人捉摸不透。 Retreats to undergo the Blue Helmet control toward the west the blockade area, we have not related, isn't brings death?” Ambassador Yu Yong made an effort to entrain the knot of shirt, the eye was somewhat red. “往西撤退必须经过蓝头盔控制的封锁区,我们没有关系,不是去送死么?”大使俞永使劲拽了衬衫的扣子,眼睛有些通红。 Good......” “好……” Mr. Ambassador, I accepts your requests.” 大使先生,我答应你们的要求。” „...... I have a condition.” “不过……我还有一个条件。” You said.” “你说。” Goes out my daughter also belt/bring.” The Mayor Kermen sound suddenly becomes indistinct, Mr. Ambassador, I believes you. The China person never handles the matter that has not grasped, I asked you to help. Let my daughter also join to your teams, arranges a status to her casually. So long as you agreed, I give you 12 minibuses, and tops up the fuel.” “把我的女儿也带出去。”克尔温市长的声音忽然变得缥缈,“大使先生,我相信你们。华夏人从不做没有把握的事情,那我请你帮我一个忙。让我女儿也加入到你们的队伍中,随便给她编一个身份。只要你同意,我给你们十二辆小巴,并且加满燃油。” „Were you insane?” Ambassador Yu Yong said with amazement: Government forces in you behind, must deliver also deliver toward the government forces that side, why to follow us together?” “你疯了?”大使俞永惊讶道:“政府军就在你们身后,要送也是往政府军那边送,干嘛跟我们一起走?” Said again...... your daughter was recognized by some chance, didn't we follow to be all finished together?” “再说……你女儿万一被人认出来,我们不是跟着一起全完蛋?” Where can also toward draw back?” The Mayor Kermen forced smile said: Airport had been blown up, several border bureaus are difficult to expect, said that does not permit to have the team ambush of Blue Helmet organization in the nearby. These people most bear a grudge the government functionaries, they always believe, is we colludes with the foreigner influence, betrays country. Once were caught by them, that consequence......” “还能往哪里退?”克尔温市长苦笑道:“机场已经被炸毁,几个边境点的局势难料,说不准就有蓝头盔组织的队伍埋伏在附近。要知道,这些人最记恨政府人员,他们总认为,是我们勾结国外势力,来出卖国家。一旦被他们抓到,那后果……” Consequence is to live to might as well die.” Ambassador Yu Yong is giving him to supplement one at heart. “后果是生不如死。”大使俞永在心里给他补充了一句。 Relax, my daughter has studied abroad in foreigner, no one knew. Moreover her mother is the France person, this time comes back merely to have a look at my old man, who wants to come across the chaos caused by war. Her mother in France, Mr. Ambassador, you, so long as delivers to Nigeria airport then it will be alright her, she takes plane France.” “放心,我女儿一直在国外留学,没人认识。而且她的母亲是法国人,这次回来只是看看我这个老头子,谁想遇到了战乱。她的母亲在法国,大使先生,您只要把她送到尼加亚的机场就行,她自己坐飞机去法国。” „After that 100,000 dollars you also wants......” Ambassador Yu Yong to ponder for several seconds, decides to accept his request. “那十万美金你还要不要了……”大使俞永思考几秒后,决定答应他的要求。 If no one knows her, that status is good to arrange. And her daughter leads the way together, without doubt were also many a safeguard, at least the vehicle issue does not need any to worry. Naturally complies to turn over to comply, Ambassador Yu Yong must negotiate the terms, 100,000 dollars after all deliver, puts who anxiety. 如果没人认识她,那身份就好安排。并且她女儿一同前行,无疑也多了一道保障,至少车子问题不用任何操心。当然答应归答应,大使俞永还要讲讲条件的,毕竟十万美金送出去,搁谁都肉疼。 80,000, cannot be few, 80,000 dollars all give my daughter!” “八万,不能再少,八万美金全给我女儿!” Deal!” “成交!” Finally solved the most important traffic problem, the stone in Ambassador Yu Yong heart put down thoroughly, then rubbed the eye that a night had not slept, to more than 300 silent worker, with the embassy personnel, shouted excitedly greatly: „The everyone fellow officer, the traffic problem solved, our 2 : 00 pm departure!” 终于解决了最重要的交通问题,大使俞永心中的石头彻底放下,接着揉了揉一夜未眠的眼睛,对三百多位沉默的工人,和使馆工作人员,兴奋大喊道:“各位同袍,交通问题解决了,咱们下午 2 点出发!” More than 300 staff, at this moment, show the smiling face of relaxing finally. 三百多位员工们,这一刻,才终于露出松了一口气的笑容。 Finally can go home. 终于可以回家了。
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