MF :: Volume #13

#1282: 1359: Return

Chapter 1282 第1282章 1359: Return 1359:返回 Mardy Kaess thinks that young Director-General feels self-important. 马迪克斯认为那位年轻总裁骄傲自大。 Presents everyone General, then thinks that Monster Industrial young Director-General has turned treats butchers the lamb, when their fleet arrives in Gulf of Guinea Sea Area, when is the Monster Industrial foreign base perishes. 在座各位将军们,则认为巨兽工业年轻总裁已经变成待宰羔羊,等他们舰队抵达几内亚湾海域,就是巨兽工业海外基地灭亡之时。 This star, no one can prevent the anger of fifth fleet. 这个星球,没人能阻挡第五舰队的怒火。 ...... …… Speed that the Pentagon investigation group arrives, is above everyone to imagine. 五角大楼调查小组到来的速度,超乎大家想象。 They in the conference, just reached an agreement with Mardy Kaess in the benefit exchange issue of Gulf, the special plane of investigation group landed on the fleet headquarters airport. 他们在会议上,刚刚和马迪克斯谈好了在几内亚海湾的利益交换问题,调查小组的专机就降落在了舰队总部机场。 In order to makes Operation Vengeance smoothly, Mardy Kaess promises them, can that side Nigeria, help the navy Marine Corps look for appropriate indigenous General to act as a cover to that. In return, these General pledged that cannot seize this intelligence mistake responsibility not to put, and in the following action, the intention coordinates Mardy Kaess's plan. 为了能让复仇行动顺利进行,马迪克斯答应他们,可以在尼加亚那边,给那帮海军陆战队们找一个合适的土著将军作掩护。作为回报,这些将军们承诺不会揪住本次情报失误责任不放,并在接下来行动中,用心配合马迪克斯的计划。 In this time Whaling action When all project participants were subpoenaed the talk alone, investigation group Group Leader found Mardy Kaess. 在本次【捕鲸行动】中,所有参与人员都被单独传唤谈话时,调查小组组长则找到了马迪克斯。 Pursues the responsibility Mardy Kaess's significance is not big. 追责马迪克斯的意义并不大。 The message source of this action, is mainly the goal ships direction that the reconnaissance satellite detects, with Pentagon that side regarding the recognition judgment of goal ships. 本次行动的情报来源,主要是侦察卫星侦测到的目标船只航向,和五角大楼那边对于目标船只的识别判断。 Mardy Kaess from the direction, is unblamable . Moreover the fleet as if do not pursue the responsibility the meaning. 马迪克斯从指挥上来说,并无过错,另外舰队这边似乎也没有要追责的意思。 this time we decided that does not pursue the responsibility to you, not representative you do not have the responsibility.” 这次我们决定不对你追责,并不代表你就没有责任。” Commander Mardy Kaess is lowering the head not to speak lowly, he understands, just in the conference and that helped the condition that General discussed become effective. Otherwise all in all, the investigation group must process to him, to subside fleet that side anger. 指挥官马迪克斯低垂着头不说话,他明白,刚刚会议上和那帮将军们谈的条件已经生效。否则于情于理,调查小组也要对他处理一下,以平息舰队那边的怒火。 Moreover investigation group Group Leader and Mardy Kaess are not strange, they before work in Pentagon, one of the reasons also to him handling with care. 另外调查小组组长和马迪克斯不算陌生,他们之前都在五角大楼内办公,也是对他轻拿轻放的原因之一。 Plan that reported from you, first step cleaned their President, and successful buckled the crime in General Mopu way, we expressed the appreciation.” Group Group Leader knocked the table, voice, indigenous General that but in the follow-up action, you supports, was actually traced the hiding position by Monster Industrial, for this reason also lost two action members.” “从你上报的行动计划来看,第一步清洗他们总统,并成功把罪行扣在莫普将军身上的方式,我们表示赞赏。”小组组长敲了敲桌子,话音一顿,“但在后续行动中,你们扶持的土著将军,却被巨兽工业追踪到了藏身位置,为此还损失了两名行动队员。” Similar matter, I do not think that second time sees from the report.” “类似事情,我不想第二次从报告里看到。” Is senior official.” Mardy Kaess guarantees to say. “是的长官。”马迪克斯保证道。 Group Group Leader un, about the follow-up action, you chatted the idea.” 小组组长嗯了一声,“关于后续行动,你谈谈想法。” Senior official, I need massive equipment reinforcement.” Mardy Kaess considers saying: I acknowledged in the director exist to have a low opinion of the enemy the mistake, but the Monster Industrial science and technology equipped us to hear something never heard of before.” “长官,我需要大量的先进装备增援。”马迪克斯斟酌道:“我承认在指挥中存在轻敌失误,但巨兽工业的科技装备我们闻所未闻。” Particularly the stealthy coating technology of opposite party, with electromagnetism destruction technology......” “尤其是对方的隐身涂层技术,和电磁破坏技术……” These two technologies, we must grasp.” Investigation group Group Leader broke his complaint, reinforces this about the equipment, I can be coordinated with the fifth fleet, making them provide a number of special combats to equip.” “这两项技术,我们必须掌握。”调查小组组长打断了他的诉苦,“关于装备增援这点,我会和第五舰队协调,让他们提供一批特种作战装备。” But you must remember, confidentiality of this time action is higher than all, we cannot stay behind the extremely obvious trace.” “但是你要记住,这次行动的保密性高于一切,我们不能留下太过明显的痕迹。” Yes.” “是。” Group Group Leader continues to ask: „Did that black huge ship find?” 小组组长继续问:“那艘黑色巨轮找到了没有?” Also no, but we according to the intelligence analysis, this ship hid certainly in Anut Area some seashore corner. Waits for Warship to arrive, we will launch long-distance unmanned machine, takes in a net the search to the coastline.” “还没有,但我们根据情报分析,这艘船一定藏在了阿奴特区的某个海边角落。等战舰抵达,我们会发射长程无人机,对海岸线拉网搜索。” Group Group Leader with cannot set at words otherwise to stress, found it, then comes back this ship belt/bring, even if pile of wreckage.” 小组组长用不可置否的话语强调,“找到它,然后把这艘船带回来,哪怕是一堆残骸。” Moreover Pentagon that side weapon specialist, have repeatedly studied yesterday's marine action video recording. They from the electromagnetism weapon in video recording, infers before several years, flatter richly does in the canyon that disaster, also stems from the hand of Monster Industrial.” “另外五角大楼那边武器专家们,反复研究过昨天的海上行动录像。他们从录像中的电磁武器上,推断出数年前,阿富干峡谷中发生的那场灾难,也出自巨兽工业之手。” „?” Mardy Kaess is not shocked by. “啊?”马迪克斯震惊不以。 Before for several years , happened does that disaster in flatter richly, because he takes over the Monster Industrial action reason, obtained the decipher qualifications of report. He has read a newspaper carefully, speculates the result with many researchers, he also thinks that time, should be China to recover Banshee aircraft, spares nothing to carry out that enforcement action. 数年前发生在阿富干那场灾难,他因为接手巨兽工业行动原因,也获得了调查报告的解密资格。他仔细看过报告,和很多研究人员推测结果一样,他也认为那次,应该是华夏为了追回女妖飞行器,才不惜一切代价执行那次打击行动。 Currently has the new conclusion? 现在却有了新的定论? Has been able to determine.” The group Group Leader look becomes somewhat gloomy, „, since Monster Industrial wants to challenge our dignity, we make them understand, what is the true war.” “已经可以确定了。”小组组长眼神变得有些阴沉,“既然巨兽工业想挑战我们的威严,那我们就让他们明白,什么才是真正的战争。” Do not waste the time here, returns to Africa.” “你不要在这里浪费时间了,返回非洲吧。” „When other fleets arrive, you must make Monster Industrial link transport aircraft unable to fly.” “等我们的舰队抵达之时,你要让巨兽工业连一架运输机都飞不出去。” Mardy Kaess throws out the chest again the guarantee. 马迪克斯再次挺胸保证。 ...... …… That night. 当夜。 Two integrated supplies ships, two Virginia class offensive nuclear submarines, with missile Cruiser, drive out of the harbor, goes forward toward boundless silver yuan|ocean. 两艘综合补给舰,两艘弗吉尼亚级攻击核潜艇,和一艘导弹巡洋舰,驶出港口,朝着茫茫大洋前进。 This missile Cruiser, with two supplies ships, by returning to the native place rotates days off the reason of maintenance to leave port. 这艘导弹巡洋舰,和两艘补给舰,是以返回本土轮休维护的理由离港。 This reason is impregnable, returns to the USA native place, just must pass through from the Africa continent western Atlantic Ocean. Although walks the Suez Canal to be nearer, but Warship is not the maritime commerce trade ships, to travel between in the route in port, Warship of fifth fleet will have half because of the mission requirements, will walk the Atlantic route. 这个理由无懈可击,返回美国本土,刚好要从非洲大陆西部的大西洋经过。虽说走苏伊士运河要更近一些,但战舰并不是海上商业贸易船只,在以往返港的航线中,第五舰队的战舰有一半都会因为任务要求,走大西洋航线。 If only, the this time action seems like the ratio quantitatively Whaling action The scale is no bigger. 如果只从数量上来看,这次行动似乎比【捕鲸行动】的规模大不到哪去。 Even the sea level fight vessel, only has Kang Deluo promotion missile Cruiser. 甚至海面战斗舰只,只有一艘康德罗加级导弹巡洋舰 The battle efficiency, cannot come to see according to the Warship quantity purely. 战斗力,不能单纯按照战舰数量来看。 The previous disastrous defeat, defeated in the asymmetric information time, this time, newly appointed Commander will not make the same mistake. 上一次的惨败,是败在了信息不对称上,这一次,新任命的指挥官不会犯同样错误。 They must play the non-contact combat, uses the military vessel confidentiality, ambushes in the boundless sea, does not contact with the goal ships. 他们要玩非接触作战,利用军舰的隐蔽性,潜伏于茫茫海上,绝不跟目标船只接触。 Two this world most advanced offensive nuclear submarines are responsible for the guard sea level ships safety, missile Cruiser act as the missile platform, beyond several hundred nautical miles, can launch the fatal blow to the goal momentarily. 两艘这个世界最先进的攻击核潜艇负责护卫海面舰船安全,导弹巡洋舰充当导弹平台,在几百海里外,随时可以对目标发起致命打击。 Sets out the attack submarine, showed that the fifth fleet regarded the war the this time action truly. 出动攻击潜艇,才证明第五舰队真正把这次行动当成了战争。 From the fifth fleet base to Gulf of Guinea that Anut Area is, must pass through the long 8000 nautical miles route. Goes forward at the Warship 20 eight speeds, must cross 11 days of sea voyages. 从第五舰队基地到阿奴特区所在的几内亚湾,要走过漫长的八千海里航线。以战舰二十八节航速前进,要渡过十一天的海上行程。 At this time, Mardy Kaess has taken the airplane to return to Africa. 此时,马迪克斯已经乘坐飞机返回非洲 Before the fleet arrives, Mardy Kaess must be vertical indigenous General to come out, is good to solve then their identity issue. 在舰队抵达之前,马迪克斯要再竖一个土著将军出来,好解决接下来他们身份问题。 Next day. 翌日。 Multi-purpose Warship carries 2000 tons the urgently needed industrial commodity to return to Zhongyun at present. 领主战舰载着两千吨目前急需的工业物资返回中云 The Multi-purpose Warship speed and The Peregrine Falcon are similar, returns to Zhongyun to take seven hours of range from Anut Area. 领主战舰速度与游隼号相仿,从阿奴特区返回中云要七个小时航程。 Returns to Zhongyun, the Ye Qing first matter in Dragon Creek Beach Factory, establishes the confidential weapon research and development department. 回到中云,叶青第一件事就是在龙溪滩工厂内,成立保密的武器研发部门。 Multi-purpose Warship not only brought the urgently needed industrial commodity, but also brings several hundred kilograms concentrated uranium that nuclear Factory that side refine came out, these concentrated uraniums will be used to manufacture the thermal energy fuel of fission blade. 领主战舰不仅带来了急需的工业物资,还带了核工厂那边提纯出来的数百公斤浓缩铀,这些浓缩铀会被用来制作裂变刀的热能燃料。 Meanwhile, that enclosed berth that is used to maintain [The Humpback Whale], was arranged again by monsters. 与此同时,那座用来维护座头鲸号的封闭式船台,也重新被怪兽们布置起来。 They must make a high speed submarine that has a 10 thousand-ton cargo capacity. 他们要造一艘拥有一万吨级货运能力的高速潜艇。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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