MF :: Volume #13

#1281: 1358: Extremely arrogant Director-General

Chapter 1281 第1281章 1358 extremely arrogant Director-General 1358狂妄的总裁 The attraction of science and technology exceeds all. 科技的吸引力胜过一切。 Ye Qing and Electric Crystal because of a brand-new weapon product design, had put second the matter that [The Humpback Whale] was attacked at this time. 叶青电晶因为一个全新的武器产品设计,此时已经把座头鲸号遇袭的事情放到了第二位。 It looks like in Ye Qing, since [The Humpback Whale] uses the Sound-Absorbing Steel most damages of incoming call magnetic silencing at present, but here has not been used to give the enclosed berth of [The Humpback Whale] restore. 叶青看来,既然座头鲸号目前用来电磁隐身的吸音钢大部分损毁,而这里又没有用来给座头鲸号修复的封闭式船台。 That first loses [The Humpback Whale] simply here, the raw material for industry in cabin, can first use Multi-purpose Warship, transports some urgently needed that raw materials. 那就干脆先把座头鲸号丢在这里,船舱里的工业原料,可以先用领主战舰,把急需的那部分原料运输回去。 The fifth fleet affirms in any case now full world casts a net, is looking for the [The Humpback Whale] trail, might as well first study the fission blade. 反正第五舰队现在肯定满世界撒网,在找座头鲸号的踪迹,不如先研究裂变刀。 These kill, where has the scientific research to be interesting? 那些打打杀杀,哪有科研有意思? ...... …… [The Humpback Whale] where? 座头鲸号在哪里? In the headquarters of fifth fleet base, the place number-one this ship, has successfully become enemy who presents in all person hearts biggest. 在第五舰队基地的指挥部里,座头号这艘船,已经成功成为在座所有人心中最大的敌人。 Anut Area harbor bird's-eye shot picture that uploads from the reconnaissance satellite, like a palm of the hand, ruthlessly fan on all faces. 从侦察卫星上传回来的阿奴特区港口俯拍照片,就像一个巴掌,狠狠扇在了所有人脸上。 Burke-class Destroyer that they are proud, was placed on the beach flagrantly. 他们引以为傲的伯克级驱逐舰,就那么明目张胆地摆在了海滩上。 If were not Monster Industrial uses a high simple fence encircling Destroyer, the passing ships near that harbor, will certainly pass to its picture the entire world network. 如果不是巨兽工业用一圈高高的简易围墙把驱逐舰给围了起来,那港口附近的过往船只,一定会把它的照片传到全世界网络上。 Now although no one shoots to the Destroyer picture, may in the entire fleet, start the dreadful earthquake. 现在虽然没有人拍到驱逐舰照片,可在整个舰队内部,已经掀起滔天地震。 One secret military action that lost three Warship, this cannot hide the truth from the insider. 一次损失了三艘战舰的秘密军事行动,这根本瞒不住内部人。 The concrete action plot can confidential, but three Warship were erased the serial number, first Frigate submerges with the ship together, does this matter possibly conceal? 具体行动情节可以保密,但三艘战舰被抹掉编号,第一艘护卫舰更是连人带船一起沉没,这事怎么可能隐瞒住? Matter happened is too sudden, the fifth fleet, still has not put out one to explain the past circular. 事情发生太突然,第五舰队这边,依然没有拿出一个可以解释过去的通告。 But gave a pretext not to think, did not hinder accountability. 但借口没想好,不妨碍问责。 The Pentagon investigation group has sat, in flew to here special plane. 五角大楼的调查小组已经坐在了飞往这里的专机上。 As for formulation Whaling action Combined Fleet Commander Russett and several Person-in-Charge, this little while have closed, waits for his is will investigate inexhaustibly. 至于制定【捕鲸行动】的联合舰队指挥官拉希特和几名负责人,这会儿已经关了起来,等待他的将是无穷无尽地调查。 Even was dormant in the Nigeria surrounding countries, tactical Commander Mardy Kaess who is responsible for aiming at Monster Industrial all actions, was recalled urgently. 甚至就连原本蛰伏在尼加亚周边国家,负责针对巨兽工业一切行动的战术指挥官马迪克斯,都被紧急召回。 Now tactical Commander Mardy Kaess is sitting in trial on seat, in many Person-in-Charge severe accountabilities by fifth fleet base. 现在战术指挥官马迪克斯正坐在“审判”席上,被第五舰队基地里的多位负责人严厉问责。 „The information about this time action, I needs you to give the enough reasonable explanation.” “关于这次行动的情报,我需要你给出足够合理的解释。” this time action failure, your Commander must take the primary responsibility.” 这次行动失败,你这个指挥官必须负主要责任。” Gives me a confession, and in the following Operation Vengeance, you must coordinate us unconditionally.” “给我一个交代,并且在接下来的复仇行动中,你要无条件配合我们。” The person who in the headquarters sits are not many, but on the shoulder is lowest carries the brigadier-general general. A tactical Commander Mardy Kaess person sits in their opposites, unemotionally facing interrogation. 指挥部里坐着的人并不多,但肩膀上最低都扛着准将将星。战术指挥官马迪克斯一个人坐在他们的对立面,面无表情地面对质问。 In view of the Monster Industrial a series of action, with action reason, only then a Mardy Kaess person was clear. 针对巨兽工业的一系列行动过程,和行动原由,只有马迪克斯一个人清楚。 Because opposite these General divide the work differently, knows Whaling action Detail, knows that [The Humpback Whale] belongs to Monster Industrial, possibly also guessed correctly some Mardy Kaess's plans. 对面这几位将军因为分工不同,知晓【捕鲸行动】的细节,也知道座头鲸号属于巨兽工业,可能也猜出了一些马迪克斯的行动计划。 Waits for these General one after another accountability, Mardy Kaess raised the head slowly, said every single word or phrase: „The this time action, I acknowledged that my intelligence makes the immense mistake. Us, even it is a submarine, a huge ship has not clarified.” 等这些将军们轮番问责完,马迪克斯才缓缓抬头,一字一句顿道:“这次行动,我承认我的情报工作出现巨大失误。我们这边,甚至连它到底是潜艇,还是一艘巨轮都没弄清楚。” But from feeding in action video. The goal ships have not equipped any long-distance attack weapons, its merely speed surpasses us to imagine, and equipped the electromagnetism class soft kill weapon.” “但是从传回的行动视频来看。目标船只并没有装备任何远程攻击武器,它只是航速超出我们想象,并装备了电磁类软杀伤武器。” I think that...... three Warship actually by no strength to hit back that the goal ships hit, in this also has the reason of Commander significant direction mistake?” “我想……三艘战舰却被目标船只打的毫无还手之力,这里面是不是也有指挥官重大指挥失误的原因?” „, This is three full loads surpasses Warship of 200 various model missiles......” “要知道,这可是三艘满载超过两百枚各型号导弹的战舰……” Has General cold snort/hum one, you meant, we did send out one group of idiots?” 将军冷哼一声,“你意思是说,我们派出了一群蠢货?” Mardy Kaess shakes the head, although he truly thinks at heart, but on the mouth said: Responsibility is not my, the intelligence mistake cannot cover improper of action direction. I am willing to shoulder the responsibility that I should take, but I believe, at present the most important matter, found the goal ships.” 马迪克斯摇摇头,他虽然心里确实这么想,但嘴上却说:“责任不是我一个人的,情报失误并不能掩盖行动指挥的不当。我本人愿意担负我应该负的责任,但我认为,目前最重要事情,是找到目标船只。” We will apply to Pentagon, plenary powers control following Operation Vengeance.” Another General clenches teeth saying: Item of authorized ship one definitely in Anut Area, because it towed there our Destroyer.” “我们会向五角大楼申请,全权接管接下来的复仇行动。”另一名将军咬牙道:“目标船一肯定在阿奴特区,因为它把我们的驱逐舰拖到了那里。” Then, we will send out, Combined Fleet excluding aircraft carrier leaves for Gulf of Guinea, surrounds entire Anut Area.” “接下来,我们会派出,除航母之外的联合舰队开赴几内亚湾,将整个阿奴特区包围起来。” We not only need find the goal ships, but must offer Monster Industrial several cruise missiles free of charge.” “我们不仅要找到目标船只,还要免费赠送巨兽工业几枚巡航导弹。” Mardy Kaess sighed, was sorry, you did not have the right to do that.” 马迪克斯叹了口气,“抱歉,您没有权利这么做。” You believe that our fifth fleet after losing three Warship, but can also keep calm?” This General tone gradually turned into roaring, I, no matter you have any damn stealth activity there, I only know that this is the war. Our fifth fleet suffered the biggest failure since the cold war, if cannot wash clean with the blood of enemy, that shame and outrage(d) follow in the fleet everyone.” “你认为,我们第五舰队在损失了三艘战舰后,还能保持冷静嘛?”这位将军语气逐渐变成了咆哮,“我不管你在那里有什么该死的秘密行动,我只知道这是战争。我们第五舰队遭受了自冷战以来最大失败,如果不能用敌人的鲜血来洗清,那耻辱和愤怒将伴随着舰队里每一个人。” Pentagon will not agree that you plan.” 五角大楼不会同意你们计划的。” Mardy Kaess small sound said: „Before the new appointment, you in Gulf all actions, must undergo my agreement.” 马迪克斯小声道:“在没有新的任命之前,你们在几内亚海湾一切行动,都要经过我的同意。” You make up for the mistake with the sincerity, no matter I you make what plan plan, so long as I the missile falls on the head of Monster Industrial.” This General anger bit by bit is accumulating, plays with plot matter in any case you adeptly, we did not mind that is a guest performer the Africa warlord, then loses cannot find out for sale abroad missile of origin.” “那你就用诚意来弥补自己过错,我不管你制定什么方案计划,我只要导弹落在巨兽工业的头上。”这位将军的怒火在一点一点累积,“反正玩弄阴谋这种事情你们最拿手,我们也不介意客串一下非洲军阀,然后丢一些查不出来源的外销导弹。” everyone that is Monster Industrial.” 各位那是巨兽工业。” Monster Industrial influence internationally, I think that you are clear. Any bitter experience that they meet, will become the news hot spot that international most pays attention.” 巨兽工业在国际上的影响力,我想你们非常清楚。它们遇到的任何遭遇,都会成为国际最关注的新闻热点。” hē hē this General sneers, you us were telling cold joke, you then also prepare to tell me, the Nigeria President mansion was cleaned that matter by the indigenous warlord, really has nothing to do with you?” 呵呵”这位将军冷笑,“你是在跟我们说冷笑话嘛,你是不是接下来还准备告诉我,尼加亚总统府邸被土著军阀清洗那件事,真的和你们无关?” Or did you lose recalled?” “或者说你失了忆?” Last month from here departure SEAL assault team, was goes to Hawaii to take vacation?” “上个月从这里出发的海豹突击队,是去夏威夷度假了?” Why this matter you can do, aren't we good?” “凭什么这种事你能做,我们就不行?” Mardy Kaess choice is silent. 马迪克斯选择沉默。 Opposite these have turned into outrage(d) Grand Lion General, making Mardy Kaess understand, determination that they must take revenge intense. 对面这些已经变成愤怒雄狮将军们,让马迪克斯明白,他们要复仇的决心到底有多强烈。 This crowd of General are unable to deceive. 这群将军们根本无法糊弄。 Even if they have no right to know in Nigeria, in view of the Monster Industrial action detail, but this matter cannot hide the truth from their eyes. 即使他们无权知晓在尼加亚,针对巨兽工业的行动细节,但这种事情根本瞒不住他们眼睛。 Nigeria President was washed the event saying that is not greatly big, as for being unjustly discredited to buckle on the indigenous warlord Mopu back reason. 尼加亚总统被洗事件说大也不大,至于把黑锅扣在了土著军阀莫普身上的背后原因。 The outside world is not quite perhaps clear, but this group of General, so long as investigates slightly, recombination Pentagon a series of movements, can find out the true whole story. 外界或许不太清楚,可这帮将军们只要稍稍调查一下,再结合五角大楼的一系列动作,就能摸清真正原委。 The true whole story is not the preparation tears to pieces the facial skin thoroughly, copes Monster Industrial? 真正原委不就是准备彻底撕破脸皮,去对付巨兽工业嘛? This matter they had little interest in participate, but Monster Industrial harms their two Warship to submerge now, but also drew the beach to dismantle for them another. The fifth fleet wants not to look for the gathering place, how to swallow below this tone? 这事本来他们没太大兴趣参与,但如今巨兽工业害得他们两艘战舰沉没,还把另一艘拉到了海滩供他们拆解。第五舰队要不把场子找回来,如何咽的下这口气? As we all know, Pentagon is impossible to give up the this time action, definitely will dispatch more strengths to go to Anut Area. 大家都知道,五角大楼也不可能放弃这次行动,必然会派遣更多力量前往阿奴特区 Now these General request Mardy Kaess , helping them wrap/sets a reasonable status in the following action, looks Monster Industrial more troublesome. 现在这些将军们要求马迪克斯,在接下来行动中帮他们套个合理的身份,去找巨兽工业更多麻烦。 This will bring many to Mardy Kaess troublesome. 这会给马迪克斯带来很多麻烦。 However if dares to reject these General, possibly the trouble is bigger. 不过要是敢拒绝这些将军,可能麻烦更大。 Good......” “好吧……” Mardy Kaess compromises finally, I promise you to request.” 马迪克斯最终妥协,“我答应你们要求。” After a series of confrontation, Mardy Kaess as if somewhat found out that young Director-General character. 经过一系列交锋,马迪克斯似乎有些摸清了那位年轻总裁的性格。 Proud. 骄傲。 Arrogant. 自大。 Extremely arrogant. 狂妄。 He even disdains in meeting a series of military attack said, he extremely arrogantly to thinking relies on the Monster Industrial strength merely, can resist the US. 他甚至都不屑于把遇到的一系列军事打击事件说出去,他狂妄到认为仅仅凭借巨兽工业的力量,就能对抗美方。 So far, this is the good deed, at least helps their confidential original intention, helps them then act. 到目前为止,这是好事,至少有利于他们保密初衷,也有利于他们接下来行动。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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