MF :: Volume #13

#1215: 1192: Incautiously steamroll

Chapter 1215 第1215章 1192: Incautiously steamroll 1192:一不小心碾压了 A distribution of movie, at the movie just shooting half, had often discussed. 一部电影的发行工作,往往在电影刚拍摄一半,就已经洽谈完毕。 Pan Dong and Ignatius sign the movie to distribute contract that little while, let alone what holographic eyeglasses virtual world, Illusory Crystal cell phone also just had/left First-gen. 潘东和伊格内修斯签订电影发行合同那会儿,别说什么全息眼镜虚拟世界,就连幻晶手机也才刚刚出到了第一代 Even if has Boss that far gazes again, still no ability will predict the future with the contract. 就算再有远瞻的老板,也没能耐在和合同里预言未来。 The contract is refuses, is solemn, particularly this type related to copyright release issue contract. 合约是严禁的,也是严肃的,尤其是这种涉及版权发行问题地合同。 On for example some publishing house, signs a publishing contract with the writer. Contract provision this letters body copyright belongs to the publisher, the writer can not sell the copyright to other publishers again, can not the content reprint in the network, harm the publisher interest. 就例如某个出版社,与作家签署一份出版合同。合同规定该书简体版权归出版方所有,作家不得再把版权出售给其它出版方,也不得把内容转载于网络,损害出版方利益。 If the writer did sell to another publisher the English edition of work? 如果作家又把作品的英文版卖给了另一家出版商呢? Naturally does not have any problem. 自然不存在任何问题。 Because no country dares to stipulate, the copyright two characters, can the representative complete copyright. 因为没有哪个国家敢规定,版权两个字,就能代表全部版权。 Even if a movie reorganizes game, must subdivide the roaming and end roaming, the page roaming. 哪怕一部电影改编成游戏,都要细分到手游、端游,页游。 Also let alone is the most important film and television release copyright? 又何况是最重要的影视发行版权? ...... …… From «drift city: Rise», the show time also has three days. 距离《漂流城市:崛起》,上映时间还有三天。 In the network is bustling , a complaint. 网络上一片沸腾,同时也一片抱怨。 Different from azure rain media Company that metropolis comedy movie, that well-known director Ignatius manufactures, is the most authentic Hollywood blockbuster. 不同于青雨传媒公司那部都市喜剧电影,知名导演伊格内修斯制作的这部,可是最最正宗的好莱坞大片。 The azure rain media that and compared with it, look like the village stage team, with the bird nest stadium same immense disparity. 青雨传媒那部和它相比,就像是乡村舞台班子,和鸟巢体育馆一样巨大差距。 worldwide screens several months, this movie has embraced 1.2 billion US dollars box office crazily, the reputation bursting. 全球上映数月,这部电影已经狂揽十二亿美元票房,口碑爆棚。 It is not because China this important ticket warehouse extension screens the reason, «drift city: Rise» this movie, before has seated worldwide movie box office ranking list, steadily 50 Glory throne. 不是因为华夏这个重要票仓延期上映原因,《漂流城市:崛起》这部电影,已经稳稳坐进全球电影票房排行榜五十荣耀宝座。 This is the section IMAX movie, with hardship waiting China film aficionados, even turns free pirating that in the network spread rottenly, but can see clearly the actor expression edition unable to find including one, has a liking for several minutes on the dizziness vertigo dual fuzzy versions. 这是部IMAX电影,苦苦等待地华夏电影爱好者们,甚至翻烂了网络上流传的免费盗版,可是连一部能看清演员表情的版本都找不到,都是看上几分钟就头晕眼花的双重模糊版。 Now, they finally the news that waits to screen. 现在,他们终于等来上映的消息。 But the issue is inside their hands does not have the holographic eyeglasses. 但问题是他们手里头没有全息眼镜啊。 It is not they do not want to buy, now the issue was major Official Website showed the sign of temporary no goods available, even if these snatched the order ahead of time customer(s), must look that also remained a 20 day the estimate(d) shipment date to worry. 不是他们不想买,现在问题是各大官网都打出了暂时无货的牌子,哪怕那些提前抢到订单的用户们,也要看着还剩一二十天的预计发货日期干着急。 Isn't this awfully? 这不是要命么? In the Monster Industrial Official Website holographic eyeglasses sector, becomes cloud of smoke float over starting from afternoon, there are two Internet users camp potentials like the water and fire. 巨兽工业官网全息眼镜版块内,从下午开始就变得硝烟弥漫,有两股网民阵营势如水火。 Had the Internet users of holographic eyeglasses, another naturally wants to watch the movie, wants to experience virtual world and holographic eyeglasses science and technology charm, does not have the Internet users of method painstakingly. 一股是拥有了全息眼镜的网民,另一股自然是想看电影,想体验虚拟世界全息眼镜科技魅力,却苦无门路的网民。 zé zé «drift city: The rise» movie ticket has bought, I prepare to lie down in the galaxy hall on the boat look, you?” 啧啧《漂流城市:崛起》电影票已买,我准备躺在星河厅里小船上看,你们呢?” I prepare to look with the girlfriend together.” “我准备和女朋友一起看。” I bought two tickets, plans to show mercy, asking my base friend also to look.” “我买了两张票,打算发发慈悲,请我基友也看一场。” In building your fellows showed off enough, had the report address, looked that I did not pass to pound to be flat you.” “楼上你们这帮家伙炫耀够了没,有种报地址,看我不过去砸扁你们。” Lines up to register, calculates my one.” “排队报名,算我一个。” Oh, in the building both smiling my holographic eyeglasses fell.” “哎哟,楼上两位笑的我全息眼镜都掉了。” Address is sunlight beach steel male tribe No. 66 big villa, comes to be flat I.” “地址是阳光海滩‘钢铁直男部落66号大别墅’,来扁我啊。” Is waxing to the Primordial Spirit coverall, is quite bored.” “正在给元神套装打蜡,好无聊。” Coordinate Shanghai, good to go to the galaxy hall in legend to watch the movie, which little brother can invite me, I can carry «Send Baidicheng Early».” “坐标尚海,好想去传说中的星河厅里看电影,哪个小哥哥能请我,我会背《早发白帝城》。” If there is holographic eyeglasses is a pardoned crime, that these in the person who in the forum shows off, the crime does not have the amnesty. 如果拥有全息眼镜是一种原罪,那这些在论坛里炫耀的人,已经罪无可赦。 If were not in the forum another post attracted everyone attention, these were mad to the Internet users who belched smoke quickly, even has been discussing the establishment Presses for delivery of goods alliance, The preparation summoned the Internet users who these leave the Monster Industrial not too far city, go to under Monster Industrial Building to protest together. 如果不是论坛里另一个帖子吸引了大家注意力,那些被气到快冒烟的网民们,甚至已经在商量成立【催货联盟】,准备号召那些离巨兽工业不算太远城市的网民们,一起去巨兽工业大厦底下抗议。 Has protested they at the scene from Warehouse, carried out the holographic eyeglasses to sell to them. 一直抗议到他们当场从仓库里,搬出全息眼镜卖给他们为之。 The post that breaks both being in sharp opposition atmosphere called Damn, did my holographic eyeglasses deliver goods?】 那个打破两者针锋相对气氛的帖子叫【见鬼,我的全息眼镜发货了?】 The post person said oneself snatched holographic eyeglasses more than ten days ago, originally the backstage showed that estimate(d) consignment time also 17 days, receive the message now unexpectedly, said the holographic eyeglasses product that he orders the storehouse, has been preparing to deliver goods toward the city that he is. 发帖人说自己在十多天前就抢了一只全息眼镜,本来后台显示预计发货时间还有十七天,现在竟然收到短信,说他订购的全息眼镜产品已经出库,正在准备往他所在的城市发货。 What the holographic eyeglasses stockout lacked, in the sound that can be filled with sufferers from the forum has looked. 全息眼镜缺货缺成了什么样,早就能从论坛里哀鸿遍野的声音里看出来。 Therefore this customer(s) first responded that is not pleasantly surprised, he thinks that this is the backstage or the Warehouse information input makes a mistake. 所以这位用户第一反应不是惊喜,他认为这是后台或者仓库信息录入出了错。 Receives the forwarding notice, finally logistics information ten days do not have the matter of sound for half a month, customer(s) that frequently the net buys have almost met, asked customer service, ten had nine is the Warehouse information input mistakes. 收到发货通知,结果物流信息十天半个月都没动静的事情,经常网购的用户们几乎都遇到过,一问客服,十个有九都是仓库信息录入错误。 Not only does not believe including the post person, seeing the post the net ID also not to believe. 不仅连发帖人不信,看见帖子的网名们同样不信。 Until they turned on oneself shopping software curiously. 直到他们好奇打开了自己的购物软件。 Real false, I have a look at my shopping information.” “真的假的,我去看看我的购物信息。” Insane, my also delivers goods unexpectedly.” “疯了疯了,我的竟然也发了货。” I am having a dream, me had the logistics transportation information.” “我在做梦吧,我这边都有物流运输信息了。” Brothers, you look at Official Website quickly, can buy, purchase choice of holographic eyeglasses, turned into red from the grey!” “兄弟们,你们快看官网,能买了,全息眼镜的购买选择,从灰色变成红色了!” After dozens minutes, in the forum just like had been swept by the autumn wind, a piece coldly intimately. 数十分钟后,论坛里宛如被秋风扫过,一片冷冷戚戚。 Before the active population fell 99% suddenly, almost all people by that fresh red Purchases immediately Four characters, become confused. 之前活跃人数骤跌了99%,几乎所有人都被那个鲜红色的【立刻购买】四个字,冲昏头脑。 holographic eyeglasses 6800 Yuan. 全息眼镜六千八百元。 Shivers is paying money immediately, enters the eyeglasses outward appearance color column, does not know that many people, pondered which color thought oneself like not daring to have, selected black or white casually, clicks on below confirmation again instantaneously. 颤抖着立刻付款,进入眼镜外观颜色栏,不知道有多少人,连思考自己喜欢哪种颜色的念头都不敢有,就随便点了黑或白色,再瞬间点击下方的确认。 Firm orders. 确认订单。 Confirmation confirmation.” “确认确认确认。” Payment? 付款? Is the balance of account insufficient? 账户余额不足? Do not fluster, credit card credit card. 啊别慌,信用卡信用卡。 Cuts payment the failure, is the credit card balance insufficient? 扣款失败,信用卡余额不足? Calm and calm, thought that I also had to borrow the gold bar to save a life. 冷静、冷静、想起来了,我还有借呗金条可以救命。 After five minutes, Monster Industrial Flagship Store Official Website of several online shops all falls into Kartun, customer(s), let alone the choice color, the purchase page of holographic eyeglasses cannot even open. 五分钟后,几个购物网站的巨兽工业旗舰店官网全部陷入卡顿,用户们别说选择颜色,连全息眼镜的购买页面都打不开。 They renovate repeatedly, the attempt closes the wireless net, begins using 4 G, or directly soars the computer. 他们一遍一遍刷新,尝试关闭无线网,启用4G,或是直奔电脑。 After dozens minutes, the major online shops begin using the Server divergence automatically, many Server resource distribution to Monster Industrial Flagship Store. 数十分钟后,各大购物网站自动启用服务器分流,将更多的服务器资源分配给巨兽工业旗舰店 Even if each step takes the cushion more than ten seconds, no one dares to put aside to complain the vision. 哪怕每一个步骤都要缓冲十多秒,也没有任何人敢把目光移开去抱怨。 They like the opening the sluice gates flood, sweep across all network Flagship Store. 他们就像开闸洪水,席卷所有网络旗舰店 It is not right, is their wallets like the opening the sluice gates flood. 不对,是他们的钱包就像开闸洪水。 Merely less than one hour, reopens the purchase qualifications to the Internet users the holographic eyeglasses, is scheduled 7 million. 仅仅不到一小时的时间,重新向网民们开放购买资格的全息眼镜,就预定出去七百万只。 By 12 : 00 am, the holographic eyeglasses scheduled number achieved 30 million, the consignment time arranges again for a month later. 到了凌晨12点,全息眼镜预定数量达到三千万,发货时间再一次排到了一个月之后。 Entire world vibrates. 整个世界为之震动。 213.5 billion numbers that if some time ago China pair of 11 Shopping Festival, created, let the worldwide entire Internet industry, felt panic-stricken the words. 如果说,不久前的华夏双十一购物节,创造出的2135亿数字,让全球整个互联网行业,为之感觉到惊恐地话。 That Monster Industrial within the half-day time, by one's effort, by a holographic eyeglasses product, creates the volume of trade. 巨兽工业在半天时间之内,以一己之力,以全息眼镜一个产品,创造出地交易额。 Will let the worldwide Internet, worldwide electronic technology Company, feels the thorough despair. 会让全球互联网,全球电子科技公司,感到彻彻底底的绝望。 258 billion! 2580亿! If must in entire on desperate, additional Quantity. 如果非要在整个绝望上,加一个【量】。 Their replies are the one after another neutron star weights. 他们的回答将是一一颗中子星的重量。 Because of holographic eyeglasses one's effort, hangs to hit the sales volume that the pair 11 created thoroughly. 因为全息眼镜一己之力,就彻底吊打了双十一创造出的销售额。 Monster Industrial is really embarrassed, the remaining Primordial Spirit gloves, the rotary treadmills and Primordial Spirit coverall, these necessary device sales figures announced. 巨兽工业实在不好意思,把剩下的元神手套、万向跑步机、元神套装,这些配套设备地销售情况公布出来。 ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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