MF :: Volume #13

#1207: 1184: The issue is unceasing

Chapter 1207 第1207章 1184: The issue is unceasing 1184:问题不断 Wants the large-scale mechanization to mine diamond, must put out with it necessary mechanization mining plan. 想要大规模机械化开采钻石,就要拿出与之配套的机械化开采方案。 This is one needs to grow out of nothing, little in the mining practice, the long research and development process that slowly the fumble improves. 这是一个需要从无到有,一点点在开采实践中,慢慢摸索改进的漫长研发过程。 For example on some lignite mine in Germany hamburger, Engineer to increase to the limit the capacity, their specially design and manufacture on world biggest single body engineering machinery device 293 scoop wheel excavators. 例如在德国汉堡的某座褐煤矿场上,工程师们为了把产能增加到极限,他们特别设计制造出了一台世界上最大的单体工程机械设备293型勺轮挖掘机。 This type of excavating machine starts, every day can poach is close to 150,000 tons coal mine. 这种挖掘机械开动起来,每天可以挖走接近十五万吨的煤矿。 Engineer displayed the limit mechanized mining. 工程师把机械化开采发挥到了极限。 However from the design to making this steel Monster, Engineer altogether spent for five years. 但是从设计到制造这台钢铁巨兽,工程师们一共花费了五年时间。 Five years of manufacture steel Monster, this has massively in Engineer unearths device to use for reference similarly, and this device only needs the simple rotation capstan to mine in the situation. 五年时间制造一台钢铁巨兽,这还是在工程师们拥有大量类似挖掘设备可以借鉴,并且这台设备只需简单的转动绞盘挖矿情况下。 If designs diamond mining equipment that one set of does not have any design idea can profit from, how long needs? 如果设计一套没有任何设计思路可以借鉴的钻石开采设备,需要多久? Quick. 很快。 Because there is Virtual Factory 5.0 Involvement. 因为有【虚拟工厂5.0】的介入。 Monster Factory previous upgrade, making Dragon Creek Beach Factory obtain virtual Factory 5.0 system. This set of system was equal to that made one crowd of ice-cold machines have the soul, can conduct pondered, in virtual world, through several tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of diversity compounds, found in Factory the best working procedure portfolio approaches of all machines. 怪兽工厂的上一次升级,让龙溪滩工厂获得了虚拟工厂5.0系统。这套系统等于让一群冰冷机器有了灵魂,可以进行自我思考,在虚拟的世界中,通过数万、数十万次不同组合,来找到工厂内所有机器的最佳工序组合方式。 The machine gradually has the fatal common difference in the operation, the system automatic calibration. 机器在运行中逐渐产生地致命公差,系统自动校准。 The product in the processing process, each detail is checked by system, will operate the influence on fall the limit artificially. 产品在加工过程中,每一个细节都由系统把关,将人为操作影响降到极限。 Cites a very simple example, a machine tools release time, the manufacturer will often get theory processing limit precision. But in the actual use, this limit precision fundamentally impossible can come out by processing. Because in the machine tools work, there are too many factors to affect precision, even as small as the change of workshop temperature, will affect. 举个很简单例子,一台机床出厂时候,生产厂家往往会给它打上一个理论加工的极限精度。但在实际使用中,这个极限精度根本不可能被加工出来。因为在机床工作中,有太多的因素会影响到精度,甚至小到车间温度的变化,都会影响。 But in virtual Factory system, these influences was rejected. 但在虚拟工厂系统中,这些影响统统都被剔除。 Any change cannot escape the induction and survey of system, these changes by system automatic control compensation. 任何变化都逃不过系统的感应和测量,这些变化又会被系统自动调整补偿。 Since 既然 Virtual Factory system can the machine reorganization in Factory, discover the optimal solution automatically. 虚拟工厂系统可以自动将工厂内的机器重组,找出最优解。 Then in known three drilled the ore geological condition and in the landform dropping variance Coordinate situation, virtual Factory can certainly in virtual world, through the rigorous modeling, find the most scientific mining plan. 那在已知了三座钻矿地质条件、地貌落差坐标情况下,虚拟工厂当然可以在虚拟世界中,通过严谨的模拟实验,找出最科学的开采方案。 ...... …… As virtual Factory gets online. 随着虚拟工厂上线。 Ye Qing at present, presented the graph fences of rows of similar game menus impressively. 叶青眼前,赫然出现了一排排类似游戏菜单的图形栏。 On these graph fences is suspending is not the skill, but is machine tools and different model smelting device, engineering machinery. Besides these, in Dragon Creek Beach Factory all manufactured products, all assist processing robot. 这些图形栏上摆着的不是技能,而是一座座机床、一台台造型各异的冶炼设备,一辆辆工程机械。除了这些,还有龙溪滩工厂内所有工业产品,所有辅助加工机器人 Colossus Type X was towed to entrain from the graph column by Ye Qing, the icon just fell to three in which that drills the ore, the icon launches immediately, turning and drills the ore to shrink true Colossus Type X that the size is the same. 一台巨神X型叶青从图形栏里拖拽出来,图标刚落到三座钻矿的其中一座上,图标就立刻展开,变成与钻矿缩比尺寸相同的真正巨神X型 Colossus Type X in the Ye Qing under foot, only then cigarette case size. It stops near drilling the ore, appears is that insignificant. 巨神X型叶青脚下,只有烟盒大小。它停在钻矿边上,显得是那么微不足道。 But if really arrives there Colossus Type X, then it, regardless of near drilling ore altitude, is the area, the model is exactly right with this reduces at present. 但如果真把一辆巨神X型开到那里,那它无论在钻矿边上所处的高度,还是占地面积,都和眼前这个缩小了的模型分毫不差。 Ye Qing both hands drew, the peripheral terrain and Colossus Type X rapid enlargement, becoming and Ye Qing equally is high. 叶青双手拉了一下,周边地形和巨神X型迅速放大,变得和叶青一样高。 Like this helps observe, later a mineral product loading car(riage), the mineral product truck was towed to entrain by Ye Qing, according to is placed in Colossus Type X in turn behind. 这样便于观察,随后一辆矿用装载车,矿用卡车被叶青拖拽出来,按照前后顺序摆在巨神X型身后。 The materials of these two construction vehicles are from the Nigeria factory side Metal Dysprosium mine, last counter-attack iron ore shatter tower as conclusion. 这两辆工程车辆的素材取自尼加亚工厂这边金属镝矿场,最后一座反击式铁矿破碎塔做为收尾。 Ye Qing the shatter diameter of counter-attack iron ore shatter tower, is set at 60 millimeters. 叶青把反击式铁矿破碎塔的破碎直径,设定为六十毫米。 This shatter tower is two cavity structures, it can not exceed the Mohs'scale eight ore fragments the feeding degree of hardness, becomes fist size even stones with ease shatter. 这座破碎塔为两腔结构,它能将进料硬度不超过莫氏硬度八的矿石碎料,轻松破碎成一块块拳头大小均匀石块。 The discharge conveyer belt divides the fragments and powder lot, the broken even stone was screened, leaves from the fragments place, these powder and soils, leave from the powder lot place. 出料运输带分碎料和粉料,被破碎后的均匀石块被筛选出来,从碎料处离开,那些粉末和土壤,则从粉料处离开。 The large-scale mechanized work, is certainly impossible also to study that help/gang indigenous, only picks the quality of material soft soil and crushed stone goes to hand-made to screen diamond. In the Ye Qing's plan, that three drill any object in ore to be screened. 大规模机械化作业,当然不可能还学那帮土著,只捡质地松软的土壤和碎石去手工筛选钻石。在叶青的计划中,那三座钻矿内的任何物体都要被筛选一遍。 These bury in the underground lithizone, with that mountain that is located in the border, screens the object best. 那些埋藏在地下的岩石带,和那座位于边境的大山,就是最佳筛选对象。 The Colossus Type X mining soil and rock, the car loader and transport vehicle are responsible for transporting the mineral to the feed head of shatter tower. 巨神X型开采土壤和岩石,装载机和运输车负责把矿物运到破碎塔的进料口。 The shatter tower is responsible for becoming the even stone them again shatter. 破碎塔再负责把它们破碎成均匀的石块。 This flow does not need to spend any thoughts to design, Monster Industrial has several mines, moves to be able device from that mine to use casually. 这个流程是不需要花费任何心思去设计的,巨兽工业旗下有数种矿场,随便从那一座矿场里把设备搬过来都能就地使用。 The fluorspar Mohs'scale is four. 萤石莫氏硬度为四。 The feldspar degree of hardness is six. 长石硬度为六。 The quartz and granite, the degree of hardness of basalt is seven. 石英、花岗岩,玄武岩的硬度为七。 The topaz stone degree of hardness is eight. 黄玉石硬度为八。 Various mineral rock degree of hardness of nature usually in four to seven, the shatter tower can the breaking degree of hardness not over eight ores, but the diamond degree of hardness is highest, is ten. 自然界的各种矿物岩石硬度通常在四到七之间,破碎塔可以破碎硬度不超过八的矿石,而钻石的硬度为最高,达到十。 Therefore shatter tower diamond, wants containing diamond after the fragments that in it processes unable to destroy, will retain perfectly in the fragments. 所以破碎塔无法破坏钻石,经过它处理的碎料中只要含有钻石,都会完好无损地保留在碎料中。 In a final step, screens from these fragments diamond. 最后一步,就是把钻石从这些碎料中筛选出来。 The Ye Qing tentative plan mentality starts from the degree of hardness. 叶青设想思路是从硬度下手。 Since diamond is on world the hardest object, that can design device, can it all degree of hardness nine, and below nine rock fragments, processing becomes diameter not over two millimeters granulated? 既然钻石世界上最坚硬物体,那可不可以设计出一种设备,它能把所有硬度九、和九以下的岩石碎料,都加工成直径不超过两毫米的颗粒状? If so, that degree of hardness is ten diamond, can thoroughly separate with these fragments. 如果能,那硬度为十的钻石,就能和这些碎料彻底分离开来。 Only must redesign screening diameter not over two millimeters screening device, after that and other granulated fragments were screened the separation, remaining 100% are diamond. 只需再设计一种筛选直径不超过两毫米的筛选设备,那等颗粒状碎料度被筛选分离之后,剩下的百分之一百就是钻石 At this time, Electric Crystal pulled out a model from the pocket. 这时候,电晶从口袋里掏出了一个模型。 Before this is it, defers to the Ye Qing mentality, designs diamond to separate device hurriedly. 这是它之前按照叶青思路,匆忙设计出一款钻石分离设备 The model throws the ground, immediately turned into one to be close to three meters high rectangular machinery device. Refers to nearby Colossus Type X, then its true height should in the 20 meter about. 模型丢到地上,顿时变成了一座接近三米高的长方形机械设备。参照旁边的巨神X型,那它真实高度应该在二十米左右。 Boss, according to your mentality, this splitter uses the hammer mill principle, can through the hammer stage that is actuated by the hydraulic power, hammers the ore of fist size granulated.” 老板,按照你的思路,这座分离机采用锤式粉碎机原理,可以通过由液压动力驱动的锤台,把拳头大小的矿石都锤成颗粒状。” Fluid drive strength, had been adjusted just to be able the effort that topaz stone crushes.” “液压驱动力量,已经被调节到刚好可以把黄玉石击碎的力度。” Can too simple......” Ye Qing look at this rectangular machinery device, non-stop whispering at heart, our mentality from truth is right, hammers the effort of stage to be not enough to break diamond. But the so simple plan, I thought that does not have other truth Engineer unable to think.” “会不会太简单了……”叶青看着这座长方形机械设备,心里不停嘀咕,“从道理上来说我们思路是对的,锤台的力度不足以砸坏钻石。但如此简单的方案,我觉得没道理其它工程师们想不到。” Should not have the issue, possibly is that helps Engineer be able to design the plan, actually cannot draw up the material solution of correspondence.” Electric Crystal nips the finger, points at the reduction of ground to drill the ore saying: Three drill in the ore, had been joined 1/100000 probability random distributions diamond by me.” “应该没问题,可能是那帮工程师们能设计出方案,却拿不出对应的材料解决方案。”电晶咬了咬手指头,又指着地上的缩小钻矿道:“三座钻矿里,已经被我加入了十万分之一几率随机分布的钻石。” „In these diamond keep in stock the data that duplicates directly from Factory diamond, now they hide inside the ore, we try.” “这些钻石都是从工厂钻石库存里直接复制过来的数据,现在它们就藏在矿石里头,我们试一试吧。” Ye Qing no longer intertwines, first tries.” 叶青不再纠结,“把先试一试。” Ye Qing choice started to simulate. 叶青选择了开始模拟。 Just after choice, drilled ore nearby Colossus Type X to start suddenly, after short preheating, that mountain that its hit not far away without hesitation. 刚刚选择过后,钻矿边上的巨神X型就突然启动,经过短暂预热,它毫不犹豫地一头撞进不远处的那座大山。 to become Dun the crag, relaxed was shivered from the mountain massif by it. 成吨的岩石碎块,被它轻松从山体上敲碎下来。 These rocks were loaded the mineral product truck by the car loader, finally was inclined in the counter-attack iron ore shatter tower. 这些岩石又被装载机装入矿用卡车,最后被倾斜进了反击式铁矿破碎塔中。 The shatter tower thunders! 破碎塔轰鸣! After continue enlarge the detail, the fragments mouth and powder lot mouth keep emitting to become Dun the fragments. 继续放大细节后,碎料口和粉料口不停喷吐出成吨的碎料。 In these fragments, is proliferating the red illumination pellet of twinkle star. 这些碎料中,遍布着星星点点的红色发光颗粒。 That was diamond, Electric Crystal increased the spontaneous light attribute these diamond specially, like this helped identify. 那就是钻石,电晶特意将这些钻石添加了自发光属性,这样便于辨认。 The fragments entered diamond to separate the device time, Ye Qing and Electric Crystal can not help pinch the fist. 碎料进入钻石分离设备时候,叶青电晶都情不自禁捏起了拳头。 Bang diamond separates the hammer stage in device, a hammer pounded above these fragments. 钻石分离设备里的锤台,一锤砸在了这些碎料之上。 The first smashing work, Ye Qing and Electric Crystal only hear the sound, in could not see to have what specifically. When second time work, Ye Qing hurries to separate the outer covering transparence of device diamond, and enlarges to the hammer stage on. 第一次粉碎作业,叶青电晶只听到响动,看不见里面具体发生了什么。等第二次作业时,叶青赶紧把钻石分离设备的外壳透明化,并放大到锤台上。 Now Ye Qing at present, overspread the rock fragments of fist size, in this pile of fragments Ye Qing can see three luminophors clearly. 现在叶青眼前,铺满了拳头大小的岩石碎料,这堆碎料里叶青可以清楚看见有三个发光体。 Hammers stage's third falling. 锤台第三次落下。 Then...... 然后…… The luminophor was turned into dozens by three...... 发光体由三个变成了几十个…… Because after hammering the stage falls, not only crushed these rocks, is also giving crushing diamond of three shelled peanut sizes while convenient. 因为锤台落下之后,不仅击碎了那些岩石,顺带着也把三颗花生米大小的钻石给击碎了。 What situation?” Ye Qing was made to be somewhat caught off guard by this result, „before me, has not confessed you, can make the hammer stage material with quite soft metal?” “什么情况?”叶青被这个结果弄得有些措手不及,“我之前不是交代过你,要用较为柔软的金属做锤台材料么?” Electric Crystal is innocent, I did.” 电晶一脸无辜,“我做了啊。” The thing the steel easily breakable truth, Ye Qing and Electric Crystal understand. 物过钢则易折的道理,叶青电晶都懂。 diamond is the world firmest object, does not have any metal can leave behind the scratch in its surface, but this not representative it will not break. 钻石世界最坚固物体,没有任何一种金属能在它的表面留下划痕,但这并不代表它不会破碎。 Cites a simple example, generally the Mohs'scale of steel about 5.5. 举个简单例子,一般钢铁的莫氏硬度在五点五左右。 If with this steel hammer, together how making an effort to stroke the degree of hardness is seven granites can? 那假如拿这个钢铁锤子,用力击打一块硬度为七的花岗岩会怎么样? Naturally can hammer the granite hammer explodes, because the ductility of granite is much lower than the iron hammer. 当然会一锤把花岗岩锤爆,因为花岗岩的延展性远远低于铁锤。 This iron hammer, if strokes diamond, the degree of hardness is extremely high, but ductility extremely bad diamond must disrupt similarly. 这把铁锤如果去击打钻石,硬度极高但延展性极差的钻石同样也要碎裂。 Therefore Ye Qing makes Electric Crystal take the hammer stage with quite soft metal, but has made the reciprocal measure obviously, why will diamond also break? 所以叶青才让电晶用较为柔软的金属做为锤台,但明明已经做了对应措施,为何钻石还会破碎? Is good because of this is the modeling, Ye Qing can make the adjustment promptly, continues to raise 10% the hammer stage softness, repeated one to act a moment ago.” 好在这是模拟实验,叶青可以及时作出调整,“把锤台柔软度继续上调百分之十,重复一遍刚才动作。” This time, diamond broke to pieces one. 这一次,钻石碎了一颗。 The softness raises automatically, the experiment continues. 柔软度自动上调,实验继续。 One ton fragments, hammered the stage to work each time 11 times, diamond that including nine sizes varied was separated. 每次一吨碎料,锤台工作了十一次,其中有九颗大小不一的钻石被分离出来。 These diamond are completely perfect, but Ye Qing and on the Electric Crystal face has not revealed to have the smiling face that. 这些钻石全部完好无损,但是叶青电晶脸上并未露出该有的笑容。 The new issue emerged. 新的问题出现了。 Although hammers the softness and diamond of perfect stage achieves balanced, but hammers the stage again downward acting, touches hammer stage that the diamond time stops automatically, lost regarding maintained the same horizontal plane rock to continue the acting with diamond. 虽然锤台的柔软度与钻石完美达成平衡,但是锤台再向下做功,触碰到钻石时候自动停止的锤台,也失去了对于与钻石保持同一水平面的岩石继续做功。 In other words, acquired diamond volume big, these shatter rock pellets similarly big. 也就是说,获得的钻石体积有多大,那些破碎的岩石颗粒同样有多大。 And the hammer stage surface that in the multiple work, is made by soft metal, has presented one layer by the dent that the rock and diamond go against. 并且在多次工作中,由柔软金属制成的锤台表面,已经出现一层被岩石和钻石顶出的凹痕。 Electric Crystal suppressed for quite a while, suppressed the sentence, his paternal grandmother......” 电晶憋了半天,憋出了句,“他奶奶的……” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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