MF :: Volume #13

#1206: 1183: Simulation mining plan

Chapter 1206 第1206章 1183: Simulation mining plan 1183:模拟开采方案 General Mopu thought that own personality was insulted. 莫普将军觉得自己的人格被侮辱了。 When hyena? 当鬣狗? When the hyena, can work as to west the boundary entire, regards the entire Gulf most dazzling pearl. Can match the incomplete subordinate oneself AK, all replaces the newest standard weapon? 什么时候当鬣狗,能当到把整个西境,当成整个几内亚海湾最耀眼的明珠。能把自己原本连AK都配不齐全的手下,全都换装最新制式武器? When the hyena, can work as four modernized the hometown? 什么时候当鬣狗,能把家乡当出四个现代化 If present, invited a hyena of population. 如果有,请来一个种群的鬣狗。 These have no countryside General of culture, is shameful compared with them. 这些没什么文化的乡下将军,就是见不得人比他们强。 General Mopu more looked that Buckler is more uncomfortable, is thinking at heart the facial skin has torn to pieces in any case thoroughly, might as well for a penny and for a pound, directly deliver him to see God. 莫普将军越看巴克勒越不爽,心里想着反正脸皮已经彻底撕破,不如一不做二不休,直接送他去见上帝 Ye Qing has spoken, lets Buckler General and his subordinates mines. Waited to mine to finish, put again Buckler General, definitely was a trouble. 叶青已经发话,让巴克勒将军和他的手下们去挖矿。等挖矿结束,再把巴克勒将军放回去,肯定是个麻烦。 Africa follows the turmoil at the same time, often also follows fast taking turn of dominant influence. Delivers the heaven Buckler, without doubt can omit many troublesome, and harvest next General grateful friendship. 非洲伴随动乱的同时,往往也伴随着统治势力的快速交替。把巴克勒送上天,无疑可以省去很多麻烦,并收获下一任将军的感激友谊。 Mr. Ye, you said before we behind on this mountain, possibly has the kimberlite?” General Mopu lowered the sound saying: Behind checkpoint this mountain, we and Tajana country person of half, take the summit high point as the boundary.” 叶先生,您之前说我们身后这座山上,可能有金伯利岩?”莫普将军压低声音说:“关卡后面这座大山,我们和塔加纳国一人一半,以山顶最高峰为界限。” If really has the kimberlite, I send people to discuss with the Tajana country, takes the property rights of this mountain.” “如果真有金伯利岩,那我派人和塔加纳国谈一谈,把这座山的所有权拿下来。” Takes a mountain, moves to toward the mountain that side the territory of Tajana country's, this is not difficult to General Mopu. 拿下一座山,把塔加纳国的领土往山那边移一点,这对莫普将军来说并不难。 On Africa this land, not most valuable often is the land. 非洲这个土地上,最不值钱的往往就是土地。 Ye Qing circles to behind of checkpoint construction, looks up to toward that mountain, „the present was unable 100 percent to confirm, if really has the kimberlite trail, this mountain must take.” 叶青绕到关卡建筑的后面,朝着那座高山仰望,“现在还不能百分百确认,如果真有金伯利岩踪迹,这座山必然要拿下来。” Has the kimberlite place, likely has diamond. 有金伯利岩的地方,很可能就有钻石 The merely kimberlite distributes in the nature extremely few, and oneself degree of hardness can compare favorably with the granite. Even if this type of rock breaks through the surface exposition outside, places Africa this boundary, still rarely has people able to go to mine from the mountain it. 只是金伯利岩在自然界分布极少,并且自身硬度可以与花岗岩媲美。这种岩石即使突破地表暴露在外,放在非洲这个地界,也鲜有人能去把它从大山里开采出来。 The kimberlite is the black, at present the surface of this mountain has the scatterdness, embellishes just like the mildew spot same black rock in the mountain massif surface. 金伯利岩呈黑色,眼前这座大山的表面就有稀稀落落,宛如霉斑一样的黑色岩石点缀在山体表面。 Happen to Banshee aircraft also came, specifically is responsible for transporting aircraft that as one in concentrated uranium Factory, its interior not suitable manned, because in Cabin Room will have the mild radiation, but is used to scan that mountain not to have the issue. 正好女妖飞行器也来了,做为一架专门在浓缩工厂负责运输的飞行器,它的内部并不适合载人,因为机舱内会有轻度辐射,不过用来扫描那座大山没有问题。 Banshee aircraft restarts. 女妖飞行器重新启动。 Does not know that is intends or has no intention, after it takes off, toward the border inspection station of side that flat top structure sky over hovering. 不知是有意还是无意,它起飞后又往旁边那栋平顶结构的边检站上空悬停了一下。 It built four stable support in the roof of border inspection station, then the propeller reversed, crashed this border inspection station with the strong thrust force forcefully...... 它把四根稳定支架搭在了边检站的房顶,接着推进器倒转,硬生生用强大的推力压垮了这座边检站…… After soars to the heavens the mist and dust, these were detained in nearby irregular troops gate, the expression saw Grand Lion like the ant. 一阵冲天烟尘之后,那些被看押在旁边的杂牌军门,表情就像蚂蚁看见了雄狮 Banshee aircraft destroys the checkpoint to construct, threw the metal object of refrigerator size toward the summit of that mountain. 女妖飞行器破坏掉关卡建筑,又朝那座大山的山顶丢了座冰箱大小的金属物体。 After this device falls to the ground, immediately springs several set pins to prick in the rock automatically, then the bottom disposbale demolition shake generator, sends out grenade thundering. 这座设备落地后立刻自动弹出几根固定销刺入岩石中,接着底部一次性爆破震荡发生器,发出手雷般的轰鸣。 The sound wave that the demolition produces rapid disseminates along the mountain massif downward. 爆破产生的声波迅速沿着山体往下传播。 The rock type is different, represented their degree of hardness and resonance frequency are also various. 岩石的种类不同,代表了它们硬度和共振频率也各不相同。 Sound spotting device, can this mountain high degree of hardness lithizone, distinguish accurately. However the sound wave distinguishes precision to be limited, a survey can only distinguish about several hundred meters range. 声波探测设备,可以将这座大山内部的高硬度岩石带,准确识别出来。不过声波识别精度有限,一次探测只能识别几百米左右范围。 In several hundred meters the rock degree of hardness distribution map, appeared on the Ye Qing's holographic eyeglasses quickly. According to distribution map, rock layer distributed rates of Moroccan degree of hardness among 6-7 degrees, approximately in 5/1000 proportions. 几百米内岩石硬度分布图,很快出现在了叶青的全息眼镜上。根据分布图来看,摩氏硬度在6-7度之间的岩石层分布率,大约在千分之五的比例。 Naturally these rocks cannot guarantee that is the kimberlites, very possible is other rocks. 当然这些岩石并不能保证都是金伯利岩,也很可能是其它岩石。 ...... …… This group of cartoonists with looking at the miracle same look, watch that frame hovering Banshee aircraft in Dashanding. 这群漫画家们用看神迹一样的眼神,看住那架悬停在大山顶上的女妖飞行器 Meanwhile they are also mistaken as one of the Monster Industrial Ye Qing high-level here Factory, although inside several people thought that Ye Qing has a little looking familiar, but has not dared to go to the association toward that Director-General on at present. 同时他们也把叶青误认为是这巨兽工业驻这边工厂的高层之一,里面虽然有几个人觉得叶青有那么一点眼熟,但目前还没敢往那位总裁身上去联想。 Ye Qing does not make an appearance on the media now, in the network interview pictures of several photo 1-2 years ago, is the western-styled clothes leather shoes, serious. 叶青现在根本不在媒体上露面,网络上几张照于1-2前的采访照片,都是西装革履,一本正经。 You said that Banshee aircraft, can be the military version in legend?” In cartoonists some people of recollections handsome, I have read the news, the Banshee aircraft release at the same time part was the military order, the army online said that the military re-equipped to arm transport aircraft these aircraft.” “你们说那种女妖飞行器,会不会是传说中的军用版?”漫画家里有人浮想翩翩,“我看过新闻,女妖飞行器推出的同时就有一部分是军方订单,军网上说军方把这些飞行器都改装成了武装运输机。” Military version that should have the painting and serial number.” “军用版那应该有涂装和编号啊。” „Are you silly, the painting and serial number can fly in foreigner randomly, definitely traded painted the waistcoat.” “你傻不傻,涂装和编号能在国外乱飞嘛,肯定是重新换了涂装马甲。” You guess that handsome fellow can be Monster Industrial Director-General?” Cartoonist Chen Qiuqiu raised in the neck neck quietly is the silk handkerchief, making it block from own cheeks, she feared that the own starry eyed appearance was seen by the companions. “你们猜,那位帅哥会不会是巨兽工业总裁?”漫画家陈秋秋悄悄提了提颈脖里系着的丝巾,让它遮住自己的脸颊,她怕自己花痴样子被同伴们看见。 Here does not have the cell phone signal, she is unable to search the Monster Industrial Director-General picture through the network. 这里没有手机信号,她无法通过网络去搜索巨兽工业总裁照片。 But the sixth sense of woman told her, at present this youngster makings, the honored status that exposed in this group of black person General, perfect conformed to her the fantasy person to Monster Industrial Director-General to suppose. 但女人的第六感告诉她,眼前这位年轻人无论是气质,还是在这帮黑人将军里展露出的尊贵地位,都完美符合她对巨兽工业总裁的幻想人设。 May be Director-General his elder brother.” “有可能是总裁他哥。” May be the younger brother.” “有可能是弟弟。” The cartoonists are biting the lip to discuss, has made Ye Qing that Banshee aircraft takes a sample turn around natural, walks with smile on the face toward this group of cartoonists. 漫画家们正咬着嘴唇讨论,已经让女妖飞行器取样完毕的叶青则潇洒转身,面带微笑地朝着这帮漫画家们走来。 In the cartoonists has five female students, and face-value also good. 漫画家里有五位女生,并且颜值都还不错。 Since Ye Qing turns around, originally still lets one's thoughts wander the Ye Qing status female cartoonists in that did not immediately have the channel, they have indulged in the Ye Qing's smiling face. 自打叶青一转身,本来还在那乱想叶青身份的女漫画家们,顿时没了频道,她们已经沉溺在叶青的笑容中。 It looks like in the male cartoonists, unfeeling before Ye Qing, waves to make several No. 10 black warlords submit to the place. This action aggressive at the same time, there are to make they live a faint trace to fear to Ye Qing. 在男漫画家们看来,叶青之前的冷酷无情,挥手间就让几十号黑军阀臣服在地。这种举动霸气的同时,有让他们内心对叶青生起一丝丝惧怕。 May look like in the female cartoonists eyes, this hand grasps the heavy power, has the unsurpassed makings man, particularly the age to the graceful man who they are similar, simply is the walk female hormone magnetic field, simply in all happy fantasies is in a dream Hero. 可在女漫画家们眼里看来,这种手握重权,具有盖世无双气质的男人,尤其是年龄与他们相仿的帅帅男人,简直就是行走的女性荷尔蒙磁场,简直就是于所有美好幻想为一身的梦中英雄 He saved our! 他救了我们耶! Ye Qing turns around unknowingly, in their eyes is full of the handsome demeanor of drowning person. 叶青一个不经意间转身,在她们眼里都充满溺人的翩翩风仪。 Listened to you to say a moment ago, you do want to go to the Anyte area to look for your friends?” “刚才听你们说,你们要去阿尼特区找你们的朋友?” What is.” Cartoonist Chen Qiuqiu stood on tiptoes with joy the standing on tiptoes tip of the toe, „is he in our team Chen Xingyu's cousin, Big Bro you also goes to work in that side Factory?” “啊是的是的。”漫画家陈秋秋喜滋滋地踮了踮脚尖,“他是我们队里陈星宇的表亲,大哥您也在那边工厂里上班嘛?” Is.” Ye Qing shrugs the shoulders, „does his cousin name?” “算是吧。”叶青耸耸肩膀,“他那位表亲叫什么名字?” A male cartoonist raised the head, said cautiously: He called...... to call Xu Wenxuan.” 一名男漫画家抬起头,小心翼翼道:“他叫……叫徐文轩。” Ye Qing un, the back passed away with the satellite phone later makes a connection with that side Factory General Manager telephone. 叶青嗯了一声,随后背过身用卫星电话打通那边工厂总经理的电话。 General Manager Tan Jinghao gives the reply quickly, said that in Factory really has to call Xu Wenxuan's staff, he is the Colossus Type X pilot in the mining section. Ye Qing makes him give Xu Wenxuan to have a vacation ahead of time, and prepares 15 Standard suites that side Hotel. 总经理谭靖皓很快给出回复,说工厂里确实有叫徐文轩的员工,他在开采部担任巨神X型驾驶员。叶青让他给徐文轩提前放假,并在酒店那边准备十五个标准套间。 This group of cartoonists in the Anut lodging expense, Ye Qing helped them exempt, even if compensated was just scared them. 这帮漫画家们在阿努特的住宿费用,叶青帮他们免了,就算是补偿一下刚刚被吓坏了的他们。 Bridges over that to be pressed one pile of ruins the border control checkpoint, this group of cartoonists stepped into the Nigeria country Anut Area land officially. 跨过那座已经被压成一堆废墟的边检关卡,这群漫画家们就正式踏入了尼加亚阿奴特区的土地。 They enjoyed a military equipment to escort the treatment ruthlessly. 他们狠狠享受了一把武装护送待遇。 Buckler General and his irregular troops were sent under custody in the Banshee aircraft cargo hold by the collective, is safeguarded by inside several Monstrous Laborer. 巴克勒将军和他的杂牌军手下被集体押送进女妖飞行器的货舱里,由里面的几名巨力苦工看管。 As for the cargo hold in does not calculate that the serious radiation issue, uses temporarily as to them awakes the awaking brain. 至于货舱里并不算严重的辐射问题,权当给他们醒醒脑。 Banshee aircraft vanishes in the horizon, the minibus car(riage) that the cartoonists take, follows behind the motorcade, by two all-terrain vehicles that are filled with bodyguard, in tandem protect personal. 女妖飞行器消失在天际,漫画家们乘坐的中巴车,则跟在车队后头,由两辆坐满亲卫队员的越野车,一前一后贴身保护。 The unequalled security sense that drivehead that black G65 all-terrain vehicle brings, after letting this group of cartoonists rapidly border control important pass brain of not the happy experience throwing . They find out the window the head, is welcoming the dry strong winds, the expression to is completely joyful and is infatuated. 打头那辆黑色G65越野车带来的无与伦比安全感,让这群漫画家们迅速把边检关口的不愉快经历抛之脑后。他们一个个把脑袋探出窗,迎着干燥的狂风,表情冲满喜悦和陶醉。 The mood is happy, even in the air had the wild flavor. 心情美好,连空气中都带了狂野的味道。 Waits for the motorcade to arrive in the Anut capital city, is the evening time. 等车队抵达阿努特首府城市,已经是傍晚时间。 When arrives in Hotel, Xu Wenxuan who ahead of time has a vacation had waited there for some time, then them in the Hotel entrance watched Ye Qing that walks from G65 eagerly. 抵达酒店时,提前放假的徐文轩已经在酒店门口等候多时,然后他们眼巴巴看住了从G65里走下来的叶青 Visits me to do, goes to behind to welcome your friends?” Ye Qing somewhat patted this staff funnily, the Company staff basically recognized Ye Qing, but Ye Qing could not recognize them. “看着我干嘛,去后面欢迎你的朋友们啊?”叶青有些好笑地拍了拍这位员工,公司员工基本都认得叶青,不过叶青认不得他们。 Xu Wenxuan seems to be awakening from a dream, slightly runs toward the minibus car(riage) that side. 徐文轩如梦初醒,往中巴车那边小跑。 Cartoonist Chen Xingyu cannot snatch oneself this cousin, his cousin in five female students by team chirp had been encircled, closely examines the Ye Qing's status. 漫画家陈星宇根本抢不到自己这位表亲,他的表亲已经被队里的五名女生叽叽喳喳围了起来,追问叶青的身份。 ...... …… After banquet, Ye Qing returns to Hotel exclusive Suite. 晚宴之后,叶青返回酒店的专属套房 On banquet General Mopu asked how to process Buckler General and that group of irregular troops, he wants to make Buckler General keep on this lands forever. 晚宴莫普将军问如何处理巴克勒将军和那帮杂牌军,他想让巴克勒将军永远留在这片土地上。 Ye Qing flung that group of irregular troops to Mopu, Buckler General threw into Sotu Rainforest following concentrated uranium Factory conveniently. 叶青把那帮杂牌军甩给了莫普,巴克勒将军则顺手丢进索图雨林后面的浓缩工厂 The atmosphere that there mines is better, there has the flying ace from USA, has the SCS member and special operations forces team Commander from USA. Buckler General there, but can also exchanges with time and some international top grade talents for a lifetime. 那里挖矿的气氛更好一些,那里有来自美国的王牌飞行员,有来自美国的特战队员和特战队指挥官。巴克勒将军在那里,还可以用一辈子的时间和一些国际顶级人才多交流交流。 In exclusive Suite, Ye Qing is sitting on the sofa judges tea slowly. 专属套房里,叶青正坐在沙发上慢悠悠地品茶。 Two Metal Specialist in one side busy, they from the device box, take out one to have the old style notebook style black machine very much. 两名金属专家正在一旁忙碌,他们从设备箱里,取出一台很有老式笔记本风格的黑色机器。 The machine erects and enters the network continually, Ye Qing puts down in the hand the teacup, holographic eyeglasses belt/bring on eye. 机器架设完毕并连入网络,叶青放下手中茶杯,将全息眼镜带在了眼上。 Examines the data terminal, whether enters continually?” “检测到数据终端,是否连入?” Ye Qing said in a soft voice enters continually. 叶青轻声说连入。 device enters continually......” 设备连入中……” Data transfer encryption pattern start.” “数据传输加密模式启动。” Enters continually completes.” “连入完成。” The next quarter, Ye Qing places oneself in a clean Bai Ruxue's square seal space. Here has no illumination device, actually shines like the daytime. Shortly after the Ye Qing's form appears, a white light glitters, whole body translucent Electric Crystal also appears in front of Ye Qing. 下一刻,叶青置身于一座洁白如雪的正方形密封空间内。这里没有任何照明设备,却亮如白昼。叶青的身影出现不久,一道白光闪烁,浑身半透明的电晶也出现在叶青面前。 Boss.” 老板。” Ye Qing un, but also smiled hē hē conveniently to touch on the head of Electric Crystal, „did the topographical data that I fed in process?” 叶青嗯了一声,还笑呵呵顺手在电晶的脑袋上摸了一把,“我传回的地形数据处理完毕没有?” Electric Crystal hit a sound to refer , the sound referred to finishing, in the square seal space presents one piece to have the exaggeration topographical model of falling immediately, this was Ye Qing has inspected during the daytime three drills the ore to shrink compared with the terrain impressively. 电晶打了个响指,响指结束,正方形密封空间内立刻出现了一片有起有落的渲染地形模型,这赫然就是叶青白天考察过的三座钻矿缩比地形。 This not only only has the terrain, Ye Qing lets the mineral and soil specimen data that Metal Specialist collects during the daytime, was inducted. 这不仅仅只有地形,叶青白天让金属专家采集的矿物和土壤标本数据,也被导入了进来。 Boss, virtual Factory Server has gotten online.” Electric Crystal jumps paces up and down in front of Ye Qing, now various possibilities that we can start to simulate mechanized mining.” 老板,虚拟工厂服务器已经上线。”电晶一跳一跳地在叶青面前来回走动,“我们现在可以开始模拟机械化采矿的各种可能性。” ( This chapter ends) (本章完)
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