MF :: Volume #11

#1065: holographic eyeglasses price list

When Movie Director Ding arrives in Zhongyun, exactly time for the lunch. 丁导演抵达中云时,恰好午饭时间。 Ye Qing entertained Movie Director Ding in the Company restaurant, on the dining table of sitting room, Ye Qing told Movie Director Ding tactfully, said that this movie Electric Crystal thinks were the director, according to its mentality shot. 叶青公司餐厅招待了丁导演,内厅的饭桌上,叶青委婉告诉丁导演,说这部电影电晶想自己当导演,按照它的思路来拍。 Naturally, I do not approve to its this idea extremely.” A Ye Qing thread of conversation revolution, said: Electric Crystal in film and television is completely noob, if really defers to its mentality, this movie big probability will screw up.” “当然,我对它这个想法是极为不赞同的。”叶青话锋一转,说道:“电晶在影视方面完全就是个小白,如果真按照它的思路来,这部电影大概率会搞砸。” Movie Director Ding half Gifted had responded, rubbed the root of the ear, had/left one to suppress for a long time air/Qi. 丁导演过了半天才反应过来,揉了揉耳根,哈出一口憋了好久的气。 He must digest this news. 他要消化这个讯息。 Monster Industrial chief technical can Director, be the director to make the movie? 巨兽工业的首席科技总监,要当导演拍电影? Possibly in the eyes of these Gifted, they thinks that any industry is very simply relaxed. 可能在那些天才的眼中,他们认为任何一个行业都很轻松简单吧。 Their association/will cannot endure lonely, in a domain stands after is highest-end, always wants to challenge another domain again, realizes the spiritual sublimation by this. 他们也总会耐不住寂寞,在一个领域中站在最高端后,总想再挑战另一个领域,以此来实现精神上的升华。 Really makes Electric Crystal pat according to the temper, screws up the probability to reach as high as 95%. 真让电晶按照性子来拍,搞砸概率高达95%。 Therefore Movie Director Ding patient explained to Ye Qing, this 【The war of alien race, Although the script is very novel, is imaginative. But in concrete plot, but also has many immature places. 所以丁导演耐心给叶青解释,这部【异族的战争】,虽然剧本很是新颖,充满想象力。但在具体的情节上,还存在很多稚嫩的地方。 For example the plot conflict point is insufficient. 例如情节冲突点不够。 Weakness of too protagonist portray. 主角刻画的太薄弱。 Between two clans develops the aspect of life and death war, extremely writes in a straightforward manner, lacks the essential turning point. 两族之间发展成生死大战的局面,太过平铺直述,缺乏关键转折点。 A good movie, not only then shocks the scene. 一部好电影,不仅仅只有震撼场面。 It must contain a lot of contents to be one of them, it must have some clear humanistic thought in inside. Between two races , must seem like under the harmony, existed irreconcilablly cultural conflict. 它要包含很多内容在其中,它要有清晰的某种人文思想在里面。两个种族之间,也一定要有看似和谐之下,存在的不可调和地文化冲突。 Movie Director Ding by the blasting fuse example of war, he said that revises Kuiper person completely, discovered compared with human early this type of mineral exists. 丁导演以战争的导火索举例,他说完全修改成柯伊伯人,比人类更早发现了这种矿物存在。 The result living environment very bad Kuiper person, conspires to prepare for this war long time ago. 结果生存环境非常恶劣的柯伊伯人,早早就为这场战争密谋准备。 The living environment is bad, the nature is easy to foster to be extreme and cruel, indifferent spirit. 生存环境恶劣,自然容易养成偏激、残忍,冷漠的精神。 But the science and technology is developed, environment liberal human, develops in the Holy Mother direction. 而科技发达,居住环境优渥的人类,则往圣母方向发展。 They think naively can through the negotiations, come and Kuiper person reaches the mineral mining agreement. 他们天真认为可以通过谈判,来和柯伊伯人达成矿物开采协定。 Finally 结果 Kuiper person perfect used the human federation Holy Mother character, under the foray, obtains a series of significant victories. 柯伊伯人完美地利用了人类联邦的圣母性格,在突然袭击下,取得一连串重大战果。 Human in the deeply grieved failure, starts to learn from a painful experience, carefully examines itself. 人类在惨痛失败中,开始痛定思痛,审视自己。 Thus, movie detail plentiful. 这样,电影细节一下丰满了起来。 Ye Qing nods, after the Movie Director Ding brief supplement, this movie content, really becomes has the depth richly. 叶青点点头,经过丁导演简短补充后,这部电影内容,确实变得丰富有深度起来。 If really defers to Electric Crystal that type not the straightforward racket law of any thought that finally that movie will turn into one is not unqualified mostly, entire special effect popcorn piece. 如果真按照电晶那种不加任何思想的直白拍法,最后那部电影多半会变成一部不合格的,全特效爆米花片。 Human will become Holy Mother this in the future, Ye Qing also finds it very interesting. 还有人类未来变得圣母这点,叶青也觉得很有意思。 Human and a cruel indifferent race form an alliance, to seek an impossibility? 人类和一个残忍冷漠种族结盟,岂不是与虎谋皮? Electric Crystal, when the director is not good......” Movie Director Ding has not rejected this suggestion finally unexpectedly, he said: Any industry, will have just entered line of having no idea situations.” 电晶当导演也不是不行……”丁导演最后出乎意外并没有拒绝这个建议,他说道:“任何一个行业,都会有刚入行两眼一抹黑的情况。” In China film and television industry, in dramatic team besides having director, usually the experience experienced and reliable supervised manufacture is also responsible for planning the entire dramatic team.” “在华夏影视行业内,剧组里除了有导演外,通常还有一名经验老到的监制在负责统筹整个剧组。” I can work as a supervised manufacture, assists the Electric Crystal work.” “我可以当个监制,来协助电晶工作。” Ye Qing has listened to supervised manufacture position, has listened to the dramatic team the supervised manufacture and director is easy the dispute. 叶青听过监制这个职位,也听过剧组中监制和导演容易起争执。 The director said that must spend to pat this racket that. 导演说要花钱拍这个拍那个。 Must for the entire dramatic team shooting cost responsible supervised manufacture, then told the director this unable to pat, that cannot pat, we must save money for the dramatic team. 要为整个剧组拍摄成本负责的监制,则告诉导演这也不能拍,那也不能拍,我们要为剧组省钱。 To put it bluntly the dramatic team too poor pot, the movie of Monster Industrial investment will certainly not consider the cost. 说白了还是剧组太穷的锅,巨兽工业投资的电影当然不会考虑成本。 In order to makes the consumer have the film and television industry experience to the might of holographic eyeglasses, even if the box office cannot take back the itself finally, must pound happily. 为了能让消费者还有影视行业见识到全息眼镜的威力,即使最后票房收不回本,也要痛快地砸下去。 Ye Qing will also urge Electric Crystal, wants to pat what content, must first consult Movie Director Ding. 叶青也会叮嘱电晶,想拍什么内容,一定要先请教丁导演 【The war of alien race The shooting plan is decided refreshedly. 【异族的战争】拍摄计划就这么爽快确定下来。 Movie Director Ding polishes the script immediately, looks for the actor, looks for the appropriate shooting location. 丁导演会立刻润色剧本,寻找演员,物色合适拍摄场地。 Monster Industrial must enter the intense shooting tools preparatory work, this work is careful, Monster Industrial has started to adjust the optical lens of Skynet satellite. 巨兽工业也要进入紧张的拍摄道具准备工作,这个工作细致到,巨兽工业已经开始调整天网卫星的光学镜头。 It aims at the boundless universe the lens, uses the long exposure selecting a scene way, various shooting types of starry sky materials. 它将镜头对准茫茫宇宙,利用长曝光取景方式,拍摄各种星空素材。 This movie will be invested by Monster Industrial completely, holds the post of the supervised manufacture position Movie Director Ding Yin, then enjoys 10% box offices to be divided. 这部电影将完全由巨兽工业投资,担任监制职位的导演丁引,则享受10%的票房分成。 ...... …… Two days later, the first holographic eyeglasses sample was manufactured. 两天之后,第一只全息眼镜样品被制作出来。 This eyeglasses and walk in fashion front sunglasses, not too greatly is different. 这只眼镜和走在时尚潮流前端的墨镜,并无太大不同。 It with only has more than 200 grams in the hand, the mirror surface is the integration, about co-factor propagation of mirror surface in through bridges of the nose together. 它拿在手中只有两百多克,镜面是一体式,左右镜面通过鼻梁之间的位置融合在一起。 This is eyeglasses of pure white mirror holder, the mirror surface glass transparency. 这是一只纯白色镜架的眼镜,镜面玻璃完全透明。 Also only then in the hand, can distinguish it and difference of ordinary sunglasses carefully. 也只有拿在手中,才能细细分辨出它与普通太阳镜的区别。 For example this model of mirror holder is thicker than the common spectacle frames, the belt/bring is sturdier on the face. The mirror leg was soft, having the arc to be curving, can the fitting under the ear root. 例如这款镜架比寻常眼镜架更厚一些,带在脸上更加牢靠。镜腿则非常柔软,带了弧线弯曲,可以贴合在耳朵根下方。 That inside fused the stereo headset, only need push gently, can experience the encirclement sound effect of experiencing personally. 那里面融合了立体声耳机,只需轻轻一推,就能体验到身临其境的环绕音效。 Battery and precise chip fusion in mirror holder, lens two-course construction, and inside that lens edge, inclines slightly inward. 电池与精密芯片融合在镜架中,镜片双层结构,并且内里那块镜片边缘,略微朝里倾斜。 This can have better shading effect, customer(s) when appreciating the holographic eyeglasses picture, not by the exterior light source disturbance. 这样可以拥有更好的遮光效果,用户在欣赏全息眼镜画面时,不会被外部光源干扰。 Outer layer lens, then plays the function of anti- light and resistance to abrasion. 外层镜片,则起到阻光和抗磨的作用。 This lens did not exist on technical blueprint(s). 这层镜片原来在科技图纸上并不存在。 But considering the consumer outdoors use and pursue fashionable need, Ye Qing made Electric Crystal design one specially, had the protection lens of changes countenance function. 但考虑到消费者户外使用和追求时尚的需要,叶青特意让电晶设计了一款,拥有变色功能的保护镜片。 It has seven changes countenance functions, the sunglasses effects under each color correspondence different weather. 它拥有七种变色功能,每一种颜色对应不同天气下的墨镜效果。 When the lens turn into the black, can prevent the extraneous light to enter completely. 当镜片变成黑色时,可以完全阻挡住外部光线进入。 Eyeglasses, cell phone, with the data terminal that the ordinary computer case size is similar. 一只眼镜,一部手机,一台和普通电脑机箱尺寸相仿的数据终端。 The three constituted the complete function of holographic eyeglasses, if merely only pursues to have a look at the movie, plays the hand roaming and consumer of online shopping, can only purchase the eyeglasses, or adds cell phone. 这三者构成了全息眼镜的完整功能,如果只是只追求看看电影,玩玩手游和网络购物的消费者,就可以只购买眼镜,或加一部手机 If pursues manufactures game greatly, complex scence adventure customer(s), then needs to supplement a data terminal. 如果追求大制作游戏,复杂场景冒险用户,则需要追加一台数据终端。 nouveau riche player, but can also supplement one set of Primordial Spirit to equip. 土豪玩家,还可以追加一套元神装备。 Eyeglasses selling price 8600. 眼镜售价八千六。 The cell phone selling price and Illusory Crystal 2nd Gen are the same, data terminal selling price 62,000, Primordial Spirit coverall selling price 30 ten thousand...... 手机售价与幻晶二代相同,数据终端售价六万二,元神套装售价三十万…… Without that the nouveau riche player, but can also choice only purchase a pair of Primordial Spirit glove. 没那么土豪的玩家,还可以选择只购买一双元神手套。 The density of Primordial Spirit glove basis motor fiber, can have three difference in price choice. 元神手套根据运动纤维的密度,可以有三种不同价格选择 Foundation version 6000 Yuan. 基础版六千元。 Strengthens the version 18,000. 加强版一万八。 The price of perfect version is 42,000...... 完美版的价格是四万二…… Said, this pricing, according to the words of cost computation is not really high. 说实在,这个定价,按成本计算的话真不算高。 Possibly is willing the flower to be close to 400,000, arranges nouveau riche customer(s) of virtual reality product complete coverall, will be surely very few. 可能舍得花接近四十万,配齐虚拟现实产品全部套装的土豪用户,必定会少之又少。 Company also can only develop entry-level equipment of one set of most people-sensitive, first makes the client base. 公司这边也只能开发出一套最亲民的入门级装备,先把客户群体做出来。
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