MF :: Volume #11

#1056: 1033: Later please call me the golden left hand

Second-gen Primordial Spirit, at present as before merely test. 第二代元神手,目前依旧只是测试品。 Electric Crystal only compiled to have one set of relatively succinct operational order temporarily, from the most succinct that wrap/sets, but also needs to continue to collect the data, making Super Computer have multi-samples to screen. 电晶暂时只编绘出了一套相对简洁的操作命令,距离最简洁的那套,还需要继续采集数据,让超算有更多样本进行甄别。 This test personnel, Jiang contacted last year, loses the patient of left hand because of the traffic accident. 本次测试人员,姜舒雅联络了去年,一位因为车祸而失去左手的病人。 This patient before the traffic accident mixes IT, after the traffic accident, transfers the duty to do the IT operation, at present dry/does also good. 这位病人在车祸前混IT界,车祸后转职干IT运营,目前干的还不错。 Jiang is very deep to this patient impression, this deep impression, is not only he reveals in the hospitalized fashion, to the future not confused mentality. After he lost the left hand, not only has not lost own enterprise, instead depending on the intelligent mind, changes a position, on the strong capability of one layer building. 姜舒雅对这位病人印象很深,这个深刻印象,不仅仅是他在住院时流露出,对未来并不迷茫的心态。还有他失去了左手后,不仅没有弄丢自己的事业,反而凭聪慧头脑,换个位置,更上一层楼的强大能力。 Does the operation, the eloquence is most basic. This makes the operation in IT, the fluent English is also certainly a cinch. 干运营嘛,口才是最基本的。这位又是在IT界做运营,流利英文当然也不在话下。 His name was king Yanyu, this year 30 year. 他叫王严语,今年三十岁。 Receives Jiang invitation, king Yanyu has almost not considered to comply immediately. 接到姜舒雅的邀请,王严语几乎没有考虑就立刻答应了下来。 No matter what product tester because he must act as, so long as can bring the product, is on the world famous Europe Medicine Federation stage. 因为不管他要去充当什么样的产品测试员,但只要能够带着产品,登上世界著名的欧罗巴医学联合会舞台。 That this product, with his tester, would welcoming a wave of big exposure rate/lead. 那这件产品,和他这位测试员,总会迎来一波不小的曝光率。 IT operates this position is not quite dry/does, if not that Company Boss that king Yanyu holds an office, was he rested the bunk bed in the past together schoolmate, this position, he had no opportunity. IT界运营这个位置并不好干,如果不是王严语任职的那家公司老板,是他当年一起睡上下铺的同学,这个职位,他没有任何机会。 A person, if lost some type of thing forever, but he also wants to base in this society, wants to control the destiny in own. 一个人,如果永远失去了某样东西,但他还想在这个社会立足下去,想把命运掌握在自己手里。 That this person, must have the consciousness of holding the fire lying firewood. 那这个人,就要有抱火卧薪的觉悟。 king Yanyu has such consciousness, that present business trip foreigner, sits the business class to live in star-level Hotel, but can also obtain the exposure rate/lead the work, why does not comply. 王严语有这样的觉悟,那现在有一份出差国外,坐商务舱住星级酒店,还能获得曝光率的活儿,为何不答应呢。 And king Yanyu who frequently has to do with the frontier electron science and technology, will unable to bear the fantasy. 并且经常与前沿电子科技打交道的王严语,也会忍不住幻想。 Fantasy future some day, after science and technology as developed as certain level, can help their group of people, casts off minority groups this hat. 幻想未来的某一天,科技发达到一定水平后,能够帮助他们这群人,摘掉“弱势群体”这顶帽子。 Then king strict language. 然后王严语来了。 And in Meader Hospital, saw Second-gen Primordial Spirit. 并在米德医院,见到了第二代元神手。 ...... …… king Yanyu is sobbing. 王严语在哭泣。 In the artificial limb laboratory, king Yanyu is working as many doctor surface, holds that eye man old before his time áo áo that likes in the bygone days looking at to cry. 在义肢实验室里,王严语当着众多医生面儿,抱着那位眼睛喜欢往天上望的小老头嗷嗷大哭。 The innermost feelings are powerful, not representative really can be familiar with not to have a life of hand. 内心强大,不代表真的会习惯没有了一只手的生活。 Even if has wife child's king Yanyu, does not need to consider that can not ask for wife this issue. Even king strict the language innermost feelings are powerful enough, can confidently facing others vision. 即使已经有了妻子孩子的王严语,不用考虑“会不会讨不到老婆”这个问题。即使王严语内心足够强大,能够坦然面对别人目光。 May live inconvenient that these head on, loses pleasure that many normal people can realize, is unable to overcome by powerful innermost feelings. 可生活中那些扑面而来的不便,失去很多正常人能够体会的乐趣,根本无法靠一颗强大内心去克服。 king Yanyu looks dull own left hand, tears pā dā pā dā falls downward. 王严语呆呆地看着自己左手,眼泪啪嗒啪嗒往下掉。 What does grown man cry?” Master Craftsman slanting squint. “大男人哭什么?”精巧大师斜了斜眼。 How feels?” On Jiang face is brimming with the gratified smiling face. “感觉怎么样?”姜舒雅脸上洋溢着欣慰笑容。 Looks tester who king strict the language works as this congress, after is she reviewed these two years patient file, chooses to think the rightest personnel. king Yanyu eloquence is not only good, English is good, is most important he is IT programming. 找王严语来当本次大会的测试员,是她回顾了这两年病人档案后,挑选出认为最合适的人员。王严语不仅口才好,英文好,最重要他原来是一位IT程序员。 To operation programming that this even junior high pupil Su astronavigation can begin fast, king Yanyu estimated that can play the flower. 对这种连初中生苏宇航都能快速上手的操作程序,王严语估计能玩出花儿来。 Hears the voice of Dr. Jiang, king Yanyu smiles embarrassed, scratched the tears, feeling...... to is really same.” 听到姜医生的声音,王严语不好意思地笑了笑,擦了把眼泪,“感觉……就跟真的一样。” Said that king Yanyu loosens grasps the hand of Master Craftsman, said excitedly: I did not catch cold to the Monster Industrial product actually, because of cell phone or the automobile, a hand I do not handle, the technology chair price is also too expensive/noble.” 说完王严语又松开抱住精巧大师的手,激动道:“我原来对巨兽工业产品其实不怎么感冒的,因为无论是手机还是汽车,一只手我都玩不转,工学椅价格又太贵。” Now was different, I am Monster Industrial iron rod fans.” “现在不同了,我已经是巨兽工业的铁杆粉丝。” This Master, I can ask the Primordial Spirit price, if it goes on the market officially, I want to work as the first customer.” “这位师傅,我能问一下元神手价格嘛,如果它正式上市,我想当第一位顾客。” Delivered you.” Master Craftsman this thing is unworthy several money indifferent appearance. “送你了。”精巧大师一副“这玩意又不值几个钱”的无所谓样子。 With enough time king Yanyu who has not tested the actual function, has the shedding tears trend again. 还没来得及测试实际功能的王严语,有再次掉眼泪趋势。 Because in he understands, this type is also at internal test phase the high-tech product, often can only depend on Engineer half hand-made to assemble in the laboratory. This is not the issue that money can solve, but is others cannot spare the time to help you assemble. 因为在他理解中,这种还处于内部测试阶段的高科技产品,往往只能在实验室里靠工程师们半手工装配出来。这不是钱能解决的问题,而是人家根本腾不出时间来帮你装配。 Good, Little Wang you do not want old Gu thanks.” “好了好了,小王你不要老顾着感谢。” Chief Ma Hongjun also in the laboratory, he pats king Yanyu the shoulder, sincere say/way: Our this time invited you to be the congress tester, but had very high expectation.” 院长马洪军也在实验室,他拍拍王严语肩膀,语重心长道:“我们这次邀请你来担任大会测试员,可是抱有非常高的期望呀。” You look, Monster Industrial to research and develop Primordial Spirit, has invested one to test center in our Meader Hospital free of charge, and lists as most first development product Primordial Spirit. From these point dī dī, we can feel Monster Industrial intensely to the spirit that the society offers.” “你看,巨兽工业为了研发元神手,已经无偿在我们米德医院投资了一座实验中心,并把元神手列为最优先的发展产品。从这些点点滴滴,我们可以强烈感受到巨兽工业对社会奉献的精神。” Then our Meader Hospital and you, must go all-out to help Monster Industrial publicize this product.” “那么我们米德医院和你,都要尽全力去帮助巨兽工业宣扬这件产品。” Lets Primordial Spirit at the congress brilliant.” “让元神手在大会上光彩夺目。” That starts.” king Yanyu nods layer on layer/heavily. “那开始吧。”王严语重重点头。 His actually very good expression, but he felt at this moment, with practical action comes thanks Monster Industrial, is the best way. 他其实很善言辞,但此刻他觉得,用实际行动来感谢巨兽工业,才是最好方式。 Jiang turned on front of the people large screen, inside was she recently the product feature explanation video that led several nurses to record. 姜舒雅打开了众人面前的大屏幕,里面是她最近带领几名护士录制的产品功能讲解视频。 This is also one of the Jiang responsible projects, the Primordial Spirit operation is complex, is the medical instrument product category, is manufactured the product video by their these medical personnel, naturally is more appropriate than Monster Industrial that group of technicians. 这也是姜舒雅负责的项目之一,元神手操作复杂,又属于医疗器械产品范畴,由她们这些医护人员来制作产品视频,当然比巨兽工业那帮技术员们合适。 At present the video has not recorded completely, but function has recorded. 目前视频还没全部录完,但功能这块已经录好。 king Yanyu the facial expression, enrolled the college entrance examination more dedicated than him in the past. 王严语的神情,比他当年参加高考还要专注。 His vision is shining little. 他的目光在一点点发亮。 After he looks is a half hour of explanation video, king strict the language innermost feelings as if squeeze in a nuclear bomb. 当他看完长达半小时的讲解视频后,王严语内心仿佛被塞入一颗核弹。 His train of thought was filled up by the nuclear explosion thoroughly, his world view is disrupting fast, the reorganization, disrupts again. 他的思绪被核爆彻底填满,他的世界观在快速碎裂,重组,再次碎裂。 This happiness, had been aloof the dreamland. 这种幸福,已经超脱了梦境。 This is operation programming that current IT wants not to dare to imagine, this is the miracle of industrial science and technology, without Monster Industrial, passes ten years of 20 year again, king Yanyu will not see the hope of second Primordial Spirit. 这是当前IT界想都不敢想象的操作程序,这是工业科技的奇迹,如果没有巨兽工业,再过十年二十年,王严语也不会看到第二种元神手的希望。 Now king Yanyu only wants to ask one, can Primordial Spirit these compared with the real hand also flexible finger, really...... do? 现在王严语只想问一句,元神手那些比真手还灵活的手指,真的……可以做出来嘛? If so. 如果能。 king Yanyu has the confidence only to depend on the left hand, can defeat originally his programming peers. 王严语有信心只靠左手,就能打败原来他那些程序员同行。 Speed that after all the brain moves, compared with muscle speed quickly. 毕竟大脑动一动的速度,比肌肉速度快多了。 This runs the automobile like the horse, king Yanyu has the automobile now, but the normal person, only has the horse. 这就象马儿跑不过汽车一样,王严语现在拥有了汽车,而正常人,只拥有马。 Understood?” Jiang feels king Yanyu, even if has had a programming experience, not necessarily can one understand the operation video. “看懂了嘛?”姜舒雅觉得王严语哪怕有过程序员经历,也不一定就能一遍看懂操作视频。 „The place that cannot have you said that I helped you explain......” “有不懂的地方你说出来,我来帮你解答……” Do not say.” king Yanyu very raises up the right hand. “不要说了。”王严语酷酷地竖起右手。 The next quarter, he brings the Primordial Spirit specially-made electronic wrist watch. The wrist watch starts, king Yanyu the right hand clicks on the screen fast. 下一刻,他带起元神手特制的电子腕表。腕表启动,王严语右手在屏幕上飞快点击。 Nearby chief Ma Hongjun is very gratified, he thought that the personnel of Little Jiang this time choice really must be too appropriate. 一旁的院长马洪军很是欣慰,他觉得小姜这次挑选的人员真得太合适。 The result crossed for two minutes, chief Ma Hongjun changed the idea. 结果过了两分钟,院长马洪军改变了想法。 He...... 他…… Thought that king Yanyu is anomaly. 觉得王严语是个“变态”。 This fellow merely fiddles with for two minutes on the screen, operating programming guided using the Bluetooth function to nearby computer on. Sits in front of the computer, king strict the language hits the speed of keyboard single-handed, adds the both feet also to want on quick ten times compared with chief Ma Hongjun both hands. 这家伙只是在屏幕上捣鼓两分钟,就利用蓝牙功能把操作程序引导到了旁边电脑上。坐在电脑前,王严语单手打键盘的速度,比院长马洪军双手加双脚还要快上十倍。 pā dā pā dā pā dā 啪嗒啪嗒啪嗒 The chief Ma Hongjun eyes cannot keep up with the rhythm, he worried very much the keyboard can shatter. 院长马洪军眼睛根本就跟不上节奏,他很担心键盘会坏掉。 In piece in an eyeball that is startled for the Celestial, king strict the language knocks the carriage return layer on layer/heavily. 在一片惊为天人的眼球中,王严语重重敲下回车键。 Ok.” “好了。” Sensor where, I want to debug the touch feedback.” “感应器在哪里,我想来调试触感回馈。”
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