MOE :: Volume #10

#56: Why is she?

Demon Sovereign has not closely examined, wields together black aura, condenses a black ball in Nighteye top of the head, during revolving a little bit is quite pure rich Dark Origin Force to congeal, drops, falls on Nighteye. Every time selects Dark Origin Force to fall, the Nighteye body slightly trembles, will emit wisp of Daybreak Origin Force from her body, at once annihilates. 魔皇并未追问,挥出一道黑气,在夜瞳头顶处凝聚成一颗黑球,旋转间一滴滴极为纯正浓郁的黑暗原力凝成,滴落,落在夜瞳身上。每点黑暗原力落下,夜瞳身躯都是微微一颤,紧接着就会从她身体里散溢出一缕黎明原力,旋即湮灭。 Two dukes look from afar, unknowingly reveals to admire. Each Dark Origin Force to essence to pure, almost can regard as the dark source incarnation, if they can obtain one drop, definitely will reach a new altitude regarding the understanding of Dark Origin Force, then breaks through the current level bottleneck. 两位公爵远远看着,不经意间流露出欣羡。每一点黑暗原力都是至精至纯,几乎可以视为黑暗源点的化身,若是他们能够得到一滴,对于黑暗原力的理解必然会达到一个新的高度,进而突破目前的位阶瓶颈。 Consecutively after seven drops of Dark Origin Force, that black ball vanishes into thin air finally, the Demon Sovereign sound also shows some exhaustedly, it seems like that the consumption is not small. 连续七滴黑暗原力后,那颗黑球终于化为乌有,魔皇的声音也透出些许疲惫,看来消耗非小。 I can do was these many. Moreover, I opening the time of double front door retard one month, hopes that you can restore at that time.” “我能够做的就是这么多了。另外,我会把开启第二重大门的时间推后一个月,希望到了那个时候你能够恢复。” Nighteye said: One month was enough, does not need to wait for a longer time.” 夜瞳道:“一个月的时间足够了,不需要等待更长的时间。” Hope so. These days, should better possibly cause you to fall into matter processing of dangerous situation these to be clean once more, although my this is only the projection, but such comes the previous consumption to be also many.” “希望如此。这段时间,最好把那些可能会导致你再次陷入险境的事情处理干净,我这虽然只是投影,但是这么来上一次消耗也还是不少。” I will consider.” Nighteye's sound ice-cold. “我会考虑。”夜瞳的声音冰冷。 Demon Sovereign does not force, but reminded: Do not forget you to comply with anything.” 魔皇也不勉强,只是提醒道:“别忘了你答应过什么。” Naturally I remember.” “当然我会记得。” Endless diverges dark, the pressure vanishes, the projection of Demon Sovereign already went far away. Two duke foreheads see the perspiration, has the feeling of being saved from death. Demon Sovereign results from the fine powder, in Dark Saint Mountain his image is most temperate humbly, however the place of this darkness, the feeling of life and death completely palm, regarding the two duke such powerhouses, really does not want to experience much one time. 无尽黑暗散去,威压消失,魔皇的投影已然远去。两位公爵额头见汗,都有种死里逃生的感觉。魔皇起于微末,黑暗圣山中他的形象最为温和谦逊,然而这种黑暗之处,生死尽掌的感觉,,对于两位公爵这样的强者来说,实在是不想多经历一次。 A duke arrives at side Nighteye, said: Your highness, what need has we to help?” 一名公爵来到夜瞳身边,道:“殿下,有什么需要我们帮助的吗?” Temporarily does not have. However here soldiers some are not quickly good, needs to treat and cure.” “暂时没有。不过这里的战士们有些快不行了,需要救治。” Good, my this manages.” After this duke complies next, really somewhat cannot bear, said: Your highness, Demon Sovereign each words have the profound meaning, if you have anything to involve with Human race that side, should better sooner mediate.” “好的,我这就去办。”这名公爵答应下之后,实在有些忍不住,又道:“殿下,魔皇陛下每句话都有深意,您如果还和人族那边有什么牵涉,最好还是早些了断。” Nighteye cold sound said: When was one's turn you to gesticulate to me?” 夜瞳寒声道:“什么时候轮到你对我指手划脚了?” The duke does not lose one's temper, but said: We are responsible for protecting you after all, but such as just such matter again happened one time, we are really also helpless. The new world front door opens importantly, now actually the card on second layer gate. Oh, was I did not say, you should also know, in Council already had the discontented sound.” 那公爵也不动怒,只是道:“我们毕竟负责保护您,可是如刚刚那样的事再发生一次,我们也实在无能为力。新世界大门开启何等重要,现在却卡在第二重门上。唉,就是我不说,您也应该知道,议会中早就有不满的声音。” Nighteye cold say/way: Who has discontented, performs to look for me!” 夜瞳冷道:“谁有不满,尽可来找我!” Another duke this calmly is listening in side, hears here unable to bear urge: Your highness, you do not certainly fear, they do not have the ability to make anything to you. But Demon Sovereign said the matter, actually has not calculated that was secret, many people were also suspecting to that aspect. For the new world, many old fogies waited for over a thousand years. Now their life soon comes to the end, any crazy matter can do. I heard, some people had planned from the Human race that side, cuts off you in that side relation.” 另一名公爵本在旁边静静听着,听到这里也忍不住劝道:“殿下,您自己当然是不惧,他们也没有能力对您做什么。可是魔皇所说之事,其实已经不算是秘密了,许多人也在向那个方面怀疑。为了新世界,许多老家伙已经等了上千年。现在他们的生命快要走到尽头,什么疯狂的事都做得出来。我听说,有些人已经打算从人族那边着手,斩断您在那边的联系。” In the Nighteye eye the cold light flashes, said: What do I have to relate in that side? How do they prepare to cut off?” 夜瞳眼中寒光一闪,道:“我在那边还有什么联系?他们又准备如何斩断?” That duke tactful said/tunnel: This I do not know. However since Human race can unable to find you here, then they should also be able to find the goal that side Human race. As for has the relation truly, you also know that sometimes, handles something not to need to confirm repeatedly. I think, today such matter has words again, they had a more sufficient reason to adopt to move.” 那名公爵委婉地道:“这我就不知道了。不过人族既然能够在这里找得到您,那么他们也应该能在人族那边找到目标。至于是不是真正有联系,您也知道的,有时候做一些事情并不需要反复确认。我想,今天这样的事再发生一次的话,他们就有更充足的理由采取行动了。” Killing intent that the Nighteye eyeground reveals restrains slowly, the whole person gives the feeling of person more dangerous, she is every single word or phrase typical: You told these old fogies, I was never threatened! If their indeed thought oneself were too exactly long, I can also help them.” 夜瞳眼底流露的杀意徐徐收敛,整个人给人的感觉却更加危险,她一字一句地道:“那你就告诉那些老家伙,我从来不受威胁!如果他们确实觉得自己活太久了,我也可以帮帮他们。” The duke sighed one lightly, said: Your highness, this does not have the significance, they can not aim at you. On the contrary, our also indeed thought that you should seriously consider Demon Sovereign your majesty suggestion, after all Human race is extremely sinister, they wanted to strangle you are not a time two, the method did not have to use it extremely. Including Extreme Point King make a move, you have evaded this time, then next?” 公爵轻叹一声,道:“殿下,这没有意义,他们也不是非要针对您。相反,我们也确实觉得您应该认真考虑魔皇陛下的建议,毕竟人族太过阴险,他们想要扼杀您也不是一次两次了,手段也无所用其极。连指极王出手了,您躲过了这次,那么下次呢?” Nighteye unemotionally, but said sentence knew. 夜瞳面无表情,只是说了句知道了。 Two dukes look one, knows that the words spoke of here already to the end, therefore treated and cured the sick and wounded from going under. On the entire Theseus ancient castle ruins, Vampire Race elite soldiers place, cannot crawl lying this way and that but actually completely, even there is title powerhouses to suffocate. 两位公爵对望一眼,知道话说到这里已经到头了,于是自去下面救治伤患。整个底修斯古堡的废墟上,血族精锐战士横七竖八地倒了一地,完全爬不起来,甚至有爵位强者都是奄奄一息。 The terrifying power that Extreme Point King erupts instantaneously at all is not these low-rank Vampire Race can unable to withstand, but emergence of Demon Sovereign projection, then to their roller compactions once again. What Demon Sovereign attention is only the Nighteye's injury, will not pay attention to these low-rank Vampire Race lives, not to avoid injuring accidentally this minor matter restraining domain. 指极王瞬间爆发的恐怖力量根本不是这些下位血族能够承受得住的,而魔皇投影的出现,则是对他们的再度碾压。魔皇关注的只是夜瞳的伤势,才不会理会这些下位血族的死活,更不会为了避免误伤这种小事收敛领域。 The Nighteye dwelling place has destroyed, then step enters ancient castle underground. Underground hall centre here, is revolving a sincere huge cast iron great coffin. 夜瞳居处已毁,便移步进入古堡地下。在这里的地下大厅中央,旋转着一座厚重巨大的铸铁巨棺。 The iron coffin immersion in Wang blood pond, in the pond the blood is quiet, sends out wisp of light fragrant and sweet. Theseus ancient castle iron coffin blood pond is quite famous, is the wartime supports the powerhouse strength the key. In the past Human race awakened, after Founding Ancestor led the founding fathers seized ancient castle, the first matter has destroyed iron coffin blood pond, after that Vampire Race recaptured ancient castle, has spent the massive painstaking care reconstruction. 铁棺浸泡在一汪血池中,池中血液平静无波,散发出一缕淡淡的甜香。底修斯古堡的铁棺血池相当有名,是战时支撑强者战力的关键。当年人族觉醒,太祖率领开国元勋们占领古堡后,第一件事就是摧毁了铁棺血池,其后血族夺回古堡,才又花了大量心血重建。 Enters the hall, Nighteye then said to behind two Viscount: You exit, three days later awakens me again.” 进入大厅,夜瞳便对身后跟着的两名子爵道:“你们出去吧,三天后再来唤醒我。” Yes, Your highness!” “是,殿下!” Heavy mausoleum chamber front door behind closes in Nighteye, she takes off clothes armor slowly, looks down own perfect body. The wound of her abdomen recovered marvelously, but the originally injured place, newborn flesh and blood is almost transparent, can see the skeleton that inside several just came back to life also only then the finger is thick or thin, not as long as proper degree. This is only the flesh and blood skeleton, the internal organs of damage simply with enough time has not repaired. 沉重的地宫大门在夜瞳身后关上,她缓缓脱去衣甲,低头看着自己完美无瑕的身体。她腹部的伤口已经奇迹般地复原,但是原本受伤的地方,新生的血肉几乎是透明的,可以看到里面几根刚刚复生的骨骼还只有手指粗细,远未长到应有的程度。这只是血肉骨骼,受损的内脏还根本没有来得及修复。 On the flesh, several wisps of flame turnovers, the Nighteye frown frowns faintly, resembles is burnt by the flame very painfully. This is remains Daybreak Origin Force the flame, like attaching the maggot of bone, burns does not extinguish. Demon Sovereign method, cannot drive out completely cleanly. 在肌肤上,隐隐还有几缕火苗吞吐,夜瞳双眉微颦,似是被火焰烧灼得十分痛苦。这是残留黎明原力所化的火焰,有如附骨之蛆,燃烧不灭。就连魔皇手段,也未能完全驱除干净。 Nighteye sticks with the fingertip on the flame, sparks/Mars adhere to stick cohere in light of this on her fingertip, burns unceasingly, tries to swallow her flesh and blood and Origin Force. 夜瞳用指尖粘在火焰上,一点火星就此附着在她的指尖上,不断燃烧,试图吞噬她血肉原力 She places the fingertip at present, calmly looks at sparks/Mars that leaps, after the moment, somewhat self-ridiculed that talked to oneself: Also has gotten down the initial capital. You think that I do die? Hehe, I have not provoked you probably.” 她将指尖放在眼前,静静看着跃动的火星,片刻后有些自嘲地自语:“还真是下了血本。你们就这么想我死吗?呵呵,我好象还没有招惹过你们呢。” This Daybreak flame is so hard to deal with, the nature non- is the ordinary method, wants to attach for it on is similar to the characteristics of Dark Race curse, not only need consume the extremely rare rare and precious material, but must consume Nighteye own soul fragment. In the past when fell into the hand of military headquarters, Li Fengshui with the soul grinding pan suffered her, mostly also collected a point her soul fragment. 这点黎明火焰如此难缠,自然非是普通手段,想要为它附加上类似于黑暗种族诅咒的特性,不光要消耗极罕见的珍稀材料,还要消耗夜瞳自己的灵魂碎片。当年落入军部之手,栗风水用灵魂磨盘折磨她时,多半还收集了一点她的灵魂碎片。 But now, awakens along with Nighteye's once again, these old times soul fragment values are the infinite promotion, is immeasurable. Since the empire gives up to invest a soul fragment, to quite attach the curse attribute in the Super Tier origin crystal material, solid wins. 而现在,随着夜瞳的再度觉醒,这些旧时的灵魂碎片价值已是无限提升,无可估量。帝国既然舍得投入一点灵魂碎片,又以相当于超品原晶的材料附加诅咒属性,实是志在必得。 Has what kind of deep-seated hatred, under wants the so heavy hand? To prevent the new world front door to open, that the goal by no means only then her, she should not better cope with. The only reason, because of the former days fetters, was fondly remembering because of that point of her bottom of heart deep place, as well as to Human race good intentions and trust? Therefore, that she is easiest to start? 只是有何等深仇大恨,要下如此重手?想要阻止新世界大门开启,目标并非只有她一个,她也绝不是最好对付的那一个。难道惟一的理由,就是因为旧日羁绊,因着她心底深处的那一点怀念,以及对人族的一点善意和信任?所以,她是最容易下手的那一个? Nighteye blows out wisp of blood energy, has extinguished the fire on fingertip. But the fire of abdomen is too fierce, at this moment is unable to throw to extinguish. Only then in iron coffin blood pond, after 3rd three nights of immersions, can extinguish thoroughly. 夜瞳吹出一缕血气,熄灭了指尖上的火。而腹部的火还太烈,此刻无法扑熄。只有在铁棺血池中,经过三日三夜的浸泡,才能彻底熄灭。 Extreme Point King was this strikes to make the exceptionally preparation, 指极王为这一击做了异常充分的准备, Perhaps he had not estimated that Nighteye grew to can block him the situation of reluctantly, as soon as striking, but has not forgotten to prevent the accident/surprise. 他或许没有预计到夜瞳已经成长到可以勉强挡住他一击的地步,但也没有忘记预防意外。 The Daybreak flame that this combustion does not extinguish, will only need one slightly to burn through her flesh and blood, will thus extinguish thoroughly kills her. Before sending out she awakens, blood relation's remaining clansman as assassin, then melts her vigilance, making her step into the trap easily, makes two dukes who shoulders the guard responsibility respond radically without enough time. 这种燃烧不熄的黎明火焰,只需要一小会就可以燃尽她的血肉,从而彻底灭杀她。派出她觉醒前血亲残余的族人作为刺客,则是化解她的戒心,让她轻易踏入陷阱,也让担负护卫职责的两位公爵根本来不及反应。 Perhaps the Extreme Point King only fault, has not thought that Demon Sovereign will appear, moreover comes to such rapidness. Almost was the change just occurred, the Demon Sovereign projection arrived. 或许指极王惟一的失误,就是没想到魔皇会出现,而且现身如此之快。几乎是异动刚刚发生,魔皇投影就已降临。 Although the Demon Sovereign main body now does not know that on which Continent, may in the demonkin traditional territory, so surmount the far-out space mostly, but also penetrates into the Vampire Race native place, to Demon Sovereign is also not the small consumption. In January/one month that he said time, not only leaves Nighteye, leaves own. 魔皇本体现在虽不知道在哪块大陆上,可多半是在魔裔的传统领地,如此跨越遥远空间,还深入到血族本土,对魔皇来说也是不小的消耗。他说的一月时间,不光是留给夜瞳,也是留给自己的。 Nighteye turns on the iron coffin, steps into coffin, lies down slowly. When blood immerse facial features, resembling resounds a spooky sigh. 夜瞳打开铁棺,踏入棺中,缓缓躺下。在鲜血浸没面容的时候,似是响起一声幽幽叹息。 Qin Continent, imperial capital. 秦陆,帝都。 In the lonesome and quiet manor of suburb, an old man is sitting on the stone, fishes depending on the stream. The long fishing line flutters along with mountain stream flowing unceasingly, the afternoon sunlight penetrates the treetop, sprinkles on the water surface motley. In the stream several small fish back and forth are shuttling back and forth nimble and resourceful, occasionally will bump the bait, actually cannot easily the lower jaw. 郊外的一座幽静庄园中,一位老者正坐在石上,凭溪垂钓。长长的钓线随着溪水流动不断飘荡,午后的阳光透过树梢,斑斑驳驳地洒在水面上。溪中几尾小鱼在灵动地来回穿梭,偶尔会碰一下鱼饵,却不会轻易下嘴。 Old person both eyes narrow the eyes, resemble to rest awake, is wandering about in the sceneries, listened to Bang, the fishing line to succeed in giving up two sections suddenly, wisp of black aura along the broken line on, twined the fishing rod, dashed to the old person. 老人双眼微眯,似睡似醒,正徜徉于山水之间,忽听啪的一声,钓线断成了两截,一缕黑气沿着断线而上,缠绕钓杆,直扑老人。 Old person both eyes then open, on the fishing rod the flame flashes, has wrapped up black aura, burns unceasingly. Although the flame is fierce, but that wisp of black aura is actually especially tenacious, burnt for a long time, all melted. 老人双眼这才睁开,钓杆上火焰一闪,已将黑气包住,不断燃烧。火焰虽烈,可是那一缕黑气却是格外顽强,烧了许久,才尽数化了。 This time, the old person sits the straight body finally, both eyes narrows the eyes, talked to oneself: Unexpectedly is his personally make a move, that person compares to think also important?” 这一次,老人终于坐直身体,双眼微眯,自语道:“竟然是他亲自出手,难道那个人比想的还重要?” „Can you have the fishing to attain today?” “您老今天可有渔获?” The old head/number of people does not return, said: „Don't you in Imperial Court directors, what rush to here to make? World many important matters, may also sparsely leave uncultivated.” 老人头也不回,道:“你不在朝中理事,跑到这里来做什么?天下多少大事,可还不到疏落荒废的时候。” Stands in the old person behind impressively is Bright Emperor. At this moment his cotton garment, imposing manner restraining, such as the ordinary farmer, cannot see is Great Qin Empire supreme existence. He is standing at will, does not haggle over the old person not to turn head to visit him from beginning to end, does not haggle over the words that the old person nearly admonishes. 站在老人身后的赫然是皓帝。此刻他一身布衣,气势收敛,就如普通农夫,丝毫看不出是大秦帝国至高无上的存在。他随意立着,不去计较老人由始至终都没有回头看他,也不计较老人近乎训诫的话语。 The quickest renewal correct novel read, please visit 最快更新无错小说阅读,请访问 Please collect the home station to read the latest novel! 请收藏本站阅读最新小说!
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