MSWWY :: Volume #7

#664: cheat

The life most painful matter, is the loyalty and filial piety difficult entire. 人生最痛苦之事,莫过于忠孝两难全。 Is a worthy progeny, is loyal for the ideal of human struggle, my Cheng Jinyang already makes the choice today! 是做一个孝子贤孙,还是忠于为人类奋斗的理想,我程晋阳今天已经做出了选择! The fight starts, takes the lead to act is Xing Yuanzhi. 战斗打响,率先出手的便是邢沅芷 The body ties up the technique of iron, the mass/quality increase must toward a Xie Guyan upper hood. 身缚铁之术,质量增幅就要往谢孤雁头上罩去。 Then, then resounds the sound that Xing Yuanzhi is frightened: 接着,便响起邢沅芷惊惶的声音: I am unable to lock her particle!” “我无法锁定她的质点了!” Swiftly, Xie Guyan already to before her body, seizes her neck to falling single-handed, coldly in her ear said: 倏忽之间,谢孤雁已经冲至她的身前,单手掐住她的脖子向下坠去,在她耳边冷冷说道: Is the strong ability, is then easier to aim.” “越是强大的能力,便越容易被人针对。” Xing Yuanzhi struggles does not escape, almost suffocates, suddenly the body advantage of terrain vanishes baseless. 邢沅芷挣扎不脱,几乎窒息,忽然身形便凭空消失。 Then and Ye Ru appears in the flank, face full is being survivor of disaster expression. 然后又和叶茹出现在外侧,脸上满是劫后余生的表情。 Xie Guyan stopped falling the potential, coldly looked, suddenly turned around to lift the palm, in the hand already were many a long sword. 谢孤雁停止下坠之势,冷冷地看了过来,忽然又转身抬起手掌,手里已经多了一柄长剑。 Illness of Su Lili from her to/clashes to come, the obsidian long sword overhead in hand chops, pulls out extremely blazing class/flow flame. 苏理理从她后方疾冲而来,手里的黑曜石长剑当头劈下,拉出极其炽烈的流炎。 Xie Guyan wields a sword backhandedly, the instance of double sword clash, the long sword in her hand then blasts open loudly. 谢孤雁反手挥剑,双剑相击的瞬间,她手里的长剑便轰然炸裂。 The collapse flying of innumerable fragments in the explosion, Su Lili must dodge rapidly again already without enough time, under entire body was spilled the openings by the sharp lobe notch, the blood rapidly evaporation under the fierce high temperature. 无数碎片在爆炸中急速崩飞,苏理理再要闪避已来不及,全身上下都被锋利的裂片豁开了口子,血液在剧烈的高温下被迅速蒸干。 Looks at Xie Guyan again, at the same time the black light shield is protecting before her body, kept off almost all explosion fragments for her. 再看谢孤雁,一面黑色光盾正护在她的身前,替她挡下了几乎所有的爆炸碎片。 More wallows the attack, more neglects the defense.” Xie Guyan sneers saying that composes the material of black light shield then to change into the great hand, falls suddenly toward the Su Lili hammer, meets the defense that is unable to break through, you what to do?” “越是沉迷进攻,越是忽略防守。”谢孤雁冷笑说道,组成黑色光盾的物质便化为巨手,骤然朝苏理理锤落下去,“遇到无法攻破的防御,你怎么办?” Su Lili had not replied, but makes a determined effort to wield a sword to cut again. 苏理理没有回答,只是发狠挥剑再次斩下。 However the obsidian big sword spall enters in the great hand, actually as if falls into the viscous mud, is unable to cause its combustion. 然而黑曜石大剑斫入巨手之中,却仿佛陷入粘稠的烂泥般,根本无法使其燃烧。 The great hand continues under the thump without the stagnation, such as hits the baseball the Su Lili body, infiltrated in the ground ruthlessly. 巨手毫无停滞继续捶下,将苏理理的身躯如打棒球般,狠狠地打入了地面之中。 Ye Ru flashes in the gallery edge, wants to rescue Su Lili, finally actually by black long swords of innumerable dropping from the clouds, unexpected foot pin rod in ground. 叶茹闪现在坑道边缘,想要将苏理理从中救出来,结果却被无数从天而降的黑色长剑,猝不及防地钉在了地面上。 She called out in alarm the sound painfully, wants to start the space fold to flicker to move to run away, discovery ability already is actually not able to use. 她痛苦地惊叫了声,想要发动空间折叠来瞬移逃走,却发现能力已经无法使用了。 These passed through the black long sword of her body, already deadlocked the space of her body position, insisting on the space folding the words that definitely will cause the body to be torn to separate. 那些贯穿她身体的黑色长剑,已经将她身体位置的空间锁死了,硬要空间折叠的话,必然会导致身体被撕裂分离。 „Does similar move use so many times? You also idled.” A Xie Guyan foot steps on her chest, sneers saying that really thinks own Demon Technique no one can decode?” “同样的招数用上这么多次?你也太懈怠了。”谢孤雁一只脚踩在她的胸口,冷笑说道,“真以为自己的妖术无人能破解了吗?” Cheng Jinyang rescues hastily, however Xie Guyan flies a foot, then kicks the Ye Ru whole person. 程晋阳连忙来救,然而谢孤雁只是飞起一脚,便将叶茹整个人踢飞起来。 He hurries to put out a hand to meet, finally Ye Ru bangs into his bosom, pounds to fly his whole person. 他赶紧伸手去接,结果叶茹撞入他的怀里,将他整个人也砸飞出去。 Zheng Qiupei starts thought power hastily, receives Cheng Jinyang and Ye Ru. 郑秋佩连忙发动念动力,将程晋阳叶茹接下。 Other girls are flushing toward here, Big Sister Princess and Murong Shu clash most quickly, the latter pulls out the innumerable plants to attack to Xie Guyan, the former pulls out the same black long sword, charged into Xie Guyan directly. 其他姑娘们正朝这边冲来,公主姐姐慕容殊冲得最快,后者拉出无数植物攻向谢孤雁,前者则是拉出同样的黑色长剑,径直冲向了谢孤雁 Xie Guyan wields the long sword, these plants were divided by the sword blade, almost then withered dead suddenly. 谢孤雁挥动长剑,那些植物被剑刃劈中,几乎是眨眼间便枯萎死去。 Then her sinking body wields a sword, with Big Sister Princess to putting together. 然后她沉身挥剑,和公主姐姐对拼一记。 Similarly is the instance that the sword blade collides, in the Big Sister Princess hand the long sword then changes to the airtight seamless big net suddenly, wraps with raw hate Xie Guyan. 同样是剑刃碰撞的瞬间,公主姐姐手中长剑便骤然化作密不透风的无缝大网,凶狠地将谢孤雁包裹起来。 The next second, this big net blasts out suddenly, in turn enters in which Big Sister Princess sleepily, is unable to move. 下一秒,这张大网又骤然炸开,反过来将公主姐姐困入其中,无法动弹。 Copes with me with my move, who gives your self-confidence?” Xie Guyan sneers to wield the long sword, tied up Big Sister Princess will waste with the ridges. “用我的招数来对付我,谁给你的自信?”谢孤雁冷笑挥动长剑,将被缚的公主姐姐用剑脊打飞出去。 Su Lili happen to crawls at this time from the pit, the facial expression holds up the obsidian great sword with raw hate, then must start the charge assassination again, finally actually sees Big Sister Princess to fly to oneself, have no choice but to to insert the sword blade in the ground, keeps off forcefully her castration. 苏理理此时正好从坑中爬出,神情凶狠地举起黑曜石巨剑,便要再次发动冲锋刺杀,结果却看到公主姐姐飞向自己,不得不将剑刃插在地面,硬生生将她的去势挡下。 Murong Shu expedites the innumerable plants again, the heaven great tree, the crowded vine, pounds to fall fully. 慕容殊这边再次催生无数植物,苍天巨树,密集藤蔓,铺天盖地般砸落下来。 Xie Guyan raises the long sword but actually, wields indifferently, will attack the plant that comes to cut. 谢孤雁倒提长剑,漠然挥动,将侵袭而来的植物斩开。 Suddenly, the bright light beam rips open layer upon layer the plant trap together, shoots at the head of Xie Guyan! 突然之间,一道明亮至极的光束撕开层层植物罗网,射向谢孤雁的头颅! Lu Qingyun taking advantage of the plant camouflage of Murong Shu, initiated fatal killing to mother -in-law! 正是卢卿云借着慕容殊的植物遮蔽,向婆婆发起了一记致命的狙杀! The light beam penetrated the head of Xie Guyan, explodes one group of blood fog her head, Murong Shu here is without hesitation, the rapid control innumerable plants invade, try to strangle to death it at the scene! 光束穿透了谢孤雁的头颅,将她的脑袋炸成一团血雾,慕容殊这边毫不迟疑,迅速操纵无数植物蜂拥而上,试图将其绞杀当场! The people see only the innumerable plants to wrap Xie Guyan thoroughly, then seeps out a lot of blood from the slit fast. 众人只见无数植物将谢孤雁彻底包裹其中,然后从缝隙里便飞快渗出大量的血来。 Victory? 胜利了么? Be careful!” Yang Wangshu screamed suddenly. “小心!”杨望舒突然尖叫起来。 In the plant sea of surface, suddenly had the black ray to blast out. 在地表的植物海洋里,突然有黑色的光芒炸开了。 That ray collapses rapidly, then changes into black hole quickly, floats slowly in the palm of Xie Guyan. 那光芒迅速坍缩下来,很快便化为一个黑洞,缓缓地浮在谢孤雁的掌心之中。 The surrounding plant was torn the smashing by huge gravity, was then inhaled in the black hole, then vanished directly baseless. 周围的植物被巨大的引力撕扯粉碎,然后便被吸入黑洞之中,直接便凭空消失了。 This is your father's design.” Xie Guyan said lightly, the expression as if somewhat fondly remembers, solely depends upon gravity or Mass Effect, even if you achieve First Grade realm, is unable to promote ability to the heavenly body rank, thus creates such black hole.” “这是你父亲的设计。”谢孤雁淡淡说道,表情似乎有些怀念,“单单依靠万有引力质量效应,即便你达到一品境界,也无法将异能提升到天体级别,从而创造出这样的黑洞来。” But, if with the fantasy material, does not need to follow the physical law between this universes.” “但是,如果用空想物质的话,就不需要遵循这个宇宙间的物理定律了。” While her still in the speech, Yang Wangshu here pulls out the thunder and lightning lance rapidly, goes toward the Xie Guyan lasing. 趁着她还在说话的时候,杨望舒这边迅速拉出雷电长矛,朝谢孤雁激射而去。 The electric current will soon be hitting her instance, then changes to the innumerable electricity silk suddenly, rushes to the black hole in her hand, rapid vanishes to disappear. 电流在即将击中她的瞬间,便突然化作无数电丝,奔向她手里的黑洞,迅速就消失不见了。 Miss Qingqing shouted in a low voice, the metal tide then shoots up to the sky, attracts the attention of Xie Guyan from the upfront. 青青姑娘低喝一声,金属潮水便冲天而起,从正面吸引谢孤雁的视线。 Lu Qingyun coordinates to start Restraining Impulse hastily, when the metal tide momentum is astonishing, from another side secret shoots at the back of the head of Xie Guyan. 卢卿云这边连忙配合发动约束脉冲,趁着金属潮汐声势惊人之际,从另一侧隐秘射向谢孤雁的后脑。 The bright light beam flashes to pass, like before, has not actually exploded the blood fog her head, but circled a circle strangely, with the enormous and powerful boundless metal tide same place, by black hole absorption completely. 明亮的光束一闪而逝,却没有像之前那样,将她的脑袋炸成血雾,而是诡异地绕了个圈,和浩荡无边的金属潮汐一起,被黑洞吸收殆尽。 „The light, is the electricity, is the material, is gravity, is the space, the mind......” Xie Guyan holds the black hole, the vision has swept the people slowly. “无论是光,还是电,是物质,是引力,是空间,还是心灵……”谢孤雁托着黑洞,目光缓缓扫过众人。 „The fetter of inescapable black hole.” “都无法逃脱黑洞的束缚。” Cheng Jinyang: .................. 程晋阳:……………… Isn't your really cheat? This exceeded the physical law directly! 你这真不是开挂吗?这直接就超越了物理定律啊! Therefore we rise First Grade with difficulty, leading the Northern Expedition army to come, finally actually discovered that mother already was invincible, can't be victorious? 所以我们千辛万苦升到一品,带着北伐大军过来,结果却发现母亲已经无敌了,根本打不过? Sees him to look the desperate color, Xie Guyan then knits the brows slightly, said: 见他面露绝望之色,谢孤雁便微微皱眉,说道: Now knew fiercely? One had only known, why also to be resisting stubbornly, did the little darling listen to my words is not good?” “现在知道厉害了?早知如此,又何必在负隅顽抗,乖乖听我的话不就好了?” Behind the battlefield, Jiang Jiu is pushing up the sleeve to proceed several times to clash, sees only front fast to fight, then Xie Guyan then stopped suddenly, hand Litaud black hole, is absorbing completely the attack that everyone launched, cannot help but some dumbfounded. 战场后方,姜酒正捋着袖子要往前冲,只见前面电光石火般几次交手,接着谢孤雁便突然停了下来,手里托着一个黑洞,将大家发动的攻击全部都吸收掉了,不由得有些懵逼 In the mind suddenly resounds the Young Lady Wang sound: 脑海里突然响起王大小姐的声音: Listens my. 听我的。 Therefore, following......” the Xie Guyan words have not said, sees only Ye Ru to flash before suddenly in her front. “所以,接下来……”谢孤雁话还未说完,只见叶茹突然闪现在她的前方。 Transmits together with her, stares Jiang Jiu of big eye, before Xie Guyan has not responded, then entered in the hand the black hole. 与她一同传送过来的,还有瞪大眼睛的姜酒,在谢孤雁还未反应过来之前,便将手伸入了黑洞里。 The black hole vanished. 黑洞消失了。 Xie Guyan:?!! 谢孤雁:?!!
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