MSWWY :: Volume #7

#662: Regains open/unseal

The idea of Yang Wangshu is actually very simple. 杨望舒的想法其实很简单。 Now only then she and Jinyang are the engagement conditions, the advantage lies in handling a lot is justifiable, for example and Jinyang is affectionate. 如今只有她和晋阳是订婚状态,好处在于做很多事情都是名正言顺,比如和晋阳亲昵。 In Nankang Your Highness Crown Princess words, that is age advantage. 用南康长公主殿下的话说,那叫“年龄优势”。 The fault is, at home no position. 坏处就是,在家里没什么地位。 For example is one's turn oneself and Jinyang sleeps together, at this time everyone will say, „your child, knows that anything is sleeps, then after oneself falls asleep, Jinyang cancelling...... 比如轮到自己晋阳一起睡觉,这时大家就会说了,“你这个小孩子,知道什么是睡觉吗”,然后趁自己睡着以后,把晋阳给勾走…… Therefore, if can announce to the public marries ahead of time, should be able to elevate a oneself position at home. 所以,如果能对外宣布提前结婚的话,应该能提升一点自己在家里的地位。 Naturally, even married oneself not grown, therefore Jinyang will not make anything to oneself, typical advantageous harmless. 当然,就算结婚了自己也没成年,所以晋阳也不会对自己做什么,典型的有利无害。 Her here abacus hits good, that side Yang Zixuan was simply depressed. 她这边算盘打得挺不错,那边杨子玄简直郁闷了。 Initially is not willing to become engaged isn't you? All day scolded the fiance is pig wasn't you? Now actually is very how refreshed? 当初不肯订婚的不也是你?整天骂未婚夫是“猪”的不也是你?怎么现在倒是爽快得很了? Thinks it over , can only understand that really grew up for daughter, then reaches the compromise with Clan Elders, after waiting for the Northern Expedition to finish, went to and Cheng Jinyang discussed matter that ahead of schedule got married. 想来想去,也只能理解为“女儿真的长大了”,便和族老们达成妥协,等北伐这边结束之后,就去和程晋阳商量提早完婚的事。 After defeating the gluttony, the Northern Expeditionary Army then attacks and occupies Guoyang smoothly, then kills to the Yellow River direction. 击败饕餮之后,北伐军便顺利攻占涡阳,然后一路杀向黄河方向。 Goal, open/unseal! 目标,开封! open/unseal, called Bianliang, situated in south bank of Yellow River, was a Great Jin Empire big population strategic place, now naturally becomes the magnanimous Puppet Ghost agglomeration. 开封,又称汴梁,位于黄河南岸,原本是大晋帝国的一大人口重镇,如今自然成了海量傀伥的聚集地。 Through the near-earth drone aerial photography, quantity at least over 2 million. 通过近地无人机的航拍来看,数量起码在200万以上。 However, what very pitifully is, regarding the present Cheng Jinyang team, many Puppet Ghost, really merely is number that's all. 然而,很可惜的是,对于如今程晋阳的团队而言,再多的傀伥,真就仅仅是个数字而已 Pushes! 强推! The metal tide wells up again, all submerged the big piece urban district. 金属潮汐再次涌上,将大片市区全部都淹没在了其中。 Downward from the upper air detection of drone, then can only see the dusky iron azure, as if the moss covered the street road surface, climbs the front door and window of building, strangled all Puppet Ghost. 无人机的高空侦查往下看去,便只能看到大片大片灰蒙蒙的铁青色,仿佛苔藓般覆盖了街道路面,又爬进建筑物的大门和窗口,将所有傀伥都扼杀在了其中。 In a while, open/unseal was also swept thoroughly. 没过多久,开封也被彻底扫荡了。 Army of the Northern Quarter rapid infiltration in, started the intense post-war relief operations. 北府军迅速渗透其中,开始了紧张的战后救援行动。 Massive north lose the people pulled off from the dwelling...... is not right, should rescue, saves them in the environment of this bad abyss of suffering. 大量的北方遗民被从住处中拖出……不对,应该是救出,拯救他们于这恶劣的水深火热的环境之中。 Regarding the Army of the Northern Quarter good intentions, these north lost the people to display resistance to a certain extent and does not approve. 只是对于北府军的善意,这些北方遗民表现出了一定程度上的抗拒和不认同。 It looks like in Cheng Jinyang, the reason is also very simple: They live after all here about hundred next year, it is estimated that southern king master will not think. 程晋阳看来,原因也很简单:他们毕竟在这里生活了将近百来年,估计连南方的王师都不想念了。 However, not possible to keep here them, rear area must deliver to place. 然而,也不可能将他们留在这里,必须得送到后方重新安置去。 One of reasons: The consideration of military. 原因之一:军事安全的考虑。 The north loses the ingredient combination of people, most people definitely are the true end refugees, but also some parts and local high rank Demon collude, becomes despicable mole. 北方遗民的成分混杂,大部分人肯定是真正的末日难民,但也有少部分和当地的高阶妖魔勾结起来,成为可鄙的内鬼 If the ignores they continue to live in the city, is very easy to do to have problems. 如果放任他们在城市里继续生活,很容易搞出问题来。 Second reason: The discussing power of land ownership. 原因之二:土地产权的榷权。 Here in must reconstruct after the war, the corresponding construction property rights also need to divide the ownership, did not say that you lived on dishonorably here for dozens years, this place turned over to you. 这儿在战后可是要重建的,相应的建筑产权也需要重新划分归属,不是说你在这里苟活了几十年,这地方就归你了。 Draws an analogy, for example open/unseal has one to abandon the military gate house by south bank of Yellow River, the terrain is very suitable to be used for north bank the surveillance, now is actually lost the people to occupy by wavelet, what to do? 打个比方,比如开封靠黄河南岸有一处废弃军事哨所,地形很适合用来监视北岸,如今却被一小波遗民占据,怎么办? Move! 迁! The one breath outmigrates forcefully completely, the issue does not exist. 一口气强行全部迁走,问题就不存在了。 Cheng Jinyang here belt/bring the general staff corps and commanding general office, the dinner that uses in the Kaifeng alley administration building. 程晋阳这边带着参谋团和幕府们,在开封府衙行政大楼里用的晚餐。 This building is the open/unseal highest construction, the name said that purifying the mind building, in the building almost no Puppet Ghost, in Demon Great Cataclysm on the same day, inside person was exposed obviously completely. 此楼乃是开封最高的建筑,名曰“清心楼”,楼里几乎没有什么傀伥,显然是在妖魔大灾变当天,里面的人就全部跑光了。 Is having the dinner, Cheng Jinyang then learned of a news suddenly. 正吃着晚餐呢,程晋阳便骤然得知了一个消息。 The inhabit region in Kaifeng Subway Station, the north loses the people , is not only not willing to migrate, even also sets out the militiaman army to guard, will come to move Army of the Northern Quarter of person to injure several. 开封地铁站里的聚居地,北方遗民们不仅不愿意迁移,甚至还出动民兵部队据守,将前来迁人的北府军打伤了好几个。 Cheng Jinyang flies into a rage: Damn, south does not go to place, here remains is feeding Puppet Ghost? 程晋阳勃然大怒:他妈的,不去南方安置,在这里留着喂傀伥吗? Jinyang.” Qingqing makes noise to say suddenly, „should not be swayed by personal feelings.” 晋阳。”青青忽然出声说道,“不要意气用事。” She after all is the Lower Family family background, knew that to turn into the refugee who these lose the people actually to have migrated capital...... can walk to walk? 她毕竟是寒门出身,晓得这些遗民其实是没有迁移资本的……能走的早就变成流民走了好吗? Cheng Jinyang is startled slightly, then also calms down. 程晋阳微微一怔,便也冷静下来。 Truly, others in underground lived for about hundred years, does not recognize to southern king master, suddenly came a Polish army saying that must lead you to walk, who knew the false of true understanding? 确实,人家在地下生活了近百年,对南方王师早就不认得了,突然来了一波军队说“要带你们走”,谁知道真的假的? That is definitely impossible to follow directly! 那肯定不可能直接跟着走啊! The thinking moment, the Cheng Jinyang then decision cannot come slightly hardly. 稍微思索片刻,程晋阳便决定不能硬来。 He is also the Lower Family family background, knows the sufferings of the people, therefore then does not plan to use strongly, but wins popular support with kindness, sends people to convince these to lose the people, making them be able to accept the arrangement of Northern Expeditionary Army safely, moves to the south voluntarily. 他也是寒门出身,是晓得民间疾苦的,因此便不打算用强,而是以德服人,派人去说服这些遗民,让他们能够安心接受北伐军的安排,自愿迁徙到南方去。 Wanrou.” Cheng Jinyang clamps in the chicken leg the Wang Wanrou bowl, said with a smile, helps me use Thought Sealing?” 婉柔。”程晋阳将鸡腿夹进王婉柔的碗里,笑着说道,“帮我用一下思想钢印呗?” Makes Jinglun go.” Wang Wanrou picks the chicken leg with the chopsticks, bit one, said. “让敬伦去。”王婉柔用筷子夹起鸡腿,咬了一口,说道。 Also ok. Cheng Jinyang nods, then told Chief Secretary Wang, making him lead the person to go to the underground station one time. 也行。程晋阳点了点头,便吩咐王长史,让他带人去地铁站走一遭。 Chief Secretary Wang obtains the news, an eyebrow slightly wrinkle. 王长史得到消息,眉毛微微一皱。 I also do not have cheat, Thought Sealing currently only has Eighth Grade, how can convince the losing people in these underground stations? 我又没开挂,思想钢印目前只有八品,要怎么去说服那些地铁站的遗民? Must think of a way. 得想个法子。 He turns the head to whisper several with Xie Youdu, then makes wait to go to the underground station together. 他转头跟谢幼度低语几句,便约好等下一同去地铁站。 The open/unseal regained news feeds in Empire, led to the new public opinion tide again. 开封被收复的消息传回帝国,再次引发了新的舆论浪潮。 If regains Nanyang, because the Northern Expedition first battle triumphs, lets the Jingzhou people very happy words while convenient, then the second round of Northern Expeditionary Army projects on the Yellow River, regains south bank of Kaifeng, was the brilliance score that anybody definitely is unable to neglect. 如果说收复南阳,只是因为北伐首战得胜,顺带让荆州人民非常开心的话,那么第二轮北伐军一路打到黄河,收复开封南岸,便是任何人都完全无法忽视的光辉战绩了。 Puppet Ghost of south bank of Yellow River light/only, then explodes the bridge in Yellow River completely clear, Puppet Ghost of Hebei could not come. 把黄河南岸的傀伥全部清光,然后把黄河上的大桥一炸,河北的傀伥就过不来了。 This also means that the entire Jiangsu , Anhui and Central Plains area, were almost integrated in the domain by Empire, might be considered as is worth leaving behind a great victory in the history book. 这也就意味着整个江淮、中原地区,几乎都被帝国重新纳入版图之中,堪称是值得在史书里留下一段的重大胜利。 The Northern Expedition wins the news to go south like the snowflake, Cabinet promotes Emperor immediately, sent out the decree of pardon world. 北伐胜讯如雪片般南下,内阁这边立刻推动皇帝,发出了大赦天下的旨意。 The so-called pardon world, namely the prison term of reduced fixed-term imprisonment, is the Great Jin Empire highest-ranking political signal, therefore the media also cooperatively write , indicating that this is turning point that national destiny rises, auspicious day must approach immediately!”. 所谓的大赦天下,即减少有期徒刑的服刑期,乃是大晋帝国级别最高的政治信号,因此媒体们也纷纷配合性地撰文,表示这是“国运上升的转折点”,“好日子马上就要来临哩!”。 However, Cheng Jinyang near Yellow River, does not have too many joyful mood. 然而,远在黄河边上的程晋阳,却没有太多喜悦的情绪。 From Jingkou to open/unseal, these campaigns plays extremely smoothly, even has not met Mara rank above Demon. 从京口到开封,这些战役打得太过顺利,甚至没有遇到魔罗级别以上的妖魔 All is Puppet Ghost and other low rank Demon. 全是傀伥等低阶妖魔 Therefore at the Gansu right war, is so intense? Can all dispatch Guanxi to mother Star Official intensely? 所以在陇右的战事,真的有那么激烈么?激烈到母亲要将星官们全都派往关西? Ponders over, he repressed the idea of going to the Gansu right detection. 思前想后,他还是按捺下了前往陇右侦查的想法。 Luoyang already was close. 洛阳已经近在咫尺了。 Has what words, asks mother to ascertain face to face is! 有什么话,当面找母亲问个清楚便是!
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