MSWWY :: Volume #6

#579: Day electing person

People: .................. 众人:……………… What kind of?” Young Lady Cui lets go complacently. “怎么样?”崔小娘得意洋洋地摊手。 This is impossible!” Yang Wangshu calls out in alarm, „your will not be cheat!” “这不可能!”杨望舒惊叫起来,“你这不会是外挂吧!” Awakes.” Helpless Xing Yuanzhi said, is not the computer games.” “醒醒。”邢沅芷无奈说道,“又不是电脑游戏。” cough, I am not this meaning. I meant that...... she will not cheat.” Yang Wangshu hard to believe looks at the ranking. ,我不是这个意思。我是说……她不会是作弊了吧。”杨望舒难以置信地看着排行榜。 She played this game on the computer before for a long time, over 2800 hours of playing experiences. What although this game mosts of the time look throw the luck of dice, but she then in all kinds of small skills, attained 96000 high scores quickly, ranked second...... 她之前在电脑上玩这游戏很长时间,有超过2800个小时的游玩经验。虽然这游戏大部分时候看的是投骰子的运气,但她很快便以各种各样的小技巧,拿到了96000的高分,位居第二…… But the first that draft animal, attained 216000 points! 可是第一名的那个牲口,拿到了216000分啊! Moreover simply does not have the skill, is pure luck good that's all, according to this logic was more exasperating! 而且根本没有技巧可言,就是纯粹的运气好而已,这样说来就更气人了啊! Cheats?” Young Lady Cui thinks, asked that „before this played me, has not bumped, the dice was also your, how to cheat?” “作弊?”崔小娘想了一下,反问道,“这游戏我之前都没碰过,骰子也是你的,怎么作弊?” Every throws the dice one time, greatly successful interval probability is only 10 on average.” Yang Wangshu puts out the minute book, plausible said/tunnel, „, but you threw 106 times, unexpectedly attains 37 big successes, what doesn't this cheat is?” “每一次掷骰,大成功的区间概率平均只有十。”杨望舒拿出记录本,振振有词地道,“而你掷了106次,居然拿到37次大成功,这不是作弊是什么?” That by the probability, the chance of winning of welfare lotteries is only lower.” Cui Jinqi hmph hmph saying that draws a prize-winning ticket is cheats?” “那单论概率,福利彩票的中奖概率更低呢。”崔锦绮哼哼说道,“难道中奖的都是作弊吗?” Luck good also to have the possibility.” Big Sister Xiaopei echoes to say. “运气好也是有可能的吧。”小佩姐附和说道。 I do not believe.” Yang Wangshu starts to act shamelessly, fishes out the cell phone to open the game, here has the hand roaming, the rare highest golden color legend hero, pulling out card leaving rate/lead is 1, if you can single Chou pull out 1 to me, I believe that is your luck is good!” “我不信。”杨望舒开始耍赖,摸出手机打开游戏,“我这里有个手游,稀有度最高的金色传说英雄,抽卡出率是一,你要是能单抽给我抽一个,我就相信是你运气好!” girls shakes the sides. If pulled out, you white Zhuan a golden color legend in this game ; Cannot pull out, you must question that her game result invalid...... won't owe in any case? 姑娘们绝倒。如果抽出来了,你在这个游戏里白赚一个金色传说;抽不出来,你就要质疑她的游戏结果无效……反正怎样都不会亏是不是? Cui Jinqi has taken the cell phone, selected conveniently, said: 崔锦绮拿过手机,随手点了一下,说道: Like this pulls out the card?” “这样抽卡吗?” Bastard that is tenth even/including pulls out!” Yang Wangshu saw her to select mistakenly, intended to block hastily, finally Young Lady Cui already selected. “混蛋那是十连抽啊!”杨望舒见她点错了,连忙出手去拦,结果崔小娘已经点下去了。 The next second, on the phone screen blasted out the golden light. 下一秒,手机屏幕上就炸开了金光。 girls collects to look, sees only an animation to flash through , ten cards jumped. 姑娘们凑过去看,只见一段动画闪过,啪啪啪啪,十张卡片跳了出来。 And four golden hero cards, stand draw vary, is sparkling the colored magnificent ray, almost must shine the blind everyone's eyes. 其中四张金色英雄卡片,立绘各异,闪耀着彩色的华丽光芒,几乎要亮瞎大家的眼睛。 Yang Wangshu: .................. 杨望舒:……………… Originally this world really has a day of electing person!” She recovers finally, then runs up to the Young Lady Cui side, said with a smile sweetly, Big Sister Jinqi elder sister ~ was I makes a mistake, later did I pull out the card to ask you to help be good?” “原来这世间真有天选之人哇!”她终于回过神来,便跑到崔小娘的身边,甜甜笑道,“锦绮姐姐~是我弄错了啦,以后我抽卡都来找你帮忙好不好?” That must look at you to display.” Cui Jinqi acting with constraint said/tunnel. “那就要看你表现了。”崔锦绮矜持地道。 Good, Big Sister Jinqi elder sister!” Yang Wangshu then turns the head, said with raw hate, Big Sister Jinqi took first, that big pig tonight is Big Sister Jinqi, does anyone of you have the opinion?” “好的,锦绮姐姐!”杨望舒便转过头来,凶狠说道,“锦绮姐拿了第一,那头大猪今晚是锦绮姐的,你们谁还有意见?” girls keeps silent, from the beginning quarrelled ominously only then how are you? 姑娘们默不作声,从一开始吵得最凶的就只有你一个人好吗? Opinion does not have.” Li Qingwan said with a smile, you can throw dice again a time? Throwing one 6 is good?” “意见是没有。”李轻纨笑着说道,“不过你能再掷一次骰子吗?掷一个六行不行?” This I may unwarrantable.” Young Lady Cui received the dice, held their palms together, read several 666, then lost toward the table on. “这我可不能保证。”崔小娘接过骰子,双手合十,念了几句666,然后往桌上一丢。 The dice rolled several on the table, stayed toward on side in six points. 骰子在桌上滚动了几下,朝上的一面停留在了六点上。 The people are speechless. 众人无语。 Li Qingwan is staring at her wrist/skill, somewhat has mixed feelings slightly. 李轻纨盯着她的手腕,心情稍微有些复杂。 Without the trace of control muscle, therefore really throws at will? 没有操纵肌肉的痕迹,所以真的只是随意一掷? Big Sister Princess constructed the artificial eye with the fantasy material before the eye, confirmed that the dice did not have the issue. 公主姐姐用空想物质在眼睛前端构造出了义眼,确认骰子也没有问题。 Unexpectedly is only the luck is really good? 居然真的只是运气好? As the matter stands, everyone has no way not to acknowledge mistakes , can only successively leave the bedroom. 这样一来,大家也没法不认账,也只能陆续离开卧室。 Cheng Jinyang finishes the official business, returns to the dwelling, then saw that girls treats in the living room, looked television watches the television, chat of chat. 程晋阳这边忙完公务,回到住处,便看到姑娘们都待在客厅里,看电视的看电视,聊天的聊天。 „Does everyone do, doesn't sleep?” He changes the slipper, the doubts asks. “大家干嘛呢,不睡觉?”他换上拖鞋,疑惑问道。 People original is not happy, have heard what was said shows the whites of the eyes secretly, pays no attention to him. 众人本来心情就不好,闻言暗自翻了白眼,也不理他。 Cheng Jinyang then wonders, found Big Sister Xiaopei in the kitchen( because this, inquired on the quiet today everyone who is most is not possible and he is angry) why eats firecracker probably. 程晋阳便纳闷起来,在厨房里找到小佩姐(因为这位是最不大可能和他生气的),悄悄询问今天大家为什么都像是吃了爆竹似的。 Husband.” Zheng Qiupei in wash basin, is sighing, you had not discovered that was short of individual?” “夫君。”郑秋佩正在洗盘子,叹了口气,“你没发现少了个人嘛?” Whom was short of......, Jinqi.” Cheng Jinyang is suddenly enlighted, „was this returns to the maternal home?” “少了谁……啊,锦绮。”程晋阳恍然大悟,“她这是回娘家去了?” She returned to your bedroom.” The Zheng Qiupei speechless moment, cannot bear the reminder say finally. “她回你的卧室去了。”郑秋佩无语片刻,终于忍不住提醒说道。 Bedroom? Therefore Cheng Jinyang understands immediately. 卧室?于是程晋阳立刻明白过来。 Everyone this used what method, assigned the order, because is one's turn Cui Jinqi tonight, other talents were unhappy. 大家这是用了什么方法,把同房顺序给定了下来,因为今晚轮到了崔锦绮,所有其他人才不开心的。 Aiya, why or is happy. During one's lifetime, most important is happy! 哎呀,为什么要不开心嘛。人生在世,最重要的就是开心! If really wants tonight the companion very much, did not say that must arrange in groups your my her according to the order, can come together, I will not mind. 如果真的很想要今晚陪伴,也不是说非得按顺序排班你我她,可以一起来的嘛,我也不会介意的。 However this smooth already decided that he will not naturally mention this matter again, otherwise is to Young Lady Cui does not respect. 不过这顺序已经定了,他自然也不会再提这事,不然就是对崔小娘的不尊重了。 Therefore Cheng Jinyang is then holding the soft waist of Zheng Qiupei from behind, bit her ear to say a while words, blushed until Big Sister Xiaopei seems like must explode, the hand shook the egg fluid pours to inside the cistern went, Cheng Jinyang loosened her. 于是程晋阳便从后面抱着郑秋佩的柔软腰肢,咬着她的耳朵说了一会儿话,直到小佩姐脸红得像是要爆炸,手一抖把鸡蛋液都倒到水槽里去了,程晋阳才松开了她。 Goes to the living room, said with everyone a while words, obtained the innumerable supercilious looks and big pile of deliberately ambiguous. 来到客厅里,又和大家说了一会儿话,得到了无数个白眼和一大堆阴阳怪气 Regarding this he has not been angry, after all hits scolds is the love, does not hit does not scold explained that the sentiment has the issue. 对此他也没有生气,毕竟打是亲骂是爱,不打不骂才说明感情有问题。 ...... 呃…… He notices Big Sister Princess to depend on the wall, holds the arm to throw out the chest, looks here with a smile, simply has not joined girls the meaning of denouncing in word and in writing. 他注意到公主姐姐只是靠着墙壁,抱臂挺胸,笑吟吟地看着这边,根本没有加入姑娘们的口诛笔伐的意思。 Good.” Big Sister Princess saw the time to be similar, then made noise saying that tonight is younger sister Jinqi is on duty, everyone dispersed, later had the opportunity.” “好了好了。”公主姐姐见时机差不多了,便出声说道,“今晚是锦绮妹妹当值,大家都散了吧,以后都有机会的。” girls:??? 姑娘们:??? We are uniting foreign! What meaning does your show the first wife countenance to come to drawing to mediate suddenly is? 我们正团结对外呢!你这突然摆出大妇嘴脸来拉圆场是什么意思? Then everyone remembers this Your Highness is not in the Aristocratic Family camp, but after this time marries, becomes the whole family, did not need to propose what consensus. Immediately immediately yells at heart unluckily, scatters in a panic. 然后大家才想起这位殿下一直不在世家阵营里,只是这次嫁过来后才成为一家人的,更不用提什么共识了。顿时立刻心里大叫晦气,做鸟兽散去。 Big Sister Xinnan.” Cheng Jinyang has the apology to say. 歆南姐。”程晋阳带着歉意说道。 All right.” Big Sister Princess is twisting the golden hair, you first go, everyone calm one on line.” “没事的。”公主姐姐捻着金发,“你先去吧,大家冷静一下就行了。” Cheng Jinyang entered the room, saw Young Lady Cui already to change the determining the final outcome pajamas, single ponytail also already after brain untied, changes to the soft long hair to hang loose. 程晋阳这边进了房间,就看见崔小娘已经换上了决胜睡衣,脑后的单马尾已经解开,化作松软的长发披散开来。 Husband!” She then such as the young swallow throws nest -like, put into the bosom of Cheng Jinyang. “老公!”她便如乳燕投巢般,投入了程晋阳的怀抱里。 Cheng Jinyang only felt that one group of soft meat are arching in the own bosom, no matter also the facts of the matter, then hugged her around the middle. 程晋阳只感觉一团软肉在自己的怀里拱着,也不管三七二十一,便将她拦腰抱了起来。 Cui Jinqi is hugging his neck, closes one's eyes, the eyelash flashes, is not at heart anxious, is only the feeling of some strange feeling relieved. 崔锦绮搂着他的脖子,闭着眼儿,睫毛扑闪扑闪地,心里却不紧张,只是某种古怪的如释重负的感觉。
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