MLS :: Volume #22

#2179: Vault of heaven sword

Crack healing. 裂缝愈合。 The Long Zhanting sound vanishes. 龙战霆的声音消失。 The young man grips the vault of heaven sword. 年轻男子握住苍穹剑。 Stopped for several seconds. 停了几秒。 The young man laughed, Wuhaha...... Wuhaha...... Long Zhanting, gives me to be rampant again, does your old dog also match before me rampant?” 年轻男子大笑了起来,“呜哈哈……呜哈哈……龙战霆,再给我嚣张啊,就你这条老狗也配在我面前嚣张?” Again come.” “再来啊。” „The vault of heaven sword cannot take, ha haha......” “就连苍穹剑都拿不回去,哈哈哈……” Self-satisfied. 得意。 Incomparable self-satisfaction. 无比的得意。 Is looking at the vault of heaven sword in hand, he even more self-satisfied. 看着手中的苍穹剑,他就越发的得意。 And. 而且。 His very clear vault of heaven sword means anything, it is one of the Long Residence three big most precious objects, in the middle of Primordial Chaos Grand World, this vault of heaven sword in the weapon ranking spectrum is seventh. 他很清楚苍穹剑意味着什么,它可是龙府三大至宝之一,在鸿蒙大世界当中,这把苍穹剑在武器排名谱上是第七。 This sword strong? 这剑有多强? For those unable to imagine strongly. 强到无法想象。 But...... 可是…… Long Zhanting has not taken the sword, ran away, is this distressed? 龙战霆却连剑都没拿回去,就逃走了,这是有多狼狈啊? Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” The young man laughs again, is placed the sword in the front, shows off, said: „Did boy, see?” 年轻男子再次大笑起来,把剑摆在面前,炫耀起来,道:“小子,看到了没有?” Your that waste father does not dare to take the sword, this is the Long Residence most precious object.” “你那废物父亲连剑都不敢拿回去,这可是龙府至宝。” Has the father of waste, has the son of waste, pair of waste fathers and sons, ha haha......” young man continue happily to laugh. “有废物的父亲,就有废物的儿子,一对废物父子,哈哈哈……”年轻男子继续得意大笑着。 Although he was penetrated the body by a sword. 虽然他被一剑穿透身体。 The volume of blood on his top of the head in the eye of Long Fei only has 1/3, this is the severe wound. 龙飞的眼里他头顶上的血量只剩下三分之一,这是重伤。 However. 但是。 The young man is still excited. 年轻男子依旧兴奋。 Even if pays the frigid price, can attain the vault of heaven sword that even value. 哪怕付出再惨烈的代价,能拿到苍穹剑那就算值了。 These came right. 这一趟来对了。 Vault of heaven sword, coordinated your ancient times inheritance strength again, unified with my ancient times inheritance strength again,...... the father must ascend the sky.” Young man excited somewhat fierce. “苍穹剑,再配合你身上的远古传承力量,再和我身上的远古传承力量结合一下,啧啧啧……老子要上天了。”年轻男子兴奋的有些狰狞。 Abandons the sword to escape? 弃剑而逃? Indeed. 的确。 Very distressed. 很狼狈。 But...... is Long Zhanting escaping? 可是……龙战霆是在逃跑吗? Can the gold/metal symbol that on the young man erupts make him run away? 年轻男子身上爆发出来的金符就能让他逃窜? Possibly in others eyes is this, but...... in the eye of Long Fei and not so. 可能在别人眼里是这样,但是……在龙飞的眼里并不然。 The Long Family person, encounters this situation not to run away absolutely, even if dies not, will not throw down own weapon escape, Long Fei does not need to want still to know father's meaning. 龙家的人,遇到这种情况绝对不会逃,就算是死都不会,更加不会丢下自己的武器逃命,龙飞根本不用想也知道父亲的意思。 This vault of heaven sword...... 这苍穹剑…… Leaves his! 是留给他的! Meanwhile. 同时。 Long Zhanting is also driving, stimulates Long Fei. 龙战霆也在激励,刺激龙飞 Shouldering the seven luminaries blood is firm. 扛住七曜血牢。 Exploded present boss! 爆了眼前的boss! Otherwise...... the Long Family most precious object falls into others' hand. 不然的话……龙家的至宝就落入别人的手里。 Long Zhanting intention Long Fei is very at heart clear, innermost feelings secretly thought: Father, I will certainly shoulder, certain meeting!!!” 龙战霆的用意龙飞心里很清楚,内心暗道:“父亲,我一定会扛住的,一定会!!!” In the Long Fei heart sinks, numerous roared, said: Come, makes more violent, the father who the storm comes if cannot shoulder, the father is your grandson!” 龙飞心中一沉,重重的咆哮一声,道:“来吧,让暴风雨来的更猛烈些吧,老子要是扛不住,老子就是你孙子!” "Ah..." “啊……” Angrily roars like the thunder. 怒吼如雷。 The seven luminaries blood firm strength got angry probably was the same, violent storm bombardment. 七曜血牢中的力量像是发怒了一样,狂风暴雨般轰击下来。 Scarlet blood-color strength surging in seven blood moon/month light beams. 七道血月光柱中的猩红血色力量更加的涌动。 The thought of Long Fei also by numerous affects, the bombardment of each strength he can feel the fierce pain, at present presents own body cut picture again. 龙飞的意念也被重重的波及到,每一次力量的轰击他都能感受到剧烈的痛苦,眼前再次出现自己的身体被切割的画面。 To his mind impact incomparable hugeness. 对他的心灵冲击无比的巨大。 However. 但是。 Shouldering that Long Fei goes all out lives! 龙飞拼命的扛住! Two incomparable firmness. 两眼无比的坚定。 The young man has not cared about Long Fei to shoulder, because he firm does not die in the seven luminaries blood, still same will die in his hands. 年轻男子并没有在意龙飞能不能扛住,因为就算他在七曜血牢中不死,也一样会死在他的手里。 He is manipulating the vault of heaven sword now. 他现在摆弄着苍穹剑。 Looks at this and ordinary sword similar long sword, is filled with joy. 看着这柄和普通剑差不多的长剑,满心欢喜。 Vault of heaven sword, ha haha......” “苍穹剑,哈哈哈……” Is happily laughs. 是不是的得意大笑起来。 ...... …… "Ah..." “啊……” Another. 另外一处。 Tang Renjie whole body fetters the void god to revere, heavy saying with a smile: Human King apprentice how?” 唐人杰全身上下束缚住虚空神尊,沉沉的笑道:“人王的徒弟怎么样?” The void god reveres the complexion emergency, gets angry: Boy, were you insane? You will also die.” 虚空神尊脸色急变,怒道:“小子,你疯了吗?你也会死的。” The soul explodes. 魂爆。 Takes the source of forces with own soul, urges to send out the lifetime the skill, this strength has the extremely powerful destructiveness. 用自己的灵魂作为力量源泉,催发出毕生的功力,这种力量带有极其强大的杀伤性。 At least! 起码! The void god reveres present cultivating not able to withstand. 虚空神尊现在的修为承受不住。 Hatch two tight wrinkles. 哈奇士两眼紧皱。 Their two are not the opponents who the void god reveres, now arrives at the critical moment, the words that the Tang Renjie non- soul explodes, they are unable to extradite Long Fei. 他们两个不是虚空神尊的对手,现在又到了关键时刻,唐人杰不魂爆的话,他们就无法引渡龙飞 How dies?” “死又怎么样?” You do not know that the Human King disciple always doesn't fear death?” “你难道不知道人王的弟子从来都不怕死吗?” Ha haha......” “哈哈哈……” Tang Renjie is demented. 唐人杰癫狂至极。 Extraditing Long Fei is his quest. 引渡龙飞是他的任务 Similarly. 同样。 Also is his disaster. 也是他的一次劫难。 Reason that will choose to become the extradition person, because of so. 之所以会选择成为引渡人,也是因为如此。 He will pay all completes this quest. 他会付出一切来完成这个任务 Turned around to look at husky, showed a faint smile, said: Old dog, sees again!” 转身看了一眼哈士奇,微微一笑,道:“老狗,再见了!” husky has not spoken, he does not know that said what good. 哈士奇没有说话,他不知道说什么好。 The void god reveres to be panic-stricken, spells to make every effort to work loose Tang Renjie, but is not good, boy, lets loose me, lets loose me, puts......” 虚空神尊惊恐起来,拼尽一切力量想要挣脱掉唐人杰,可就是不行,“小子,放开我,放开我,放……” Rumble!” “轰隆隆!” The powerful strength bursts out together. 一道强大的力量迸发。 The depressed sound blasts out together. 一道沉闷的声音炸开。 Huge incomparable husky is roaring to the sky, "Ah..." 庞大无比的哈士奇对着天空咆哮一声,“啊……” Tang Renjie vanishes. 唐人杰消失。 The void god reveres also disappears. 虚空神尊也消失。 husky corner of the eye gushes out the tears. 哈士奇眼角涌出眼泪。 However. 但是。 He has not stayed, quest has not completed. 他没有停留,任务还没有完成。 Moreover very very arduous, he must by his strength opening extradition channel, want to open now very difficultly......, but he not hesitant. 而且很非常的艰巨,他现在必须由自己一个人的力量开启引渡通道,想要开启很难……可是他没有犹豫。 It is not because of Long Fei. 并不是因为龙飞 But because of Tang Renjie. 而是因为唐人杰 He and Tang Renjie relations are not the mount and master, but is brothers. 他和唐人杰的关系并不是坐骑和主人,而是兄弟。 He once was a wild dog that Human King brought. 他曾经是人王带回来的一条野狗。 Tang Renjie was still picked by Human King in the baby, person of dog such grows up slowly. 唐人杰还在婴儿的时候被人王捡回,一人一狗就这样一起慢慢长大。 Two people are similar to the brothers to be common. 两人就如同兄弟一般。 Now Tang Renjie dies for justice by the body, he is very clear this is the Tang Renjie disaster, failed, that all he must undertake. 现在唐人杰以身殉道,他心里很清楚这是唐人杰的劫难,失败了,那所有的一切他就得承担起。 Two sink. 两眼一沉。 husky one step trod...... 哈士奇一步踏了上去…… ...... …… Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” Bang!” “轰!” ...... …… Bellows fall, enough eight. 一道道轰鸣声落下,足足八道。 Eight big diamond present on Fiend Island. 八大金刚出现恶魔岛上。 Eldest child how?” “老大到底怎么样了?” „Did big diamond, what you see?” “大金刚,你是不是看到什么了?” You spoke actually.” “你倒是说话啊。” Ao Ya incomparable anxiety, in heart also incomparable worry. 奥雅无比的焦急,心中也无比的担心。 The Li Yuanba forehead tightens, before a he gruff silly appearance, is now his expression is always very serious. 李元霸眉心紧锁,以前他总是一副憨憨傻傻的样子,可是现在他的表情很是严肃。 Li Yuanba shakes the head to say slightly: I do not know.” 李元霸微微摇头道:“我不知道。” Eldest child in Contending for Hegemony Battlefield, we go in immediately.” “老大在争霸战场,我们马上进去。” At this time. 就在这时候。 The Tian Ling/Heaven Spirit look moves, looks to another. 天灵的眼神一动,看向另外一处。 In the sky, a big bird of huge blue flame has circled. 天空中,一只巨大的蓝色火焰的大鸟一直盘旋。 Meanwhile. 同时。 He also feels the familiar aura, moves slightly, said: Is the Qiaoqiao elder sister, moreover...... the aura is weak, probably received the extremely heavy wound.” 他也感受到熟悉的气息,微微一动,道:“是乔乔姐,而且……气息微弱,好像受了极其重的伤。” Qiaoqiao?” 乔乔?” The people are startled. 众人一惊。 Her not continuously following eldest child's side?” “她不是一直跟着老大的身边吗?” How to be seriously injured?” “怎么受了重伤?” Is that only Lanniao domestic animal?” “是那只蓝鸟畜生吗?” Immediately. 顿时。 Ao Ya said: You go advanced, Dang has a look, later comes.” 奥雅道:“你们先进去,我去看看,随后就来。” Be careful!” Li Yuanba said that crashes in the entrance directly. “小心!”李元霸说了一句,直接冲进入口。 Another six people follow. 另外六人跟上。 The Ao Ya form moves, during half breath falls, arrives at the cliff. 奥雅身影一动,半个呼吸间就落下,来到断崖。 Also in this flash, her whole person gave the present all shaking. 也在这一刹那,她整个人都给眼前的一切给震住了。 Looks at around Qiaoqiao the dense and numerous capillaries, her body shivered gently, this , this , what pain did this bear?” 看着乔乔周围密密麻麻的血丝,她的身体不由轻轻的颤抖了一下,“这,,,这,,这到底承受了什么样的痛苦啊?”
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