MTTIR :: Volume #3

#208: The old shoulder slides greatly

The Chapter 208 old shoulder slides greatly 第208章老肩巨滑 Leaves for in Volvo xc90 of Li Villa. 开往黎家别墅的沃尔沃xc90中。 thunder Haixiao is saying: This matter I also listened to my ally saying that your Gui Shenglang soldier was world-famous, but your Bailiang District person can rush to such big reputation in Guangdong , Guangxi, obviously was really extraordinary.” 雷海笑着接话道:“这事我也听我那个战友说过,你们桂省狼兵天下闻名,而你们百梁县人能在粤桂两省闯下这么大的名声,可见真的非常了不得。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: Does not have the means that the barren mountains and untamed rivers to have the defiant person!” 江枫笑道:“没办法,穷山恶水出刁民啊!” Sighs with emotion thunderously: In this piping time of peace, this so-called defiant person nature is unpopular, but if to the tumultuous times, that defiant person may be great can fight the soldier!” 雷鸣感慨道:“在这太平盛世,这所谓的‘刁民’自然不受待见,可若是到了乱世,那‘刁民’可都是一等一的能战之兵啊!” Jiang Feng said: As the saying goes barefoot does not fear to put on shoes, this defiant person often has is willing one to hack, when dares the emperor topples the imposing manner, the fight fierce does not fear, this battle efficiency nature on.” 江枫道:“俗话说光脚不怕穿鞋的,这‘刁民’往往都有‘舍得一身剐,敢把皇帝拉下马’的气势,战斗时悍不畏死,这战斗力自然就强了。” Is this truth......” “是这个道理……” Chatted, chats the common social practice, chatted goes to war, chats the history...... 一路闲聊,聊民风,聊打仗,聊历史…… Unknowingly, arrived at Li Villa. 不知不觉,就来到了黎家别墅。 The Li three same places come out to welcome the guest, Jiang Feng take the matchmaker, first then introduced for both sides. 黎家三口一起出来迎接客人,江枫作为媒人,第一时间便替双方介绍。 Then has greeted after mutually, then enters the villa under the leadership of Li people. 然后互相打过招呼后,便在黎家人的带领下进入别墅。 After ten minutes . 十分钟后。 On the table, eats meal. 上桌,吃饭。 Li to entertain hospitable person, but gave many cares, the space flies, the ground runs, in the water swims, various types of food have everything expected to find . Moreover the flavor is the best quality goods, eats Lei Jia people and Jiang Feng is full of praise. 黎家为了招待好客人,可是费了不少的心思,天上飞的,地上跑的,水里游的,各种食材应有尽有,而且味道都是极品,吃得雷家人与江枫都是赞不绝口。 After is mutually familiar, Li thousand supple then looked that asked to: „The reputations of your special troop have been world-famous, but will we understanding of the special troop at the film and television play, this real special troop's in special troop with film and television play, which basically have to distinguish?” 在互相熟悉后,黎千柔便看向雷海问道:“你们特种兵的名声早已经是世界闻名,不过我们对特种兵的了解基本是来自于影视剧,这真实的特种兵跟影视剧中的特种兵,会有哪些区别呢?” Li thousand supple such remarks, Mr. Li Ms. Li including Jiang Feng curious looks. 黎千柔此话一出,黎父黎母包括江枫在内都好奇的看向雷海。 hears word smiles saying: Real special troop has very big difference from the film and television play, notwithstanding, solely said this time, the special troop in film and television play was in our opinion true idled a point.” 雷海闻言微笑道:“真实的特种兵跟影视剧还是有很大区别的,别的暂且不说,就单单说这时间,影视剧中的特种兵在我们看来属实是闲了一点。” Li thousand asked softly: How this did say?” 黎千柔问道:“这个怎么说?” Puts down the chopsticks, clouds poor business conditions light told their daily schedules and daily training projects, after listening, even if completely unprofessional Jiang Feng and the others, cannot help but sucked in cold air. 雷海放下筷子,云淡风轻的讲述他们的作息时间与每天的训练项目,听完之后,哪怕是完全外行的江枫等人,都不由得倒抽了一口凉气。 They had the exercise body, Li three are needless saying that the rich man, wants to live the health, that daily exercise naturally was the essential project. 他们都有锻炼身体,黎家三口就不用说了,有钱人嘛,想活得健康一点,那每天的锻炼自然是必不可少的项目。 The extraordinary personalities have said that the body is the revolutionary qualification, therefore Jiang Feng also started to go to the gym to exercise a while ago. 伟人说过,身体是革命的本钱,因此江枫前段时间也开始去健身房锻炼了。 However, their exercises compared with training, that really felt dwarfed. 然而,他们的锻炼跟雷海的训练相比,那真的是小巫见大巫了。 The sentence is not exaggerating, extracts one to make Jiang Feng they complete from numerous physical training project casually, it is estimated that under can be exhausted them, even is the impossible mission. 说句不夸张的,从雷海的众多体能训练项目中随便抽出一项让江枫他们完成,估计都能把他们累趴下,甚至是不可能完成的任务。 But this is only the fundamental training, thus it can be seen special troop's training actually severe. 可这只是雷海的基础训练而已,由此可见特种兵的训练究竟有多严酷。 As the saying goes, the Heaven rewards the diligent, some big payouts will naturally have the big harvest, this special troops all might be considered as the versatile war-god no wonder. 俗话说得好,天道酬勤,有多大的付出自然就会有多大的收获,这就难怪特种兵个个都堪称是全能战神了。 Said the daily daily schedule and training project, then face honest saying: We will have about a month vacation every year, besides the leave, other time is very busy.” 说完每天的作息时间与训练项目,雷海便一脸诚实的说道:“我们每年也会有一个月左右的假期,除了休假以外,其余时间是真的很忙。” The meaning in this saying has said very much clearly, even if married, he does not have how much time to accompany the wife, this was also inoculated ahead of time, if the opposite party can accept naturally is the good deed, unacceptable only to explain that two people did not have that couple fate. 这话里的意思已经说得很明白了,哪怕是结婚了,他也没多少时间陪老婆,这也算是提前打预防针了,若是对方能接受自然是好事,不能接受的话就只能说明两人没有那个夫妻缘分。 In Mr. Lei Ms. Lei hears Yanxin many were somewhat worried, after all the couple separates for a long time, one side ten days cannot see for half a month, such sex, is many women is not willing to accept. 雷父雷母闻言心中多少有些担心,毕竟夫妻长期分离,十天半个月见不到一面,这样的夫妻生活,是很多女人都不愿意接受的。 Let alone, the Li conditions are so good, do not need to look for the crime to receive. 更何况,人家黎家条件这么好,没有必要自己找罪受。 Mr. Li Ms. Li looked at each other one, they previously had such preparation, all look at daughter's meaning in any case, so long as she likes on the line. 黎父黎母对视了一眼,他们此前就有了这样的心理准备,反正一切都看女儿的意思,只要她喜欢就行。 Jiang Feng asked for Li people: Elder Brother, the you situation is temporarily this, is this?” 江枫替黎家人问道:“海哥,伱的情况是暂时这样,还是一直都是这样?” Replied: Should be this situation over the following two or three years, how should walk as for the later road, has not currently planned long-term, this whole life definitely takes root in the army in any case.” 雷海答道:“接下来的两三年应该都是这种情况,至于以后的路该怎么走,目前也没规划得那么长远,反正这辈子是肯定扎根在军队了。” Li thousand said with a smile softly: I feel good, protects our homes and defends our country, such man is very charming.” 黎千柔笑道:“我觉得挺好的,保家卫国,这样的男人特别帅气。” Her statement, making the Lei people excited. 她的这个表态,让雷家人都兴奋起来。 Had this main key, the following development was the successful matter. 有了这个基调,接下来的发展就是水到渠成的事情了。 ...... …… Hangzhou. 杭市。 Ling Li is accompanying the father to have the lunch together. 凌莉正陪父亲一起吃午饭。 As the saying goes the life 70 were thin since ancient times, since father at age 70, Ling Li, even if again busy, so long as there is an opportunity, will accompany the father to eat meal together. 俗话说人生七十古来稀,自从父亲70岁之后,凌莉哪怕是再忙,只要有机会,就会陪父亲一起吃饭。 This custom, has insisted for about ten years. 这个习惯,已经坚持了将近十年了。 Now, her father is the years about 80 old people. 如今,她的父亲已是年近八十的老人了。 Eating meal time, looks at the father white-haired appearance, yesterday to that words that best friend Pei clever spoke, cannot help but appeared again in the heart. 吃饭的时候,看着父亲满头白发的模样,昨天跟闺蜜裴颖所说的那一番话,不由得再次浮现在心头。 Really should find a person to get married. 真的该找个人结婚了。 For other, for does not only make the father stay behind regretted. 不为别的,只为不让父亲留下遗憾。 After all, the father is the years about 80 old people, although father's current physical condition also calculates, but was old to this age after all. 毕竟,父亲已经是年近八十的老人了,虽说父亲目前的身体状况还算可以,但到了这个年纪终归是老了。 In order to let the father was happy, Ling Li in eating meal, then told the father her idea, father, I prepares please a matchmaker to help me look for the object, if appropriate first looked everywhere, you do feel like this feasible?” 为了让父亲高兴,凌莉在吃饭的时候,便把她的想法告诉了父亲,“爸,我准备请个媒人帮我物色对象,如果合适的话就先处处看,你觉得这样可行吗?” A Mr. Ling hears word face said pleasantly surprised: Lily, were you say real?” 凌父闻言一脸惊喜道:“莉莉,你是说真的吗?” Ling Li nods saying: „.” 凌莉点头道:“是真的。” Mr. Ling smiled the eye quickly to narrow the eyes, this daughter anything was good, but did not like dressing up, has been holding the attitude of suspicion to the sentiment, this year 40 years old, the sentiment has been blank, making him worry quickly. 凌父笑得眼睛都快眯起来了,她这女儿什么都好,可就是不爱打扮,对感情更是一直抱着怀疑的态度,今年都已经四十岁了,感情还是一片空白,让他都快愁死了。 He also knows where the issue leaves, to put it bluntly is daughter face/color price/value is not high, but in the family/home was also too rich, man who these are close to the daughter, most likely to their family/home money to come. 他也知道问题出在哪里,说白了就是女儿颜值不高,而家里又太有钱了,那些接近女儿的男人,十有八九都是冲着他们家钱来的。 Therefore, the daughter to such man, has snorted contemptuously. 因此,女儿对这样的男人,一直是嗤之以鼻。 May want in the man who in the boundless many men chooses to share hardships, this easier said than done! 可想要在茫茫多的男人中挑选出能够患难与共的男人,这谈何容易啊! Daughter's beforehand attitude was not in addition positive, found the love machine sincere infinite to be close to zero. 再加上女儿以前的态度也不积极,找到爱情的机率真的无限接近于零。 Is good because , the daughter awakens now finally, knows that looked for the matchmaker, this showed that she really had the plan of marriage, this was really the best news that the recent years met. 好在,女儿现在终于醒悟过来,知道找媒人了,这证明她是真的有结婚的打算了,这真的是近年来遇到的最好消息。 Mr. Ling lifts both hands to praise to become enlightened immediately: Lily, your idea is very good, for what it's worth, at least we must tread bravely the first step, the matter that looks for the matchmaker gives the father, the father ensure looks for a credible matchmaker to you.” 凌父当即举双手赞成道:“莉莉,你这个想法很好,不管结果怎么样,至少我们要勇敢的踏出第一步,找媒人的事就交给爸爸,爸爸保证给你找个靠谱的媒人。” Ling said with a smile: Father, the matchmaker I some people have elected!” 凌莉笑道:“爸,媒人我已经有人选了!” Mr. Ling said with amazement: „Did Lily, you find the matchmaker quickly?” 凌父惊讶道:“莉莉,你这么快就找好媒人了?” Ling Li did not answer to ask back: „Has father, you dealt with Guandong's Wangshi Group?” 凌莉不答反问道:“爸,你跟粤省的汪氏集团打过交道没有?” Mr. Ling shakes the head saying: Our group does not have the business contact with Wangshi Group, their helmsmen I have had several reasons with him actually, but we are not a circle, therefore is only the nodding acquaintance.” 凌父摇头道:“我们集团跟汪氏集团没有业务往来,他们的掌舵人我倒是跟他有过几面之缘,但我们不是一个圈子的,所以只是点头之交。” Ling Li said: Successor woof Wenjie of Wangshi Group, married a entertainment world female star registration last year, according to them disclosed, their marriages are reconcile by the matchmaker, this matter mounted the scarf to search for the list first place at that time hotly.” 凌莉道:“汪氏集团的继承人汪文杰,去年跟娱乐圈一个女明星登记结婚了,据他们自己爆料,他们的婚姻乃是由媒人撮合而成,这事当时可是登上了围脖热搜榜榜首的。” In Mr. Ling heart moves, matchmaker who Lily, you wants to invite, is it possible that is this for the matchmaker who woof Wenjie acts as a matchmaker?” 凌父心中一动,“莉莉,你想请的媒人,莫非就是这位替汪文杰做媒的媒人?” Ling Li nods to say with a smile: „, The net uploads him is not the common matchmaker, but is a Grandmaster who understands the profound studies, is good at the marriage affinity calculating especially, this matter does not know the genuine and fake, in any case matchmaker who he can work as woof Wenjie, has real skill.” 凌莉笑着点头道:“正是,网上传他可不是一般的媒人,而是一位懂玄学的大师,尤其擅长姻缘推算,这事也不知道真假,反正他能当汪文杰的媒人,想必是有两下子的。” Collects the father to hear to nod secretly, this wealth of Wang is not inferior in their Ling, that matchmaker has the qualifications to act as a matchmaker for such family, and also did successfully, proved his ability sufficiently. 凑父听得暗自点头,这汪家的财富并不逊色于他们凌家,那位媒人有资格替这样的家庭做媒,并且还做成功了,就足以证明他的能耐了。 Let such matchmaker look for the object for the daughter, should be very credible. 让这样的媒人替女儿物色对象,应该是挺靠谱的。 Also, even if the opposite party is unworthy of the name, that still has nothing at the worst, after all the matchmaker plays the role that brings both sides together, finally makes the decision daughter. 再说了,就算对方名不副实,那也没什么大不了的,毕竟媒人只是起到牵线搭桥的作用,最终做决定的还是自家女儿。 Thinks of here, Mr. Ling then said: Lily, you give me the contact method of that matchmaker, by my , when father acts to ask the intermediary is quite appropriate.” 想到这里,凌父便说道:“莉莉,那你把那媒人的联系方式给我,由我这个当父亲的出面去请媒比较合适。” Ling said with a smile: I only know that his scarf, other contact methods are not clear, but this is not difficult, only needs to call to ask woof Wenjie on the line.” 凌莉笑道:“我只知道他的围脖,其他联系方式并不清楚,不过这个倒不难,只需要给汪文杰打个电话问问就行。” That first eats meal, turn head you get so far as his telephone number to tell me again.” “那先吃饭,回头你弄到他的电话号码再告诉我。” Un, good.” “嗯,好的。” ...... …… After the food, Ling Li returns to the office, pulls out the cell phone from the package, discovered woof Wenjie number from the address book, this number she has preserved for several years, but has not hit. 饭后,凌莉回到办公室,才从包里掏出手机,从通讯录中找出了汪文杰的号码,这个号码她已经保存了好几年了,但从来没有打过。 After all she with woof Wenjie, although is the domestic famous super second generation of rich, because two people in the same circle, usually basically are not nothing happen together, several years ago both sides attended in a circle to get together, was the understanding, and polite saved the number of opposite party mutually. 毕竟她跟汪文杰虽然都是国内有名的超级富二代,但因为两人不在同一个圈子,平时基本是没什么交集的,也就几年前双方一起出席了一个圈内聚会,才算是认识,并客气的互存了对方的号码而已。 Ling Li has not thought, first time telephone that pulls out dozen of woof Wenjie, unexpectedly because of a matchmaker. 凌莉也万万没有想到,第一次拔打汪文杰的电话,竟然是因为一个媒人。 A telephone connection, woof Wenjie voice then passed on, Princess Ling?” In the sound filled surprisedly, obviously has not thought Ling Li will call him. 电话一接通,汪文杰的声音便传了过来,“凌公主?”声音中充满了惊讶,显然是没想到凌莉会给他打电话。 Ling Li smiles saying: woof less/small, are I, long time no see!” 凌莉微笑道:“汪少,是我,好久不见了!” woof Wenjie haha said with a smile: Yes, long time no see!” 汪文杰哈哈笑道:“是啊,好久不见了!” Then, two people smalltalk several, woof Wenjie asked: Princess Ling you are always I hadn't had business I wouldn't have come, what matter this time calls me has?” 接下来,两人客套了几句,汪文杰才问道:“凌公主你向来是无事不登三宝殿,这次打电话给我可是有什么事?” Ling said with a smile: woof less/small, my time telephone to you to inquire a matter, if related to your privacy, you should not be offended!” 凌莉笑道:“汪少,我这次打电话过来是想向你打听点事的,如果涉及到你的隐私,你可不要见怪哈!” woof Wenjie frank saying with a smile: Princess Ling was polite, has anything you to ask, I speak out frankly.” 汪文杰爽朗的笑道:“凌公主客气了,有什么事你问,我知无不言。” Ling Li said: woof less/small, I from your scarf noticed that your marriage is the matchmaker reconciles, I want to ask, you do pass now happily? For that Grandmaster river who you act as a matchmaker, is credible?” 凌莉道:“汪少,我从你的围脖上看到你的婚姻是媒人撮合而成,我就想问问,你现在过得幸福吗?替你做媒的那位江大师,到底靠不靠谱?” Hears here, woof Wenjie understands goal that immediately she telephones, immediately warm reply: „ Princess Ling, your may ask that be honest with you, I really passes now is happy, I run into the right person. 听到这里,汪文杰顿时明白她打电话过来的目的了,当即热情的回答道:“凌公主,你这可就问对人了,不瞒你说,我现在过得真的非常幸福,我算是遇到合适的人了。 As for Grandmaster river, I can vouch to you, he is acting as a matchmaker this, the entire world no one compares favorably with, is reconciled the marriage that becomes by Grandmaster river, basically can equate with the happy two characters! ” 至于江大师,我可以给你打包票,他在做媒这一块,全世界都没人比得上,由江大师撮合而成的婚姻,基本上可以跟幸福二字划上等号了!” Ling Li hears in the heart surprised, she has not thought that woof Wenjie gave that matchmaker such high appraisal unexpectedly, temper somewhat straight she cannot help but blurted out: woof did less/small, your say is also exaggerating?” 凌莉听得心中惊讶不已,她没想到汪文杰竟然给予了那位媒人这么高的评价,性子有些直的她不由得脱口而出道:“汪少,你这说得也太夸张了吧?” woof Wenjie said with a smile: „ I said not exaggeratingly, Princess Ling you have not to know, Grandmaster river may, not only helps me bring both sides together, he also helped my many friends solve the marital problem. 汪文杰笑道:“我说得一点都不夸张,凌公主你有所不知,江大师可不只是帮我牵线搭桥而已,他还帮我不少朋友解决了婚姻问题。 At present my these friends cross one by one happily, this may be the living example, Princess Ling you , to ask Grandmaster river to act as a matchmaker, that absolutely was mistakenly. ” 目前我这些朋友一个比一个过得幸福,这可都是活生生的例子,凌公主你若是想找江大师做媒,那绝对是错不了的。” Ling Li hears in the heart to shock, must know that woof Wenjie position does not lower compared with her. 凌莉听得心中震撼,要知道汪文杰的身份地位可不比她低。 As the saying goes the birds of a feather flock together like attracts like, can become his friend, that position definitely is not simple, but listens to the meaning in his words, his friends all asked that Grandmaster river to act as a matchmaker, finally everyone as if unusual satisfaction? 俗话说物以类聚人以群分,能成为他朋友的,那身份地位肯定是不简单的,而听他话中的意思,他那些朋友全都找那位江大师做媒了,结果大家似乎都非常的满意? If this is real, she must re-evaluate the acting as a matchmaker ability of that Grandmaster river. 如果这是真的,那她就得重新评估那位江大师的做媒能力了。 Ling Li tone is serious earnest saying: woof less/small, I believe that your recommendation, troubles you to give me the contact method of that Grandmaster river, thanks!” 凌莉语气非常郑重认真的说道:“汪少,我相信你的推荐,麻烦你把那位江大师的联系方式给我一下,谢谢!” woof Wenjie said with a smile: Good, turn head I send on your WeChat, there are words that Grandmaster river acts, I believe that Princess Ling you can find your son of heaven quickly!” 汪文杰笑道:“好的,回头我发你微信上,有江大师出手的话,我相信凌公主你很快就能找到你的真命天子了!” Ling said with a smile: That borrowed you auspicious words!” 凌莉笑道:“那就借你吉言了!” Then, the smalltalk several, made the telephone call. 接下来,两人又客套了几句,才挂掉了电话。 Ling Li thinks, Pei clever calls the best friend, yesterday she had mentioned the matter that looks for the matchmaker, this matchmaker begins to materialize now, naturally must say one to the best friend. 凌莉想了想,还是给闺蜜裴颖打了个电话,昨天她已经提到找媒人的事,现在这媒人有眉目了,自然要跟闺蜜说一声。 A telephone connection, Ling Li then enters the subject saying: Sister Pei, the matter of matchmaker, I have looked, 1 : 00 pm makes my father contact him, do you want the same place?” 电话一接通,凌莉便直入主题道:“裴姐,媒人的事,我已经物色好了,晚 1 点就让我爸跟他联系,你要不要一起?” Pei clever said with amazement: Quickly, are you serious?” 裴颖惊讶道:“这么快,你玩真的啊?” Ling Li spits the mortise: Indeed you think that I am joking with you?” 凌莉吐槽道:“敢情你以为我在跟你开玩笑呢?” Pei clever said with a smile: I know that you have that thoughts, but never expected that you went into action quickly!” 裴颖笑道:“我知道你有那个心思,但没想到你这么快就行动起来了!” Does not have the means that does not wait for us!” “没办法,时不我待啊!” Ling Li sighed with emotion one, immediately exciting saying: Moreover, my looking matchmaker is really not simple, woof Wenjie this fellow blew the space to go him, making me anticipate seriously.” 凌莉感慨了一句,随即兴奋的说道:“而且,我这次找的这个媒人还真是不简单啊,汪文杰这家伙可是把他吹到天上去了,让我期待得不得了。” Pei Yingcha different way: What situation is this?” 裴颖诧异道:“啥情况啊这是?” Ling Li the best friend told to the situation that she said woof Wenjie, end summarized: „ Sister Pei, this woof Wenjie status you are also know that should be insufficient to talk irresponsibly to me. 凌莉把汪文杰跟她说的情况跟闺蜜说了一遍,末了才总结道:“裴姐,这汪文杰的身份你也是知道的,应该不至于对我信口开河。 Therefore, the acting as a matchmaker ability of that Grandmaster river, is really not perhaps ordinary. ” 所以,那位江大师的做媒能力,或许真的不一般。” Pei clever knits the brows: Lily, you know that I never come not to believe what divining according to the diagrams constellation fortune-telling and so on thing, that coaxes the little friend, to me the destiny only grasps in own hand.” 裴颖皱眉道:“莉莉啊,你知道我从不来不相信什么算卦星座命理之类的东西,那都是哄小朋友的,对于我来说命运只掌握在自己手中。” Ling Li said hastily: Sister Pei, I know certainly that Sister Pei you do not believe this, but we do not raise regardless the profound studies method, can't the acting as a matchmaker ability of that Grandmaster river counterfeit?” 凌莉连忙说道:“裴姐,我当然知道裴姐你不信这个,但咱们抛开玄学手段不提,那位江大师的做媒能力总不能作假吧?” Pei clever nods saying: You said is also reasonable, if he acts as a matchmaker not to have many skills, should be also insufficient to be esteemed by woof Wenjie.” 裴颖点头说道:“你说的也有道理,如果他做媒没有两把刷子的话,应该也不至于会被汪文杰这么推崇。” Ling asked: Therefore, Sister Pei you do want the same place?” 凌莉问道:“所以,裴姐你要一起吗?” Pei clever replied: Like this, Lily you first come, if that Grandmaster river really found your son of heaven for you, I asked him to help me act as a matchmaker again not lately.” 裴颖答道:“这样,莉莉你先来,如果那位江大师真替你找到你的真命天子,那我再请他帮我做媒不迟。” You also are really the old shoulder slide greatly, worthily is the financial expert.” “你还真是老肩巨滑,不愧是金融高手。” Bah, you old shoulder slides greatly!” “呸,你才老肩巨滑呢!” Thank the milk to be drunk hitting of drunk big shot to enjoy. 感谢奶醉醉大佬的打赏。
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