MTTIR :: Volume #3

#206: In the family/home was too rich, I cannot distinguish clearly moving of pursuer

206 th Zhang was too rich, I cannot distinguish clearly the motive of pursuer 第206章家里太有钱了,我分不清追求者的动机 Next day. 次日。 Jiang Feng after the paternal aunt family/home has had the breakfast, drives to go home. 江枫在姑姑家吃过早饭后,就开车打道回府。 By about noon time, Jiang Feng advances some service area the car(riage), then the big shot calls the master calmly thunderously. 到将近中午的时候,江枫把车开进某个服务区,然后才从容的给师大佬雷鸣打电话。 A telephone connection, Jiang Feng then comes straight to the point saying: Uncle Lei, I yesterday after receiving your request , helping Elder Brother calculate the marriage affinity nonstop, finally the luck is good, among friend who I know, is a match with Elder Brother exactly.” 电话一接通,江枫便开门见山道:“雷叔,我昨天在接到你的委托后,就马不停蹄的帮海哥推算姻缘,结果运气不错,在我认识的朋友当中,恰好有一位跟海哥非常般配。” In thunderous hears Yanyan one bright, is happy: That was really good, Grandmaster river you said the material of opposite party to me quickly.” 雷鸣闻言眼中一亮,高兴道:“那真是太好了,江大师你快跟我说说对方的资料。” Jiang Feng simple introduced: She thousand named Li supple, this year 28 years old, 1.68 meters in height, graduates from XX universities. Her family is well-off, the father is our Guangxi province top three big rich and powerful people, the net worth over 10 billion. Her appearance is attractive, with the words of our young people, that is true white rich and beautiful.” 江枫简单介绍道:“她名叫黎千柔,今年28岁,身高1米68,毕业于XX大学。她家境非常好,父亲是我们桂省排名前三的大富豪,身家过百亿。她长相漂亮,用我们年轻人的话来说,那是真正的白富美。” Thunderous more listens more satisfied, praised repeatedly: Grandmaster river your efficiency was really certainly, if can know you earlier, it is estimated that I can hug the grandson now.” 雷鸣越听越满意,连声赞道:“江大师你这效率真是绝了,要是能早点认识伱,估计我现在都能抱孙子了。” Jiang Feng said with a smile: This is the fate, I first send to you supple elder sister's picture, you give Elder Brother to have a look to satisfy, if satisfies, we discussed again arranges you two meeting matters.” 江枫笑道:“这都是缘分,我先把柔姐的照片给你发过去,你给海哥看看满不满意,如果满意的话,咱们再讨论安排你们两家见面的事。” Says thunderously immediately: Grandmaster river your vision, I am trustworthy, yesterday I gave my family that boy to telephone, he said the time that these ten days can please 1-2 days of false, therefore meet for half a month momentarily you can look at the arrangement.” 雷鸣立刻说道:“江大师你的眼光,我是信得过的,昨天我给我家那小子打过电话,他说这十天半个月随时可以请个1-2假,所以见面的时间你可以看着安排。” Jiang Feng said: „ When supple elder sister is casual meets good, even the meeting place, can give in to Elder Brother, but my words, this Saturday must arrange being on intimate terms, other time have the line. 江枫道:“柔姐这边随便什么时间见面都行,甚至就连见面地点,都可以迁就海哥,而我的话,这个星期六要安排一场相亲,其他时间都有行。 Therefore, Uncle Lei you can discuss with Elder Brother, decided the time place, said one to me again. ” 所以,雷叔你可以跟海哥商量一下,把时间地点定下来了,再跟我说一声。” The thunderous nod said: Good, I called saying that him this matter, waited to arrange the time place, told you again.” 雷鸣点头道:“好,那我打电话跟他说说这事,等定好时间地点,再跟你说。” Jiang Feng complied with one, said: That first hung, I send immediately to you picture, Uncle Lei you remembers that looks.” 江枫应了一声,说道:“那先挂了,我马上把照片给你发过去,雷叔你记得看一下。” Good, bye!” “好的,再见!” Bye!” “再见!” After the telephone hung, Jiang Feng then immediately the Lebanese thousand supple pictures thunderously sends, then puts the cell phone, starts the vehicles to continue to hurry along. 把电话挂了之后,江枫便立刻把黎千柔的照片给雷鸣发了过去,然后把手机一放,启动车辆继续赶路。 Probably after a half hour, Jiang Feng receives the thunderous call. 大概半个多小时后,江枫接到雷鸣的电话。 The telephone connection, the thunderous then clear and resonant voice said with a smile: Grandmaster river, I had reached an agreement with my family that boy a moment ago, the meeting time arranges on this Sunday, you look?” 电话接通,雷鸣便朗声笑道:“江大师,我刚才已经跟我家那小子商量好了,见面时间就安排在这个星期天,你看可以吧?” Jiang Feng should say with a smile: Sure.” 江枫笑着应道:“当然可以。” Thunderous say/way: As for the words of place, we are the groom's family, really makes the bride's side give in to us embarrassed, therefore decides in your Guangxi province provincial capital!” 雷鸣道:“至于地点的话,我们是男方,实在不好意思让人家女方迁就我们,所以就定在你们桂省省城吧!” Jiang Feng praised: Art, that decided!” 江枫赞道:“讲究,那就这么定了!” Un, that first this, we see in the weekend!” “嗯,那就先这样,咱们周末见!” Good, sees in the weekend!” “好的,周末见!” ...... …… 6 : 30 pm. 下午 6 点半。 Some Hangzhou area community, the family of three is having the dinner. 杭市某区某住宅小区,一家三口正在吃晚饭。 This person is surnamed Rong, Mr. Rong Ms. Rong are the ordinary employee, son glory Ye are the parents lifetime pride. 这家人姓荣,荣父荣母都是普通职工,儿子荣晔则是二老一生的骄傲。 glory Ye since childhood is „the child of others family/home, is studies Tyrant level to exist the elementary school to the high school, outstandingly to of skipping a grade, 17 years old then tested into some domestic pair of first-class university most famous department of medical science. 荣晔从小就是“别人家的孩子”,小学到高中都是学霸级存在,优秀到跳级的那种,年仅17岁便考上了国内某双一流大学最有名的医学系。 Then works hard for the prosperity of the country during the university, only used eight years of then doctor to graduate. 然后在大学期间奋发图强,仅用了八年的时间便博士毕业。 Immediately enters some Hangzhou Sanjia Hospital, in several years then became deputy chief physician. 随即进入杭市某三甲医院,短短几年时间便成为了副主任医师。 At present, 32-year-old odd/surplus Ye, has become one of the hospital key training talents. 目前,32岁的余晔,已经成为该医院重点培养的人才之一。 But glory Yeke not only has the talent, he also has the face value of superelevation, three years ago in documentary film the mirror in « China Doctor " , lets his instantaneous becoming a hit network, harvested over a million fans at one fell swoop, but also majority is the female powder. 而荣晔可不仅仅有才华,他还有超高的颜值,三年前在《中国医生》的纪录片中出镜,让他瞬间爆红网络,一举收获了上百万粉丝,而且大部分都是女粉。 These female fans to see one side him, does not hesitate the hospital that runs up to him to work to register. 那些女粉丝为了见他一面,不惜跑到他工作的医院去挂号。 Even many brokerage firms call glory Ye, make glory Ye to meet, they hope that the glory can give up the post of doctor brillant, develops in the direction of star. 甚至还有很多的经纪公司给荣晔打电话,约荣晔见面,他们都希望荣晔可以放弃医生的岗位,向明星的方向发展。 These gave glory Ye to bring a big difficulty. 这些给荣晔带来了不小的困扰。 However, can obviously by him who the face eats meal, actually must depend on the talent. 不过,明明可以靠脸吃饭的他,却偏偏要靠才华。 The seduction he remains unmoved slightly, he will not put down the scalpel. 外界的诱惑他丝毫不为所动,他是不会放下自己手术刀的。 Son's outstanding that is great, makes Mr. Rong Ms. Rong worry only, was his marital important matter. 儿子的优秀那是没得说,唯一让荣父荣母操心的,便是他的婚姻大事了。 glory Ye is 32 years old, the love has not even discussed this year, this made Mr. Rong Ms. Rong somewhat worry to get angry, regularly caught the opportunity to urge him. 荣晔今年32岁了,却连恋爱都没谈过,这让荣父荣母有些着急上火了,隔三差五逮到机会就得催促一下他。 On for example now, saying that Ms. Rong beats around the bush: Small brillant, your big cousin family/home slightly flies, today the belt/bring girlfriend came back to see the guardian, this matter did you know?” 就比如现在,荣母拐弯抹角的说道:“小晔,你大堂哥家的小飞,今天带女朋友回来见家长了,这事你知道吗?” glory Ye said with amazement: Such quickly?” 荣晔惊讶道:“这么快?” Ms. Rong heaved a deep sigh: „The age of slightly flying is missing one round with you, but you have a look at others, came back to see the guardian the girlfriend belt/bring, if your wedding, possibly soon you did not want on the spot grandfather with a sense of urgency.” 荣母长叹一声道:“小飞的年纪跟你差着一轮呢,可你看看人家,都把女朋友带回来见家长了,你的婚事要是再不抓紧一点的话,可能用不了多久你就要当堂爷爷了。” Mr. Rong said: My big brother compared with me also several years old, saw that greatly he soon became the paternal great-grandfather, I the grandfathers have not known when can become!” 荣父接话道:“我大哥比我也就大几岁而已,眼看着他都快要当曾祖了,我还连爷爷都不知道什么时候才能当上呢!” glory Ye blushes with shame saying: Father, mother, I understands your moods, but this marital important matter is not the child's play, must meet the appropriate talent line, if marries a wife to come back carelessly, if the character does not gather, at the appointed time regularly quarrelled that not to die bothersomely!” 荣晔汗颜道:“爸,妈,我理解你们的心情,但这婚姻大事不是儿戏,总要遇到合适的人才行,要是胡乱娶个老婆回来,万一性格不合,到时隔三差五吵架那不得烦死啊!” Ms. Rong said: Small brillant, your idea not wrong, but you must go into action, your day of this day except for going to work treats reads your medical book at home, girls not approximately one that delivers, how you know that which miss suits you?” 荣母道:“小晔,你的想法没有错,但你总得行动起来啊,你这天天除了上班就待在家里看你的医书,连送上门的姑娘都不约一下,你怎么知道哪个姑娘适合你啊?” glory Ye said awkwardly: Mother, I knew, turn head I at dessert to this matter.” 荣晔尴尬道:“妈,我知道了,回头我对这事上点心。” Ms. Rong shot a look at his one eyes, „ this saying you do not know that said many times to us, but had not seen the action, I heard that side the Guangxi province to have a very fierce big matchmaker. 荣母瞥了他一眼,“这话你都不知道跟我们说了多少次了,可一直没见有行动,我听人说桂省那边出了个非常厉害的大媒人。 I give you again time, if has not seen you to act, I asked this big matchmaker to come for you to act as a matchmaker, such that so as to avoid told your father, your big aunts must become the great grandmother, I do not know when can become the paternal grandmother. ” 我再给你一点时间,如果还迟迟不见你行动的话,我就去请这大媒人来替你做媒,免得就跟你爸说的那样,你大伯母都要当曾祖母了,我都不知道什么时候才能当上奶奶。” glory Yewen said in the heart to be helpless, the matter that it seems like that the nephew young flying belt/bring girlfriend came back to see the guardian, really the parents stimulating heavily, it seems like that this marital important matter must put on the program to be good. 荣晔闻言心中非常无奈,看来堂侄小飞带女朋友回来见家长的事,真的把父母给刺激得不轻,看来这婚姻大事是得提上日程才行了。 ...... …… Meanwhile. 与此同时。 Some high-end Private Restaurant, the Hangzhou two illustrious capable women is eating meal. 某高端的私房菜馆,杭市两个赫赫有名的女强人正在吃饭。 And one, is princess Ling Li of some well-known mineral water group, at present already net worth several hundreds hundred million . Moreover the group sole heir, net worth 100 billion that is the matter of being settled. 其中一个,是某知名矿泉水集团的公主凌莉,目前已经身家数百亿,而且还是集团唯一继承人,身家千亿那是板上钉钉的事情。 This is with crown prince master woof Wenjie of Wangshi Group situated in the super second generation of rich of same rank. 这是跟汪氏集团的太子爷汪文杰处于同一级别的超级富二代。 Another is not the simple character, named Pei clever, she was born in in produces the family, without the best friend Ling Li such prominent family background, she can have this time position, basically is depends on itself to strive for success. 另外一个也不是简单人物,名叫裴颖,她出生在中产家庭,没有闺蜜凌莉那样显赫的家世,她能够拥有今时今日的地位,基本是靠自己拼搏而来。 She is the true talent, various time divisions/disciplines of studying is extremely outstanding, outstandingly has sent out the invitation to Harvard, Yale as well as Stanford University to her. 她是真正的天才,读书的时候各门学科都极其优秀,优秀到哈佛、耶鲁以及斯坦福大学都给她发出过邀请。 However finally she chose Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 不过最终她选择了麻省理工学院。 Because skips a grade repeatedly, Pei clever in then finished ahead of schedule at age 20 the studies of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and earned three degrees: Computer science bachelor, economic bachelor, electronic engineering and computer science master's degree. 因为多次跳级,裴颖在20岁那年便提前完成了麻省理工学院的学业,并获得了三个学位:计算机科学学士,经济学学士,电子工程和计算机科学硕士学位。 After college, Pei clever went to a world-class leading global management consultant firm to work, but worked shortly, she changed job, and jumped several companies, finally went to Silicon Valley, joined some risk investment fund. 大学毕业后,裴颖去了一家世界级领先的全球管理咨询公司工作,但工作没多久,她就跳槽了,并跳了好几家公司,最终去了硅谷,加入了某个风投基金。 In 2009, Jack handled the frame of some fund, is looking for the general manager candidate, chose several, he is not very satisfied, until Pei Ying's appearance, makes him at present one bright. 2009年,杰克马搞定了某基金的框架,正在物色总经理人选,挑选了好几个,他都不是很满意,直到裴颖的出现,才让他眼前一亮。 At that time, Pei clever responsible risk investment fund and Ali had the contact in business, after several contacts, Jack discovered that this young beautiful woman was not simple. 当时,裴颖负责的风投基金与阿里有业务上的往来,几次接触之后,杰克马发现这位年轻的美女不简单。 Therefore, he then had dug her idea, but that time Pei clever could not take a liking to Ali, therefore Mr. horse first invitation, brutally was then rejected by her. 于是,他便有了挖她的想法,但那个时候的裴颖根本就瞧不上阿里,所以马老板的第一次邀请,便被她无情地拒绝了。 Afterward then had the second time, the third time, Boss horse imitates the approach that Liu Bei repeatedly asked that finally Pei clever by nag moves sincerely, accepts with pleasure. 随后便有了第二次,第三次,马老板效仿起了刘备三顾茅庐的做法,最终裴颖被老马的真诚所打动,欣然接受。 But Pei clever has not disappointed Boss, after the taking office fund member, in several years, then made the extremely magnificent result, is honored as „the secret strategist of Boss horse and inland female version Buffett, her worth also skyrocketed, achieved 10 billion ranks. 而裴颖也没有让马老板失望,在上任基金一把手后,短短几年时间,便做出了极为辉煌的成绩,被誉为“马老板的幕后操盘手”、“内地女版巴菲特”,她的身价也扶摇直上,达到了百亿级别。 Forbes is pertinent to her appraisal, said that she is the wind same female. 福布斯对她的评价可谓是一针见血,称她是风一样的女子。 In these two capable women, super second generation of rich Ling Li's stature, although is good, what a pity the look is average. 这两位女强人中,超级富二代凌莉的身材虽然不错,可惜相貌平平。 But Pei clever talent and face value coexist, is the true goddess level exists. 而裴颖则才华与颜值并存,乃是真真正正的女神级存在。 However, no matter look average Ling Li, is tall Yanzhi Pei clever, at present is an single dog. 然而,不管是相貌平平的凌莉,还是高颜值的裴颖,目前都是一只单身狗。 Ling Li this year was 40 years old, but Pei clever compared with her must greatly two years old, this year 42 years old, but two people sentiments were still blank, even the love has not discussed. 凌莉今年已经40岁了,而裴颖比她还要大两岁,今年已经42岁了,可两人的感情仍然是一片空白,连恋爱都没谈过。 First said Ling Li, as the super second generation of rich, she naturally does not lack the pursuer, but Princess Ling Li had spoken such a few words: In family/home was too rich, I cannot distinguish clearly the motive of pursuer.” 首先说凌莉,作为超级富二代,她自然不缺追求者,但凌莉公主曾经说过这样的一句话:“家里太有钱了,我分不清追求者的动机。” This is Ling Li continuously alone until now real reason. 这就是凌莉一直单身至今的真正原因。 Because Ling Li look is average, the second generation of rich who the same level even lowers a level, basically no one can have a liking for her, but these families are not very well-off, she cannot distinguish clearly others is likes her liking her money...... 因为凌莉相貌平平,同层次甚至低一个层次的富二代,基本都没有谁看得上她,而那些家境不够好的,她又分不清人家到底是喜欢她这个人还是喜欢她的钱…… But Pei clever who the talent and face value coexist also single since, possibly was related with the personality of her capable woman. 而才华与颜值并存的裴颖之所以也单身至今,可能就跟她女强人的性格有关了。 She had said the request to the other half: So long as does not hinder her to work on the line. 她曾经说过对另一半的要求:只要不妨碍她工作就行。 This request is seemingly simple, but this saying with that looks that the pleasing to the eyes line is the same, exactly is the highest request. 这要求看似简单之极,但这话就跟那句看着顺眼就行一样,恰恰是最高的要求。 Two people age is similar, is the people in high-end circle, in addition the list, naturally is very easy to become the best friend of telling one another everything. 两人年纪相仿,又都是高端圈子里的人,再加上都还单着,自然很容易就成为了无话不谈的闺蜜。 Lily, heard that a while ago had the second generations of rich in Southeast Asia to pursue you? Don't you have possible with him?” Asking of Pei clever very Eight Trigrams (gossip). “莉莉,听说前段时间有位东南亚的富二代在追求你?你跟他有没有戏啊?”裴颖非常八卦的问道。 Ling Li laughs at one, then explodes the thick say/way: Play, he at all is not because likes me pursuing me, but wants to be helped from here, thus makes the group of their family/home bring back to life, but also really thinks that my anything does not understand!” 凌莉嗤笑一声,然后爆粗道:“有个屁的戏,他根本不是因为喜欢我才追求我,只是想从我这里得到帮助,从而让他们家的集团起死回生罢了,还真以为我啥都不懂呢!” Pei clever said suddenly: So that's how it is, this age wants to find the sincerity person really is not easy!” 裴颖恍然道:“原来如此,这年代想找个真心人还真是不容易啊!” Ling sighed: Sister Pei you were much better compared with me, you such attractively, even if regardless your tens of billions wealth, what were still many were the man likes you, but my look was average, close to my person because of my money, was really is most likely depressed!” 凌莉叹道:“裴姐你比我好多了,你长得这么漂亮,就算抛开你那上百亿的财富,也多的是男人喜欢你,而我相貌平平,接近我的人十有八九都是因为我的钱,真是郁闷死了!” Pei clever shakes the head to say with a smile: Lily, I am actually like you, even man not to my money to come, but comes to my stature look, what does this have to distinguish?” 裴颖摇头笑道:“莉莉,我跟你其实是一样的,就算男人不是冲着我钱来的,而是冲着我的身材相貌来的,这又有什么区别呢?” Ling Li carried the value not poor red wine to drink one, said with a smile: Also said is, like your people like me, wanted to find one really to love, truly was too difficult!” 凌莉端起价值不菲的红酒喝了一口,笑道:“说得也是,像你我这样的人,想要找到一份真爱,确实是太难了!” Pei clever also carried the red wine to drink one, said: Mainly is the person who we contact, basically knows our, therefore does not have the means minute/share of clear opposite party to come to anything. So long as there is this worry, does not have the means true investment sentiment to discuss a love, naturally could not find really loves.” 裴颖也端起红酒喝了一口,说道:“主要是我们接触的人,基本都是认识我们的,所以没办法分清楚对方到底是冲着什么来的。只要有这个顾虑在,就没办法真正投入感情去谈一场恋爱,自然也就找不到真爱了。” Ling said with a smile: Sometimes I want in these second generation of rich study with the television, to camouflage the poor person who the ordinary household comes myself, then looks for a man truly discussed a love.” 凌莉笑道:“有时候我都想跟电视里那些富二代学一下,把自己伪装成普通家庭出身的穷人,然后找个男人真正的谈一场恋爱。” Pei clever haha said with a smile: Lily, you camouflages is invalid, because your domestic popularity was too big, is my fame basically only limits to the financial circle on the contrary, therefore I camouflage have the successful possibility.” 裴颖哈哈笑道:“莉莉,你来伪装是行不通的,因为你在国内的知名度太大了,反倒是我的名气基本只局限于金融圈,所以我来伪装才有成功的可能性。” Ling Li loses says with a smile: Sister Pei you said exaggeratingly, perhaps in the rich and powerful people circle knew that my person compared with knowing your must slightly many, but in these average person eyes, it is estimated that I was like you, few people can recognize our identities to come.” 凌莉失笑道:“裴姐你说得太夸张了,或许在富豪圈子里认识我的人比认识你的要稍微多一点,但在那些普通人眼里,估计我跟你是一样的,没几人能认出我们的身份来。” Key is the ordinary man, are you willing to marry?” “关键是普通男人,你愿意嫁吗?” Ling Li hears word cannot help but sighed deeply the tone, this is the place that I worry, looks down upon the ordinary man actually not, but was the worry ordinary man cannot integrate our circle, such may not necessarily be the good deed to him, three Han's that sister of the emperor was learns from another's mistakes!” 凌莉闻言不由得长叹了口气,“这正是我犯愁的地方,倒不是看不起普通男人,而是担心普通男人融入不了我们的圈子,那样对于他来说可不见得是好事,三韩的那位长公主就是前车之鉴啊!” Saying that Pei Yingshen is so: Truly is this truth, in the past three Han that sisters of the emperor should can be with that security really loved, but final result, to divorce to end, really pitifully!” 裴颖深以为然的说道:“确实是这个道理,当年三韩那位长公主跟那位保安应该算得上是真爱了,可最终的结果,还是以离婚收场,真是可惜了!” Therefore I am very actually confused, asks the average person not to get married realistically, in the circle the able person cannot have a liking for me, without the person of ability I cannot have a liking for him.” “所以我现在其实挺迷茫的,找普通人结婚不现实,圈子里有能力的人看不上我,没能力的人我看不上他。” Ling Li with best friend sincere saying: Now my father was old, is quite careful to my marital important matter, although I on the mouth said not urgently, but actually very worries at heart, wants to get married to have a child earlier, letting my father can enjoy the family happiness earlier.” 凌莉跟闺蜜推心置腹的说道:“现在我爸年纪大了,对我的婚姻大事极为上心,我虽然嘴上说不急,但心里其实挺着急的,就想早点结婚生孩子,让我爸能早点享受天伦之乐。” Nod of Pei clever understands, said: Lily, actually I with facing same issue, after particularly age to 40, my some do not dare to go home, feared that sees parental that earnest hope the look.” 裴颖理解的点了点头,说道:“莉莉,其实我跟面临着相同的问题,尤其是年龄到了四十之后,我都有些不敢回家了,就怕看到父母那殷切期盼的眼神。” Ling Li carried the red wine to drink one, suddenly asked: Sister Pei, or did we invite a matchmaker?” 凌莉端起红酒又喝了一口,忽然问道:“裴姐,要不咱们请个媒人?” Pei Yingwen said stares, invited the matchmaker?” 裴颖闻言一愣,“请媒人?” In Ling Li eyes reveals the unusual ray, in the heart saying of some anticipations: Sister Pei, woof Wenjie of Guandong Wangshi Group should you know? His marriage, is asks the matchmaker to help bring both sides together.” 凌莉眼中露出异样光芒,心中有些期待的说道:“裴姐,粤省汪氏集团的汪文杰你应该知道吧?他的婚姻,就是请媒人帮忙牵线搭桥的。” Pei clever: 11 + 裴颖:“一一+” Thank hitting of Jakusui Jouzen 2018, Hisonling two big shot to enjoy. 感谢上善若水2018、Hisonling两位大佬的打赏。
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