MOSS :: Volume #6

#528: Has the method respectively

In the Luo Xihao heart has the police trillion. 罗西浩心中生出警兆。 Blocks the match of his way, clearly is also a law day. 拦住他去路的对手,分明也是一具法天相地。 The outward appearance image, posthumous pair of wings, whole body flood all colors brilliance, although is the human form, but seems actually looks like the phoenix near the world. 其外观形象,背生双翼,全身上下泛着五彩光辉,虽然是人形,但看上去却像凤凰临世。 Just now under flashes, then arrives in front of him. 方才一闪之下,便到他面前。 The rapidness of speed, making Luo Xihao almost think oneself are facing Nascent Spirit great expert expert. 速度之快,让罗西浩几乎以为自己在面对一位元神大能强者 He remembers suddenly, Shen Jian had mentioned a person. 他忽然想起,沈健曾经提到过的一人。 Code number silver spear/gun, a Feather Row federation extremely mysterious young expert. 代号“银枪”,羽行联邦一个极为神秘的年轻高手。 Since this war has broken out, the opposite party little comes, but appears each time, shows the extremely formidable strength, mixes side battlefield wind and cloud. 这次战争爆发以来,对方很少现身,但每次出现,都表现出极为强大的实力,搅动一方战场风云。 The silver spear/gun oneself cultivation base should also be only Golden Core Stage, but also has his Luo Xihao to be the same with Shen Jian and Ye Jiao, cannot weigh with general Golden Core Stage cultivator. 银枪本人修为应该还只是金丹期,但跟沈健叶觉还有他罗西浩一样,都不能用一般的金丹期修士来衡量。 Importantly, then lies in the silver spear/gun also has a law day very much. 很重要一点,便在于银枪也拥有一具法天相地。 According to Shen Jian the news that obtains from the military intelligence system, the law day of silver spear/gun, is this imitates, if the appearance of phoenix person. 按照沈健从军方情报系统得到的消息,银枪的法天相地,便是这仿若凤凰化人的模样。 Luo Xihao heard to the silver spear/gun, but understands not many. 罗西浩对银枪有所耳闻,但了解不多。 However, in the speed of witness place after method day, he first enhances vigilance. 不过,在目睹对方法天相地的速度后,他第一时间提高警惕。 As the saying goes the expert makes a move, apparent has. 有道是行家一出手,便知有没有。 Wants a law day the strength incisive display of place, to controlling is in itself also a test. 想要将一具法天相地的力量淋漓尽致发挥,对驾驭者本身也是一番考验。 Only the view day the performance of place, basically can see the match general level. 只看法天相地的表现,基本就能看出对手大概的水平。 The Luo Xihao intuition told him, the present silver spear/gun, is one needs his match whole-heartedly absolutely. 罗西浩的直觉告诉他,眼前的银枪,绝对是一个需要他全力以赴的对手。 The giants of two flashing brilliance, fight one group immediately, is without making any mutual concessions. 两个闪动光辉的巨人,顿时战成一团,互不相让。 Complementary waves that both sides fight, almost analogy must be bigger. 双方战斗的余波,几乎比方才还要更大。 Suddenly, some cultivation base strength slightly weak Feather Row federation Nascent Soul Stage old ancestors, do not dare to approach. 一时间,部分修为实力稍弱的羽行联邦元婴期老祖,都不敢靠近。 compares, the silver spear/gun speed quickly is more flexible, the mobility is stronger. 相较而言,银枪速度更快更灵活,机动性更强。 But Luo Xihao, then defensive power is aggressive, rudely. 罗西浩这边,则防御力凶悍,势大力沉。 This is related with the truth ideal condition that the double method day itself contains. 这跟双方法天相地本身蕴含的道理意境有关。 The law day of silver spear/gun, defends relatively seems to be weak. 银枪的法天相地,防御似乎相对薄弱。 But to a certain extent, he as if not need the strong defense. 但某种程度上来看,他又似乎不需要多强的防御。 Because of Nascent Spirit realm following existence, nobody can bump into him simply. 因为元神境界以下的存在,简直没人能碰到他。 But his attack not emaciated, swift and fierce fast, coordinates own superelevation flexible with movement, making one to be hard to resist. 而他的攻击则一点都不孱弱,凌厉迅捷,配合自身超高的灵活和移动,叫人难以招架。 Also was lucky that Schoolmate A'ku same is not the lamp of province oil, the law day of golden armor giant appearance as if ancient Divine Mountain same stands erect not but actually, indestructible. 也多亏阿酷同学一样不是省油的灯,金甲巨人模样的法天相地仿佛亘古神山一样屹立不倒,坚不可摧。 He makes a move each time, is earthshaking, irresistible, forcing the law day of silver spear/gun not to dare to compel excessively. 他每次出手,更是惊天动地,势不可挡,迫使银枪的法天相地不敢过分相逼。 If both sides by the opposite party one, that side the silver spear/gun owe respectively eventually. 双方如果各挨对方一下的话,终究还是银枪那边更亏。 Places the law day , the Luo Xihao look is solemn, calm. 身处法天相地内,罗西浩神色冷峻,波澜不惊。 His vision is getting more and more bright, even is dazzling. 他目光越来越明亮,甚至刺眼。 Is away from the law day of both sides, the silver spear/gun as if can feel Luo Xihao that dazzling line of sight. 隔着双方的法天相地,银枪似乎都能感受到罗西浩那刺目的视线。 both sides fight the luxurious place, the golden armor giants put out a hand at the same time, keep off the enemy attacks at the same time, another hand fiercely in a move toward midair. 双方战到酣处,金甲巨人一边伸手,挡下对方攻击的同时,另外一只手则猛地朝半空里一招。 Then, void suddenly presents a huge magical amulet, as if the city wall is ordinary. 然后,虚空中突然出现一张巨大的灵符,仿佛城墙一般。 On golden armor giant, there is a huge magical amulet presents, as if entire huge body changes into a symbol. 金甲巨人自己身上,也有巨大的灵符呈现,仿佛整个庞大身躯都化为一张符。 Two great shape magical amulets, one after the other, produce the force field that invisible does not have, decides the silver spear/gun and his law day on the spot. 两张巨形灵符,一前一后,生成无形无相的力场,将银枪和他的法天相地定在原地。 Caught you!” “抓到你了!” Luo Xihao launches an attack suddenly, hits opposite party one to be caught off guard. 罗西浩突然发难,打对方一个措手不及。 A golden armor giant palm finds out fiercely, holds an opposite party wing. 金甲巨人一只手掌猛地探出,就抓住对方一支羽翼。 But almost at the same time, Luo Xihao then frowned, realized that does not suit. 但几乎同一时间,罗西浩便皱起眉头,察觉不对劲。 Around them, this fifth generation Feather Row great ship, suddenly has black light flashing, changes into great shape light ball, wraps two law days. 在他们周围,这艘第五世代羽行巨舰内部,突然有黑光闪动,化为一个巨形光球,把两具法天相地都包裹在其中。 Then, this black light ball, is then having the Luo Xihao two people with their law days, departs this great shape battleship together. 然后,这个黑色的光球,便带着罗西浩二人和他们的法天相地,一起飞出这艘巨形战舰。 The Luo Xihao intention phonograph, already understands, the opposite party had to seek a moment ago. 罗西浩心念电转,已然明白,对方刚才另有所谋。 After he holds, the match pushes the boat along. 被他抓住后,对手顺水推舟。 He holds to the method day place at the same time, oneself were also held by that fifth generation Feather Row battleship. 他抓住对方法天相地的同时,自己也被那艘第五世代羽行战舰抓住了。 Then, was sent out outside the battleship, so as to avoid he continues to destroy in the battleship wantonly. 然后,被送出战舰外,免得他继续在战舰内部大肆破坏。 From this perspective, the silver spear/gun has prevented his formerly movement successfully. 从这个角度来说,银枪成功阻止了他先前的动作。 Luo Xihao sneers. 罗西浩冷笑一声。 In his heart the thought transfers sharply, under the hand the movement is quicker. 他心中念头转得急,手底下动作更快。 The golden armor giants hold the opposite party wing at the same time, another hand destroys its intimate strategic point! 金甲巨人抓住对方羽翼的同时,另一只手直捣其腹心要害! The vital part was attacked, the opposite party cannot undergo immediately. 要害处被攻击,对方顿时经受不住。 The law day of silver spear/gun, the chest and belly place a fist was punctured by the Luo Xihao law day directly! 银枪的法天相地,胸腹处直接被罗西浩的法天相地一拳打穿! golden armor giant callous catching up of once more. 金甲巨人冷酷的再次发力。 That flashing all colors brilliance, as if the law day of phoenix person, the body forcefully was torn! 那闪动五彩光辉,仿佛凤凰化人的法天相地,身躯被强行撕裂! Luo Xihao surface not self-satisfied color. 罗西浩面无得意之色。 He controls oneself law day, fast movement moves aside. 他驾驭自己的法天相地,飞快移动躲闪。 Almost in he has the movement instant, not far away as if Huang Ming huge Feather Row great shipboard, then has the bang god artillery to send out silent roars, the destruction mighty current sweeps across toward Luo Xihao. 几乎就在他有动作的刹那,不远处仿佛黄明界般庞大的羽行巨舰上,便有轰神炮发出无声咆哮,道道毁灭洪流朝罗西浩席卷而来。 The golden armor giants first dodge, terrifying attack almost with it brushing past. 金甲巨人第一时间闪躲,恐怖的攻击几乎与之擦肩而过。 Luo Xihao casts a sidelong glance slantingly. 罗西浩斜睨一眼。 Void another side, after all colors light scatters, the splendor gathers again. 虚空另一边,道道五彩光流散开之后,又重新辉聚。 In the brilliance as if has flame flaming combustion. 光辉中仿佛有火焰熊熊燃烧。 In the flame, visibled faintly a phoenix to raise head the clear cry, opened the wing. 火焰里,隐约可见一头凤凰仰头清鸣,张开翅膀。 The next quarter, formerly obviously that law day of by the golden armor giants being torn into shreds, reappears in the universes. 下一刻,先前明明被金甲巨人撕碎的那具法天相地,重新出现在宇宙间。 Its figure compares originally, was smaller. 只是,其身形相较原先,小了一些。 From with the golden armor giants approximately contour, reduces to only arrives at his chest. 从与金甲巨人大致等高,降为只到其胸口。 The strength aura that this law day reveals, is inferior to similarly just now. 这具法天相地流露出的力量气息,同样不及方才。 Obviously, although there is wonderful of phoenix Nirvana, but a moment ago Luo Xihao that also suffices him to receive. 显然,虽有凤凰涅槃之神妙,但刚才罗西浩那一下,也着实够他受的。 However, sends out outside Luo Xihao battleship successfully, the silver spear/gun does not need to continue a person to spell with it again hardly. 不过,成功将罗西浩送出战舰外,银枪就不用再继续一个人与之硬拼。 That fifth generation Feather Row great ship, composes the short distance firepower network immediately, to just now covers in Luo Xihao of its within the body wantonly destruction, must avenge a grievance. 那艘第五世代羽行巨舰,当即组成近距离火力网,向方才在其体内大肆破坏的罗西浩覆盖,要报仇雪恨。 The opposite party firepower is too fierce, Luo Xihao has not spelled hardly, but is the control from the sky dodges movement from the movement technique day. 对方火力太猛,罗西浩没有硬拼,而是驾驭自身法天相地在空中闪躲移动 He knit the brows to look at silver spear/gun one. 他皱眉看了银枪一眼。 Perhaps is the consumption is too big, strength falls short. 或许是消耗太大,力有不逮。 Perhaps so long as completes to drive away the Luo Xihao duty that's the end of it. 或许只要完成驱赶罗西浩的任务便罢。 Perhaps such as the rumor is ordinary, silver spear/gun not under extreme methods to the Yellow Flame person. 或许如传言一般,银枪不对炎黄人下死手。 In brief no matter what, left outside the battleship, the opposite party no longer continued to attack. 总之不管怎么说,出了战舰外,对方就不再继续攻击了。 Without the diversion of this match, Luo Xihao dodges seems like distressed, but the attack of that Feather Row great ship, cannot take him a short time. 没有这个对手的牵制,罗西浩闪躲看似狼狈,但那艘羽行巨舰的攻击,一时片刻间拿不下他。 But Luo Xihao is not relaxed. 罗西浩也不轻松。 The Nascent Soul Stage old ancestors of several Feather Row federations, pursued outside the battleship at this time, coordinates the battleship, attacks Luo Xihao. 几个羽行联邦的元婴期老祖,这时也追出战舰外,配合战舰,攻击罗西浩 Luo Xihao deeply looked at distant place silver spear/gun one, the law day during the fluttering, circles rapidly another side, the match who casts off the pursuit, avoids the attack of Feather Row battleship. 罗西浩深深看了远方银枪一眼,法天相地翻飞间,迅速绕到另一边,甩开追击的对手,躲避羽行战舰的攻击。
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