MOSS :: Volume #5

#414: Might explosive table

Tang Shuyuan this fist, had the full force, incisiveness that oneself powerful martial arts will show. 唐恕远这一拳,出了全力,将自己一身强悍武道展现的淋漓尽致。 In the thin and small body, the implication endures compared with the huge strength of great antiquity giant beast. 瘦小的身躯中,蕴含堪比洪荒巨兽的庞大力量。 Even if Shen Jian had seen in Kunlun Mountain initially that two Nascent Soul Stage big monsters, facing this strike must pay attention, carelessly, possible wound under Tang Shuyuan fist. 就算沈健当初在昆仑山里见过的那两头元婴期大妖,面对这一击也要留神,一个不慎,就可能伤在唐恕远拳下。 So strikes, obviously is not the hasty strain, but early deliberate. 如此一击,显然不是仓促应变,而是早有预谋。 As if he crossed Black Dragon a moment ago, wholeheartedly toward the momentum that behind power bay there rushes , the book is the false appearance. 仿佛他刚才越过黑龙,一心往后面动力舱那里闯的势头,本就是假象。 As if from the beginning, his plan, was directs Black Dragon to be swindled, then struck fully, strikes to kill Black Dragon. 似乎从一开始,他的打算,就是引黑龙上当,然后全力一击,击杀黑龙。 The action change genuine and fake, resemble false also, making one to be hard to judge. 其行动变化真真假假,似假还真,叫人难以判断。 Has the mistake slightly, will then be seized the flaw by him. 稍有差池,便会被他捉到破绽。 Like the present, Black Dragon turns round to pursue the enemy eagerly, finally the enemy actually strikes back suddenly. 就像现在,黑龙急于回身追敌,结果敌人却忽然杀一个回马枪。 To Tang Shuyuan, if can kill the Shen Jian Black Dragon in a short time, that remaining issues also no longer are the issues, the choice that faces does not exist, all are easily solved. 对唐恕远来说,若是能短时间内杀死沈健的黑龙,那剩下的问题也就都不再是问题,面临的选择不复存在,一切迎刃而解。 Black Dragon truly somewhat was a moment ago irritable. 黑龙刚才确实有些急躁。 However at this time manifested the Shen Jian in addition to hold the function of controlling beast seal on it. 不过这时候就体现出沈健加持在它身上御兽印的作用。 Shen Jian throughout keeps calm, read through the controlling beast seal mind biography to Black Dragon, Black Dragon that let some impetuous and rash with all one's heart pursuit reined at the brink of the precipice. 沈健始终保持冷静,通过御兽印心神传念给黑龙,让有些急躁冒进一门心思追击的黑龙悬崖勒马。 But Tang Shuyuan acts is really quick and fierce, Black Dragon hasty, also can only roll the body to resist reluctantly. 只不过唐恕远动作着实又快又猛,黑龙仓促之下,也只能勉强团身抵挡。 Its personal appearance rolls, negotiated price Ryunosuke, the thick long body still in the revolving twitch, removes the Tang Shuyuan wild strength fast. 它身形团起,成盘龙之资,粗长的身躯还在飞快旋转抽动,借此卸去唐恕远狂暴的力量。 With the aid of the ingenious unloading strength method, its powerful scales and monster strength defense, Black Dragon keeps off Tang Shuyuan this fist finally. 借助巧妙的卸力法门,还有本身强悍的鳞甲和妖力防御,黑龙总算挡下唐恕远这一拳。 But it close to the Large expanse of scales of tail place, is the disruption, the dragon blood scatters. 但它靠近尾巴处的成片鳞甲,还是碎裂,龙血四溅。 Big body also shelled entire flies upside down backward. 偌大的身躯也被轰击的整个向后倒飞。 Black Dragon exudes angry roaring that is full of the ache, but Tang Shuyuan is in power unforgiving, a personal appearance peak, must flee again, flushes away to dragon head, is to cause heavy losses thoroughly even strikes to kill Black Dragon. 黑龙发出一声饱含疼痛的怒吼,但唐恕远得势不饶人,身形一耸,就要再次窜起,直向龙头冲去,意欲彻底重创甚至击杀黑龙。 But touches one move in him with Black Dragon hardly, the old strength completely, Sony will not have lived the fresh that flash, he suddenly has blade together to be luminous behind, breaks the fog, cuts to his scruff! 但就在他跟黑龙硬碰一招,旧力已尽,新力将生未生的那一瞬间,他身后忽然有一道刀光亮起,破开云雾,斩向他后颈! A Shen Jian blade in the hand, the nameless knife skill is deep in three tastes, just likes the wild with rage lightning, the thunder of resenting, chops to Tang Shuyuan. 沈健一刀在手,无名刀法已经深得个中三味,恍如狂怒的闪电,愤恨的雷霆,劈向唐恕远。 Time acted bashful accurate!” On Tang Shuyuan scruff the fine body hair raises up. “时机拿捏得太准了!”唐恕远后颈上寒毛竖起。 Shen Jian oneself have extraordinary skill, Tang Shuyuan has a knowledge early. 沈健本人身手不凡,唐恕远早有所知。 If the both sides realm disparity is not big, he self-examined that has not exceeded the Shen Jian assurance. 如果双方境界差距不大,他自问也没有胜过沈健的把握。 But at present the realm disparity is quite big, therefore Black Dragon to his threat, is much greater than Foundation Establishment Stage Shen Jian. 但眼下彼此之间的境界差距相当大,所以黑龙对他的威胁,远大于筑基期沈健 By the Tang Shuyuan excellent skill, as Golden Core Stage cultivator, makes threatens the Nascent Soul old ancestor strikes, consumption naturally also big. 以唐恕远的高超身手,身为金丹期修士,打出威胁元婴老祖的一击,消耗自然也不小。 Said that does not need the exhaust fumes to trade the strength, that is deceives people. 说不需要回气换力,那是骗人的。 But as martial arts expert of Golden Core Stage peak, the magic power circulation sends the vigor time needed again, regarding Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, short can ignore. 但作为金丹期巅峰的武道强者,法力流转再次发劲所需要的时间,对于筑基期修士来说,短的可以忽略不计。 Regarding Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, said that Tang Shuyuan such expert does not need the exhaust fumes to trade the strength completely, actually cannot miscalculate. 对于筑基期修士来说,说唐恕远这样的强者完全不需要回气换力,其实也不能算错。 Because the time arrives at according to Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator level shortly, definitely is unable to grasp takes this opportunity, therefore the opportunity naturally with does not exist to be the same. 因为其中时间短暂到以筑基期修士的水平,完全无法把握利用这机会,所以机会自然也就跟不存在一样。 But Tang Shuyuan meets an exception today. 可是唐恕远今天偏就遇到一个例外。 A Foundation Establishment Stage opponent, holds his exhaust fumes to trade the strength, magic power revolves that flash of second sidereal revolution, aims at his strategic point, cuts a blade that the thunder sweeps away! 一个筑基期的对手,偏偏就抓住他回气换力,法力运转第二周天的那一瞬间,瞄准他的要害,斩出雷霆横扫的一刀! Has overestimated Shen Jian Tang Shuyuan as far as possible, at this moment is really shocked. 已经尽量高估沈健的唐恕远,此刻真的感到震惊。 His strength may not compare with realm cultivator. 他本人的实力就非同境界修士可比。 To grasp his exhaust fumes to trade the strength the empty space, let alone Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, many Golden Core Stage cultivator cannot achieve. 想要抓他回气换力的空当,别说筑基期修士,许多金丹期修士也做不到啊。 But Shen Jian seized this opportunity. 可是沈健偏偏就抓住了这个机会。 Not is only the eyesight is good enough, his skill also supports the instant opportunity that oneself grasp this to disappear sufficiently. 不仅仅是眼力够好,他的身手也足以支撑自己把握住这转瞬即逝的刹那机会。 Shen Jian at this moment, chops since birth the most powerful blade, the skillful strength reaches the current peak. 沈健这一刻,劈出自己有生以来最强悍的一刀,技巧力量都达到自己当前巅峰。 Normal, by Tang Shuyuan Golden Core Stage peak cultivation base realm, even if unexpected , the tip magic power automatic performance that only remains changes into protects body astral qi, blocks the attack of any Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator sufficiently. 正常来讲,以唐恕远金丹期巅峰的修为境界,哪怕猝不及防下,仅剩的点滴法力自动运转化为护体罡气,也足以挡住任何一个筑基期修士的攻击。 Only if the opposite party uses thousand thunder cannon and heavy thunder cannon equipollent firepower weapon magic weapon. 除非对方用千雷炮、重雷炮等重火力武器法宝 Only touches depending on own martial arts cultivation base hardly, after all the realm disparity was too big. 只凭自身武道修为硬碰,毕竟境界差距太大了。 But behind this moment Tang Shuyuan lives coldly. 但此刻唐恕远背后生寒。 The keen sensation told him clearly, if did not dodge does not evade whatever Shen Jian this blade fell, even if looked at unceasingly his neck, he must receive the heavy wound. 敏锐的感知明确告诉他,如果不闪不避任凭沈健这一刀落下,就算看不断他脖子,他也要受不轻的创伤。 Shen Jian, not only the judgment and skill are keen enough, can seize the opportunity of disappearing. 身后的沈健,不仅仅判断力和身手都足够敏锐,能把握住转瞬即逝的机会。 Even striking power, is existence of making an exception, surpasses completely to the Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator normal cognition! 连攻击力,也是破格的存在,完全超出对筑基期修士的正常认知! Under when the heart shocks, Tang Shuyuan did not respond slowly. 心下震惊之余,唐恕远反应丝毫不慢。 After making the accurate judgment in the wink of an eye, he does not have to yearn for slightly, gives up continue pursue decisively, defeats the plan of Black Dragon thoroughly. 瞬息之间做出准确判断后,他没有丝毫留恋,果断放弃继续追击,彻底打垮黑龙的打算。 In the rapid cough sound, Tang Shuyuan personal appearance flutters, has let Shen Jian this blade with every effort. 急促的咳嗽声中,唐恕远身形一飘,尽最大可能让过沈健这一刀。 Both sides are away from a move back point, Shen Jian this blade do not fall on him slightly again. 双方距离稍微拉远一点,沈健这一刀就再落不到他身上。 In a flash, enough Tang Shuyuan has raised the vigor to counter-attack. 一瞬间,已经足够唐恕远重新提劲反扑。 Shen Jian does not have the corrupt merit to advance recklessly, saw with own eyes that forces the enemy to pursue the target of Black Dragon to achieve, he receives the blade decisively, has not regretted the unwilling meaning slightly. 沈健同样没有贪功冒进,眼见迫使敌人追击黑龙的目标达成,他就果断收刀,丝毫没有惋惜不甘的意思。 However, rare Shen Jian is close at hand, Tang Shuyuan where is willing easily to let off him, immediately counter-attacks. 不过,难得沈健近在眼前,唐恕远哪里肯轻易放过他,当即反扑上来。 He gets strength back, Black Dragon similarly also slow one breath. 只是,他缓过劲来,黑龙同样也缓过一口气。 Violent anger pure blood dragon race cried loud and long the personal appearance that the plate had to resume suddenly. 暴怒的纯血龙族长啸间盘起的身形骤然重新展开。 Giant Dragon's Tail to sweep away the potentials of thousand armed forces to hit to Tang Shuyuan. 巨大的龙尾以横扫千军之势打向唐恕远。 So long as he dares to continue to pursue Shen Jian not to put, even if he holds Shen Jian, will be hit by Dragon's Tail on the backbone. 只要他敢继续追着沈健不放,哪怕他抓住沈健,也会被龙尾打在脊梁骨上。 Tang Shuyuan vision somewhat looked at Shen Jian one profoundly, pauses to turn round, both hands lift together, block to Dragon's Tail that he pulls out. 唐恕远目光有些幽深的望了沈健一眼,停步回身,双手一同抬起,挡住向他抽来的龙尾。 Shen Jian seizes the chance to draw back into the fog. 沈健则趁机重新退入云雾中。 He shakes the hand of blade, at this moment somewhat shivers slightly. 他握刀的手,这一刻微微有些颤抖。 Not because of Tang Shuyuan, because he received the blade a moment ago forcefully. 不是因为唐恕远,而是因为他自己刚才强行收刀。 Just now that blade, he displays the pinnacle comprehension to the nameless knife skill, even also gets a sudden inspiration, with the aid of the controlling beast seal, wild with rage resenting under sensation Black Dragon grief. 方才那一刀,他将自己对无名刀法的领悟发挥到极致,甚至还灵机一动,借助御兽印,感知黑龙伤痛之下的狂怒愤恨。 The mood to the pinnacle, all integrates own blade China , Italy strongly, the spirit is really the strength in the world as if forms the resonance, encourages mutually. 情绪浓烈到极致,全都融入自己的刀意中,精神同真是世界中的力量仿佛形成共鸣,相互助长。 The intense mood will, transforms in this moment as the solid strength probably, cut to force that blade that Golden Core Stage peak martial arts expert changed a moment ago. 强烈的情绪意志,在这一刻像是转化为自身实实在在的力量,斩出刚才逼迫金丹期巅峰武道强者变招的那一刀。 Cut the blade of might complete explosive table to Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator. 斩出了对筑基期修士而言威力完全爆表的一刀。 Just, like this with the aid of tyrannical blade intent that the mood promotes, finally by Shen Jian completely biggest calm and sane receives to incur on own initiative, the mood cannot obtain to divulge, making his moment condition cannot help but somewhat subtle. 只不过,这样借助情绪推动的强横刀意,最终被沈健尽最大的冷静和理智主动收招,情绪得不到宣泄,让他自己此刻状况不由得有些微妙。
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