MOSS :: Volume #4

#328: Calculated

Damn!” “操!” Wang Xiaoyu is calm, at this moment also almost scolded makes noise. 王晓宇再冷静,此刻也差点骂出声。 Shen Jian beside falling spatial wheel, unexpectedly also dreadful has prepared Sky Encompassing. 沈健在陷空轮之外,竟然还猥琐的多准备了一个天罗 Two magical technique, almost cut off Wang Xiaoyu's escape route. 两个术法,几乎把王晓宇的后路断绝。 This Extreme Origin University young outstanding clenches the teeth, in the midair rotates the body, in the sword potential situation in completely, almost in impossible changed incurs once more, in the hand the long sword selects, pricks to him captures light net that the bow cap comes. 这位元极大学的年轻俊杰咬紧牙关,半空中转动身体,在剑势已尽的情况下,几乎于不可能中再次变招,手里长剑一挑,生生挑破向他兜头罩来的光网 However, the back cold light twinkle, Wang Xiaoyu whole body fine hair is but actually vertical. 然而,背后寒光闪烁,王晓宇全身汗毛倒竖。 When he avoids falls turns magic technique spatially, Shen Jian actually no longer pursues. 在他躲避陷空轮法术的时候,沈健倒是不再追击了。 But, in Shen Jian the long sword, actually directly offered a sacrifice, changes to the boundless sword light, pursues Wang Xiaoyu behind to hit tightly. 可是,沈健手里长剑,却直接被祭起,化作磅礴剑光,紧追着王晓宇身后打来。 controlling sword technique, immeasurable Secret Art! 御剑术,无量诀! Similar to Tsunami turbulent sword light, from behind pursues, Wang Xiaoyu at this time was wielding a sword to reach the goal. 如同海啸般的汹涌剑光,从身后追上来,偏偏王晓宇这时正在挥剑破网。 The Shen Jian time acts bashful wonderfully arrives at the least, even if the exquisiteness of Wang Xiaoyu speed time sword, these also really without enough time again kept off the immeasurable Secret Art. 沈健时间拿捏得妙到毫厘,就算王晓宇快慢光阴剑之精妙,这一下也真的来不及再挡无量诀了。 Even if hastily changes incurs, in the time resists with enough time, in the strength cannot resist that to move mountains wild controlling sword technique. 就算仓促变招,时间上来得及抵挡,力量上也招架不住那排山倒海般狂放的御剑术 He following dealt with change to calculate me!” “他把我后续应对变化都算到了!” Among the electric light flint, in Wang Xiaoyu mind flashes through a thought. 电光火石间,王晓宇脑海中闪过一个念头。 Subsequently is the deep fatigue. 继而是深深的疲劳感。 He sighed, body brilliance flashed, appears a thing of half-length armor appearance. 他叹息一声,身上光辉闪动,浮现一副半身甲模样的东西。 Actually is in his coat, puts on defense magic weapon soft armor, at this time played the role, magic power congeals outside, formed the brilliance armor, depended the good defensive power, kept off Shen Jian controlling sword technique for him directly. 却是他外衣里面,穿着一件防御型法宝软甲,这时发挥作用,法力凝结于外,形成光辉铠甲,仗着不俗的防御力,替他正面挡下沈健御剑术 The bonus is so, the attack that the immeasurable Secret Art moves mountains, still the bang resulted in Wang Xiaoyu Venus to brave at present randomly. 饶是如此,无量诀排山倒海的攻击,仍然轰得王晓宇眼前金星乱冒。 Bang!” “砰!” Wang Xiaoyu revolution magic power, prepares to regroup after a defeat. 王晓宇运转法力,准备重整旗鼓。 However at this moment, the spirit gun sound of gunfire resounds. 然而就在这时,灵枪枪声响起。 Wang Xiaoyu's soft armor magic weapon is the design of half-length armor, only protects the torso strategic point, does not protect the four limbs. 王晓宇的软甲法宝是半身甲的设计,只护住躯干要害,不护四肢。 In his wrist/skill pain, grasps does not stop the immortal sword. 他手腕一痛,握不住手里仙剑。 Sees Shen Jian of distant place, stands in same place has not moved, the left hand still armed with knife, after the right hand lets loose the long sword, at this moment were many spirit gun. 就见远处的沈健,站在原地没动,左手仍然持刀,右手放开长剑后,此刻多了一把灵枪 Wang Xiaoyu stares the big eye, subsequently face upwards the deep sigh: Was I loses.” 王晓宇瞪大眼睛,继而仰天长叹:“是我输了。” His move, just now lets go the immortal sword that falls to re-enter the control conveniently, but the sword light dissipates, was taken back in the sheath by him. 他随手一招,方才脱手滑落的仙剑已经重回掌控,但剑光消散,被他收回鞘内。 Offended.” Shen Jian takes back oneself immortal sword, crosses from his side. “得罪了。”沈健收回自己仙剑,从他身边越过。 Wang Xiaoyu shakes the head, has not spoken, has not approached that white jade pan again, falls back on the one side by far. 王晓宇摇摇头,没有说话,也没有再靠近那白玉盘,远远退到一旁。 Shen Jian crosses Wang Xiaoyu. 沈健越过王晓宇。 Just now when with the enemy fights, he as before looks carefully in all directions. 方才跟对方交手时,他依旧眼观六路。 Between A'ku and Yan Donglei, are carrying on a deity to fight. 阿酷燕冬雷之间,正在进行一场神仙打架。 Yan Donglei controls three giant institution puppets, is almost equal to three Golden Core Stage big monsters, or the nether world technique master grasps three nether world puppets of Golden Core Stage levels. 燕冬雷驾驭三具巨大的机关傀儡,几乎相当于三头金丹期大妖,又或者幽冥术师掌握三个金丹期层次的幽冥傀儡。 Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator has this to take advantage, many Golden Core Stage bump into him to fear that must detour. 一介筑基期修士有此依仗,许多金丹期尊者碰上他怕都要绕道走。 But another side Luo Xihao, on the right arm is pasting plain talisman, under the talisman stimulation the golden light covers the body, is similar to a giant. 而另一边的罗西浩,右臂上贴着一张古朴的符箓,符箓激发下金光罩身,如同一个巨人。 Although this giant only has a right hand to use, but the Yan Donglei three firm institution puppets, dread to this right hand, most of the time adopts roamed Dou the way. 虽然这巨人只有一条右手能用,但燕冬雷三具坚固的机关傀儡,都对这条右手忌惮不已,大多数时候采取游斗的方式。 ancient rune/symbol on A'ku right arm, faintly presents the combustion condition, obviously was being consumed unceasingly. 阿酷右臂上的古符,隐隐呈现燃烧之态,显然在被不断消耗。 But on the Yan Donglei face also has the anxiety expression. 燕冬雷脸上也有肉疼的表情。 His institution puppet, the consumption is similarly huge. 他的机关傀儡,消耗同样巨大。 Su Meng rosefinch, is fighting inextricably involved with that Bai Long. 苏萌的朱雀,则正跟那条白龙斗得难解难分。 She by an enemy two, simultaneously deals with two matches. 她本人则以一敌二,同时应对两个对手。 The opposite party also participates in the student who this many schools unite the teaching, in oneself this school is the highest quality people in highest quality people. 对方也是参加这次多校联合教学的学生,在自己本校是尖子中的尖子。 However their year summary is light, cultivation base is slightly low. 不过他们年纪略轻,修为略低。 Even if Su Meng by an enemy two, does not have the pressure, repels these two matches together. 苏萌即便以一敌二,也毫无压力,将这两个对手一起击退。 Yan Donglei sees this, looks at Shen Jian to defeat Wang Xiaoyu again, on his face is out of control to reveal several points of anxiety. 燕冬雷看见这一幕,再看沈健击败王晓宇,他脸上禁不住露出几分焦虑。 These institution puppets, can not depend upon his direction actually, independent combat. 这几具机关傀儡,其实可以不依靠他的指挥,独立作战。 But such one, is not very nimble and resourceful, may be repelled by Luo Xihao quickly. 但那样一来,不够灵动,可能很快就会被罗西浩击退。 Wants such match resistance with Schoolmate A'ku, needs to take advantage of Yan Donglei my fight talent. 想跟阿酷同学这样的对手对抗,还是需要依仗燕冬雷本人的战斗才华。 May as the matter stands, he as if only be able to look helplessly Shen Jian and Su Meng two people approach that white jade plate. 可这样一来,他似乎只能眼睁睁看着沈健苏萌二人靠近那个白玉盘。 Where is so simple?” Yan Donglei drinks one severely. “哪有那么简单?”燕冬雷厉喝一声。 He waves the arms about to raise, sees only the white jade brilliance to soar to the heavens to fly together. 他甩手一扬,只见一道白玉光辉冲天飞起。 Luo Xihao tries to prevent, but that say/way white jade brilliance just likes illusory invisible, passes through without consulting anybody void, falls on the white jade plate. 罗西浩试图阻止,不过那道白玉光辉犹如虚幻无形,径自穿越虚空,落在白玉盘上。 Then the people discovered that was incomplete white jade pan, at this time restored unexpectedly completely such as beginning. 然后众人就发现,那原本残缺一块的白玉盘,这时竟然恢复完好如初。 Shen Jian, Luo Xihao and in Su Meng heart slightly imposing. 沈健罗西浩苏萌心中都微微凛然。 They actually do not know before this that in Yan Donglei also grasps to have such clue unexpectedly. 他们此前却不知,燕冬雷手里居然还掌握有如此线索。 Now recalled that they forestalled a moment ago pagoda Second Layer, finally pagoda Second Layer actually collapse Hui, likely is also because Yan Donglei grasped the white jade plate fragment of that flaw, then fudged, therefore initiates the pagoda to change. 现在回想,刚才他们抢先到了宝塔第二层,结果宝塔第二层却崩毁,很可能也是因为燕冬雷掌握了那块缺失的白玉盘碎片,然后动了手脚,所以才引发宝塔变化。 The opposite party was stranded in pagoda First Layer a moment ago, cannot expect also had method so. 对方刚才被困在宝塔第一层,料不到原来还有这般手段。 After white jade pan restores to be complete, the precious pearl that place above that purple light congeals, starts to rise without consulting anybody, as if must rise to endless void above, oversteps the boundary. 白玉盘恢复完整后,上方那紫光凝结成的宝珠,开始径自上升,似乎要上升到无尽虚空之上,超越界限。 Can open pagoda Third Layer?” In the people heart guessed. “要开启宝塔第三层?”众人心中猜测。 Before passed Shen Jian of Paramita Divine Boat deduction pagoda, then shook the head in secret: Likely is not the pagoda Third Layer sound.” 之前通过彼岸神舟推演宝塔的沈健,则暗中摇头:“不像是宝塔第三层的动静。” Really, after precious pearl that purple light congeals rises to certain altitude, finally stops, then spreads to all around. 果然,那紫光凝结的宝珠上升到一定高度后,终于还是停下来,然后向四周扩散开来。 Jet black void, whole was caught the First Layer purple at this moment. 原本漆黑的虚空,这一刻整体被染上一层紫色。 Then sees purple void, keeps opening wide. 然后就见紫色的虚空,不停洞开。 People environment, becomes does not stabilize. 众人所处环境,重新变得不稳定起来。 But that white jade pan, must arrive at Shen Jian and on Su Meng shortly, now actually voluntarily turning round flies. 而那枚白玉盘,原本眼看就要到沈健苏萌手上,现在却自行滴溜溜飞起。 The purple backdrop space and time that opens wide fluctuates, many forms appear. 洞开的紫色天幕时空变幻,许多身影从中浮现。 Qu Wei and Shen Jian Black Dragon and rain hazy...... 曲伟沈健的黑龙、洛雨朦…… Before had not arrived here, scattered the person in other places, at this time all came. 之前没有到这里,散落在其他地方的人,这时全都现身。 The people have not clarified what's the matter, Shen Jian greeted own Black Dragon first, jumped carries on the back to Black Dragon, pursued toward the white jade plate. 众人还没有闹清楚怎么回事,沈健先招呼自己的黑龙,跳到黑龙背上,朝白玉盘追去。 Moreover one side, Yan Donglei is also the same movement. 另外一边,燕冬雷也是相同动作。 Luo Xihao wants to overtake, at present had other matches. 罗西浩想要追上,眼前却有了其他对手。 Snow feather flying sturgeon items presently greedy color big monster. 雪羽飞鲟等目现贪婪之色的大妖。 They all come to sincerity monster crag. 它们全都是冲着血心妖岩而来。 When Yan Donglei was stranded in pagoda First Layer, hides in the steel and iron fortress, has all cleaned up the sincerity monster rock meal end that on oneself contaminates cleanly. 燕冬雷在宝塔第一层被困时,藏在钢铁堡垒内,已经把自己身上沾染的血心妖岩粉末全都清理干净。 These big monsters naturally no longer are staring at him. 那些大妖自然不再盯着他。 But the big monsters remember similarly that at first that sincerity monster crag, is Luo Xihao takes actually. 而大妖们同样记得,最初那枚血心妖岩,其实是罗西浩拿出来的。 Therefore they then all stared at Luo Xihao at this moment, the meaning did not say to be bright, wants to do the second sincerity monster crag from Luo Xihao here. 所以它们此刻便全盯上了罗西浩,意思不言而明,想从罗西浩这里搞到第二枚血心妖岩。 Such evil different treasure, Luo Xihao also only has one on hand. 这样邪异的奇珍,罗西浩手头也不过只有一个。 At this moment was sphered by the big monster, he also only has hard rushing. 此刻被大妖围住,他也唯有硬闯。
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