MOSS :: Volume #3

#231: Key player

Shen Jian is one of dryondras Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation is plants, wants to attract more outstanding talented person registers. 沈健就是天海大学武修系种下的梧桐树之一,想要籍此吸引更多优秀的人才报考。 His choice no doubt is a factor, on the other hand in disguised form propagandizes actually, the Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department then inevitably can have many inclined support from the school authorities. 他本人的选择固然是一个因素,另一方面其实就是变相宣传,天海大学武修系接下来必然能从校方得到更多的倾斜支持。 From current aspect, effect has, but is not very big. 从目前的局面来看,效果还是有的,但是不够大。 However this matter cannot worry, only has accumulation slowly, attempts it slowly, when will form the situation in the future, the side can a dynasty be earth-shaking. 不过这种事情着急不得,唯有慢慢积累,徐徐图之,待日后形成大势,方可以一朝天翻地覆。 This truth, the deputy director from also knows, therefore adjusts the good thoughts quickly, new student who also continues to discuss the admittance with Shen Jian. 这个道理,副主任自也知晓,于是很快调整好心思,又跟沈健继续探讨入学的新生。 Shen Jian knows says all, expresses oneself fully, the situation of finding out, the report gives the opposite party all. 沈健知无不言,言无不尽,将自己了解的情况,尽数汇报给对方。 Ok, today first arrived here.” End, Chair Old He said: Shen Jian, you go back first, usually in these new students, you look after to raise select them, but do not neglect your own practice.” “行,今天先到这里吧。”末了,何老院长说道:“沈健,你先回去吧,平日里这些新生,你多照看提点他们,不过不要疏忽了你自身修练。” Shen Jian said: I understand, Teacher, I walked first.” 沈健言道:“我明白,老师,那我先走了。” Comes out after the senior chief office, Shen Jian leaves the classroom building, walks outward. 从老院长办公室出来后,沈健离开教学楼,向外走去。 Walks on the road, sees in the distant place lawn some people to gather to chat. 走在路上,就见远处草坪上正有人聚集谈笑。 Also was as luck would have it, the Shen Jian vision has swept accidentally, saw a big youth to be in the crowd. 也是赶巧了,沈健目光无意中扫过,就见一个高大的青年正在人群中。 Was he just had clearly looked at file Hu Wei in the chief office. 分明是他刚刚才在院长办公室看过档案的胡威。 Shen Jian as one of the Heavenly Sea University men of the hour, the unusual person does not know him at present, the place visited naturally causes the people to pay attention, everybody stops the thread of conversation, is salute to Shen Jian. 沈健作为目前天海大学的风云人物之一,少有人不认识他,所过之处自然引起众人关注,大家停下话头,都对沈健行注目礼。 Shen Jian shows a faint smile, is returns a courtesy. 沈健微微一笑,算是回礼。 In the crowd does not have his acquaintance good friend, Shen Jian then not to pause, passes through without consulting anybody. 人群中没有他的熟人好友,沈健便没有停步,径自走过。 After he leaves, the crowd lives it up, but the topic naturally shifted to just Shen Jian of process on. 在他离开后,人群重新热闹起来,而话题自然就转移到刚刚经过的沈健身上。 Heard? Shen Jian summer vacation goes to the Shushan land features practice, makes the great merit, was praised.” Had a female student to lower the sound to say. “听说了吗?沈健暑假去蜀山地脉实习,又立下大功,受到嘉奖。”有个女生压低了声音说道。 One after another, how can he always bump into such good deed?” Her nearby male student complained. “一桩接一桩,他怎么总能碰上这样的好事啊?”她旁边一个男生抱怨道。 The female students said with a smile: Your expression good acid.” 女生笑道:“你的语气好酸啊。” The male student did not deny, honest saying: Very is truly enviable.” 那男生也不否认,坦白的说道:“确实很让人羡慕啊。” Do not envy only, made your me bump into, but not necessarily was meddlesome.” Some other person said: So-called opportunity, often links up with the risk, Shen Jian can set up the meritorious service to turn bad luck into good repeatedly, is because under his hand is hard enough, did not say other, big before summer vacation, Foundation Establishment Stage Third Layer, how many people there are to achieve? What not to mention he is more famous is the Martial Courage talent actual combat preys, has not led a pious life the realm winding speed.” “别光羡慕,真让你我碰上了,可就未必是好事了。”另外有人说道:“所谓机遇,往往都跟风险挂钩的,沈健能屡立功勋逢凶化吉,也是因为他手底下够硬,不说别的,大一暑假前,筑基期三层,有几人可以做到?更别提他最出名的是武胆天赋实战搏杀,还不是修行境界提升速度呢。” I thought that now he practices the realm winding speed is most terrorist.” In nearby person expression fills to admire. “我现在觉得他修行境界提升速度才是最恐怖的。”旁边的人语气里充满艳羡。 At the first female student of that question, changed Hu Wei to ask at this time: „ You high two time also before having participated for more than one year that middle-school student elite challenge tournaments, at that time had fought with Shen Jian? 最初那个问话的女生,这时转向胡威问道:“你高二的时候也参加过一年多以前的那次中学生精英挑战赛呢,当时跟沈健交过手没? Feels what kind of? I looked that on Spirit Network some people said that the Shen Jian strength light looked the video material can only have a limited view, match who often must fight personally some complete experiences, real? ” 感觉怎么样?我看灵网上有人说,沈健的实力光看视频资料只能管中窥豹,往往要亲自交过手的对手才有完整体会,是不是真的啊?” Hu Wei still looked at the direction that Shen Jian is departing, at this time listened to the person to ask him, just now took back the line of sight, some vision indistinct non- natures. 胡威仍然望着沈健离去的方向,这时听人问他,方才收回视线,目光隐约有些不自然。 In just now, him is the leader of crowd talk, everybody's attention was attracted by him. 就在方才,他还是人群谈话的主导者,大家的注意力都被他吸引。 But now, the talk center of gravity, fell to Shen Jian on. 但现在,谈话的重心,已经落到沈健身上。 Even if Shen Jian person already not here, but just fortunately passed by. 哪怕沈健人已经不在这里,只是刚刚凑巧路过而已。 This makes in Hu Weixin faint some uncomfortable. 这让胡威心中隐隐有些不舒服。 However he adjusts good mentality quickly. 不过他很快又调整好心态。 One register for the Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department, has not expected under this person, circumstances above ten thousand people? 自己报考天海大学武修系,不就已经预料到这一人之下,万人之上的境遇吗? With his score, can be admitted to Extreme Origin and Dragon Ridge such top martial cultivation well-known colleges and universities actually. 以他的分数,其实可以考入元极龙岭这样的顶尖武修名校。 But after the issue is to go, that several people who he most is not possibly the best. 但问题是进去以后,他可能不是最拔尖的那几个人。 At least, does not have 100% guarantees. 至少,没有100的保证。 In the Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department, Hu Wei is but confident, besides Shen Jian, he is most splendid that. 可是在天海大学武修系,胡威有信心,除了沈健以外,他就是最出色的那个。 Looked at Shen Jian as these publicity materials of lead, Hu Wei had realized that the Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department wanted to go all out, promoted own status and influence. 看了沈健作为主角的那些宣传资料,胡威察觉,天海大学武修系是真的想要大干一场,提升自身地位与影响力。 Chair Old He who the long time does not become an official has the undergraduate student teaching personally, is another explicit signal. 久不出山的何老院长亲自带本科生教学,是又一个明确信号。 This indicated that not only martial cultivation is itself, entire Heavenly Sea school authorities have to promote the plan of martial cultivation department. 这说明,不仅仅武修系本身,整个天海校方都有提升武修系的计划。 Then, various resources and incline in school regulation, can anticipate. 如此一来,各种资源和校规方面的倾斜,也可以预期。 Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation is to promote, the student flag is definitely impossible to have Shen Jian one. 天海大学武修系想要振兴,学生旗帜肯定不可能只有沈健一个。 Therefore Hu Wei deeply believed that here, he can obtain more resources. 所以胡威深信,在这里,他可以获得更多的资源。 The level of Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department truly had been inferior compared with the Extreme Origin, Dragon Ridge and other martial arts well-known colleges and universities, but is placed as the background of Yellow Flame ten big well-known colleges and universities there, the overall strength is actually not bad. 天海大学武修系的水平比起元极龙岭等武道名校确实有所不如,但作为炎黄十大名校的底子摆在那里,整体实力其实也并不差。 But Extreme Origin and Dragon Ridge martial cultivation is , the best resources treatment, definitely is also the supplies most outstanding talent. 元极龙岭武修系内部,最好的资源待遇,肯定也是供给最出类拔萃的天才。 Hu Wei self-examined that has the strength to have the qualifications to struggle a struggle. 胡威自问,有实力有资格争一争。 But can struggle, is actually the unknown. 可是到底能不能争到,却是未知数。 But now entered the Heavenly Sea University martial cultivation department, the situation completely was different. 但现在进了天海大学武修系,情况就完全不同了。 He definitely is outside Shen Jian the second flag character, Heavenly Sea University certainly will make every effort trains him. 他肯定是沈健以外第二个旗帜人物,天海大学一定会落力培养他。 From the perspective of personal development, relatively weak teaching level and relatively favorable resources treatment, two counter-balance, affects not in a big way. 从个人发展的角度来说,相对较弱的教学水平和相对优厚的资源待遇,两相抵消,影响不大。 But in the campus, the status and sense of person, that completely was different. 但在校园里,人的地位和感官,那就完全不同了。 Regarding Shen Jian...... 至于说沈健…… Everybody well water not interfering with river water is good. 大家井水不犯河水就好。 Although was robbed the crest of wave by Shen Jian, but Hu Wei readjusts the good mood quickly, said with a smile: I have not fought with Shen Jian senior brother face to face, the person but who has fought him, has very high appraisal to him.” 虽然被沈健抢走风头,但胡威很快就重新调整好心情,笑着说道:“我没有和沈健学长当面交手过,不过跟他动过手的人,都对他有很高评价。” ............ ………… Along with going far away, near the Shen Jian ear cannot hear the crowd to discuss own sound gradually. 随着远去,沈健耳边渐渐听不见人群谈论自己的声音。 Although he knows Hu Wei, but does not have the interest to stop with the opposite party specially chitchats. 他虽然认识胡威,但没有兴趣专门停下跟对方攀谈。 Teacher hopes one raise the opposite party in practice, Shen Jian does not repel, but had the friendship in secret on it does not matter. 老师希望自己在修练方面多提点对方,沈健并不排斥,但私下里有没有交情就无所谓了。 On the past impression, they were not a passer-by. 就以往的印象而言,他们俩不是一路人。 Initially that middle-school student challenge tournament, in the team competition, as the core main force of school, Hu Wei fighting method looked like in Shen Jian, its core objective was to highlight Hu Wei, but was not the team victory, the competition wins. 当初那次中学生挑战赛,在团体赛里,作为学校的核心主力,胡威的打法在沈健看来,其核心目标是凸显胡威自己,而不是团队胜利,比赛胜利。 Luo Xihao is also alone wolf one, but to win, Schoolmate A'ku did not mind that a dirty job tiring work shoulder selects, lifts up the team to clash forward. 罗西浩也是独狼一匹,但为了胜利,阿酷同学不介意脏活累活一肩挑,扛起队伍向前冲。 But Hu Wei actually in imperceptibly and ensure attractive sharp leaves itself throughout. 而胡威却总在无形中,确保光鲜亮丽始终留给自己。 Teammates, then highlights own set-off. 队友,则是凸显自己的陪衬。 It looks like in Shen Jian, to a certain extent, Hu Wei with Yan Donglei is a way, but does not have the Yan Donglei leadership. 沈健看来,某种程度上来说,胡威跟燕冬雷是一个路数,不过没有燕冬雷的统御力。 That Pang Hai, can alone support four days of time in the scarlet original snowy mountain actually unexpectedly, achieves?” Shen Jian walks on the road, train of thought flutters to other aspects. “倒是那个庞海,居然能在赤原雪山里独自支撑四天时间,怎么做到的呢?”沈健走在路上,思绪飘飞到其他方面。
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