MKA :: Volume #12

#1168: Honest status

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As if the oxygen deficit same sensation of asphyxia makes a Laura's brain blank, body transmit the intermittent intense unusual feeling, particularly Su Zhan's unusual effort, making her have Su Zhan as if to feeling in oneself according to arriving at his body is the same. Unknowingly, that hand from below facing set to above, on the back transmitted the itchy feeling, making her unable to bear sway from side to side, leans the body as if to make Su Zhan's slightly not disturb. However, this is sideways, seems like a reminder to be the same to the suggestion to the Su Zhan's feeling, therefore Su Zhan accepted good advice readily to move from behind the hand front...... 仿佛缺氧一样的窒息感让劳拉的大脑一片空白,身体传来阵阵强烈的异样感,尤其是身后苏战的手异常的用力,让她有一种苏战仿佛要将自己按到他身体里的感觉一样。不知不觉的,那只手从下面钻到了上面,后背上传来痒痒的感觉,让她忍不住扭动,微微侧着身子似乎想让苏战的手别在捣乱。然而,她这一侧身,给苏战的感觉就好像是一种提醒跟暗示一样,所以苏战从善如流将手从后面挪到了前面…… The direct contact of no impediment, anything does not have! 毫无阻隔的直接接触,什么都没有! This made Su Zhan more stimulated, cannot help but increased some strengths. 这让苏战更加的亢奋了,不由自主的又增加了一些力道。 As the matter stands, making Laura unable to withstand. 这样一来,让劳拉更加承受不住了。 Absent-minded, under the Su Zhan's guidance, Laura lifted the both arms subconsciously, follows close on to feel that fetter vanished instantaneously, then...... she has not waited to respond that oneself made anything a moment ago, again settlement in which...... 恍惚之间,在苏战的引导下,劳拉下意识的抬起了双臂,紧跟着就感觉到身上的束缚瞬间消失了,然后……她还没等反应过来刚才自己做了什么,就再一次沉陷其中…… Su Zhan fierce hugged Laura to go to the sofa of living room, under his Su Zhan's high and low offensive, vehicle speed was getting quicker and quicker, Laura was somewhat afraid, wish made Su Zhan open slowly, but, Su Zhan had actually advanced stopper say/way without enough time, then refueled, jolts. Long time after long time,...... the vehicle arrived at the end point to stop! 苏战猛的抱起了劳拉去了客厅的沙发,他苏战的上下攻势下,‘车速’越来越快,劳拉有些害怕,想要让苏战开慢点,但是却已经来不及了,苏战已经开进了‘塞道’,然后一路加油,颠簸不已。良久良久之后……车子开到了终点停了下来! Aiya, for a long time!” “哎呀,都这么长时间了!” Rested some little time, Laura noticed the time suddenly unexpectedly already over the past two hours. 休息了好一会,劳拉才忽然注意到时间竟然已经过去两个多小时了。 Originally also plans to eat meal, finally the food has not eaten actually first...... looks at smooth oneself, Laura the soul homing seemed to be same at this time, shy quickly found the clothes to put on, finally this moved makes her unable to bear hold breath a cold air, stuffy groaned. 本来还打算吃饭的,结果饭还没吃却先……看着光溜溜的自己,劳拉仿佛这时候才灵魂归位一样,羞涩的的急忙找到衣服想要穿上,结果这一动却让她忍不住倒吸了口凉气,闷哼了一声 Do not move!” “别动!” Fool, then was just intense, do you think oneself also to be able now as if nothing has happened?” Su Zhan said with a smile. “笨蛋,刚刚那么激烈,你以为自己现在还能跟没事人一样吗?”苏战笑着说道。 Forgot, said again I had have not experienced.” “忘记了嘛,再说我有没经历过。” Un, this I can show!” Su Zhan smiled badly said that but the subsequent hand placed Laura's body. Shortly, Laura felt that a warm current spreads over the whole body, the ache with sweeps away exhaustedly. Laura looks at Su Zhan surprisedly, said: You can tell me now, who were you?” “嗯,这我可以证明!”苏战坏笑的说了一声,而后手放在了劳拉的身上。顷刻间,劳拉就感觉到一股暖流传遍全身,疼痛跟疲惫一扫而空。劳拉惊讶的看着苏战,道:“你现在可以告诉我,你到底是什么人了吧?” I? I am your man!” “我?我是你男人啊!” Repugnant, I mean properly!” “讨厌,我是说正经的!” Good, I had not told you before, I have superpower!” “好吧,我之前不是跟你说过的嘛,我有超能力!” „Do you really have superpower? Un, yes, mind reading is also good,...... this is not the average person can achieve. Moreover, before you as if can also shield my thought to find out by secret inquiry, what your does superpower have?” Laura's curious asking. “你真有超能力?嗯,也是,读心也好,还有刚才的……这都不是普通人能做到的。而且,之前你似乎还能屏蔽我的思想不让人探知,你的超能力都有什么?”劳拉好奇的问道。 „, ability that so long as you can think of I have!” Su Zhan said with a smile. “很多,只要你能想到的能力我都有!”苏战笑着说道。 Real false? That god? How do you obtain?” Laura's surprised asking. “真的假的?那岂不是神了?你是怎么获得的?”劳拉惊讶的问道。 This few words do not talk clearly, later had the time we to say slowly. You first lie down a meeting, I vegetable/dish hot.” “这个三言两语说不清楚的,以后有时间我们慢慢说。你先躺一会,我把菜热一下。” Good.” “好吧。” Originally Laura also wants to say the matter of Dr. Manhattan to him, but is also less for a while, moreover she now...... is really hungry. 本来劳拉还想跟他说曼哈顿博士的事情,不过也不及在一时,而且她现在……真的饿了。 Simple the vegetable/dish hot, Su Zhan then ate with Laura. 简单的将菜热了一遍,苏战跟劳拉这才吃上。 However now this food is different from former that food nature, if before were date? Then a little turns into the feeling of young couple now, after all the car(riage) starts too sudden...... 不过现在这顿饭跟之前那顿饭性质已经不同了,如果说之前算是约会的话?那么现在有点变成小两口的感觉了,毕竟车开的太突然…… Food ate for almost one hour, Laura really ate much, this special flavor made her wish one could the tongue of oneself to gnaw off. Also yes, this age, the Chinese meal has not developed, truly no opportunity eats. 一顿饭吃了差不多一个多小时,劳拉真的吃了不少,这种特殊的味道让她恨不得将自己的舌头都咬掉了。也是,这个年代,中餐还没有发扬起来,确实没什么机会吃到。 Has eaten meal, tidies up appropriately. 吃过了饭,收拾妥当。 Su Zhan hugged Laura to sit, poured two glasses of liquor, the atmosphere to was very good. 苏战搂着劳拉坐了下来,倒了两杯酒,气氛到是非常不错。 Laura by said on Su Zhan's in a soft voice: Actually, I had a matter to want you to tell, you should know Dr. Manhattan?” 劳拉靠在苏战的身上轻声说道:“其实,我有件事想跟你说,你应该知道曼哈顿博士吧?” Knows that on the television broadcasts daily.” Su Zhan spoke thoughtlessly, guessed correctly that Laura probably does want to confess the status? “知道啊,电视上天天播。”苏战随口说了一声,猜到劳拉或许是要坦白身份了吧? If the frank white silk spirit status...... that can wear that uniform/subdue? 要是坦白丝灵的身份……那会不会穿那套制服? Thinks that uniform/subdue puts in Laura, Su Zhan had the response...... to feel unrestrainedly in his arms Rauramaa, charmingly angry saying: You how......” 想到那套制服穿在劳拉身上,苏战情不自禁的有了反应……在他怀里的劳拉马上就感觉到了,娇嗔的说道:“你怎么又……” „, Without the means that who made you too charming, you continued!” Good, Dr. Manhattan is studying a project, my present work is actually helps him handle some trivial matters, therefore you know why some people did follow I? As for my status, has the towerman, you heard? Dr. Manhattan, the comedian, I...... am the member of towerman, my representative is called the silk spirit, since crisis of government finished, we were equivalent retired, each one had the respective work......” Rau Ratten saying: I do not want to hide the truth from you, if you do not accept my status, I...... I can also understand!” “呃,没办法啊,谁让你太迷人了呢,你继续说吧!”“好吧,曼哈顿博士正在研究一个项目,我现在的工作其实就是帮他处理一些琐事,所以你知道为什么有人跟着我了吧?至于我的身份,守望者,你听说过吗?曼哈顿博士,还有喜剧演员,还有我……都是守望者的成员,我的代表叫做丝灵,自从政府的危机结束之后我们就相当于退休了,各自都有各自的工作……”劳拉顿了顿道:“我不想瞒你,如果你不接受我的身份的话,我……我也可以理解!” Wearing a mask righteousness police, Superhero. 蒙面义警,超级英雄 Not everyone can accept this status, particularly in is also not the time that Superhero walks everywhere! 并不是所有人都能接受这个身份,尤其是在还不是超级英雄满地走的时代! Laura said, has to be anxiously disturbed, she does not even dare then to look at the Su Zhan's expression, is really afraid Su Zhan to meet is not willing to accept this status. Obviously only then several seconds, but Laura actually felt that probably experiences one day like a year to be the same, finally she hears saying of Su Zhan chuckle: This has anything unacceptable, relax, this point I do not care!” 劳拉说完之后就有紧张忐忑起来,她甚至不敢回头去看苏战的表情,真的害怕苏战会不肯接受这个身份。明明只有几秒钟,但劳拉却感觉到好像度日如年一样,终于她听见苏战轻笑的说道:“这有什么不能接受的,放心吧,这一点我并不在意!” Really?” “真的?” Really.” “真的。” That is good, I can feel relieved. Right, I have not said your matter to them, but Dr. Manhattan discovered that you shielded my thought that wants to see you! If you comply, one side I can arrange you to see, if you did not like even!” Laura stands in the Su Zhan's angle now completely thinks the matter, she even also thought that oneself resigns this work to consider as finished simply! “那就好,那我就可以放心了。对了,我没有跟他们说你的事情,但是曼哈顿博士发现你屏蔽了我的思维,想要见你!如果你答应的话,我可以安排你们见一面,如果你不喜欢的话就算了!”劳拉现在完全是站在苏战的角度去想事情,她甚至还觉得干脆自己辞掉这份工作算了! It doesn't matter, you looked that the situation arrangement is good.” Su Zhan spoke thoughtlessly to say. “无所谓,你看情况安排就好。”苏战随口说道。 If you do not like really not relating, does not use, because my reason handles the matter that you are not willing to handle.” “如果你不喜欢的话真的没关系的,不用因为我的缘故做你不愿意做的事情。” Really indifferent!” “是真的无所谓!” Good, I look at the situation arrangement, moreover I will reach an agreement with him, keeps secret to your status.” “好吧,那我会看着情况安排的,而且我会跟他说好,对你的身份保密的。”
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