Entireday of Laurapassedwith the mood of regret in thisbeing annoyed, shehas been paying attention to the telephone, but entire dayhas not made a sound. Evenseveraltimes, Laurafelt likeheard the sound of telephone, butin factsimplydid not have. Sheanticipates a telephone of man for the first time, thismoodmakeshera littlerestless, is unable to concentrate the energy.
整整一天劳拉都在这种懊恼与后悔的情绪中度过的,她一直在留意着电话,只是整整一天都没响。甚至有几次,劳拉感觉好像听见了电话的声响,但实际上却根本没有。她还是这么第一次这么期待一个男人的电话,这种情绪让她有点坐立难安,无法集中精神。„líng líng líng......”
“铃铃铃……”Lauraheard the ting of telephoneagain, herhesitates for a long timeidentifiesisoneselfauditory hallucination, reallymade a sound. Almostcrossed for more than tenseconds, Lauradeterminedfinally,thistimewas notoneselfauditory hallucination.
劳拉再一次听见了电话的铃声,她犹豫了半天来辨认到底又是自己的幻听,还是真的响了。差不多过了十多秒,劳拉终于确定,这次不是自己的幻听了。„Hey, IamLaura!”Connects the call, Lauraquicklysaid.
“喂,我是劳拉!”接通电话,劳拉急忙说道。„IsI, Su Zhan!”
“是我,苏战!”Hearingis the phone call that Su Zhanmakes, Lauradiscoveredoneselfoneall dayanxiousas ifinstantaneousnothing left, thinks that a oneselfall daywaiting, shesaid: „How do youtelephone?”
“呃……”Telephoneanotherend, Su ZhanheardLaura'swordsto stare, how did thistoneseem like acting like a spoiled bratto be the same? Whyalthoughdoes not know, butSu Zhanis notsilly, Laurathisobviouslyintimatetonenaturallycan hear, notsillyaskingwhy, butis smilingsaying of explanation: „Feared that your sideis not convenient, delaysyourmatterthereforenot to hit. Nowlooked at the timeto be similar, thereforewantsto ask,caneat mealtogether?”
电话另一端,苏战听见劳拉的话愣了一下,这语气怎么好像是在撒娇一样?虽然不知道为什么,但是苏战又不是傻,劳拉这种明显亲近的语气自然听得出来,更不会傻乎乎的问为什么,只是笑着解释的说道:“怕你那边不方便,耽误你的事情所以才一直没有打过来。现在看时间差不多了,所以才想问问,要不要一起吃个饭?”„Good, goes?”
“好啊,去哪?”„My familyhow? Daytimetimearrivedboughtmanythings, makingyoutastemycraftsmanship.”
“我家怎么样?白天的时候到是买了不少东西,让你尝尝我的手艺。”„Good, Ionewill pass!”
“好,那我一会过去!”Lauracomplied withone, thenhangs up the telephone, shestartedto turnto lookinoneself the closet in room.
劳拉应了一声,而后挂断电话,她开始在自己的房间的衣柜里翻找了起来。„Goes to the hometo eat meal should not to needto put onwas too grand? Such can hemisunderstand? Howevercannotput onis too ordinary, so as to avoidmakeshimfeel that Ido not attach great importance. Therefore, thisis not good, this...... not good......”
“去家里吃饭应该不用穿的太隆重了吧?那样他会不会误会?不过也不能穿的太普通,免得让他觉得我不重视。所以,这件不行,这件……也不行……”Turning of each articlein the closetlooks for the gesture, Lauramumbledwas saying.
一面在衣柜里一件件的翻找比划,一面劳拉嘟囔着说道。Finally, spent for more than tenminutesto designate the clothes, thenstartedto put on make-up.
终于,花了十多分钟选定了衣服,然后又开始化妆。Within a half hour, Lauratidied upcame to the laboratory of Dr.Manhattanappropriately.
半个小时之后,劳拉收拾妥当来到了曼哈顿博士的实验室。Dr.Manhattaninresearchrenewable energy sourcesproject, becausehisparticularitydoes not needto rest, seesLaurato come, Dr.Manhattansaid: „Youmustgo out, isseeshim?”曼哈顿博士在研究再生能源的项目,因为他的特殊性根本不需要休息,见到劳拉过来,曼哈顿博士道:“你要出去,是去见他吗?”„Yes, youdelivermeto go out, Ido not wantto follow. Thatmatter, Iwithraising, ifhedoes not mind, Iwill helpyouintroduce.”Laurasaid.
“好!”Dr.Manhattannods, preparesto transmitLaura.曼哈顿博士点点头,准备将劳拉传送走。„Wait......”Laurathought ofanythingsuddenly, somewhathesitantsaying: „If...... Imeantif...... Ihave not come backin the evening, ifthey asked that helpingmedeal with!”
“等等……”劳拉忽然想到了什么,有些犹豫的说道:“如果……我是说如果的话……我晚上没回来,他们要是问起的话,帮我应付一下!”„Got it!”Dr.Manhattannods, then...... transmitteddirectlyLaura.
“明白了!”曼哈顿博士点了点头,然后……直接将劳拉传送走了。Hehasability of motionspace and time, thisabilitysomesimilartransmissions are the same, but the processis not comfortable. The nextquarter, Lauraappearsinsomelane, comes out, Lauracould not bearcough, veryallowedto return to normal the feeling of thattumbling, thenreorganized a makeupto allowto leave the lane!
After 20minute, Laurarode in a carriageto arriveinSu Zhanhome.二十分钟后,劳拉乘车来到了苏战家里。Yesterdaytimeis the eveningrains, has not carefully looked, nowdiscovers that the area of thismountain villagewas truly big, sheis preparingoutside the doorbellaccording tomountain village, howeverfront dooractuallyoneself of mountain villageopened. Lauralookedtowardinside, discovered that the gate of villaopened, Su Zhanstandsin the entrancewavestowardoneself!
昨天来的时候是晚上而且还下雨,并没有仔细看过,现在才发现这山庄的占地面积确实不小,她正准备按山庄外的门铃,但是山庄的大门却自己开了。劳拉朝着里面看了看,发现别墅的门开了,苏战站在门口朝着自己挥手!„Come, youfirstsit, myseveraldisheshave not completed, quickgood.”Su ZhansaidtowardLaura, hintingheroneselfwas more optional, thenturns around the kitchen.
“来啦,你先坐,我还有几道菜没有做完,很快就好。”苏战朝着劳拉说了一句,示意她自己随意些,然后转身去了厨房。Lauratook off the coatthento follow the kitchento look, then...... sheby the Su Zhan'scooksubduing, lookedshewas dazzled, moreoverfeltspeciallycomplex, particularlywhenSu Zhanconcentrated onfeltcharmingspecially. „Do Ialsohelpyou?”
劳拉脱下外套然后跟着进厨房看了看,然后……她就被苏战的厨艺给折服了,看的她眼花缭乱,而且感觉特别的复杂,尤其是在苏战专注的时候感觉特别的帅气。“我也来帮你吧?”„You?”Su Zhanlooked at a Laurato saywith a smile: „Ok, but aren't your clothesconvenient? Yesterday did thatclothesin the building, youtrade?”
“好吧!”Althoughsomewhatregretted that the clothes of oneselfcarefulchoicewere replacedlike this, butLauranods.
虽然有些遗憾自己精心挑选的衣服就这样被换掉,但劳拉还是点了点头。Turned aroundto go upstairsto change the clothes, after getting down, LaoLabangSu Zhanwas sitting. Naturally, buthitsto overcome the hand, hands overthinganything, thisnovelexperience, in additionput on, makingLaurahave a feeling of veryhome. Prepares foodtogether, eats mealtogether, thentogether......, if the dailylifeisthis, as if...... alsogood?
劳拉不禁产生了这样的念头。„Thinksanything.” The Su Zhan'ssoundresounds, Laurajust about tospeaks, saw that Su Zhanput out a handto scratchscratchingon the face of oneself. „Stained the water, mishandled flowers the makeupcarefully.”
“想什么呢。”苏战的声音响起,劳拉刚要说话,就见到苏战伸手在自己的脸上擦了擦。“沾上水了,小心把妆弄花了。”„All right, youlikemeltsagainand that's the end!”Laura'ssubconscioussaying.
“没事,你喜欢的再化就是了!”劳拉下意识的说道。„Do youput on make-upIto like.”Su Zhan said that Lauraevenheard the oneselfheartbeat.
“你化不化妆我都喜欢。”苏战笑着说了一句,劳拉甚至听见了自己的心跳声。pēng pēng pēng!砰砰砰!Jumpedquick!
跳的很快!Su Zhansmiles , to continue to prepare food.苏战笑笑,继续做菜。Crossedsome little time, completed the lastvegetable/dishfinally, two peoplecarried the thingto go to the restaurantto put awaytogether.
“好棒!”Looks atfulltablevegetable/dish, Lauracannot bearto praisesigh.
看着满满一桌子菜,劳拉忍不住赞叹道。Su Zhansmiles: „After youwalked, Iwent outto go shopping, thiswas the typicalChinese meal, manymaterialsIranfor a long timeboughtvery much, lookedinIsuchlaboriousattentiveshare, didn't youprepareto rewardme?”苏战笑笑:“你走了之后我就出去买东西了,这是地道的中餐,很多材料我是跑了很久才买到的,看在我这么辛苦用心的份上,你不准备奖励一下我吗?”„Howto reward?”
“怎么奖励?”Su Zhanhas not spoken, raised the mouthslightly.苏战没说话,微微的扬了扬嘴。Laura'sfaceslightlyred, hesitantonearrived in front ofSu Zhan'sto stand on tiptoesslightly the tip of the toe.
The Su Zhanitself/Benthinksshecanjust scratch the surfacecomes, never expected thatLauraactuallysurrounded the neck of oneself, thenhefelt that had anything to infiltrate.苏战本以为她会蜻蜓点水的来一下,没想到劳拉却环抱住了自己的脖子,然后他就感觉到有什么东西钻了进来。Thiscar(riage)startswas sudden!
这车开的突然了!LauramakesSu Zhanbe surprisedon own initiative, butshe was so driving, Su Zhannaturally must respond. The handtook advantage of opportunitygraspedLaura'swaist, turned the passive situation into initiativequickly. Laurahas not goneto strive forthisinitiative, quicksamechangeslike the cleverkittypassive.
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