MKA :: Volume #12

#1167: Laura's reward?

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Entire day of Laura passed with the mood of regret in this being annoyed, she has been paying attention to the telephone, but entire day has not made a sound. Even several times, Laura felt like heard the sound of telephone, but in fact simply did not have. She anticipates a telephone of man for the first time, this mood makes her a little restless, is unable to concentrate the energy. 整整一天劳拉都在这种懊恼与后悔的情绪中度过的,她一直在留意着电话,只是整整一天都没响。甚至有几次,劳拉感觉好像听见了电话的声响,但实际上却根本没有。她还是这么第一次这么期待一个男人的电话,这种情绪让她有点坐立难安,无法集中精神。 líng líng líng......” 铃铃铃……” Laura heard the ting of telephone again, her hesitates for a long time identifies is oneself auditory hallucination, really made a sound. Almost crossed for more than ten seconds, Laura determined finally, this time was not oneself auditory hallucination. 劳拉再一次听见了电话的铃声,她犹豫了半天来辨认到底又是自己幻听,还是真的响了。差不多过了十多秒,劳拉终于确定,这次不是自己幻听了。 Hey, I am Laura!” Connects the call, Laura quickly said. “喂,我是劳拉!”接通电话,劳拉急忙说道。 Is I, Su Zhan!” “是我,苏战!” Hearing is the phone call that Su Zhan makes, Laura discovered oneself one all day anxious as if instantaneous nothing left, thinks that a oneself all day waiting, she said: How do you telephone?” 听见是苏战打来的电话,劳拉发现自己一整天的焦虑似乎瞬间荡然无存,想想自己一整天的等待,她不禁说道:“你怎么才打电话来?” „......” “呃……” Telephone another end, Su Zhan heard Laura's words to stare, how did this tone seem like acting like a spoiled brat to be the same? Why although does not know, but Su Zhan is not silly, Laura this obviously intimate tone naturally can hear, not silly asking why, but is smiling saying of explanation: Feared that your side is not convenient, delays your matter therefore not to hit. Now looked at the time to be similar, therefore wants to ask, can eat meal together?” 电话另一端,苏战听见劳拉的话愣了一下,这语气怎么好像是在撒娇一样?虽然不知道为什么,但是苏战又不是傻,劳拉这种明显亲近的语气自然听得出来,更不会傻乎乎的问为什么,只是笑着解释的说道:“怕你那边不方便,耽误你的事情所以才一直没有打过来。现在看时间差不多了,所以才想问问,要不要一起吃个饭?” Good, goes?” “好啊,去哪?” My family how? Daytime time arrived bought many things, making you taste my craftsmanship.” “我家怎么样?白天的时候到是买了不少东西,让你尝尝我的手艺。” Good, I one will pass!” “好,那我一会过去!” Laura complied with one, then hangs up the telephone, she started to turn to look in oneself the closet in room. 劳拉应了一声,而后挂断电话,她开始在自己的房间的衣柜里翻找了起来。 Goes to the home to eat meal should not to need to put on was too grand? Such can he misunderstand? However cannot put on is too ordinary, so as to avoid makes him feel that I do not attach great importance. Therefore, this is not good, this...... not good......” “去家里吃饭应该不用穿的太隆重了吧?那样他会不会误会?不过也不能穿的太普通,免得让他觉得我不重视。所以,这件不行,这件……也不行……” Turning of each article in the closet looks for the gesture, Laura mumbled was saying. 一面在衣柜里一件件的翻找比划,一面劳拉嘟囔着说道。 Finally, spent for more than ten minutes to designate the clothes, then started to put on make-up. 终于,花了十多分钟选定了衣服,然后又开始化妆。 Within a half hour, Laura tidied up came to the laboratory of Dr. Manhattan appropriately. 半个小时之后,劳拉收拾妥当来到了曼哈顿博士的实验室。 Dr. Manhattan in research renewable energy sources project, because his particularity does not need to rest, sees Laura to come, Dr. Manhattan said: You must go out, is sees him?” 曼哈顿博士在研究再生能源的项目,因为他的特殊性根本不需要休息,见到劳拉过来,曼哈顿博士道:“你要出去,是去见他吗?” Yes, you deliver me to go out, I do not want to follow. That matter, I with raising, if he does not mind, I will help you introduce.” Laura said. “是的,你送我出去吧,我不想让人跟着。那件事,我会跟提的,如果他不介意的话,我会帮你们介绍。”劳拉说道。 Good!” “好!” Dr. Manhattan nods, prepares to transmit Laura. 曼哈顿博士点点头,准备将劳拉传送走。 Wait......” Laura thought of anything suddenly, somewhat hesitant saying: If...... I meant if...... I have not come back in the evening, if they asked that helping me deal with!” “等等……”劳拉忽然想到了什么,有些犹豫的说道:“如果……我是说如果的话……我晚上没回来,他们要是问起的话,帮我应付一下!” Got it!” Dr. Manhattan nods, then...... transmitted directly Laura. “明白了!”曼哈顿博士点了点头,然后……直接将劳拉传送走了。 He has ability of motion space and time, this ability some similar transmissions are the same, but the process is not comfortable. The next quarter, Laura appears in some lane, comes out, Laura could not bear cough, very allowed to return to normal the feeling of that tumbling, then reorganized a makeup to allow to leave the lane! 他拥有移动时空的能力,这种能力有些类似传送一样,只不过过程没那么舒服罢了。下一刻,劳拉出现在某个巷子里,一出来,劳拉就忍不住咳嗽了起来,好不容平复了那种翻滚的感觉,然后整理了一下妆容离开了巷子! After 20 minute, Laura rode in a carriage to arrive in Su Zhan home. 二十分钟后,劳拉乘车来到了苏战家里。 Yesterday time is the evening rains, has not carefully looked, now discovers that the area of this mountain village was truly big, she is preparing outside the doorbell according to mountain village, however front door actually oneself of mountain village opened. Laura looked toward inside, discovered that the gate of villa opened, Su Zhan stands in the entrance waves toward oneself! 昨天来的时候是晚上而且还下雨,并没有仔细看过,现在才发现这山庄的占地面积确实不小,她正准备按山庄外的门铃,但是山庄的大门却自己开了。劳拉朝着里面看了看,发现别墅的门开了,苏战站在门口朝着自己挥手! Come, you first sit, my several dishes have not completed, quick good.” Su Zhan said toward Laura, hinting her oneself was more optional, then turns around the kitchen. “来啦,你先坐,我还有几道菜没有做完,很快就好。”苏战朝着劳拉说了一句,示意她自己随意些,然后转身去了厨房。 Laura took off the coat then to follow the kitchen to look, then...... she by the Su Zhan's cook subduing, looked she was dazzled, moreover felt specially complex, particularly when Su Zhan concentrated on felt charming specially. „Do I also help you?” 劳拉脱下外套然后跟着进厨房看了看,然后……她就被苏战的厨艺给折服了,看的她眼花缭乱,而且感觉特别的复杂,尤其是在苏战专注的时候感觉特别的帅气。“我也来帮你吧?” You?” Su Zhan looked at a Laura to say with a smile: Ok, but aren't your clothes convenient? Yesterday did that clothes in the building, you trade?” “你?”苏战看了一眼劳拉笑着说道:“行啊,不过你这身衣服不方便吧?昨天那套衣服在楼上,你去换一下吧?” Good!” “好吧!” Although somewhat regretted that the clothes of oneself careful choice were replaced like this, but Laura nods. 虽然有些遗憾自己精心挑选的衣服就这样被换掉,但劳拉还是点了点头。 Turned around to go upstairs to change the clothes, after getting down, Lao Labang Su Zhan was sitting. Naturally, but hits to overcome the hand, hands over thing anything, this novel experience, in addition put on, making Laura have a feeling of very home. Prepares food together, eats meal together, then together......, if the daily life is this, as if...... also good? 转身上楼换了衣服,下来后,劳拉帮着苏战坐了起来。当然,只是打打下手,递递东西什么的,这种新奇的体验,再加上穿着,让劳拉产生了一种很居家的感觉。一起做饭,一起吃饭,然后一起……如果每天的生活是这样的话,似乎……也不错? Laura had such thought. 劳拉不禁产生了这样的念头。 Thinks anything.” The Su Zhan's sound resounds, Laura just about to speaks, saw that Su Zhan put out a hand to scratch scratching on the face of oneself. Stained the water, mishandled flowers the makeup carefully.” “想什么呢。”苏战的声音响起,劳拉刚要说话,就见到苏战伸手在自己的脸上擦了擦。“沾上水了,小心把妆弄花了。” All right, you like melts again and that's the end!” Laura's subconscious saying. “没事,你喜欢的再化就是了!”劳拉下意识的说道。 „Do you put on make-up I to like.” Su Zhan said that Laura even heard the oneself heartbeat. “你化不化妆我都喜欢。”苏战笑着说了一句,劳拉甚至听见了自己的心跳声。 pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 Jumped quick! 跳的很快! Su Zhan smiles , to continue to prepare food. 苏战笑笑,继续做菜。 Crossed some little time, completed the last vegetable/dish finally, two people carried the thing to go to the restaurant to put away together. 过了好一会,总算是将最后一个菜做好,两人一起端着东西来到了餐厅放好。 Good!” “好棒!” Looks at full table vegetable/dish, Laura cannot bear to praise sigh. 看着满满一桌子菜,劳拉忍不住赞叹道。 Su Zhan smiles: „After you walked, I went out to go shopping, this was the typical Chinese meal, many materials I ran for a long time bought very much, looked in I such laborious attentive share, didn't you prepare to reward me?” 苏战笑笑:“你走了之后我就出去买东西了,这是地道的中餐,很多材料我是跑了很久才买到的,看在我这么辛苦用心的份上,你不准备奖励一下我吗?” How to reward?” “怎么奖励?” Su Zhan has not spoken, raised the mouth slightly. 苏战没说话,微微的扬了扬嘴。 Laura's face slightly red, hesitant one arrived in front of Su Zhan's to stand on tiptoes slightly the tip of the toe. 劳拉的脸微微红了红,犹豫一下来到了苏战的面前微微踮起了脚尖。 The Su Zhan itself/Ben thinks she can just scratch the surface comes, never expected that Laura actually surrounded the neck of oneself, then he felt that had anything to infiltrate. 苏战本以为她会蜻蜓点水的来一下,没想到劳拉却环抱住了自己的脖子,然后他就感觉到有什么东西钻了进来。 This car(riage) starts was sudden! 这车开的突然了! Laura makes Su Zhan be surprised on own initiative, but she was so driving, Su Zhan naturally must respond. The hand took advantage of opportunity grasped Laura's waist, turned the passive situation into initiative quickly. Laura has not gone to strive for this initiative, quick same changes like the clever kitty passive. 劳拉的主动让苏战倍感意外,不过她都这么主动了,苏战自然不会没有反应。手顺势就抱住了劳拉的腰,很快化被动为主动。劳拉也没有去争这个主动权,很快就如同乖巧的猫咪一样变的被动了起来。
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