Su Zhantakes a bathto change the bodydry and clearclothescame outLauraalreadyin the living room, looks atLaurato put onT-shirt of somelengths and breadthswith the hot-pants, Su Zhandiscoveredslightlybeing better of alsoherstatureincompared withoneselfimagination, particularly the leg...... is very long, has the feelingvery muchvery much. The hot-pants are not too obviously short, butputsinLaura'sbodyfeels likeveryshort is the same, herlegis too long, thereforefromproportion, as ifhot-pantsveryshortappearance!苏战洗了澡换了身干爽的衣服出来的时候劳拉已经在客厅了,看着劳拉穿着微微有些长宽的T恤跟热裤,苏战发现她的身材比自己想象中的还要好,尤其是腿……很长,很直,很有感觉。明明热裤并不算太短,但是穿在劳拉的身上就感觉好像很短一样,她的腿太长,所以从比例上来看,似乎热裤很短的样子!„Thisclothesare very comfortable, moreover is also very attractive, do youbuy there?”LauraaskedtowardSu Zhanwith a smile.
“这衣服很舒服,而且也很漂亮,你是在那里买的?”劳拉朝着苏战笑着问道。„Ialsoforgot, boughtlong timestillnot to find the rightperson, perhapshow longifdid not putin you have not been possibleto put. Although is not very precious, but...... shouldbe very difficultto buy the samedesign, therefore......, ifyoudo not mind, gave toyou!”
“我也忘了,买了很长时间了一直没有找到合适的人,如果不是穿在你身上或许还不一定要放多久呢。虽然不算很贵重,但是……应该很难买到相同的款式,所以……如果你不介意的话,就送给你了!”„Iaccepted, thanks!”Laurasaidwith a smile.
It seems like, as iftrulylikesthisclothesvery much.
看起来,似乎确实很喜欢这套衣服。Thisis the difference of time, ifinMarvel Worldorotherworld'sages, thistype of clothes is very common.
One side Su Zhanarrivedput outonebottle of red wines, tooneselfwithLauraonecup, thencheeredto drinkone.苏战走到一旁拿出了一瓶红酒,给自己跟劳拉倒了一杯,然后干杯喝了一口。Laurasomewhatis slightly surprised: „The flavor of thisred wine is not quite probably same.”
劳拉微微有些惊讶:“这红酒的味道好像不太一样。”„82years of Raphai.”Su Zhansaidwith a smile.
“82年的拉菲。”苏战笑着说道。„82years? Thatfewyears, won't thisflavor be so mellow?”Laurais somewhat surprised, thistype of red wineis a timelongerflavoris better, severalyears of red winewill not havesuchflavor.
“82年的?那也没几年啊,这个味道不会这么醇厚啊?”劳拉有些意外,这种红酒都是时间越长味道越好,几年的红酒根本不会有这样的味道。Su Zhanshrugswith a smile: „Perhapsisbecauseis happy?”苏战笑着耸耸肩:“或许是因为心情好?”„Possibly!”Laurasmiles.
“可能吧!”劳拉笑笑。„Beforesaid that invitationvisitmy family, howis inferiornow? ActuallyIbuyduring the daytime, did not havecarefullyto lookwith enough time, happen toaccompaniesyouto have a looktogether.”
“好啊!”Lauracomplied withone, looks atSu Zhanto put out a hand, put the handwith a smile. After setting out, Su Zhanthenloosened, Laurahas not seized the chanceto probe.
劳拉应了一声,看着苏战伸手过来,笑着将手放了上去。起身后,苏战便松开了,劳拉没有趁机试探。BeforeSu Zhanreallynotextremelycarefullooked,nowis accompanyingLaura'scarefulwalking , the discoveryalso is really good! Mountain villagevery big, merelyisin a house, two peoplestrollswhilelookedspentabout the differencenotmostlyhour, strolledoneto return to the living roomfinally, two peoplesatto drinkto chaton the sofa.
之前苏战是真的没有太过仔细的看,现在陪着劳拉仔细的走了走,发现还真的是不错!山庄很大,仅仅是房子里面,两人边逛边看就花了差不多半个小时左右,逛了一圈最后回到了客厅,两人在沙发上坐了下来喝酒聊天。Possiblyisbecausethrew offthattwofellows, possiblyis the reason of environment, Lauraalsoprobablyrelaxin the restaurantcompared withbefore, naturally, thiswithdrinkingalsohas the relations. Beforedrankmuchin the restaurant, dranka moment agounknowinglymuch, thereforethis timeLaurawhole personwas the condition of relaxing, by the cornerdiagonally opposite of sofaSu Zhan, the legis placing the sofato brace the bow, a handis holding the knee, a handtakes the wine glass, the chinsupporton the arm, is completely a relaxationappearance of home!
可能是因为甩掉了那两个家伙,也可能是环境的缘故,劳拉要比之前在餐厅里还要放松,当然,这跟喝酒也是有关系的。之前在餐厅就喝了不少,刚才又不知不觉的喝了不少,所以此时的劳拉整个人都处在非常放松的状态,靠在沙发的角落斜对着苏战,腿放在了沙发上弓了起来,一只手抱着膝盖,一只手拿着酒杯,下巴支撑在胳膊上,完全是一副居家的放松模样!ThisposturemakesSu Zhanhave tosighagain,herleg is very long!
这个姿势让苏战不得不再次感叹,她的腿真的很长!Unknowingly, the clock on wallmade a soundsuddenly.
不知不觉的,墙上的时钟忽然响了。Looked updiscoversunexpectedlyalready the 12point!
抬头一看才发现竟然已经十二点了!Lauralooked atoutside an eye piecesubconsciously, drifts the heavy rainalso below, the raindrophitson the windowbroadcasts the pā dāpā dāsound. Outsidehas not turned on the light, therefore the seeminglyjet blackpiece, inadding onsuchheavy rain is also very difficultto project on the car(riage), perhaps...... could not go back, threw offthattwofellowslet alonewith great difficulty, before words that nowgoes backas if, wasted energy.
只是……LaurasubconsciouslookstowardSu Zhan,Su Zhansaidat this timeexactly: „Unknowinglywas so late, togetherpassesin the timewith you were too quick. Looked that thissituation was very perhaps difficultto go back, might as wellstayhere? The roomare many, youselectcasually.”
劳拉下意识的朝着苏战看去,苏战这时候恰好说道:“不知不觉这么晚了,跟你在一起时间过的太快了。看这情况恐怕很难回去了,不如就在这里住下吧?房间很多,你随便挑。”„, Thatdisturbed!”
“呃,那就打扰了!”„Has disturbedto be good!”Su Zhan said that thenhelpsLauraarrange the room.
The next doorinmaster bedroom, was not too far, is goodassorted the thingboughtbecause of the daytime, did not needto prepareanythingagain.
就在主卧的隔壁,不算太远,好在白天的时候杂七杂八的东西都买了,也不用再准备什么。„That...... good night?”Su Zhanstandsin the entrancesomewhatanticipated, someprobeslooks atLaura.
“那……晚安?”苏战站在门口有些期待,有些试探的看着劳拉。Thatlook, Lauramind readingcannotlookeveniswhatmeaning, hesitant, Laurawalkedto kisson the Su Zhan'scheeks. „Late......”Laurajustwantsto saygood night, Su Zhanactuallylowered the headto kisshermouthsuddenly, flutteredherwaist.
The suddenactionmadeLaurastare, whensheresponded the time, Su Zhanhad actually loosenedher, said a good nightthenleft.
突如其来的举动让劳拉愣了一下,等她反应过来的时候,苏战却已经松开了她,笑着说了一声晚安然后离开了。Even ifmadeLaurawants saying that anythingdid not have the opportunity!
占了便宜就跑啊!Lauradepressedcloses the doorto turn around, corners of the mouthactuallyslightlyskillful. Arrives by the window, looks atoutsidedriftingheavy rain, onworklesbian the window curtainslay down. The noise of the rain that lightlydrainingsmakesLauranot fall asleepquickly, in the mindrecalledbeforehandpicture, blurry, Lauraas ifhad the pajamas.
劳拉郁闷的关上门转身回来,嘴角却微微的巧了巧。来到窗户旁,看着外面的漂泊大雨,劳拉拉上了窗帘躺了下来。淅沥沥的雨声让劳拉没有那么快睡着,脑海里不禁回想之前的画面,迷迷糊糊的,劳拉似乎有了睡衣。At this time, hercorner of the eyenonchalantlookingto the window, actuallysuddenlydiscovered that on the window curtainsreflected a strangeshadow, flashed past. Laurahas a scare, was hurriedto open the window curtainsto look, anythingdid not have.
这个时候,她的眼角不经意的瞄到窗口,却忽然发现窗帘上倒映出了一道怪异的影子,一闪而过。劳拉吓了一跳,急忙起来拉开窗帘看了看,什么都没有。Shealsothinks that the oneselfvertigo, justpreparedto lie down, at this time...... the shadowappeared, moreoververyobvious, as ifalsoexudes the strangecryin the noise of the rain.
这下是把劳拉吓到了。AlthoughsheisSuperhero, copes withhooliganvillainanything'sherneverto fear, butrelated totheseuncannystrangethings, fewwomenis not afraid. Hesitant, Lauraheld the pillowto open the door.
虽然她是超级英雄,对付个流氓反派什么的她从来不怕,但是涉及到这些鬼鬼怪怪的东西,没有几个女人不害怕的。犹豫了一下,劳拉抱起枕头开门出去了。„pēng pēng pēng!”
The knockresounds, Su Zhanopens the doorto discover that Lauraholds the pillowto be somewhat accidental: „Are you?”
敲门声响起,苏战开了门发现劳拉抱着枕头有些意外:“你这是?”„Can Irestinyourroom?”Laurahesitantonesaid: „WhatthingIsawoutsideto havea moment agoprobably, your house...... buyshas inquired? Whatdon't haveuncleanthing?”
“我能在你房间睡吗?”劳拉犹豫了一下说道:“我刚才好像看见外面有什么东西,你这房子……买的时候打听过了吗?别不是有什么不干净的东西吧?”Whatthingsaw, uncleanthing?
看见了什么东西,不干净的东西?Su Zhanrespondedimmediately,Laurashouldseecalled back the soul of the deceasedstrangely.苏战马上反应过来,劳拉应该是看到了摄魂怪吧。„Shouldnot have, moreoverIhave not seen anything, ifyouare afraidthatto resttogether!”Su ZhansaidmakesLauracome, Lauraplacesside the pillow, then...... the atmospherechangeswas somewhat awkward.
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