MKA :: Volume #12

#1157: Peak strongest strikes

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In light beam, Sentinel/Sentry crazy with Hulk to the bang, your fist, my fist, does not have the skill, does not have the aesthetic sense, is completely the strength most direct presents. Especially Sentinel/Sentry, his appearance some crazies, some overstating feelings, unceasing is talking over feeling whole-heartedly crisp, oneself is strongest and so on! 光柱之中,哨兵疯狂的跟浩克对轰,你一拳,我一拳,毫无技巧,毫无美感可言,完全就是力量最直接的呈现。尤其是哨兵,他的样子有些疯癫,有种走火入魔的感觉,不断的念叨着全力以赴的感觉有多爽,自己是最强的之类的! This is the first time that Su Zhan saw Sentinel/Sentry, but Sentinel/Sentry gives his impression to be poor. Probably this goods before becoming Sentinel/Sentry, or said that to become Sentinel/Sentry is because he is a drug addict, needing a fix steals thing that in some laboratory studied, then turned into Sentinel/Sentry! 这是苏战第一次见到哨兵,但是哨兵给他的印象并不怎么好。好像这货在没成为哨兵之前,或者说成为哨兵是因为他是个瘾君子,犯瘾的时候偷了某个实验室里研究出来的东西,然后才变成了哨兵 Now looks like, this disposition is truly not much! Although usually can also restrain, but once lets loose on control continuously, the self-control is too bad, the negativity emerges quickly. 现在看来,这个心性确实不怎么样!虽然平时还能够克制,可一旦放开就控制不住了,自制力太差,负面情绪很快就涌现上来。 With two people powerful strengths, the surrounding influence is also getting bigger and bigger, from time to time one of them was striked to fly, another pursues to fight again, in a while, entire New York was razed to the ground by two people quickly, at this time, Sentinel/Sentry had/left the fist to waste Hulk suddenly again, but has not actually pursued, but started to mobilize the strength of whole body! 伴随着两人强大的力量,周围的影响也越来越大,时而其中一人被打飞,另一个追上去再战,没过多久,整个纽约都快被两人夷为平地了,就在这个时候,哨兵陡然出拳再次将浩克打飞,不过却没有追上去,而是开始调动起全身的力量来! Energy that million Sun explodes, truly no small matter. 百万太阳爆炸的能量,确实非同小可。 Solely is Sun explodes, perhaps Earth cannot withstand. The beforehand strength was withstood by Hulk, therefore also affected. Now...... Sentinel/Sentry finally, finally prepares to with strongest struck. 单单是一个太阳爆炸,恐怕地球都承受不住。之前的力量都被浩克承受了,所以也只是波及到了而已。现在……哨兵终于,终于准备要用最强的一击了。 With strength unceasing increasing, the surroundings started to shiver fiercely, the construction wreckage in ground flew slowly, in the airborne rapid change powder. Ground fierce shivering, the space starts to vibrate, although to distant, but everyone can feel that Sentinel/Sentry aura strong, that is the foot...... has destroyed Earth, destroys all strengths! 伴随着力量不断的攀升,周围开始剧烈的颤抖了起来,地面上的建筑残骸慢慢的飞了起来,在空中快速的化为粉末。地面剧烈的颤抖,空间开始抖动起来,虽然离的远远的,但是所有人都能够感觉到哨兵身上的气息有多强,那是足已……毁灭地球,毁灭一切的力量! „It is not good, cannot let him in this way, otherwise bidding goodbye Hulk, entire Earth must be destroyed in a moment!” “不行,不能让他在这样下去了,否则的话别说浩克了,整个地球都要毁于一旦!” Nick Fury after informing Sentinel/Sentry caught up, sees Sentinel/Sentry situation at this moment, he knows matter that he most is worried about happened. 尼克弗瑞在通知了哨兵之后就赶了过来,见到哨兵此时此刻的情况,他知道他最担心的事情发生了。 Sentinel/Sentry...... some out-of-control. The Hulk little friends rush over toward Sentinel/Sentry, coming out that they look, Hulk seems to be also gathering the strength, is fermenting the anger, must therefore help Hulk win the time. Rushes over toward Sentinel/Sentry, Sentinel/Sentry showed a disdaining expression, even has not acted, the energy of but sending out shakes suddenly, beyond that several alien felt instantaneously tearing is run over the feeling transmits, has not waited for them to be separated from the dangerous range, body starts little disappearance, later along with the pitiful yell sound, thorough...... vanished! 哨兵……有些失控了。浩克的小伙伴们朝着哨兵冲了过去,他们看的出来,浩克似乎也在聚力,在酝酿着愤怒,所以必须要帮浩克争取时间。一个个朝着哨兵冲了过去,哨兵露出了一个不屑的表情,甚至都没有出手,只是散发出来的能量陡然一震,那几个外星人瞬间感觉到撕裂碾轧般的感觉传来,还没等他们脱离危险范围呢,身体开始一点点的消失,随后伴随着惨叫声,彻底……消失了! Hiss!” “嘶!” Everyone held breath a cold air, particularly that side S.H.I.E.L.D. Avenger also wanted to prevent Sentinel/Sentry, saw that to stop subconsciously. Luke Cage is also good, Thing is also good, is the defensive power to be extremely strong, at this time had not had confidence! 所有人倒吸了口凉气,尤其是神盾局复仇者那边本来还想要去阻止哨兵,见状都下意识的停了下来。卢克凯奇也好,石头人也好,都属于防御力极强的,此时也没有了把握! No!” “不!” Saw that the little friends died, the Hulk anger increased finally the apex. He felt that the oneself anger has not as if been able control, his strength to increase in this moment unexpectedly again. 见到小伙伴们就这么死了,浩克的愤怒终于攀升到了顶点。他感觉自己的愤怒似乎已经无法控制,他身上的力量在这一刻竟然又再次攀升了许多。 The foot makes an effort to step on, the ground split one at least to have a kilometer fissure of instantaneously, with heard whiz one, Hulk to shake the fist to rush over toward Sentinel/Sentry. 脚用力一踩,地面瞬间裂开了一道至少有上千米的裂痕,就跟着就听见嗖的一声,浩克已然朝着哨兵挥拳冲了过去。 This is contains angrily strikes, is prepares to decide the victory and defeat strikes. 这是包含愤怒的一击,也是准备分出胜负的一击。 Meanwhile, strength also accumulation of Sentinel/Sentry was similar, his body is sending out the flame energy, looks seems like Saiyan transform. Looks at to Hulk, the Sentinel/Sentry right leg rear end half step, the right fist extended slightly backward, gathers the strength, then...... fist! 与此同时,哨兵的力量也聚集的差不多了,他的身体散发着火焰般的能量,看起来就好像赛亚人变身似的。看着冲过来的浩克,哨兵的右腿微微后侧了半步,右拳向后伸去,蓄力,然后……出拳! „...... Does not want......” “不……不要……” Runs, run, everyone runs.” “跑,快跑,所有人快跑。” Useless, this strikes, perhaps Earth must ruin, has no place to run radically.” “没用的,这一击,地球恐怕都要毁掉,根本无处可跑。” Looks Hulk with Sentinel/Sentry strongest strikes must collide immediately, from two people erupting the great power, if two strengths collide so...... the consequence to be together inconceivable. Some people flee crazily, some people sit down exhausted desperately, as if has waited for death, solely is not New York here, entire United States, entire world filled this type of desperate aura, no one has thought that the matter will develop this situation. 看着浩克哨兵最强的一击马上就要碰撞,从两人爆发出来的强大力量来看,如果两股力量碰撞到一起的话那么……后果不堪设想啊。有的人疯狂逃离,有的人绝望瘫坐,仿佛已经等死,不单单是纽约这里,整个美国,整个世界都弥漫出了这种绝望的气息,谁也没想到事情会发展到这个地步。 Is only calm, perhaps was the country of War Alliance...... 唯一还淡定的,或许就是战盟之国了…… Why? 为什么? Because they saw in the video to have the oneself King form, especially...... he was so calm. 因为他们看到了视频中有自己国王的身影,尤其……他还那么淡定。 Therefore, they believe that has King, Earth will not destroy! 所以,他们相信有国王在,地球是不会毁灭的! Except that the overseas of War Alliance have this thought person is also not infrequent, not to mention before they had what view or the thoughts to Su Zhan, but...... they were anticipating at this moment, anticipating Su Zhan can make a move! 除了战盟之国外有这个念头的人也不在少数,暂且不说之前他们对苏战有什么看法或者心思,但是这一刻……他们都在期待,期待苏战能够出手! The satellite video has aimed at Su Zhan, the people in the world was paying attention...... 卫星视频都已经对准了苏战,全球的人都在关注着…… Waits at the last minute, Su Zhan to strive to turn the tide. 等着在最后一刻,苏战能够力挽狂澜。 Su Zhan felt very intense pray, that was the anticipation that their followers had, even...... the strength of follower rapidly increased in the short time. This lets Su Zhan to is a little accidental/surprised, has not thought that also has like this extra harvest. Originally, he has not really planned to act, Sentinel/Sentry with Hulk, they are willing to hit to hit. Although Hulk must take revenge, but had not planned that must destroy Earth, the strength that but Sentinel/Sentry this drug addict control continuously, was or a little ruled by the strength, unexpectedly plays is so big! 苏战感受到了非常强烈的祈祷,那是他们的信徒们所产生的期待,甚至于……信徒的实力在短短的时间内快速的增加了许多。这让苏战到是有点意外,没想到还有这样的额外收获。本来呢,他还真没打算出手,哨兵浩克,他们愿意打就打去呗。浩克虽然是要复仇,但也没打算要毁灭地球,只是哨兵这个瘾君子控制不住的力量,或者说有点被力量所统治了,竟然玩的这么大! Earth, this is father's domain. 地球,这可是老子的地盘。 Can make you say that destroyed can destroy? 能让你说毁就能毁了吗? Near, was near. 近了,近了。 Hulk is getting more and more near with the fist of Sentinel/Sentry, two people at heart angry with crazy, look resolutely, is not I wins, is you defeats, does not have other again! 浩克哨兵的拳头已经越来越近了,两人的心里只有愤怒跟疯癫,眼神毅然决然,不是我赢,就是你败,再无其他! At this time...... 就在这个时候…… Two people middle, lighten a person's shadow suddenly. 两人的中间,突然闪出一个人影。 Su Zhan, is Su Zhan! 苏战,正是苏战 Saw Su Zhan to move, everyone could not bear excitedly. 见到苏战动了,所有人忍不住激动了起来。 Sentinel/Sentry before Hulk also saw suddenly appears in middle Su Zhan, perhaps if were usually two people stopped, but...... they simply do not have this plan now, in their eyes only had the opposite party, simply did not have Su Zhan. Or...... Su Zhan is very even strong, at this time they do not think that Su Zhan can block them. 哨兵浩克之前也见到了突然出现在中间的苏战,如果是平时两人或许就停下了,但是现在……他们根本没有这个打算,在他们的眼里只有对方,根本没有苏战。或者说……就算是苏战很强,这个时候他们也不认为苏战能够拦住他们。 A person, withstands Hulk with the peak strengths of Sentinel/Sentry two people, possibly? 一个人,承受浩克哨兵两个人的巅峰力量,可能吗? Sees two people appearances, the Su Zhan's corners of the mouth raises slightly, reveals wipes to sneer. 见到两人的样子,苏战的嘴角微微扬起,露出一抹冷笑。 Possibly? Removes the character! 可能吗?把吗字去掉!
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