MKA :: Volume #12

#1156: Crazy Sentinel/Sentry

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The three people in field cannot attend to sadly, however the others of outside, are actually not able to move Avenger that by control particularly can only look at all these to have helplessly, angry, sad, no use...... this feeling faced the Mad Titan's time more intense than initially, but also is uncomfortable! 场上的三人顾不得悲伤,但是场外的其他人却可以,尤其是被控制着无法动弹只能眼睁睁的看着这一切发生的复仇者们,愤怒,悲伤,无助……这种感觉比当初面对灭霸的时候还要强烈,还要难受! At that time they at least can also fight, but...... they actually can only look at all these to happen now helplessly, even closed the eye not to look cannot achieve. 当时他们至少还能够战斗,但是现在……他们却只能眼睁睁的看着这一切发生,甚至连闭上眼睛不去看都做不到。 God, who comes, who helps us!” 上帝啊,谁来,谁来帮帮我们!” Spider-Man could not bear anticipate to entreat. 蜘蛛侠忍不住期待哀求了起来。 As if was God really hears his pray to be the same, the distant place...... a dazzling ray sped away to come, the sound was from out of the blue deafening, the person has not arrived, has been able to feel his great strength. 仿佛是上帝真的听见了他的祈祷一样,远处……一道耀眼的光芒疾驰而来,破空声震耳欲聋,人还没到,就已经能够感觉到他的强大。 Is who? 是谁? Who powerful can such aura be? He can defeat Hulk, prevents tragedy? 这么强大的气息会是谁?他能够打败浩克,阻止悲剧的发生吗? Avenger guessed correctly faintly who comes the person to be! 复仇者们隐隐猜到了来人会是谁! Sentinel/Sentry, appeared finally.” Su Zhan looked up one, saying of some anticipations. 哨兵,终于出现了。”苏战抬头看了一眼,有些期待的说道。 Sentinel/Sentry? S.H.I.E.L.D. final card in a hand?” Medusa doubts looked at one, saw a wear uniform/subdue cloak, on the waistband a man of S letter was flying fast. 哨兵神盾局最后的底牌?”美杜莎疑惑的看了一眼,见到了一个穿着制服披风,腰带上一个S型字母的男人正在快速的飞过来。 One of Marvel four big Superman.” Su Zhan smiles secretly. 漫威四大超人之一哦。”苏战暗自笑了笑。 Sentinel/Sentry enters the stage rushes to Hulk to rush over directly, the rapidness of speed, strength makes Hulk simply not respond, heard the pēng pēng pēng loud sound, Hulk to be hit by Sentinel/Sentry directly, dashed the fence of abattoir, in an instant vanished to disappear. 哨兵一出场就直接奔着浩克冲了过去,速度之快,力量之强让浩克根本没反应过来,就听见砰砰砰的巨响,浩克哨兵直接撞了出去,撞破了角斗场的围墙,转眼间消失不见了。 This accident is somewhat sudden, suddenly to cannot respond, when responded the time of saw the distant place to present a huge energy ray, some shock-wave the feeling, Hulk hit to put on several buildings one after another, at least after flying several kilometers, Hulk stopped. 这个变故有些突然,突然到让人根本反应不过来,等到反应过来的时候就见到远处出现了一道巨大的能量光芒,有种冲击波似的的感觉,浩克接连撞穿了好几栋大楼,至少飞出去数千米后,浩克才堪堪停下来。 But the building that this comes is also good, the path is also good, by the middle transverse cutting, was pierced probably. 而这一路过来的大楼也好,道路也好,就好像被中间横切了一道,从中洞穿了。 Such destructive power, no wonder S.H.I.E.L.D. does not dare to make Sentinel/Sentry enter the stage from the beginning!” At least one block was arrived by Sentinel/Sentry this destroying. “这样的破坏力,难怪神盾局一开始不敢让哨兵出场呢!”至少一个街区被哨兵这个登场给毁了。 Hulk VS Sentinel/Sentry, this is the true good play.” Su Zhan said that held the waist of Medusa to fly directly. 浩克VS哨兵,这才是真正的好戏。”苏战说了一声,直接抱着美杜莎的腰飞了过去。 Thanks to Sentinel/Sentry, Mister Fantastic their control to relieve temporarily, looks that Su Zhan held Medusa to fly away from the abattoir, the Black Bolt expression was somewhat stunned. He has not known that Medusa with Su Zhan at the together matter, saw two people were shocked together directly. Medusa how with Su Zhan in the same place? 托了哨兵的福,神奇先生他们的控制暂时解除了,看着苏战抱着美杜莎从角斗场飞走,黑蝠王的表情有些愕然。他还不知道美杜莎苏战在一起的事情,见到两人在一起直接愣住了。美杜莎怎么跟苏战在一起? Doctor Strange as if saw the doubts of Black Bolt, the wish racket of comfort the shoulder of Black Bolt, finally this pats to think that the hand of oneself has abandoned, sore he looks fierce, braves the cold air/Qi. 奇异博士似乎看出了黑蝠王的疑惑,安慰的想要拍拍黑蝠王的肩膀,结果这一拍下去才想起来自己的手已经废了,疼的他龇牙咧嘴,直冒冷气。 God blesses, I came! Because, you are only one by one can let me like...... a fist!” In the ruins, the Sentinel/Sentry sound falls, rumbled toward Hulk suddenly in the past. The tremendous strength raids, Hulk seems the shell to be wasted equally directly, was slanting was dashing a building, then fell high, broke glass of not far away building, the powerful inertia made him at least pierce a 2~3 room then to stop. 上帝保佑,我来了!因为,你是唯一一个能让我像……这样出拳的!”废墟之中,哨兵的声音落下,陡然朝着浩克轰了过去。巨大的力量袭来,浩克就好像炮弹一样直接被打飞,斜着撞破了一栋建筑,然后高高坠下,砸坏了不远处一栋建筑的玻璃,强大的惯性让他至少洞穿了两三个房间然后才堪堪停下来。 Hulk shook the head, looks Sentinel/Sentry that flies, in a soft voice mumbled: Good, hopes that you can remember, then had anything...... is you brings upon oneself!” 浩克晃了晃脑袋,看着飞过来的哨兵,轻声的嘟囔道:“好吧,希望你们能够记得,接下来发生了什么……都是你们自找的!” Hulk flushed, shakes the fist. 浩克冲了出去,挥拳。 Bang!” “砰!” Hulk bumps into the same place with the fist of Sentinel/Sentry, two powerful strengths as if can tear all are the same, in a flash, the surrounding house, the construction, caved by the steamroll completely, the shock-wave ripples, shortly the surroundings will have become the ruins. Su Zhan held Medusa to shake shaking slightly, was somewhat accidental! 浩克哨兵的拳头碰到一起,两股强大的力量仿佛能够撕裂一切一样,一瞬间,周围的房子,建筑,完全被碾压塌陷,冲击波荡漾,顷刻间周围已经成为了废墟。苏战抱着美杜莎微微的晃了晃,有些意外! „The strengths of two fellows have let loose evidently, actually even I felt rocking!” “两个家伙的力量看样子已经放开了啊,竟然连我都感觉到了晃动!” Whole-heartedly, two people of strongest strength! 全力以赴,最强力量的两人! Perhaps New York this was must destroy. 啧啧,恐怕纽约这是要毁了。 Hulk with Sentinel/Sentry as sincere as the meat, the hit intensity, two people strengths have contrasted with what value very much difficultly, understood, the completeness is the peak strength, destroys day of the strength of extinguishing the place. The strength that two people release lets the surrounding building fast avalanche sufficiently, the destruction, a tall building tall building caves in fast, a block block becomes the ruins, the strength that this also merely is two people release the strength of rather than two people withstands respectively, the strength of if directly withstanding, perhaps...... Earth may explode. After all, this time Hulk might be considered as the single body Cosmos strongest rank with Sentinel/Sentry, destroys planet anything. 浩克哨兵拳拳到肉,打的激烈,两人的力量已经很难用什么数值去对比,去理解了,完完全全就是巅峰的力量,毁天灭地的力量。两人释放出来的力量就足以让周围的建筑快速的崩塌,毁灭,一个高楼一个高楼快速塌陷,一个街区一个街区成为废墟,这还仅仅是两人释放出来的力量呢而不是两人各自承受的力量,如果是正面承受的力量,恐怕……地球都有可能爆掉。毕竟,此时的浩克哨兵都堪称是单体宇宙最强的级别,毁灭星球什么的还是可以的。 Strength, this type can release the feeling of strength heartily is really the stick level. Hulk, do you also think? Does not need to suppress the strength again, can heartily, stopping at nothing the pleasant sensation of enjoyment strength, but also is really wonderful!” Does not use the depressing fight, the release of having one's wish, this makes Sentinel/Sentry change somewhat excited. “力量,这种可以尽情释放力量的感觉真是棒级了。浩克,你也这么认为吧?不用再压制力量,可以尽情的,无所顾忌的享受力量的快感,还真是美妙啊!”不用压抑的战斗,随心所欲的释放出来,这让哨兵变的有些激动了起来。 His look is sending out the stimulated point, his body in exciting shivering. 他的眼神散发着亢奋的锋芒,他的身体在兴奋的颤抖。 Before, he must suppress the oneself strength, every word and deed, every action and every movement, when for fear that the strength excessively caused not the irrecoverable destruction. When Nick Fury looks for him, hopes he can act to resist Hulk time, he somewhat hesitates. He feared that oneself control continuously the strength, therefore he rejected, however in the Nick Fury unceasing plea, and ensure cannot become the destruction that conducts to investigate to other party, when he sees in the video abattoir when all, he complied finally! 以前,他必须要压制自己的力量,一言一行,一举一动,生怕当力量过强造成无法挽回的破坏。当尼克弗瑞来找他,希望他可以出面对抗浩克的时候,他还有些犹豫。他怕自己控制不住力量,所以他拒绝了,但是在尼克弗瑞不断的恳求,并且保证不会对他造成的破坏进行追究的时候,当他看见视频中角斗场发生的一切时,他终于答应了! However, when he really after Hulk begins, he discovered that Hulk strong, discovered that must make a move to defeat Hulk full power. 但是,当他真的跟浩克动手之后,他才发现浩克有多强,才发现必须要全力出手才有可能击败浩克 One time, one time. 一次,一次。 Full forces make a move, the feeling that unscrupulous, that type does not need scruples was really exciting, was too excited! 一次次的全力出手,那种肆无忌惮,那种无须顾忌的感觉实在是太刺激了,太兴奋了! Sentinel/Sentry some expression changed crazies, Hulk fights with the fists again on his face, he not only has not felt the pain, excitement that what replaces it is unable to contain. 哨兵的表情已经变的有些疯癫,浩克的重拳打在他的脸上,他非但没有感觉到疼痛,取而代之的是无法遏制的兴奋。 You are very strong, I know that you very strong......, but strongest absolutely is I! Is I, beat you, but they...... are going to call me for...... Savior!” Sentinel/Sentry crazy shouting, his side has formed the energy light beam of huge burning hot, covers in which with Hulk him directly...... “你很强,我知道的,你很强……但是最强的绝对是我!是我,击败了你,而他们……将要称呼我为……救世主!”哨兵疯狂的喊道,他的身边已经形成了巨大炙热的能量光柱,直接将他跟浩克笼罩其中……
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