MKA :: Volume #12

#1154: Invincible Hulk

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This time kidney empty Mage makes the devil take possession, both hands are flashing before the dazzling ray, his head is also sending out the similar ray, at first sight to was makes Su Zhan think of Ghost Rider, but the difference was the face of kidney empty Mage is normal, has not turned into the skeleton head besides some Evil! 此时的肾虚法师引魔鬼附身,双手闪现着耀眼的光芒,他的脑袋也散发着同样的光芒,乍一看到是让苏战想到了恶灵骑士,不过区别是肾虚法师的脸还是正常的,除了有些邪恶之外并没有变成骷髅头! Looked coming out, kidney empty Mage is prepares to fight a battle to force a quick decision, now he can also control be occupied by the devil in body reluctantly. Without slight delaying, enters the stage, kidney empty Mage starts wantonly starts to attack to Hulk these , before this time kidney empty Mage strength must go far beyond, the strength of Hulk that several subordinate is not weak, has endured compared with original Hulk, although without angrily was stronger this BUG same ability but also enough. But now, they actually in emaciated incomparable, at all is not the opponent who in front of kidney empty Mage changes, three next two already by kidney empty Mage oppressive looking awful! 看的出来,肾虚法师是准备速战速决,现在他还能勉强控制身体里的魔鬼。没有丝毫的耽搁,一出场,肾虚法师就开始大肆的对浩克那些手下开始攻击,此时的肾虚法师实力要远远超过之前,浩克那几个手下的实力不弱,已经堪比原来的浩克,虽然没有越愤怒就越强这个BUG一样的能力但也足够强了。可是现在,他们却在肾虚法师面前变的羸弱无比,根本不是对手,三下两下的就已经被肾虚法师虐的不成样子! Now is really not good to call his kidney empty Mage!” “现在还真不好叫他肾虚法师了呢!” Looks at the change in field, Su Zhan mumbled one. 看着场上的变化,苏战嘟囔了一句。 Looks that one by one suffers defeat, Hulk moved finally. 看着手下一一败北,浩克终于动了。 Leaps, jumped Doctor Strange directly behind, both hands such as the preparation of hammer rumbled. However, Doctor Strange simply has not turned around, even has not turned the head, but raised the hand backward! 一跃,直接跳到了奇异博士的身后,双手如锤的准备轰下来。然而,奇异博士根本没有转身,甚至没有转头,只是向后扬起了手! Bang!” The fist of Doctor Strange rumbled the chest of Hulk, followed close on is hearing bang one, Hulk as if to explode was the same, blew out a powerful strength from his back. In a flash, Hulk body twitched several, the pain that the expression changes is fierce. The Doctor Strange fist shakes, shakes to fly Hulk, simultaneously another fist rumbled again in the past. Is striking the chin of Hulk, the ray is dazzling, Hulk had been hit directly! “砰!”奇异博士的拳头轰到了浩克的胸口,紧跟着就听见砰的一声,浩克仿佛炸了一样,从他的后背中爆出一股强大的力量。一瞬间,浩克身体抽搐了几下,表情变的痛苦狰狞。奇异博士拳头一震,将浩克震飞出去,同时另一只拳头再度轰了过去。正击浩克的下巴,光芒耀眼,浩克已经直接被打了! This strength is very strong, the devil who it seems like he summoned should have the background very much!” “这力量很强啊,看来他所召唤的魔鬼应该很有来头!” Su Zhan curls the lip somewhat accidentally/surprisingly, although is only the simple fists and feet attack, strength actually incomparable great strength that however on the fist of Doctor Strange contains. Su Zhan is supposing, if a fist is Thing by, perhaps he will be scattered absolutely! Even Hulk, the defensive power is so astonishing cannot endure these two fists. 苏战撇撇嘴有些意外,虽然只是简单的拳脚攻击,但是奇异博士的拳头上所蕴含的力量却无比的强大。苏战估摸着,如果是一拳是石头人挨中的话,恐怕他绝对会被打散!就算是浩克,防御力那么惊人都吃不消这两拳啊。 Bang! 轰! Hulk numerous falling to the surrounding of abattoir, the surrounding as if also had the people to prepare to enter the stadium at this time, Hulk fell to have a scare them suddenly, follows close on to see Doctor Strange to pursue, to a Hulk squally shower attack, might be called invincible Hulk seem the sandbag to be incapable of before powerful revolting now equally radically, hit unstab, crashed several buildings. 浩克重重的落到了角斗场的外围,这个时候外围似乎还有民众正准备入场,浩克突然掉下来将他们吓了一跳,紧跟着就见到奇异博士追了上去,对着浩克一顿狂风骤雨般的攻击,之前强大堪称无敌的浩克现在就好像沙包一样根本无力反抗,被打的东倒西歪,撞毁了数栋建筑。 Doctor Strange, is so strong?” Some Medusa surprised say/way. 奇异博士,有这么强?”美杜莎有些惊讶道。 He made the devil take possession, do not look that he now is very strong, carefully looked that can discover, he could not have contained the devil in within the body, some control did not live in this strength.” Su Zhan explained one lightly. “他让魔鬼附身了,别看他现在很强,仔细看就能发现,他已经遏制不住体内的魔鬼,也有些控制不住这股力量了。”苏战淡淡的解释了一句。 As if to confirm Su Zhan's words same Hulk was striked to fly again. 仿佛是为了验证苏战的话一样浩克再一次被打飞了。 Hit to collapse a building. 恰好撞塌了一栋大楼。 But under the building, several average people there, looks the building that soon must cave was scared completely. 而在大楼下,还有几个普通人在那里,看着即将要塌陷的大楼完全被吓傻了。 Wait...... these civilians, these innocent civilians......” Doctor Strange realized this point, realized that oneself control has not lived in this strength, his crazy rushing over, shoves open the stone of collapse to save these civilians with magic. “等等……不……那些平民,那些无辜的平民……”奇异博士意识到了这一点,意识到自己已经控制不住这股力量,他疯狂的冲了过去,用魔法推开塌陷的石头想要去挽救那些平民。 After he shoves open several big stones fast, sees under a slit, Hulk both hands are supporting the flagstone, protected that several civilians. 当他快速的推开几块大石头后,就见一个缝隙下面,浩克双手支撑着石板,护住了那几个平民。 Doctor Strange was shocked instantaneously, perhaps has not thought Hulk will save others, he is somewhat awkward, he nearly makes the mistake, he just about to opens the mouth, hears saying that Hulk coldly: They are all right, does not need you to thank!” 奇异博士瞬间愣住了,或许是没想到浩克会救人,他有些尴尬,他险些犯下错误,他刚要开口,就听见浩克冷冷的说道:“他们没事,不用你谢!” Right, sorry, this powerful anger strength...... too...... too difficult control.” Doctor Strange said. “对,对不起,这强大的愤怒的力量……太……太难控制了。”奇异博士道。 Makes me come, to teach you!” Hulk opens the flagstone, fierce rushes over toward Doctor Strange, a fist rumbled to fly him directly. Makes me give on you a class, making me tell you, how control angry strength......” “让我来,教你吧!”浩克撑开石板,猛的朝着奇异博士冲了过去,一拳直接将他轰飞了。“让我来给你上一堂课吧,让我来告诉你,如何控制愤怒的力量……” Whiz...... 嗖…… pēng pēng pēng! 砰砰砰 Doctor Strange crashed several automobiles one after another, the building, finally stopped. The next quarter, Hulk has appeared in front of Doctor Strange, both arms fast swing, the heavy blows just like the raindrop to fall on the body of Doctor Strange, the strength of Doctor Strange instantaneously hit no resistance, suffocated. 奇异博士接连撞毁了数台汽车,大楼,最终堪堪的停了下来。下一刻,浩克已经出现在奇异博士面前,双臂快速的挥舞,一记记重拳犹如雨点般落在了奇异博士的身上,奇异博士瞬间被打的毫无反抗之力,奄奄一息。 After connected attack, a Hulk hand carried Doctor Strange. Doctor Strange opened the eye reluctantly, wish of suffocation is saying anything, finally a Hulk neat straight punch rumbled in the past, the head of Doctor Strange drooped immediately, the strength of body that share of devil also dissipated unexpectedly! 连串的攻击过后,浩克一只手拎起了奇异博士奇异博士勉强睁着眼睛,奄奄一息的想要说什么,结果浩克干脆利落的一个直拳轰了过去,奇异博士的脑袋顿时耷拉下来,身上那股魔鬼的力量竟然也随之消散了! Suffices to be fierce!” “够猛!” How regarding the control angry strength, to use the angry strength, Hulk truly is an expert, perhaps entire Marvel World no one can compare favorably with he in this point. Because...... the Hulk time is full of the anger!” “对于如何控制愤怒的力量,使用愤怒的力量,浩克确实是专家,恐怕整个漫威世界都没有谁在这一点上能够比得上他。因为……浩克时刻都充满愤怒!” Su Zhan sighed one, although in Marvel World the cheats person are many, but human form BUG like Hulk is truly very few, cannot die and does not have the limit, the exaggerating point said that this precipice with strong, Black Bolt, Hulkbuster, a series of Avenger, Mister Fantastic great artillery, Doctor Strange, Doctor Strange that even was taken possession by the devil , one by one is one after another strong, various as if ways have attempted, finally actually one by one losses in his hand. 苏战不禁感叹了一句,虽然漫威世界开挂的人不少,但是像浩克这样的人形BUG确实少之又少,死不了又没有极限,夸张点说,这绝壁就是遇强则强啊,黑蝠王,反浩克装甲,一连串的复仇者,神奇先生的巨炮,奇异博士,甚至是被魔鬼附身的奇异博士,一个接着一个,一个比一个强,似乎各种方式都尝试过了,结果却一一在了他的手上。 Although the different Cosmos strengths are different, but at least in this Cosmos, in 324 Cosmos, the Hulk score is truly astonishing! 虽然不同宇宙的实力都有所不同,但至少在这个宇宙,324宇宙里,浩克的战绩确实很惊人啊! Like carrying dead dog, Hulk carried Doctor Strange to return to the abattoir. 如同拎着死狗一样,浩克拎着奇异博士回到了角斗场。 Still arrived at the ground Doctor Strange, Hulk said: Mircan, control they.” 奇异博士仍到地上,浩克道:“米尔卡,控制他们。” As the voice falls, a spiritual ability instantaneous release, shortly, these Avenger, including Doctor Strange, Mister Fantastic, Black Bolt, War Machine and the others will not absolutely have control, was covered by one group of spiritual energies. 随着话音落下,一股精神能力瞬间释放,顷刻间,那些复仇者们,包括奇异博士,神奇先生,黑蝠王,战争机器等人完全没控制了,被一团精神能量所笼罩。 Follows close on is hearing in the Hulk little friend an only female, Ellis Station in front of the microphone, the sound resounded melodiously. 紧跟着就听见浩克小伙伴中唯一的一个女性,艾丽丝站在了话筒前面,声音悠扬响起。 Welcome visits the great abattoir, Black Bolt, Mister Fantastic, Doctor Strange, War Machine, the missile that you fire destroyed the Saqqa on-board most cities......” “欢迎光临伟大的角斗场,黑蝠王,神奇先生,奇异博士,战争机器,你们发射的导弹毁灭了萨卡星上大部分的城市……” We have not fired what missile......” the War Machine words not saying that felt a severe pain, is unable to open the mouth again. “我们没有发射过什么导弹……”战争机器的话还没说完就感觉到一阵剧痛,无法再开口了。 They have not made Hulk say anything, before they throw into Cosmos Hulk. They have not let my mother and that million dead say anything, before they burn down our world. Therefore, I will not make you say anything, before you die!” “他们从没让浩克说些什么,在他们把浩克扔进宇宙之前。他们从没让我的母亲和那百万的亡者说些什么,在他们焚毁我们的世界之前。所以,我也不会让你说些什么,在你们死之前!” Welcome...... arrives at the abattoir!” “欢迎……来到角斗场!”
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