MKA :: Volume #12

#1153: Kidney empty Mage? Doctor Strange!

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Initially sent off Hulk again when awaited the honor of your presence the note to meet the discussion, was almost Medusa transmits the meaning of Black Bolt, therefore Doctor Strange to Medusa was also the understanding, this thinks that she can be the Black Bolt wife, his sending official charged with remonstrating with the emperor. 当初再送走浩克的时候光照会见面商讨,几乎都是美杜莎代为传达黑蝠王的意思,所以奇异博士美杜莎还算是了解,本以为她会是黑蝠王的妻子,他的发言官。 However has not thought, she is handled by Su Zhan now unexpectedly! 但是万万没想到,她现在竟然被苏战搞定了! Then how long? Medusa is not that woman who is easy to handle! How does Su Zhan accomplish? 这才多久啊?美杜莎可不是那种容易搞定的女人!苏战是怎么办到的? Doctor Strange is somewhat surprised, is somewhat surprised, but in the surface has not actually revealed, perhaps......, even if revealed that cannot see, his present expression unusual distortion. 奇异博士有些意外,也有些惊讶,但是表面上却没有表露出来,或许……就算表露出来也看不见,他现在的表情非常的扭曲。 Sore! 疼的! His both hands basically pinching to abandon by Hulk, now is unable to make an effort . Moreover the words of short time perhaps. 他的双手基本上被浩克给捏废了,现在根本无法用力,而且短时间的话恐怕都好不了。 Then, Doctor Strange becomes Doctor Strange because his hand abandoned, is a surgeon of talent, because after the hand abandoned, went to the East to search for the means of treatment, then accident of sorts becomes Doctor Strange, studied magic! 说起来,奇异博士之所以成为奇异博士就因为他的手废了,原本是一个天才的外科医生,因为手废了之后去了东方寻找救治的办法,然后才机缘巧合的成为了奇异博士,学得了魔法 Deeply inhaled several cold air, stood firm injury Doctor Strange to inform Nick Fury, his here plan...... failed, making him find Sentinel/Sentry as soon as possible! After the notice finished up, Doctor Strange looks to Su Zhan. You have nothing wants to say?” 深吸了几口凉气,稳住伤势奇异博士通知了尼克弗瑞,他这边的计划……失败了,让他尽快找到哨兵吧!通知完事之后,奇异博士才看向苏战。“你没什么想说的吗?” What said? Replied that you beforehand issue, you are solving crisis, my actually again pick up girls? This issue, I think that does not need of reply, crisis is your oneself brings forth comes, naturally wants the oneself solution, is difficult to be inadequate also wants me to help you clean up?” Su Zhan curls the lip to say. “说什么?回答你之前的问题,你们在解决危机,我却再泡妞?这个问题,我认为没有回答的必要,危机是你们自己弄出来的,自然要自己解决,难不成还要我帮你们擦屁股?”苏战撇嘴说道。 Doctor Strange coughed two, saying embarrasedly: „The beforehand matter does not raise for the time being, must find the way to solve Hulk to be good, if you are willing to help......” 奇异博士咳嗽了两声,讪讪的说道:“以前的事情暂且不提,现在必须要想办法解决浩克才行,如果你愿意帮忙的话……” No, I may have no interest in helping you. I also do not have the enmity with Hulk in any case, he wants renumeration I to feel perfectly justified let alone, allowed you to exile him, didn't allow him to come back to look for your renumeration? Without this truth!” Su Zhan curls the lip to say. “别,我可没兴趣帮你们。反正我跟浩克又没仇,更何况他要报仇我觉得天经地义,就允许你们把他流放了,就不允许他回来找你们报仇?没有这个道理!”苏战撇嘴说道。 You did not fear after we were defeated , will he destroy your territory?” “你就不怕我们都失败了之后他会破坏你的领地吗?” Did not fear, he does not dare!” “不怕,他不敢!” We have not fired what missile, we deliver to the outer space him, where even sends to does not know! If knows, we...... have looked for Hulk early.” Saying that Doctor Strange explained. “我们并没有发射什么导弹,我们只是将他送到外太空,甚至连送去什么地方都不知道!如果知道的话,我们早……早就去找浩克了。”奇异博士解释的说道。 Su Zhan curls the lip: Told uselessly me, was your oneself believes stupid imitation alien sent off Hulk, even the matter of bomb had nothing to do with you, even if you were deceived, but...... sent off Hulk is you agreed that was this point do not count on merely Hulk will forgive you, therefore...... explained to me with it here how might as well thinks to solve Hulk!” 苏战撇撇嘴:“跟我说没用,是你们自己蠢相信了山寨星人送走了浩克,就算炸弹的事情跟你们无关,就算你们是被骗的,但是……送走浩克是你们同意的,仅仅是这一点就别指望浩克会原谅你们,所以……与其在这里跟我解释,还不如想想怎么解决浩克吧!” Moreover, reminded your one. I know that whom you prepare to ask to cope with Hulk, but...... best grasp the criterion, if affected my territory, no matter I your anything reason, will act!” “另外,提醒你们一句。我知道你们准备找谁去对付浩克,但是……最好掌握好尺度,如果要是波及到了我的领地,我不管你们什么原因,都会出手!” Su Zhan warned, hugs the waist of Medusa to vanish to disappear directly. 苏战警告了一句之后,搂着美杜莎的腰直接消失不见了。 Looks that their bodies flashed walked directly, the Doctor Strange complexion changed was uglier. 看着他们身子一闪直接走了,奇异博士的脸色变的更加难看了。 Originally they worried that Sentinel/Sentry hits unable to receive the strength to cause the too big destruction with Hulk, currently...... has to be worried that do not affect the Su Zhan's territory, how does such fraught with uncertainty also hit with Hulk? 本来他们就担心哨兵浩克打起来会收不住力量造成太大的破坏,现在……更有担心别影响到苏战的领地,这样畏首畏尾还怎么跟浩克打? Su Zhan left after Doctor Strange that returned to the middle of New York city with Medusa, at this time...... city peaceful, the space flew, the ground ran basically disappeared, what replaces it is a giant field! 苏战美杜莎奇异博士那离开后回到了纽约城的中间,此时……城市已经安静了下来,天上飞的,地上跑的基本上都不见了,取而代之的是一个巨大的球场! Seemed like Hulk to open other anything then oneself to encircle, sounded like somewhat exaggerating, but also nothing but delays some time regarding Hulk. The soldier of military, Avenger and the others were closed in inside, does not know that Hulk must make anything. 看起来好像是浩克拆了什么别的东西然后自己围起来的,听起来似乎有些夸张,但是对于浩克来说也无非就是耽搁一些时间罢了。军方的士兵,还有复仇者等人都被关在里面,不知道浩克要做什么。 However quick...... knew. 不过很快……就知道了。 Hulk planned turns into the abattoir unexpectedly here, the average person who supports the Hulk revenge, or likes the exciting people not evacuating, instead preparation as if in groups watches the corner/horn to fight! As for the wrestler, obviously was these Avenger. Before after Hulk was delivered to that planet, was the wrestler, now looks like, Hulk is the plan makes them also taste this type of taste. 浩克竟然打算把这里变成角斗场,一些支持浩克复仇的普通人,或者一些喜欢刺激的人都没有撤离,反而成群结队的似乎准备来观看角斗!至于角斗士,显而易见就是那些复仇者了。之前浩克被送到那个星球后也当了角斗士,现在看来,浩克是打算让他们也尝尝这种滋味。 Su Zhan has not hidden the body mark with Medusa intentionally, after two people appear, Hulk and the others saw, the average person who these prepare to watch the fun also saw. Su Zhan held Medusa to go to the abattoir to look for a position to sit directly, saw their actions, Hulk has not come, he also knows, Su Zhan was not prevents his. 苏战美杜莎没有故意隐藏身迹,两人出现后,浩克等人看到了,那些准备看热闹的普通人也看到了。苏战抱着美杜莎直接去了角斗场找了个位置坐了下来,看到他们的举动,浩克也没有过来,他也知道,苏战不是来阻止他的。 Two people just sat down shortly, some people the courage are coming greatly. 两人刚坐下没多久,就有人大着胆子过来了。 Some person of curious gossip Medusa status, some people inquired Su Zhan comes back to take revenge the view of this matter to Hulk, Su Zhan to has not put on airs with these average people, although let alone matter happened in New York, but other cities, other countries definitely also knew, oneself happen to seizes the chance to take a stand, despises S.H.I.E.L.D. their approach. 有人好奇八卦美杜莎的身份,有人则询问苏战浩克回来复仇这件事的看法,苏战到是没有跟这些普通人摆架子,更何况虽然事情发生在纽约,但其他城市,其他国家肯定也都知道了,自己正好趁机表个态,鄙视一下神盾局他们的做法。 Here Su Zhan just said that sent this group of people, heard one of the bang, as if had anything to fall, when the gunsmoke diverged, this discovered that unexpectedly was the Hulk little friend, was scarred, lies down cannot crawl unexpectedly on the ground, followed close on to feel that powerful magic surged from the sky of abattoir! 这边苏战刚说完将这群人打发走了,就听见轰的一声,仿佛有什么东西掉了下来,等到硝烟散去,这才发现竟然是浩克的小伙伴,一身伤痕累累,躺在地上竟然没能爬起来,紧跟着就感觉到一股强大的魔力从角斗场的上空激荡! Su Zhan raised the head to cast aside one. 苏战抬头撇了一眼。 Kidney empty Mage! 肾虚法师啊! Hulk was injuring kidney empty Mage , after is Doctor Strange, let catch him, was supposing Su Zhan two people walked the later Hulk subordinate to arrive, this thinks that abandoned Doctor Strange of both hands to be ninety percent sure can come on the belt/bring directly, now looks like...... kidney empty Mage not to prepare the disarming javelin. 浩克在伤了肾虚法师,也就是奇异博士之后就让手下去抓他了,估摸着苏战两人走了之后浩克的手下就到了,本以为废了双手的奇异博士应该是十拿九稳直接就带会来了,现在看来……肾虚法师并不准备缴械投枪啊。 At this time, his both hands seem like have recovered, the makings as well as aura were also entirely different from before, magic encirclement of Evil, this goods to elute oneself kidney empty name taking medicine? The meaning...... should this goods be in other words make the devil take possession? The devil who he summoned definitely was not secret Society that pediatrics devil, even should be makes him not dare easily to attempt, otherwise...... took possession from the beginning directly. 此时,他的双手看起来似乎已经复原,气质以及身上的气息也跟之前截然不同,邪恶魔力环绕,难道这货为了洗脱自己肾虚之名嗑药了?意思也就是说……这货应该是让魔鬼附身了吧?他召唤出来的魔鬼肯定不是秘社那种小儿科的魔鬼,甚至应该是让他也不敢轻易尝试的,否则的话……一开始就直接附身了。 This arrived is interesting! Abattoir's first, Hulk VS kidney empty Mage!” Su Zhan is hugging Medusa interested saying. “这到是有趣了呢!角斗场第一场,浩克VS肾虚法师!”苏战搂着美杜莎饶有兴趣的说道。
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