MSG :: Volume #23

#2205: Penetration life and death dead resurrection

The torrential Nero river water, is common like the great snake of reviving, became made threatening gestures. 滔滔的尼罗河水,如同苏醒过来的巨蛇一般,变得张牙舞爪了起来。 The turbulent river water is whipping the coast loose stream bank furiously, is only shortly, lets the dike disruption that naturally forms, then the river water again free from obstacle, surging upward, as if thousands of steeds is galloping is being same, in racing wells up toward the ruins of modern Egypt goes. 汹涌的河水奋力地拍打着沿岸松散的河堤,只是顷刻之间,就让自然形成的堤坝碎裂,然后河水再无阻碍,高涨着,就仿佛千万匹骏马奔腾着一样,向着现代埃及的废墟中奔涌而去。 Broken but the deathly stillness ruins keep off do not live in the impact of water current, looks like sand Zhu the castle to be flushed by the river water completely equally breaks down. 残破而死寂的废墟挡不住着水流的冲击,完全就像是沙筑的城堡一样被河水一冲就垮。 When the river water is galloping, after must arrive at the center of entire city directly, as if the land cannot withstand the extremely heavy gravity that the rivers are galloping to bring, in the thunder dull thumping sound loudly, the surface was torn, the stone also starts to collapse layer upon layer, jet black and could not see completely the half a point appearance/portrait the opening reveals, and like a huge mouth that is connecting the bottomless trench is ordinary, the endless Nero river water will swallow to drink. 而当河水就这么一路奔腾着,径直得来到了整个城市的中央之后,仿佛大地也承受不起着河流奔腾所带来的万钧重力,在轰然的雷霆闷响中,地表被撕裂,土石也开始层层坍陷,一个漆黑而且完全看不到半分真容的豁口就此显露出来,并且如同一张连通着无底深渊的巨口一般,将无尽的尼罗河水吞饮了进去。 In light of this, Nile is the average man is not then able to search and place connected. But regarding Allec Sya, this also means in her ceremony the most important part to complete. 就此,尼罗河便已经是和常人无法探及之地串联了起来。而对于阿莱克西亚来说,这也意味着她仪式中最重要的一部分已经完成。 Nile passes through the life and death as the Egyptian myth in rivers, it then had the ability of link Yin world essentially. The Egyptian god's sinking dormancy make this strength nearly wither away, in addition going far away of myth, Nile had lost the ability of this link Yin world. 尼罗河作为埃及神话中贯穿生死的一条河流,其本质上便具备了联通阴世的能力。只是埃及众神的沉眠使得这种力量近乎消亡,再加上神话的远去,尼罗河已经是失去了这种联通阴世的能力。 But now, Ariane Kouhia takes advantage of Osiris's authority that are grasping, artificial constructed the edge in the world center this city. Land that collapses link, is the Yin world that the death occupied. When the water of Nile under her operation, flows into the Yin world after the great snake generally, the penetration life and death two abilities that in its instinct has had melted again obviously. 而现在,阿莱克西亚依仗着自己所掌握的奥西里斯的权柄,人为的在这城市正中构建出了世界的边缘。那坍塌下去的大地所联通的,就是死亡所盘踞的阴世。而当尼罗河之水在她的操纵之下,如同巨蛇一般流淌入阴世之后,其天性中所拥有的贯通生死二界的能力已然是再度显化了出来。 At this time if some people dare to go by boat to follow Nero Heyi Road to enter to that bottomless trench general huge mouth, he can experience to scenery that certainly most human its life are unable to experience to arrive at finally. Naturally, in this ruined city, you could not find a live person, and has the guts color live person so, does this reckless matter. 这个时候要是有人敢乘船顺着尼罗河一路进入到那个无底深渊一般的巨口中的话,想必他就能见识到绝大多数人类终其一生都无法见识到的绝景。当然,在这个破败的城市里,你也找不到一个活人,而且还是拥有这般胆色的活人,去做这种不要命的事情。 However, this does not mean that Ariane Kouhia abandons the life and death link river course that that big time turned on, did was not studious. Because the live person naturally does not have the courage arbitrarily to enter the Yin world that the deceased person is, but actually does not mean, the deceased person will not want to borrow this to enter the world of the living that the live person is. 不过,这并不意味着阿莱克西亚废了那么大功夫才开启的这条生死联通的河道,就是做了无用功了。因为活人自然是没有胆子随意进入死人所在的阴世,但是却并不意味着,死人就不会想要借此来进入活人所在的阳世。 Don't forget, this is Egypt. The core of revelation event. Is only a revelation, accomplished hundreds of thousands of people of casualties here, do not raise the following devil to wreak havoc, death that and various earlier wars bring. 别忘了,这是埃及。天启事件的核心。仅仅只是一个天启,就在这里造就了数十万人的伤亡,更不要提后面的魔鬼肆虐,以及更早的各种战争所带来的死亡。 Alexander's conquering, demise of Macedonia, Roman Empire's seizure of control and Arab. Will have the Mongolian cavalry and Napoleon's cannon again in the future, fought the union and axis powers of second war had also once launched their seesaw battle here. 亚历山大的征服,马其顿的灭亡,罗马帝国的掌控以及阿拉伯人的占领。再往后还有蒙古铁骑和拿破仑的大炮,一战二战的同盟和轴心国也曾在这里展开过他们的拉锯战。 Magnificent ancient Egypt was not once worth mentioning in front of these vanquishers. But behind each alternation update, is the tragic deaths of innumerable colorful life under the butcher knife. 曾经辉煌的古埃及在这些征服者们面前根本不值一提。而每一次的更迭换代背后,都是无数鲜活生命的惨死于屠刀之下。 Painful no one of the dead know, their pitiful call letters have not been hear. Only can be similar to the silt general siltation in the abyss of Yin world, waits for them should , only then always perishing. After all, various God has gone far away, but the samsara of structure above this lands has not existed. 这些死者的痛苦无人知晓,他们悲惨的呼号也不曾为人所听闻。只能如同淤泥一般淤积在阴世的深渊之中,等待着他们的理应只有永世的沉沦。毕竟,诸神已经远去,而构架在这片土地之上的轮回也已经不复存在。 Did not have the direction and judges guide and the trial of Osiris this control, they are unable to enter the samsara, do not raise ancient Egyptian long-awaited coming back to life. 没有了引路人的指引以及判官们和奥西里斯这个主宰者的审判,他们根本无法走进轮回,更不要提古埃及人梦寐以求的复生了。 This is the greatest satire, after all is no one can think, they provoke the result of victory to be on others' land such a situation recklessly. 这是莫大的讽刺,毕竟不是什么人都能想到,他们肆意在别人的土地上挑起战果的结局会是这样一个情况。 For sin that oneself violated, for their not long after looked wildly, they were forced paid the price at this time. But this should be the permanent matter, because of flooding into of Nero river water, had the favorable turn. 为自己生前所犯下的罪孽,为了他们曾几何时的野望,他们被迫的在这个时候付出了代价。而这本应是永久的事情,但却因为尼罗河水的涌入,出现了转机。 Nile of penetration life and death, making the front door of the world of the living open wide before them, even if said that they have been similar to the silt to deposit during this Yin world generally were too long, but this does not hinder their nearly instinct, wanting the social climbing to arrive above Nile, counter is tracing this water current of Nile, returns to belonging to the world of the living of live person. 贯通生死的尼罗河,让阳世的大门在他们面前敞开,而即便是说他们已经如同淤泥一般在这个阴世之中沉积了太久,但是这也并不妨碍他们近乎本能的,想要攀附到尼罗河之上,逆溯着这尼罗河的水流,回返到属于活人的阳世之中。 This is regarding yearning of life, was all the responses of thing of nearly instinct death. After they start to be instinctive acts, visible is, muddy yellow Nero river water after flooding into to that abyss huge mouth that is representing the Yin world, then started to contaminate on jet black black color gradually. But was in itself also the gentle water current also starts gradually becomes viscous. 这是对于生命的向往,是所有死亡之物近乎本能的反应。而当他们开始出于本能的这么行动开来之后,肉眼可见的就是,浑黄的尼罗河水在涌入到那个代表着阴世的深渊巨口之后,便开始渐渐沾染上了一层漆黑的墨色。而本身还算是轻柔的水流也开始渐渐地变得粘稠了开来。 This is only the representation, or is illusory that only then the eye can see. If really uses the instrument to survey can discover, Nile here has not had anything to change. Its physical property stable like one. However on the nature of mysterious side, Nile is similar to such that it displays, the silt belt/bring from Yin world will return to above this world. 这只是表象,或者说是只有眼睛能看到的虚幻。真要是动用仪器来测量的话就可以发现,尼罗河这里并没有发生什么改变。它的物理性质稳定如一。但是在神秘侧的性质上面,尼罗河就如同它所表现的那样,将来自阴世的淤泥带回到了这个世界之上。 Perishes for a long time ghost, is similar to the spray to struggle in the river water generally. The torrential river water is washing out on them that pitch-black siltation, when they patrol to the river bank by difficultly, their figure had changed an appearance. If before they were the silt of human form, from top to bottom was that jet black dark siltation. Then present they had removed that dark color, starts to reveal after human died, should have the essence that. 沉沦已久的亡魂,在河水中如同浪花一般挣扎。滔滔的河水冲刷着他们身上那乌黑的淤积,当他们艰难地游弋到河岸两旁的时候,他们的身形已然是变了个模样。如果说之前他们是人形的淤泥,浑身上下都是那种漆黑的黑暗淤积的话。那么现在的他们已经是褪去了那种黑暗的颜色,开始显露出人类死亡后该有的本质。 Muscle and body that the withered and yellow skeleton, dries in the shade, in addition empty eye socket and mouth, actually in Egyptian this boundary inherent mummy's image. Naturally, if wrapped up a shroud that like, however unfortunately, their overwhelming majorities were dead an untimely death and unmanned generation of gathering up dead bodies, the mummy culture of additional antiquity Egypt passed to again had basically cut off afterward, therefore naturally cannot some people provide to them the treatment. 枯黄的骨骼,阴干的肌肉和身躯,再加上空洞的眼眶和嘴巴,却正是埃及这个地界里固有的木乃伊的形象。当然,如果要是裹上一层裹尸布那就更像了,然而可惜的是,他们绝大多数都是横死并且无人收尸之辈,再加上古埃及的木乃伊文化传到了后来基本上都已经断绝了,所以自然不会有人给他们提供这样的待遇。 This is the most pitiful wild dog, can only bring being buried along with the dead goods in the Egyptian most prosperous period. However now, they are actually the mainstreams. But climbed up the shore along with ghosts, within the short several hours, the entire Nile both banks had covered entirely their form, and had gradually changed to a meaning of piece of gloomy pandemonium the entire Egyptian ruins. 这是最凄惨的野狗,在埃及最鼎盛的时期只能拿来陪葬的货色。但是现在,他们却是主流。而伴随着一个又一个的亡魂就这么爬上了岸,短短的几个小时之内,整个尼罗河两岸就已经是布满了他们的身影,并且也渐渐有了将整个埃及废墟都化作一片阴森鬼域的意思。 The quantity had surpassed 1 million, and with extension of time, this quantity only becomes more. Do not think that this change can give to find time the siltation in Yin world quickly, this after all was on the entire Egyptian land the accumulation in the past 2000 years. Said is billions tens of billions possibly somewhat will be exaggerating, but must say that can save several hundreds of millions such ghosts, is actually not exaggerating. 其数量已经是超过了百万,并且随着时间的延续,这个数量只会变得更多。不要以为这种变化很快就能把阴世里的淤积给抽空,这毕竟可是整个埃及土地上近2000年来的积累。说是几十亿上百亿的可能会有些夸张,但是要说能积攒出数亿这样的亡魂,却是一点也不夸张的。 Ariane Kouhia's goal is these already the dead spirit that dies, uses own power to make them return to in world, is she plans good one point. However, merely is only such dead spirit, in addition is insufficient, because she is very clear, under the change of time, dead spirit so let alone is billions, even if billions 10 billion ideas, cannot withstand several fires to bomb. 阿莱克西亚的目的便是这些已死的亡灵,利用自己的权能让他们重归于世,便是她计划好的一环。不过,仅仅只是这样的亡灵尚且不够,因为她很清楚,在时代的变迁之下,这般的亡灵别说是数以亿计,就算是数以十亿百亿计,也是经不起几番炮火轰炸的。 After all this is the true unpopulated area, the living creature will not have many place. In addition its this boundary had endured the nuclear strike, if really throws several nuclear bombs toward above again, does not have no way to accept the matter that regarding these state powers. 毕竟这可是真正的无人区,连活物都不会有多少的地方。再加上本身这地界就已经挨过了核打击,真要是再往上面扔几颗核弹,对于那些国家政权来说也不是那么没法接受的事情。 Under the nuclear bomb all living things equality, Ariane Kouhia does not believe that the dead who these Yin worlds returns the nuclear explosion creates can have the possibility of survival under the ray radiation and impact that. Such they can only be the cannon fodders at most, but the cannon fodder during the resistance that she expects, but cannot play any major role. 核弹之下众生平等,阿莱克西亚可不会认为,这些阴世归来的死者在核爆所造成的光辐射以及冲击之下能有幸存的可能。那样他们顶多只能算是炮灰,而炮灰在她预料的对抗之中,可是起不到什么大作用的。 She needs to make these ghosts change external appearances only, by another status activity above this world. But how should be able to change external appearances only the ghost of such number to the situation that can support her to plan, her has the idea at heart. 她需要让这些亡魂们改头换面,以另一种身份活动在这个世界之上。而该怎么样才能将这样数目的亡魂改头换面到能够支撑她计划的地步,她的心里早已经是有了主意。 Looks to me, ghosts!” “给我看过来,亡魂们!” Waited by Nile not to have the new ghost to emerge again, Ariane Kouhia sent out shouting out on the by divine nature strength immediately. That root controls the authority that makes these ghosts subconscious from Osiris this Hades to raise the head toward her to look, after all lines of sight condensed oneself body, she has hung in airborne, like sitting well on throne, was saying to these ghosts like this. 等到了尼罗河中再也没有新的亡魂涌现出来,阿莱克西亚当即就以神性的力量发出了呼喝。那种根自奥西里斯这个冥府主宰的权柄让这些亡魂下意识的就抬头向着她仰望了过去,而当所有的视线凝聚到了自己的身上之后,她就已经高悬于空中,如同端坐在王座上一样,对着这些亡魂们这样说道。 I by Hades main name, gives you from the qualifications of place of return world of the living Yin world. Comes back to life, ghosts! True return to this world.” “我以冥府之主的名义,赋予你们从阴世之地回归阳世的资格。复生吧,亡魂们!真正的回归到这个世界吧。” Under ghosts send out do not know that is shouting sound that wails or cheers. But along with Ariane Kouhia like the law general speech, the muddy yellow Nero river water, in Egypt a place is the dust sand, like been common the soldier of order, swarms to turn toward these ghosts the bodies to drill. 底下的亡魂们发出不知道是哀嚎还是欢呼的叫嚷声。而伴随着阿莱克西亚如同律令一般的发言,浑黄的尼罗河水,还有埃及大地上遍处都是的尘沙,都如同得到了命令的士兵一般,蜂拥着就向着这些亡魂的身躯钻了过去。 The sand dust and river water mixed the muddy yellow clay, but always one point of clay sent in these ghosts within the body, will make their mummy withered body was full a point. Strong skeleton, substantial muscle, even gives birth to the skin and hair. 沙尘和河水混合成了浑黄的黏土,而每多一分黏土被送入到这些亡魂的体内,都会让他们本来那木乃伊般干枯的身躯变得更充盈一分。强壮骨骼,充实肌肉,甚至生出皮肤和毛发。 This is the gracious gift of supernatural power, but under the gracious gift of this supernatural power, has many ghosts to restore their before death appearances, and it can be said that arrived at that type not to cut open to examine carefully cannot see the degree of difference. 这是神力的恩赐,而在这神力的恩赐之下,已经是有不少的亡魂恢复到了他们生前的模样,并且可以说是到达了那种不切开细看根本看不出区别的程度。 Counterfeit goods that essentially their water and earth mix, is not the living flesh, this point is the affirmation. Once were cut open, their cut open flesh can the adscription dust again. This is the truth. 本质上他们到底还是水和土混合出来的假货,不是活生生的血肉,这一点是肯定的。所以一旦被切开了的话,他们被切开的血肉就会重新的归于尘土。这就是真相。 Naturally, in addition, they and common live people will not have many differences again, body inside has the false Nero river water to replace flowing of blood, the dust in within the body will also be being full by the breath circulates. Perhaps was short of a human to have the perception capability that after all remoulded the nervous systems of so many people by the supernatural power is a big project, did not need. However, the memory and emotion anything, they actually not or lack. 当然,除此之外,他们和寻常的活人不会再有更多的区别,身体里面有虚假的尼罗河水代替着血液的流动,体内的尘土也会借由着呼吸而充盈循环。或许少了一点人类该有的感知能力,毕竟以神力重塑这么多人的神经系统是一个大工程,着实是没有必要。但是,记忆和情感什么的,他们却是一点也不会或缺。 Living time what kind of memory has and emotion, now they have the same thing as before, and only will become more intense, but will not have too many outflows. Because, as a ghost of deposition in death abyss, this is they are maintaining own only treasure. If said that even these lost, then without a doubt is equal thoroughly their lost. But did not have the self- ghost, will only be swallowed by the abyss of Yin world, changes to maintain and nutrient of expansion. Wants by the status return of person in the world of the living, is absolutely impossible. 活着的时候有着怎么样的记忆和情感,现在他们依旧是有着同样的东西,并且只会变得更加强烈,而不会有太多的流失。因为,作为一个沉积在死亡深渊中的亡魂,这已经是他们维持着自己存在的唯一宝物了。若说连这些都遗失了,那么毫无疑问的就等同于他们彻底的丧失了自我。而一个没有了自我的亡魂,只会被阴世的深渊所吞噬,化作它维系以及扩张的养分罢了。想要以人的身份回归于阳世,绝无可能。 The custom of death world was generally similar, the Yin world of Egypt was also naturally no exception. Although said, some spirits are struggled like this for over a thousand years in the abyss of siltation, one human, their sentiments and memories also were really intense. However, who called them is human? 死亡世界的规矩大抵类似,埃及的阴世自然也不会例外。尽管说,有些魂灵已经是这样在淤积的深渊之中挣扎了上千年,就一个人类来说,他们的感情和记忆也着实是太强烈了一些。但是,谁叫他们是人类呢? Some people can fall in love in 1000, some people can hate for 10,000 years. Is until death faithful, the dry seas and crumbling rocks are invariable, let alone was the trivial death. 有的人能爱上一千年,有的人则能恨过一万年。至死都不渝,海枯石烂都不变,更何况是区区死亡。 Human is such a type likes willful the lifeform in the sentiment, and from some perspective, they regarding sentiment rigid even can inscribe above the soul. Therefore even if passed of millennium, but also some people can with this before death stance, harbor are remembering and way of emotion return to the world of the living, is not really strange. 人类就是这么一种喜欢在感情上任性的生物,并且从某种角度上来说,他们对于感情的执著甚至是能铭刻于灵魂之上的。所以纵使过去了千年之久,还有人能以这种生前的姿态,怀有着生前记忆和情感的方式回归阳世,真是一点也不奇怪。 Ariane Kouhia did not care about these people to experience anything, they so rigid, what kind of prospect also did not care about them with, returns to the world that in they once lived. She wanted to resurrect these once dead, and used them to make up own plan. 阿莱克西亚不在乎这些人生前到底经历了什么,以至于他们如此的执著,也不在乎他们到底是怀着怎么样的愿景,来回归到他们曾经所生活的这个世界上。她只是想要复活这些曾经的死者,并且利用他们来补完自己的计划而已。 To prevent these just the dead of resurrection turned into appearance in a state of disunity, Ariane Kouhia sends out to belong to Hades again the main power and influence, by her supreme authority regarding these deads, was saying such words to them. 而为了防止这些刚刚苏生的死者变成一盘散沙的模样,阿莱克西亚就再次散发出自己属于冥府之主的威势,以她对于这些亡者来说至高无上的权威性,对着他们说出了这样的话来。 Comes back to life people, my water used and earth molded your mortal body, letting you to enjoy 30 days of sunlight and rain and dew above this world of the living. 30 days rose after the sunset, the dust belonged to the dust, the earth belongs to the earth, I the gracious gift will return to the source in all your, the front door of Yin world will also open wide to you again. But wants to taste the life truly the sweetness, wants to walk the words again above land as living, turns toward the East to go forward.” “复生之人们,我用水和土塑造了你们的肉身,让你们能在这阳世之上享受三十天的阳光和雨露。三十个日升和日落之后,尘归于尘,土归于土,我所恩赐于你们的一切都将回归本源,阴世的大门也将再度对你们敞开。而想要真正品尝生命的甘甜,想要再度以生者的身份行走于大地之上的话,就向着东方前进吧。” Conquers all living who you see, establishes to belong to the state of Hades. If you really can achieve all these, will then also be liberal with the reward, grants your real recoveries.” “征服你们看到的一切生者,建立起属于冥府的国度。如果你们真的能做到这一切的话,那么也将不吝恩赏的,赐予你们真正的复苏。” Goes, rigid in the dead spirits of this world, making me look with own eyes, what kind of situation you can achieve.” “去吧,执著于这个世界的亡灵们,让我亲眼看一看,你们到底能做到怎么样的地步吧。” Ariane Kouhia form disappears gradually, in addition only the other her dignified sounds also reverberate near dead spirit ear that unceasingly, in these recover. Meanwhile, galloping Nile has actually stopped the stance that oneself were in flood, starts was tame to return to should in river course. In the jet black abyss huge mouth does not have deeply that type just liked is communicating the Yin world with boundless, probably pure is only the pothole that cracks in the earth will leave behind from now on is the same. 阿莱克西亚身影渐渐消失,只余下她威严的声音尚且还不断地回荡在这些复苏过来的亡灵耳边。与此同时,奔腾的尼罗河却已经是止住了自己泛滥的架势,开始温驯得回归到了它本来该在的河道之中。漆黑的深渊巨口中也没有了那种恍若沟通着阴世的深沉与无垠,好像单纯的就只是一个地裂过后留下的坑洞一样。 Probably all are only a false illusion, but the memory always cannot cheat. The deads will not forget, actually oneself come from where, why also stands above this stretch of ruins. Perhaps in them some people have to be at a loss, will not know in the future this/should what course to follow. However similarly, always some people can understand clearly itself around at the maximum speed all, and with stance decidedly, tries to integrate to own control during. 好像一切都只是一个虚假的幻象,但是记忆总做不了假。亡者们也是不会忘记,自己究竟是从何而来,又是因何而站立在这片废墟之上。或许他们中有人心怀迷惘,不知道未来到底该何去何从。但是同样的,也总是有人能以最快的速度洞悉自己周围的一切,并且以决然的姿态,试图把一切都纳入到自己的掌控之中。 For example 就比如 :.: :。:
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