MSG :: Volume #23

#2201: Conflicts the later person ideas

The sandstorm blew half the night, but cannot bury some residence traces. When second daily just slightly bright, some people could not have repressed the curiosity, starts to look around looks around outward. 风沙刮了半宿,但是到底还是没有能掩埋住所有的痕迹。而当第二天天刚微亮的时候,就已经是有人按捺不住好奇心的,开始探头探脑的向外张望起来。 They were not worried actually oneself will be attacked by the devil. Because of already to this time, devil , if there is skill to attack them to fear that has come. This was the devils is repelled inevitably can have such situation, in other words, Ultron fulfilled his commitment, and demonstrated that enough protected their safety the ability. 他们倒是不担心自己会受到魔鬼的袭击。因为都已经到了这个时候,魔鬼要是有本事袭击他们怕是早就来了。这必然是魔鬼们被打退了才能出现这样的情况,也就是说,奥创兑现了他的承诺,并且展示出了足够保护他们生命安全的能力。 The present issue only then one, how long that is this degree of protection can insist. In other words, they want to know urgently, that night, Ultron to repel the devil paid the big price. 现在的问题只有一个,那就是这种程度的保护到底能坚持多久。也就是说,他们迫切地想要知道,这一夜之间,奥创为了击退魔鬼到底付出了多大的代价。 Although said that some are realistic, the reality to weighed itself the digit that including oneself can be measured. However under this is also be forced a choice. 尽管说有些过于现实,现实到了连自己都把自己衡量成了一个能够被度量的数字。但是这也是迫于无奈之下的一个选择。 They have seen too many too many people, after giving them hopes that abandoned them for various reasons, gives to trample in the desperate abyss them. Therefore even most man of optimism, after experiencing such matter, still this/should learned objectively, and even callous judgment fact and truth. 他们已经是见过了太多太多的人,在给予他们希望之后又因为各种各样的原因抛弃了他们,把他们一脚给踹进绝望的深渊里。所以即便是最乐观的人,在经历过这样的事情之后,也该是学会了客观,乃至冷酷的判断事实和真相。 Others leave alone said again of pleasant to hear, the value that they have is the chip that one crowd can be weighed. In paying to be bigger than under the premise of return can obtain from them, no one meets to be willing to care about their lives. 别管别人说的再好听,他们存在的价值不过是一群能够被衡量出来的筹码而已。在付出大于能够从他们身上得到的回报的前提下,没有人会愿意在乎他们的死活。 This is one with the lesson that the life must come, must keep firmly in mind. If according to such a viewpoint, the matter of only pray that is, hopes now probably Ultron the motorcade has not caused the too big losses under the impact of devil. 这是一个用生命得来的教训,必须要牢记。而如果依照这样一个观点的话,他们现在唯一祈祷的事情大概也就是,希望奥创的这支车队并没有在魔鬼的冲击之下造成太大的损失。 These wisdom weapons look are the construction cost not poor. But according to this world becomes bad, they did not have this and outside world cut off the news beforehand price to estimate, such a wisdom weapon machine, how said must an almost 100,000 dollars cost. 那些智械一看就是造价不菲的。而根据这个世界变得糟糕,他们还没有这样和外界断绝消息之前的物价来估算,一个这样的智械机器,怎么说也要差不多十万美金的成本。 Dollar before here great disorder, rather than the white vegetable price of today's this diving. But even if regarding having been through repeatedly them before these disasters, this price is not a small number. But places today, even the warm and sufficient condition is in front of them of issue, this is astronomical figures of impossible fill. 这里还是大混乱前的美金,而不是今天这个跳水的白菜价。而哪怕对于历经这些灾难之前的他们来说,这笔价钱也不会是一个小数目。而放在今天,连温饱都是问题的他们面前,这已然是一个不可能填补的天文数字。 Has collapsed in the economy, can only or betrays the physical body to trade under by the thing Yi (easy) thing the bad backgrounds of several canned food simply, the purchasing power that a wisdom weapon can represent is they not unimaginable. Even if said that regarding wisdom weapon back person, their values do not tally. However this does not mean, he will want to be unscrupulous conducts to spend freely. 在经济已经崩溃,只能以物物或者干脆出卖肉体才能换得几个罐头的糟糕背景下,一个智械所能代表的购买力是他们无法想象的。哪怕说对于智械背后的人而言,他们彼此之间的价值观并不相符合。但是这也并不意味着,他就会愿意肆无忌惮得进行挥霍了。 Many has a criterion, but their these refugees only hope is, the loss of wisdom weapon was unable to cross this special red line. 多少是有条尺度,而他们这些难民唯一所希望的就是,智械的损失还没有能越过这条特殊的红线。 Is first bold in inquiring into the person who fact is also the bravest that group of people have such pray to investigate the final result, however the fact is to let them is surprised, because of looking into the distance, besides the devil body everywhere, they simply has not seen the damage of least bit from wisdom weapon. 最先勇于探究事实的人也是最胆大的那批人是带着这样的祈祷来探查最后的结果的,然而事实到底是让他们感到惊讶,因为放眼望去,除了满地的魔鬼尸体之外,他们根本没有看到半点来自智械的损伤。 This is almost the impossible matter. Because in some of them and many knowledgeable people. No matter in this/should area the armies of these warlord regime, are these mysterious strange masters and exorcists, when facing the devil will have some damages unavoidably. Especially so the offensive of scale, often can live to be luck, but situation that probably at present this, nearly returns safe and sound, is impossible to happen. 这几乎是不可能的事情。因为他们中并不乏一些有见识的人。而不管是该地区内那些军阀政权的军队,还是那些神秘诡异的法师、驱魔人,在面对魔鬼时都难免会有一些损伤。尤其是如此规模的攻势,往往能活下来都已经算得上是幸运,而像是眼前这样,近乎毫发无伤的情况,根本就不可能发生。 Refugees subconscious thinking, this was the wisdom weapon recycled the bodies of their person on one's own side. Because on their individual feelings, even if said that was opened the fragment, these precise components are as for the metal shell, can be the value not poor tremendous resource. 难民们下意识的以为,这是智械回收了他们自己人的尸体。因为就他们个人的感觉而言,哪怕说是被拆成了碎片,那些精密的零件乃至于金属外壳,都会是价值不菲的宝贵资源。 In this stretch of area, some are the person is willing to spend the high price to purchase these things. If found a related specialty to be able the expert who the components form, perhaps then closes right up against these to be controlled the robot in hand by them, they can overcome one piece to belong to their landscape in this stretch of area. 在这片地区里,有的是人愿意花大价钱收购这些东西。要是找到一个相关专业能够把零件重新组建起来的牛人,那么说不定靠着这些被他们控制在手里的机器人,他们就能在这片地区里打下一片属于他们自己的江山呢。 This is not the impossible matter, but their unimportant people have not related. They are nothing opportunity take over such resources in any case, moreover said again, their present urgent matters are not this. 这不是不可能的事情,只是和他们这种小人物没有关系。反正他们是没有什么机会接手这样的资源,而且再说了,他们眼下的当务之急也不是这个。 The concrete loss cannot look at an outcome, but in heart that the suffering of grasping the heart flexure lung is actually hard to take. Several brave refugees think, suppressed different to wisdom weapon type in the fear that they had, accompanied to hold facial features looked quite gentle, the body has the female skeleton characteristics, in the hand has not taken the wisdom weapon of weapon, is asking to him. 具体的损失看不出来个究竟,但是心里面那种抓心挠肺的煎熬却又是着实难耐。几个胆大的难民想了一想,就强忍住了对智械这种迥异于他们存在的恐惧,结伴抓住了其中一个五官看起来比较柔和,身体带着点女性骨架特征,手上也没有拿着武器的智械,对着他开口询问了起来。 This “这位” Calling my woman is good, Mister.” Looks that the opposite party look also has the direction nature of chest and waist to size up in own face unceasingly back and forth, knows that they possibly were not the taste special to some degree of premise, has the improvement intelligence wisdom weapon to stop the footsteps immediately, well-meaning started to introduce oneself to them. “称呼我女士就好,先生。”看着对方眼神不断地在自己脸庞还有胸部、腰肢的方向来回性打量,知道他们不可能是口味特殊到了某种程度的前提下,有着完善智能的智械当即就停下了脚步,善意的对他们做起了自我介绍来。 I am ge, human named Ze Jill. In the future will be responsible for the living materials in human mixing and employment guidance issue in No. 2 city, believes everyone, if chooses No. 2 city as own settlement, later we will have to do frequently. Therefore, do not care about my status, calling my Ms. Ze Jill to be good.” “我是ge,人类名为泽吉尔。未来将在二号城市中负责人类方面的生活物资调配以及就业引导问题,相信各位如果选择二号城市作为自己的定居点的话,以后我们是会经常打交道的。所以,别太在意我的身份,叫我泽吉尔女士就好。” Ms. Ze Jill?” “泽吉尔女士?” Displays regarding a wisdom weapon nearly not under the exchange ability of human, refugee who this crowd has not seen the world what is really the unusual shock. Under compares, status of this robot in the future city female official by the issue that poses as, does not make them feel surprised on the contrary. 对于一个智械表现出近乎不下于人类的交流能力,这群没怎么见过世面的难民的确是非常的震惊。相比较之下,这个机器人以未来城市里女性官员的身份自居的这个问题,反倒是不怎么让他们感到惊讶。 Although said the tradition of this/should area female materializing, will be the status of woman will be quite often low, will say with the private thing of man almost. However that also looks at the situation. 尽管说该地区的传统是把女性物质化,也即是女人的地位往往会比较低下,甚至说都和男人的私有物差不多。但是那也是看情况的。 Situation that in the belly fills, the talent goes back to consider that this tradition needs to follow, if said that even the belly cannot eat to the full, but at present actually woman energy gracious gift to you food, then you do want or do not want? Believes in the use military force is unable to solve the problem under the premise, majority so-called follows the traditional person to choose the tradition throws behind. But these cling to tenaciously the so-called tradition not to put, you looked that they can starve to death? 把肚子填饱的情况下,人才回去考虑这种传统是否有必要遵循下去,而如果说连肚子都吃不饱,而眼下却有一个女人能恩赐给你食物,那么你是要呢还是不要呢?相信在动用武力无法解决问题的前提下,大部分所谓遵循传统的人都会选择把传统抛在身后。而那些死守着所谓传统不放的,你看他们会不会饿死? Can first with the wise person weapon, mostly be these knows the flexible fellow. Even if therefore said that they feel somewhat irritably, but traded the vice- tone, is asking to this female wisdom weapon in an tone of low three air/Qi. 能第一时间跟上智械的,大多是那些知道变通的家伙。所以哪怕说他们感觉有些别扭,但还是换了副口吻,以一个低三下气的语气对着这个女性智械问道。 Ms. Ze Jill, was sorry very much disturbed you. We want to inquire the news, matter about yesterday evening.” “泽吉尔女士,很抱歉打扰到您了。我们只是想打听一下消息,关于昨天晚上发生的事情。” Yesterday evening?” Understands the purposes in coming of these people, the female wisdom weapon must show a comfort smiling face on user-friendly immediately. Too should not be worried, but had/left some small problems, they had been solved.” “昨天晚上?”明白了这些人的来意,女性智械当即就人性化得露出了一个安抚性的笑容。“别太担心,只是出了一些小问题,它们已经被解决掉了。” I know, we have seen the result. Your powerful people make us feel to acclaim, seems the myriad things to admire Sun, the hills is bending down in the sky lowly is the same, our incomparable being honored can the asylum of you such benevolent and powerful existence.” “我知道,我们已经看到结果了。贵方的强大人让我们感到赞叹,就好像万物仰慕着太阳,群山低伏于天空一样,我们无比的荣幸能够得到贵方这样仁慈而且强大的存在的庇护。” After all lives under subjugation, in the future must all rely upon these machines to earn a living. Therefore regarding these refugees, what rainbow fart emits is not excessive. At least, said that the total ratio of pleasant to hear kneels on the ground licks others boots, the wife and daughters deliver to others bed can let many that the person accepts while convenient. 毕竟是寄人篱下,未来也要全仰仗这些机器们过活。所以对于这些难民们来说,放出什么样的彩虹屁都不过分。最起码的,说说好听的总比跪在地上舔人家的靴子,顺带把妻女送到人家床上来的能让人接受的多。 The female wisdom weapon by so flattering of degree, her the emotion system of logic-based construction is not very been probably difficult to make the correct response to such excessive expression. Therefore in obvious down , after was silent such several seconds, she is twitching the expression on face, was not only corners of the mouth corner of the eye such spot, but was the bionic artificial muscle module on entire face that beat, was saying to this group of refugees. 只是女性智械大概还没有受过如此程度的吹捧,她的基于逻辑建造的情感系统也很难对这样的过分言辞做出正确的反应。所以在明显的宕机,也就是沉默了那么几秒之后,她这才抽搐着脸上的表情,不仅仅是嘴角眼角这样的部位,而是整个脸上的仿生肌肉模块都在跳动的那种,这么对着这群难民说道。 Please do not use this exaggerating glossary, the gentlemen. Jokes aside, exists regarding our lives, this exaggerating spoken language was some are really hard to understand words that had what issue, I think that everyone can speak frankly, compared in guessing intention, the way that I liked was to listen respectfully to your direct demands, and solved.” “请不要动用这种夸张的词汇,先生们。说真的,对于我们这种生命存在来说,这种夸张的言语实在是有些太难以理解了有什么问题的话,我想各位可以直说,相比较于猜测各位的意图,我更喜欢的方式是聆听你们的直接需求,并予以解决。” The stupid iron lump, does not understand our language something beautiful. Also has accepted in the difficult popular sentiment of higher education unavoidable to However in the surface he is actually suspending a respectful and submissive appearance, so said. 愚蠢的铁疙瘩,根本不懂得我们语言的美妙之处。也算是接受过高等教育的难民心中难免的会对智械的这种反应有些腹诽。不过表面上他却还是摆着一副恭顺的模样,这般说道。 Is such woman, we want to be clear, yesterday evening matter, whether will have the influence on the construction of sanctuary. What we meant was that if the middle presented anything to lose or have what vacancy loophole, but we can have what use, please do not forget us. We are glad to strive in this above very much, to construct our future homelands.” “是这样的女士,我们只是想清楚,昨天晚上的事情,是否会对庇护所的建造造成影响。我们的意思是,如果中间出现了些什么损失或者有什么空缺漏洞,而我们又能派上什么用场的话,请一定不要忘记我们。我们很乐意在这上面出一份力,为了构建我们未来的家园。” This saying said that half stem from the sincerity, generally came from the hypocrisy. Sincerity partially is, they indeed have for the idea to construct the homeland striving. After all, has not moved including a brick, wants to be splendid that city declared that for own homeland, many lets they lacking self-confidence feelings. 这话说得,一半出自真心,一般来自假意。真心的部分是,他们的确是有着为了构建自己家园而出力的想法。毕竟,连一块砖都没有搬进去过,就想要堂而皇之得将那座城市宣称为自己的家园,多少还是让他们心里有一种没底的感觉。 Has to pay has the return, they have crossed that the age of having daydream, therefore the nature, they are the hope can make anything for this city. 有付出才有回报,他们已经过了那种做白日梦的年纪,所以自然的,他们是希望能为这个城市做点什么的。 But the hypocrisy is, in the surface they said so of pleasant to hear, however the true intention wants to inquire into some wisdom weapon here losses. 而假意就是,表面上他们说的如此的好听,但是真正的意图到底还是想要探究一些智械这边的损失。 They do not have such courage to go to the loss of direct examination opposite party. Because this was not only displays not to trust, what were more will often also offend the opposite party unknowingly. Although said that their not clear one crowd of machines can understand offends is what meaning, fellow but who needs to be at somebody's beck and call as that type, they stupidly to not making this low level mistake. 到底他们是没有那样的勇气去直接询问对方的损失的。因为这不仅仅是表现出了不信任,更多的是往往也会在不经意间得罪了对方。虽然说他们并不清楚一群机器能不能理解得罪是什么意思,但是作为那种需要仰人鼻息的家伙,他们可不会愚蠢到犯下这种低级的错误。 This is also an unimportant person was intelligent. Facing their cleverness in trivial matters, confusedness of very wisdom weapon performance. 这也算是一种小人物的聪明了。只是面对他们的这种小聪明,智械则表现的很是迷茫。 Influence? No, you are unnecessary have such worry. Please to this journey feel relieved that we have 100% assurances to assure security, probably yesterday evening attack, even if not injure in violent ten times and to slightest.” “影响?不,你们不必要有这样的担心。请对这趟旅途放宽了心吧,我们有百分之一百的把握来保证各位的安全,像是昨天晚上的袭击,哪怕是在猛烈十倍也不会伤及到各位分毫的。” Perhaps wisdom weapon such words by an affirmation extremely, however in the ears of these refugees, they this words giving a big discount. It seems like listening to keeping up appearances words to be the same, in they cannot believe, resists devil type of terrible thing to meet so with ease, their threats regards, if to not have thing. 或许智械是以一万分的肯定来说这样的话,但是在这些难民的耳朵里,他们到底还是会把这种话给打一个大大的折扣。就好像是在听一种撑场面的话一样,他们内心里到底是不敢相信,对抗魔鬼这种可怕的东西会是如此的轻松,以至于都把他们的威胁视若为无物的。 The traditional education or the reality that no matter always receives happen at their present human from tragedies that resists the devil, made them treat as some invincibility the devil, object who or was very difficult to defeat. Now this wisdom weapon said that does not compare to send with ease, this that one flock of wild dogs come naturally is to make them have a feeling of fabrication. 不管是一直以来受到的传统教育还是现实发生在他们眼前的一幕幕来自人类对抗魔鬼的惨剧,都让他们把魔鬼当做了某种不可战胜,或者说很难战胜的对象。现在这个智械说的,不比打发一群野狗来的更轻松一点,这自然是让他们有一种造假的感觉。 Naturally, even this feelings, they will not display. Said is making a veiled attack, they want to eavesdrop on truth that they want to know. 当然,就算是有这种感觉,他们也不会表现出来。只是说旁敲侧击着,他们还是想要探听一下他们想要知道的真相。 Naturally, naturally, we felt relieved very much. However was makes everyone make such sacrifice for us, had a little feelings. If possible, we hope can little have a point such situation. After all, for our group of refugees, really does not need to make too many sacrifices, even if said that is only then a dot, will let feel compunction.” “当然,当然,我们很放心。不过就是让各位为我们做出这样的牺牲,有那么一点过意不起。如果可以的话,我们还是希望能更少发生一点这样的情况的。毕竟,为了我们这群难民,真的没有必要做太多的牺牲,哪怕说是只有一小点,也是会让们感到内疚的。” Ammunition supply is sufficient, the energy is also the infinite energy of nuclear fusion production. This degree of loss completely in the range that can withstand, I do not understand why can feel compunction for this matter?” “弹药补给充足,能源也是核聚变生成的无限能源。这种程度的损耗完全在可以承受的范围之内,我不明白为什么要为这种事情感到内疚?” Circled so many bends, the female wisdom weapon understood these person most real intentions from their intranets finally. This makes her be confused, does not clarify why they must do such complex at the same time, is like this to them explained. 绕了那么多弯子,女性智械才总算是从他们的内部网络中了解了这些人最真实的意图。这让她一头雾水,弄不清楚他们为什么要搞这么复杂的同时,也是这样对他们解释了起来。 I know that you are worried about some unnecessary matter, but please feel relieved. To us, the so-called devil is indigenous after community, after grasping their course of action, wants to cope with them, does not compare to cope with one crowd to take the primitive man who the lance is flushing more difficult. Before they change, we can definitely maintain the level of zero casualty, to escorts you by the destination.” “我知道你们是担心一些不必要的事情,但是请放宽了心。对于我们而言,所谓的魔鬼不过是一群落后的土著,在掌握了他们的行动方式之后,想要对付他们,不比对付一群拿着长矛就冲过来的原始人更困难。在他们做出改变之前,我们完全可以保持零伤亡的水准,一直到将你们护送到目的地为止。” This?” Although said the news that hears makes people feel inspired, but with a providing for a rainy day cautious attitude, they a loophole that notices in the female wisdom weapon words to have. “这样吗?”尽管说听到的这个消息让人感到振奋,但是本着一个未雨绸缪的谨慎态度,他们还是注意到了女性智械话语里存在的一个漏洞。 After reaching destination? Speaking of there, can we depend on us?” “那么在到达目的地之后呢?难道说到了那里,我们就要靠我们自己了吗?” The approximate idea can only say is similar, but cannot support the exaggeration of desirably pesimist. After somebody uses the most pessimistic idea to describe such a situation, originally said that many a little optimistic refugees complexion also became ugly. 大致的想法只能说是类似,但是架不住悲观主义者的刻意渲染。当某人用最悲观的想法描绘出了这么一个情况之后,本来说多少还有一点乐观的难民们脸色也变得难看了起来。 Let them strive for living in a strange place alone, moreover under the situation in the devil lying in wait from all sides, this and feeds in the fingers/tiger mouth to have no difference them. If is really this, then all, might as well be able saying that at present is not a plot. 让他们独自在一个陌生的地方求活,而且还是在魔鬼环伺的情况之下,这和把他们送进虎口没有什么区别。而如果真的是这样的话,那么眼下发生的一切,未尝不能说不是一个阴谋。 Naturally, this is not. To avoid this crowd obviously want to be many refugees think bad the matter. The female wisdom weapon has to say again. 当然,这不是。而为了避免这群明显想多了的难民们把事情想得更加糟糕。女性智械不得不再度开口说道。 Naturally no, I mean, will have more specialized military power to protect you there. Therefore, you can definitely feel relieved. Enjoys this journey and that's the end!” “当然不,我的意思是,在那里会有更加专业的军事力量来保护你们。所以,你们完全可以放下心来。享受这趟旅途就是了!” Right? This is good, this is good “是吗?这样就好,这样就好” Some people take seriously, some people counterfeit. Some person of joyful desires are crazy, but some people are obscurely are difficult to be bright, except for them, no one could guess correctly that they actually think anything again 有人当真,有人作假。有人欣喜欲狂,而有的人则是晦涩难明,除了他们自己,谁也猜不到他们到底再想些什么 :.: :。:
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