MSG :: Volume #22

#2200: Refugee team status transformation

In the instinct of human has one type not to know the satisfied ingredient. 人类的天性中就存在着一种不知满足的成分。 Naturally, this inside commonly used probably is the view in derogatory meaning, namely so-called avarice knows no bounds. Human always on the demand to own material increases successively, has been above the conventional category under sane determination. However everything always has the exception, even if said that in this type often by the instinct of derogatory meaning statement in is also same. 当然,这里面常用的大概是贬义上的说法,即所谓的欲壑难填。人类总是对自己物质上需求节节攀升,以至于都已经超乎了理智判定之下的常规范畴。但是凡事总有例外,哪怕说是在这种常以贬义表态的天性上也是一样。 For example, when a person cannot eat to the full puts on is not warm, he is longing for can eat to the full to put on warmly ; When a person needs to receive in exchange for the survival by base and low, he will want to straighten up the back, open and aboveboard person who makes one to have the dignity ; When a man almost discards the thing that oneself all can discard, when the wealth, body and even the dignity, have not been able by oneself wife and children parents have a calm and steady life, he even can think does not hesitate all, must make them have these 比方说,当一个人吃不饱穿不暖时,他渴望着能够吃饱穿暖;当一个人需要靠卑微来换取生存时,他会想要挺直了脊梁,堂堂正正的做一个拥有尊严的人;当一个男人几乎舍弃了自己一切能舍弃的东西,财富、身体乃至尊严,还不能让自己的妻儿父母拥有一个安稳的生活时,他甚至会想着不惜一切,也要让他们拥有这些 This is in the human nature does not know the satisfied part, but displays on these things, matter that is actually not able to accuse. 这也是人类天性中不知满足的一部分,但是表现在这些东西上面,却是根本无法指责的事情。 No one has that qualifications to one crowd of life in the ruins, is hard to achieve struggling of civilians including the most basic warm and sufficient condition line and makes the question diligently. If some people did that then digs up light/only his clothes, throws him to this law outside the place is to he best punishing. Naturally, out of the humanitarian, we can keep a thing to him, multipurpose roles that for example a sheath of rubber quality of material, this thing can play, many can provide a safeguard of life to him 没有人有那个资格能够对一群生活在废墟之中,连最基本的温饱线都难以达到的平民的挣扎和努力做出质疑。如果有人这么做了,那么扒光他的衣服,把他丢到这个法外之地就是对他最好的发落。当然,出于人道主义,我们可以留点东西给他,比如说一个橡胶质地的套子,这东西能够发挥出来的多功能作用,多少还是可以给他提供一点生活的保障的 In brief the situation is, under the hearsay of Ultron dissemination, entire is not deliberately able the region to be goes haywire in that one type was hard to be strict. Because even if here the most dignified person of life, will have a different kind expectation to such a city unavoidably. 总之情况就是,在奥创刻意散播的传闻之下,整个无法地带都已经是陷入到了一种难以严明的混乱之中。因为哪怕是在这里生活的最体面的人,也难免会对这样的一个城市生出一种别样的憧憬来。 Not everyone will cling to the power of this place in the final analysis. Has not safeguarded in the life, creature comfort and is not necessarily able to compare favorably with under the premises of these calm and steady countries, some will be in the person brain will have that idea that will whirl away the fund to travel. Limited to reality, is their time is basically staring, but has to give up. 说到底并不是所有人都会贪恋这个地方的权力。在生命没有保障,物质享受又未必能比得上那些安稳国家的前提之下,有的是人脑子里会生出那种卷走资金跑路的想法。只是受限于现实,也就是他们基本上时刻都被人盯着,而不得不放弃罢了。 The Ultron asylum behavior they provided other one choice, therefore the nature, these people will have oneself idea in this aspect. Since said that including them unable to bear for this reason excited, then do not say, these want the present situation that changes itself to struggle can survive, is looking forward to the average person of happy life. 奥创的庇护所为他们提供了另外的一种选择,所以自然的,这些人会在这方面生出自己的想法来。而既然说连他们都会忍不住为此心动,那么更不要说,那些想要改变自己挣扎着才能存活的现状,憧憬着美好生活的普通人了。 News from taking a walk from the beginning, some people had caught up with the Ultron motorcade impatiently. They do not care about the Ultron motorcade to stop to where, constructs the city in that legend. Because even if this extreme uncertainty, the difficult distress of all the way living outdoors, be better than their beforehand life. 消息从散步的一开始,就已经是有人迫不及待的追上了奥创的车队。他们不在乎奥创的车队到哪里才会停下来,建造那个传说中的城市。因为哪怕是这种极端的不确定,一路上风餐露宿的艰辛苦楚,也要比他们之前的生活要好。 At least said, they can a safeguard of warm and sufficient condition, be most important here, they can see the hope here. 最起码的说,他们在这里是能够得到一个温饱的保障的,同时也是最重要的,他们在这里能够看到希望。 Despairs regarding before, but is pure is struggling, like them of good-for-nothing numb survival, this hope is the most commendable thing. Therefore, they are resigned to bet all. Because lost even if, all that oneself have loses, their situations will not become worse. Even the death, is still only the extrication of another degree. 对于之前已经绝望了,只是单纯得挣扎着,如同行尸走肉般麻木生存的他们来说,这份希望才是最难能可贵的东西。为此,他们甘心赌上一切。因为哪怕是赌输了,失去自己所拥有的的一切,他们的处境也不会变得更加糟糕。就算是死,也不过只是另一种程度的解脱而已。 Ultron is certainly impossible to make his first group of followers reduce to such a pitiful position. Because this following not only means the hope them, Ultron, this also means that his plan can have a best beginning. 奥创当然不可能让他的第一批追随者们沦落到这样一个悲惨的境地。因为这种追随不仅于他们而言意味着希望,于奥创自己来说,这也意味着他的这项计划会拥有一个最好的开端。 He hopes that takes these to be willing to follow his person as the template, told these hesitant also in unconsciously, the person of being swayed by personal gains and losses, was tells these to be trapped in the traditional concept, their person such fact of this intelligent life demonization. That is the matter that they pledged indeed is doing, their these evil spirit general existences, compared with your traditional ideas in these elder prophet anything, must be worth trusting some by far. 他希望把这些愿意追随他的人作为模板,告诉那些还在犹豫不觉,患得患失的人,同时也是告诉那些受困于传统的观念,将他们这种智能生命妖魔化的人这样的一个事实。那就是他们所承诺的事情的确是在做,并且的,他们这些妖魔一般的存在,也远远比你们传统观念里那些长老先知什么的,要更加值得信任一些。 Religious centralization character's in the traditional ideas in present world in the value of completely not having had. Because in the way of the world of today, they except for the deceit, will only use oneself are grasping hand/subordinate the influence, to these confused to does not know to should do, can only wanting to repose, in these had been proven the god civilians of do not have conduct exploiting on material. 传统观念里的宗教集权人物在如今的世界里完全没有存在的价值。因为在今天的这个世道里,他们除了欺骗,就只会利用自己手下掌握着的势力,对那些迷茫到根本不知道该如何是好,只能将希望寄托在那些已经被证明不存在的神身上的平民进行物质上的盘剥。 They are not even able to provide the protection for these people, under the evil strength threat of devil, they did not protect. But under compares, in their these by wisdom weapon of demonization in front, devil lifeform, but also was called the threat unqualified. 他们甚至都无法为这些人提供保护,在魔鬼的邪恶力量威胁之下,他们连自己都保护不了。而相比较之下,在他们这些被妖魔化的智械面前,魔鬼这种生物,还不够资格被称之为威胁。 Somewhat huge refugee team, unavoidably will combine some devils to ambush in the shadow. After all, regarding regarding human flesh and soul like them of good meal, one group of leave the city and lights shines, marches forward in human to dark desert under the headlight of twinkle, being no different is from above going. 有些庞大的难民队伍,难免其中会混杂着一些魔鬼潜伏在阴影之中。毕竟,对于视人类血肉和灵魂如同美味佳肴的他们而言,一群自己离开城市和灯火照耀,在闪烁的车灯下行进到黑暗戈壁之中的人类,无异于是自己从上面的外卖。 In the city, their many also has the worry to be extremely noticeable, thus called these to be employed in the exorcist of human all governments, magician and so on role. Although said that not necessarily feared these strength irregular small ants, if brings to the attention of not well-known existence that side Europe occupying, that may not be the result that is glad to see. 在城市里,他们多少还有担心太过引人注目,从而召来那些受雇于人类各国政府的驱魔人,魔法师之类的角色。虽然说未必怕了这些实力参差不齐的小蚂蚁,但是要是引起欧洲那边盘踞的不知名的存在的注意,那可就不是他们乐意见到的结果了。 Until now, the devils regarding oneself the compatriot in Europe, how and their new fiendish people were eliminated, as before is a knowing nothing situation. The blockade of European to Middle East not only blocked the footsteps of these refugees, was makes these devils lose channel that gained the information. 迄今为止,魔鬼们对于自己在欧洲的同胞,以及他们的新任魔王是怎么被消灭的,依旧是一个一无所知的情况。欧洲对中东地区的封锁不仅仅是挡住了那些难民们的脚步,也是让这些魔鬼们丧失了获取信息的渠道。 They no doubt can run risks, cross this blockade to inquire the news, but is facing even their fiendish people the dangerous place that wants the body to fall, always may have no person to have such spirit of sacrifice by the selfish and well-known devils. 他们固然是可以冒着风险,越过这道封锁去打探一下消息,但是面对着连他们魔王都要身陨的危险之地,向来以自私自利而闻名的魔鬼们可没有哪一个人会有这样的牺牲精神。 Even if said that is these powerful devils is not good with the method of force. Because a very awkward matter is, along with Victor's dying, the hell the main position is vacant. Although said that now the evil spirit hell could not have gone back, but this does not hinder these devil feudal lords only to have the given name the title to give birth to them to this to have the heart of coveting. 哪怕说是那些强大的魔鬼们用强迫的手段都不行。因为很尴尬的一件事情就是,伴随着维克托的身亡,地狱之主的位置已经是空置了下来。尽管说如今恶灵地狱已经回不去了,但是这并不妨碍那些魔鬼领主们对这个只剩下名号的头衔生出他们该有的觊觎之心。 In lacking Victor that type powerful to can suppress all opposing opinions under the premise of strength, must strengthen under the hand as far as possible the scale of devil influence, became these devil feudal lords to compete for high below the only means. 而在缺少维克托那种强大到能够镇压一切反对意见的实力的前提之下,尽可能得加强自己手底下魔鬼势力的规模,就成了这些魔鬼领主们争夺高下的唯一办法。 The powerful devils force oneself subordinate to risk neck to eavesdrop on the news to oneself, the devils who do not want to take this risk naturally can switch his gate. After all, can achieve sneaks to the human society in silently, and also inquired the information orderly, how should also be the elite character in devil, in this character died under a few premise, some were the person is willing to accept the surrender of this elite. 强大魔鬼们逼迫自己的手下去冒着生命危险给自己探听消息,不想冒这个风险的魔鬼们自然是可以转投他门的。毕竟,能做到无声无息潜入到人类社会中,并且还有条有理打听情报的,怎么着也该是魔鬼中的精英人物,在这种人物死一个少一个的前提下,有的是人愿意接受这种精英的投诚。 In brief is, what kind of fierce role the devils do not know Ultron are. But in their traditional ideas, this is only mechanical the army also to be probably same in the hell with them at present, is that type only knows in the upfront hard anti- iron lump. 总之就是,魔鬼们并不知晓奥创到底是怎么样的厉害角色。而在他们的传统观念中,眼下这只机械军队大概也就和他们在地狱里遇到的一样,是那种只知道在正面硬抗的铁疙瘩罢了。 In hell, in their territories, to prevent the expansions of these human intruder, they have to at the positive/direct wars and these fierce brave fearless robot combats. This does not have the matter of means that after all cannot look helplessly human seizes to belong to their homelands. 在地狱里,他们的领土上,为了阻止那些人类入侵者的扩张,他们不得不在正面战争上和这些悍勇无畏的机器人作战。这是没有办法的事情,毕竟总不能眼睁睁的看着人类占领属于他们的家园。 However, in the world of human, this account may not calculate. 但是,在人类的世界里,这笔账可就不是这么算的了。 Hides in the surroundings of human, they have 1000 means to cover oneself whereabouts using existence of human. Only if said that is that Evil Demon knowledge Grandmaster Level character, otherwise you are basically impossible to force them to stand to deal with you directly. 潜藏在人类的周围,他们有一千种办法来利用人类的存在掩盖住自己的行迹。而除非说是那种恶魔学识的大师级人物,不然你基本上不可能逼迫他们站出来和你正面应对。 Their have no reason to stand with you directly is an enemy. In the ambush in the shadow can under the premise of enjoying human type of good meal, even the stupidest devil, still knows what kind of choice oneself should make. 他们没有理由站出来和你们正面为敌。在潜伏于阴影之中就能尽享人类这种美味佳肴的前提之下,即便是最蠢笨的魔鬼,也知道自己该做出怎么样的选择。 They are glad to see human very much because of their existences performance that but the fear, chaotic has no alternative finally. Only if because is cruel-hearted, like such to including this region attacks with the destructive human of weapon that being above them imagines in the hell, otherwise they are impossible to expose, thus incurs the destruction. 他们很乐意看到人类因为他们的存在而恐惧、混乱最后却无可奈何的表现。因为除非狠下心来,如同在地狱里那样用超乎他们想象的毁灭性武器对包括这片区域的人类在内进行打击,否则他们是不可能暴露出来,从而招致毁灭的。 This is the retaliation, devils are thinks. But in this them under cognition the premise of retaliation, this delivering going, that naturally never has the truth of rejection. 这算是报复,魔鬼们自己是这么认为的。而在这种他们所认知的报复的前提之下,这种送上门来的外卖,那自然是万万没有拒绝的道理。 The dim light of night is grave, must blow the sandstorm suddenly. Everywhere sand dust fills the air in the air, even if said that has the bright spotlight to shine in the team, radically is a pitch-dark fuzzy field of vision. 夜色深重,又突然得刮起了风沙。漫天的沙尘就这么弥漫在空气之中,哪怕说是有着明亮的聚光灯在队伍之中照耀着,也根本是一个伸手不见五指的模糊视界。 The civilians of life in this piece of region hides the motorcade center that stagnates, rolling up that in the tent that in builds in a hurry snuggles mutually in the same place. Fear that very they display, but this dreading reason obviously not only because of weather of outside that sudden change. 生活在这片区域中的平民们躲藏在停滞下来的车队中央,在匆匆搭建起来的帐篷里相互依偎的蜷缩在一起。他们表现的很是畏惧,而这种畏惧的原因显然不仅仅是因为外面那突变的天气。 The sand dust, regarding the person of life in this piece of region was really common. They do not fear because of this weather obviously, makes their frightened can only have some threat in this weather. 沙尘,对于生活在这片区域中的人实在是太常见了。他们显然不是因为这种天气而恐惧,让他们恐惧的只会是存在于这种天气之中的某种威胁。 When does not know from, hunting human in such sand dust, becomes the habits of some devils. Perhaps this makes them have a feeling of ceremony feeling, what or pure is only hobby weather. No matter how said, they made human be afraid. 不知道从什么时候起,在这样的沙尘之中狩猎人类,就已经是成为了一些魔鬼的习性。或许这让他们有一种仪式感的感觉,或者单纯的只是爱好这种天气。不管怎么说,他们让人类感到了恐惧。 After this tragedy performance time and time again, these human looked like the flock of sheep to hear shouting of flock of wolves to be the same, fostered a response of nearly instinct. 在这种惨剧一次又一次的上演之后,这些人类就像是羊群听到了群狼的嘶吼一样,养成了一种近乎本能的反应。 These is no exception time. The asylum that Ultron pledged was only the bounced check that has not cashed. Before this matter, if no one has the guarantee that the means vow solemnly, they can certainly protect oneself security. But regarding matter that this type likely can have, these refugees rather are hope all the way is well achieves them to go to the end point that will also not want to seem like now such new difficulties crop up unexpectedly absolutely, examines that commitment of Ultron whether with the fact has possibility that can cash. 这一次也不例外。奥创所承诺的庇护到底只是一张还没有兑现的空头支票。而在这种事情发生之前,任是谁都没有办法信誓旦旦的保证,他们就一定能保护住自己的安全。而对于这种很可能会发生的事情来说,这些难民们宁愿是希望一路上平安无事的达到他们所要去往的终点,也绝对不会希望像是现在这样横生波折,用事实来检验奥创的那份承诺到底是否有能够兑现的可能。 Because the chip of this matter is their lives. Even if said that is even they acknowledged own present live base and low and pain, but if there is a that choice, they are not that willing dead, or leads the family dead together. 因为这种事情的筹码可是他们自己的生命。而即便是说是连他们自己都承认自己如今活的卑微而且痛苦,但是如果有那个选择的话,他们还是不那么愿意去死,或者带着全家老小一块儿去死的。 This is an instinct that the life sought to save. If said that even this matter is unable to be satisfied, they are minimum, they are also willing to choose a more dignified cause of death, rather than ruins in the mouth of devil. 这是生命求存的一个本能。而如果说连这种事情都无法被满足的话,他们最起码的,他们也愿意选择一个更体面的死法,而不是葬送在魔鬼的口中。 Naturally, artificial knife and chopping block I for fish. They have no way to choose at this matter, therefore they also can only probably timid flock of sheep such, roll up in such corner, pray that twittering they cannot even be understanding. 当然,人为刀俎我为鱼肉。在这种事情上他们是没法选择,所以他们也只能像是怯懦的羊群那样,蜷缩在这样的角落里,呢喃着连他们自己也听不懂的祈祷。 Ignorant, making the idea that they revolt against not have. Perhaps some people have tried the resistance, after such resistance incurred a more pitiful result, the final situation was the courage that they revolted against has lost. 愚昧,让他们连反抗的想法都不会有。或许有人尝试过反抗,但是在那样的反抗招致了更加凄惨的结果之后,最后的情况就是他们连反抗的勇气都已经丧失了。 Now only they can lean on, only then the guards of these wisdom weapons. But facing these steel machines, the devils is laughing, followed the shadow to try to find out the past in the direction of crowd. 如今他们唯一能倚靠的只有那些智械的守卫。而面对这些钢铁机器,魔鬼们只是嗤笑着,就顺着阴影向着人群的方向摸索了过去。 Using the magic, they can achieve the circumvention beyond the human conventional fields of vision and most science detecting measures. It seems like situated in existing with does not exist is the same, they can definitely touch to the sides of these human quietly, then looks like the yellow weasel to jump in the chicken coop to be the same, slaughters. 利用魔法,他们可以做到规避于人类常规的视野以及大部分的科学探测手段之外。就好像是介于存在和不存在之间一样的,他们完全可以悄悄地摸到那些人类的身边,然后就像是黄鼠狼跳进鸡窝里面一样,大开杀戒。 But in their conventional cognition, only then the magic can resist the magic. Even if therefore is opposite these iron lumps shows the stance that took strict precautions against cling to tenaciously, but to them, that is also not one full is the screen of loophole, wants to come to come, wants to walk walks? 而在他们的常规认知之中,只有魔法才能对抗魔法。所以哪怕是对面那些铁疙瘩摆出了一副严防死守的架势,但是对于他们来说,那还不是一个满是漏洞的筛子,想来就来,想走就走的吗? Good food current, the devil who some could not have repressed the appetite is lead tried to find out the past toward the camp of human. But sent out a serving a meal signal to be the same probably, all children who occupied in the surrounding devil seems finishing class, dashing pell-mell was charging to the camp of human the past. 美食当前,有些已经按捺不住自己食欲的魔鬼已经是率先的向着人类的营地摸索了过去。而就好像是发出了一个开饭的信号一样,所有盘踞在周围的魔鬼都仿佛是下了课的孩子,狼奔豕突的就对着人类的营地冲锋了过去。 Snatches the food? Naturally first arriving first. Always runs the quickest son to snatch the fattest meat with the cafeteria to be the same, in these devils acts the quickest that batch, which fresh and tender children is entitled to enjoy and woman. As for old, weak, sick, and disabled, that also only then ran the slowest that crowd of trash to tidy up. 抢饭吗?当然是先到者先得。就跟食堂里总是跑得最快的崽能抢到最肥的肉一样,这些魔鬼中行动最快的那一批,才有资格享受哪些鲜嫩的孩子和女人。至于老弱病残,那也就只有跑得最慢的那群垃圾去收拾了。 For a long time, this becomes among a devils unwritten custom. But these naturally is not the exception time, but when all devils also think that greets their can be the front door that the cafeteria opens, and piles up in together, whatever they take the good food that gives and takes away time. They are actually one hit on the steel plate 长久以来,这都成为了魔鬼们之间一个不成文的习惯。而这一次自然也不是例外,而就当所有的魔鬼还以为迎接他们的会是食堂敞开的大门,以及堆积在一起,任由他们予取予夺的美食的时候。他们却是一头撞在钢板上 Perhaps with the steel plate described that is not quite appropriate, that changes a view probably that is, crashed in the front door of cafeteria, actually discovered that startled the cafeteria interior style suddenly changes, turned into the steel revolution from the warm dining time directly, the flame well-illuminated machine shop, moreover that type recycles to crush the trash specially that type. 或许用钢板来形容不太合适,那换一个说法大概也就是,冲进了食堂的大门,却是愕然发现食堂内部画风陡然一变,直接从温馨的用餐时光变成了钢铁运转,火光通明的机械工厂,而且还是那种专门回收粉碎垃圾的那一种。 The devils also react to this change without enough time, had been involved by the strength of steel science and technology. But this displays in the reality is, the giant vehicles distort instantaneously from the compartment as if are the radar power plant general installment, then the dazzling electromagnetism ray same diffuses in the sand dust like the storm, the devils but who the flash all clash gave to strike back in the reality. 魔鬼们还来不及对这种变化做出反应,就已经是被钢铁科技的力量卷入了其中。而这表现在现实之中就是,巨大的车辆瞬间从车厢上变形出仿佛是雷达电站一般的装置,然后刺眼的电磁光芒如同风暴一样在沙尘中漫射,只是一瞬间就把所有冲进来的魔鬼都给打回到了现实之中。 Is greeting these devils is not the feast that they think oneself infallible, but was the wisdom weapons has prepared the good weapon and encirclement ring. When these aim at these to grasp the devils of magic strength the firearms that but was made specially emit the dazzling ray, the devils look like sheared wheat but actually to be the same, large expanse of planting above the sand and crushed stone of next door. 迎接着这些魔鬼们的不是他们自以为是的大餐,而是智械们早已经准备好的武器和包围圈。当这些针对这些掌握着魔法力量的魔鬼们而专门被制造出来的枪械喷吐出刺眼的光芒的时候,魔鬼们就像是被割倒的麦子一样,成片成片的栽在了隔壁的砂石之上。 The refugees can only hear wailing that these devils send out at the point of death, but what they cannot imagine, such lets their panic-stricken night, regarding this fell into chaotic was unable the region, is actually what kind of change. 难民们只能听到那些魔鬼们临死发出的哀嚎,而他们怎么也想象不到的是,这样一个让他们惊恐的夜晚,对于这个早已经陷入了混乱的无法地带来说,究竟是怎么样的一个变化。 The recent prologue had been pulled open, no matter these roles want or do not want, their status had changed. The hunters, will turn into the prey finally, but all starting from that night 新的序幕已经被拉开,而不管那些角色愿意或者不愿意,他们的身份已经发生了改变。猎人,终将变成了猎物,而一切都是从这一夜开始 Recommendation metropolis big god old uses/gives new book: 推荐都市大神老施新书:
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