MSG :: Volume #21

#2089: The just will of the people affects

Your majesty what has this word?” “陛下何出此言?” Yang Jian who asked obviously has an implied meaning, but his implied meaning was, he does not believe these words that Zhou Yi spoke. 如此发问的杨戬明显是有着一个言下之意,而他的言下之意则是,他并不相信周易所说的这番话。 The salvation person in peril, this is the greatest merit. Places, if were a mortal made this magnificent feat, he is almost must be consecrated as god Buddha immediately. But even if said the times change, the time develops the present, this absolute philanthropic undertaking must be treated as the Savior to be common by the world, right of lying prostrate in worship. 救世人于危亡之中,这本身就是莫大的功德。放在过去,如果是一个凡人做出了这种壮举,那他几乎是立刻就要被供奉为神佛的。而哪怕说时移势迁,时代发展到了现在,这种绝对的善举也应当是被世人当做救世主一般,顶礼膜拜的才对。 This is the mankind's common morality decided that so long as is individual, so long as his thought same does not twist like the maggot, then should not have other any ideas. The situation that therefore , probably Zhou Yi said that Yang Jian rather believes, this is only he thinks was extremely extreme. 这是人类共同的道德观念来决定的,只要是个人,只要他的思想不如同蛆虫一样扭曲,那么就不应该有什么其他的想法。所以说,像是周易所说的这种情况,杨戬宁愿相信,这只是他想的太过偏激了。 „Do you feel impossible?” Yang Jian idea is placed on the face. But regarding his statement, Zhou Yi blew off the look hehe to smile, later was saying to him like this. „From most people's angle, they indeed should not have such idea. However from another part of angles, this matter may not be such.” “你觉得不可能吗?”杨戬的想法是摆在脸上的。而对于他的这种表态,周易则是放空了眼神呵呵一笑,随后就对着他这样说道。“从大多数人的角度去看,他们的确不应该有这样的想法。但是从另外一部分的角度,这件事可就不是这样的了。” You must know, these fellows who the person who I resurrect just died. After all what I want to change is only this confusion brings disaster hardship that rather than wants to subvert the order of the whole world thoroughly. Let all deceased people resurrect, first did not say that I can make such matter, even can, the balance consideration for this world, I not be possible to do.” “你要知道,我复活的人只是刚刚死去的那些家伙。毕竟我想改变的只是这种混乱所带来的灾厄,而不是说想要彻底地颠覆掉整个世界的秩序。让所有的死人都复活,先不说我能不能做出这样的事情,就算是能,为了这个世界的平衡考虑,我也根本不可能那么做。” Therefore, has such a issue. When some people noticed that others' family member lover resurrected, but own family member actually also lies down the words in tomb, how they think. When does all kinds of evil, the person who originally should die because of my reason resurrected the words, should the person who these know the circumstances of the matter how think? From the human overall perspective, I do that indeed indisputable. However must from their individual angles, I feel scolded me both estimates is light.” “所以,有这样的一个问题。当一些人看到别人的家人爱人复活了,而自己的家人却还躺在墓地里的话,他们会怎么想。当一些作恶多端,本来就应该去死的人因为我的缘故而复活了的话,那些知情的人又该怎么想?从人类整体的角度来说,我这么做的确无可厚非。但是要从他们个人的角度,我觉得骂我两声估计都算是轻的了。” Gossip, why your majesty worries about. Moreover the world has the public opinion, the slightly feudal official believes that the person who this world will not disappoint your majesty pains must be more.” “闲言闲语而已,陛下何必挂心。而且世人自有公论,微臣相信,这世间到底还是不会辜负陛下一片苦心的人要更多一些。” Public opinion?” Zhou Yi had not said that the public opinion in the modern society has become the little miss who lets the person to dress up, so long as has the right to speak, can conceal faults. By his present status, he has disdained in this underhanded method. Therefore looks the ridicule to shake the head, he changed the topic. Ok, did not say matter that these feel disappointed. Said the following proper business.” “公论?”周易没有说在现代社会里公论早已经成为了一个任人打扮的小姑娘,只要掌握住话语权,就能够文过饰非。以他如今的身份,他早已经不屑于这种下作的手段。所以只是面露讥讽地摇了摇头,他就把话题转了回去。“算了,不说这些扫兴的事情了。说说接下来的正事吧。” That side Meng Zhangshen, you raise 0.1, lets him after the native country gives a face. As for other three god Monarch, you make them guard Tienchu to be good with single-hearted devotion. If there is a fellow who anything does not keep eyes open to come the probe and provocation. Does not need to give any face, executing summarily is. Tienchu relations Heaven in the future stability, makes no mistake absolutely.” “孟章神君那边,你提点一下,让他对故国之后留点情面。至于其他三位神君,你让他们专心看守天柱就好。要是有什么不长眼的家伙过来试探、挑衅。不用留什么情面,格杀勿论便是。天柱关系到天界往后的安定,是绝对不容有失的。” Slightly feudal official understands.” “微臣明白。” Also, after waiting till made war, guards the rear matter to give you. Zhang Daoling is a smart person, but more will be a smart person harder insurance not to think oneself clever. With was broken the backbone, can only crouches/submits Di make compared with the small Buddhism, I worried that gate here can put in order some tricks. Therefore, at the appointed time you looked at to me them tightly. Once showed any clue, you hold my decree, summoned the gods, gave me to come one to execute summarily.” “还有,等到了开战之后,看守后方的事情就交给你了。张道陵是个聪明人,而越是聪明人就越难保不会自作聪明。和被打断了脊梁骨,只能伏低做小的佛门相比,我到底还是担心道门这里会整出一些幺蛾子。所以,届时你把他们给我看紧了。一旦露出了什么端倪,你就持我旨意,号召众神,给我来一个格杀勿论。” Handed over in a scroll of jade nature gold ornament Yang Jian hand conveniently, Zhou Yi superficial issues the order that ruthless renounced spicily. Ruthless spicy? Perhaps harbors ambition the generation of non- feudal official to these indeed so. However must from the gifted general of heavenly palace, and even the angles of beauty two trillion lives, the order of Zhou Yi perhaps be most normal. 随手将一个玉质金饰的卷轴交到了杨戬的手中,周易轻描淡写的就下了一个狠辣决绝的命令。狠辣吗?或许对那些怀有野心的不臣之辈的确如此。但是要从天宫的天兵天将,乃至天人两界亿万生灵的角度来看,周易的这个命令或许才是最正常不过的了。 Wants also to know, can jump to stir the fellow who the wind stirs the rain at that time, is not these for several thousand years has possibly lived absolutely in the floor, until was turned over/stood up to make the common deity of master recently reluctantly. Only then these past those with vested interests, present losing power, they have stir the wind to stir the rain like this reason. 想也知道,能在那个时候跳出来搅风搅雨的家伙,绝对不可能是那些几千年来一直生活在底层,直到最近才勉强算是翻身做主人的寻常神仙。只有那些过去的既得利益者,如今的失势者,他们才有这样搅风搅雨的理由。 If they really jumped to revolt, the reason that then they revolted only possibly was one, that subverts the rule of Zhou Yi, pulled back in the forehead their original time. 而要是他们真的跳出来造反了,那么他们造反的原因就只可能是一个,那就是颠覆周易的统治,把天庭拉回到他们原来的时代里。 This regarding the ordinary deity, being no different tramples to return to the muddy land them who just stood again. As long as is some courage and uprightness people, feared that cannot accept such a result. Therefore, they will support inevitably firmly side Zhou Yi this God. 这对于普通的神仙来说,无异于是把刚刚站起来的他们再一脚踹回到泥地里去。而但凡是有些血性的人,怕是都不能接受这样的一个结果。所以,他们必然是会牢牢拥护在周易这个天帝身边的。 Similar truth, although said that the mortal not necessarily understands the deity the world. However what is a little certain, that is they do not want own top of the head to have one pile of abusing power deities absolutely. Zhou Yi takes the God, can maintain the basic restraint, the god and person world basic isolation, roughly achieves the situation that two do not interfere with. If changes into others to be in power, but was not this meaning. 同样的道理,虽然说凡人未必了解神仙的世界。但是有一点可以肯定的是,那就是他们绝对不想要自己的头顶有一堆作威作福的神仙。周易作为天帝,能保持基本的克制,将神和人世界基本的隔离开来,大致做到两不干涉的地步。但是要是换成其他人掌权,可就不是这个意思了。 Said two, may not have rare the misdeeds that interfered with the dynasty in the passing history. Did not say that Wuzhou and Emperor Liangdi period's tattered matter, was clear(ly) Song two dynasty several is misled only to know that only cultivates virtue in order to become an immortal emperor who paid no attention to the royal government, has fully explained many issues. 佛道两门,在过往历史中可没少有干涉王朝的劣迹。不说武周和梁武帝时期的破烂事,单就是明宋两朝几个被蛊惑到只知道修仙而不理朝政的皇帝,就已经足以说明很多问题。 In the past on two also the jade emperor was the referee, can only struggle in the limited rule. However now, but anything restricted does not have. Once made them really overthrow Zhou Yi, then is almost certain, the mortals in the whole world will become their it'ses in the bag. 以往两家头上还有一个玉帝当裁判,只能在有限的规则之内明争暗斗。但是现在,可是什么制约都没有了。一旦让他们真的推翻了周易,那么几乎可以肯定,整个世界的凡人都会成为他们的囊中之物。 This is full pot fat, was different is the people of several god departments fights from the past while is staring at the fat in this pot. But present situation, so long as they start, this pot fat is their. The huge seduction is placed in the front, it is hard to say can they move, therefore for even the innocent person in this world, Zhou Yi felt oneself need does that. 这可是满满的一锅肥肉,不同于以往是好几个神系的人一边掐架一边盯着这锅里的肥肉。现在的情况可是,只要他们下手,这一锅肥肉都是他们的。巨大的诱惑摆在面前,很难说他们会不会动心,所以就算是为了这个世界上的无辜者,周易都觉得自己有必要这么做。 This point, Yang Jian can understand. Therefore he after was receiving the edict respectfully, immediately gave an affirmative answer. 这一点,杨戬是能够理解的。所以他在恭敬地接过谕旨之后,当即就给出了一个肯定的答复。 Feudal official, receives an order. Must not make this crowd of ganefs have any opportunity is not missed.” “臣,领命。必不让这群宵小有任何的可趁之机。” You handle matters, I felt relieved.” Patted Yang Jian shoulder, Zhou Yi no longer said a word. But Yang Jian also has understand clearly, immediately bowed to ask to be excused. “你办事,我放心。”拍了拍杨戬的肩膀,周易就不再言语。而杨戬对此也是有所了然的,当即就躬身告退了出去。 In the room only leaves behind Zhou Yi, stands unemotionally there, just likes the ponder. But in the important pass that he ponders, the whole world is actually turbulent. 房间内只留下一个周易,面无表情地站立在那里,恍若沉思。而就在他沉思的这个关口上,整个世界却已经是动荡了起来。 Has a new lease of life human, after crossing most started shocking and wild with joy, now has almost started to assess own peripheral situation sanely. 重获新生的人类,在渡过了最开始时震惊和狂喜之后,如今已经是差不多开始理智判断起自己的周边的情况了。 Resurrecting of dead family member no doubt was the encouraging matter, but facing one room in confusion and huge property losses, it is estimated that few people will not have. Most people are also content, they also understand, can be displayed by the miracle, the family member who oneself will elapse gave with is very lucky matter. If demanding the miracle also with making up their properties of loss, that will perhaps be struck by lightning. 死去家人的复活固然是可喜的事情,但是面对一室的狼藉以及巨大的财产损失,估计很少有人会不感到头疼的。绝大多数人还算是知足,他们也明白,能够被人施展以神迹,将自己逝去的亲人给带回来已经是非常侥幸的事情了。要是在强求神迹把他们的损失的财产也跟弥补回来,那说不定是会遭雷劈的。 In front of miracle, but also no one muddily to this situation, therefore the nature, they making up for the opportunity of loss gave others. 神迹面前,还没有人浑到这种地步,所以自然的,他们就把弥补损失的机会交给了别人。 On this day, the countless insurance company was compelled the dead end. Because the insurance company in the whole world binds together, they were still not necessarily able to repay the eventuality of price payment quota of this day. Therefore the industry arranges for everybody to give the same story as soon as possible, that refuses adjustment artificial loss. But this sane air/Qi strong view, made certainly a connection with the victims of telephone to regard as the cheating by these very easy. 这一天,无以计数的保险公司被逼上了绝路。因为即便是把整个世界的保险公司绑在一起,他们也未必能偿还得了这天价赔付额度的万一。所以业界在最短的时间内就统一了口径,那就是拒不理赔这种人为损失。而这种理智气壮的说法,当然被那些好不容易打通了电话的受害者们视作了诈骗。 My goodness, usually you bullied a person also even. Now stands behind me in the world, do you also dare with my such stubborn mouth, you to bring about own destruction to know unexpectedly? The straightforward brothers of innumerable being unbearably angry directly telephone to the police station and court. But facing this degree of complaining, still shaken, the officials and lawmen that a face compels ignorant are also logical was towed to launch. 好家伙,平时你欺负一个人也就算了。现在全世界都站在我后面,你居然还敢跟我这么犟嘴,你这是在自寻死路知道吗?无数气不过的耿直老哥直接给警察局和法院打了电话。而面对这种程度的告状,惊魂未定,一脸懵逼的公务员和执法者们也是顺理成章的被拖下了水来。 Sings an opposing tune with the broad masses, excuse me, even if they just died, will definitely not have the courage to make such foolish matter. Those words, this is not two people. The average people in the world gather in together, but also really did not have that government to dare at this time to jump to sing an opposing tune. 和广大的人民群众唱反调,不好意思,就算是他们刚刚死了一遍,也绝对不会有勇气做这样的蠢事。还是那句话,这不是一个两个人。全世界的普通人汇聚在一起,还真没有那个政府敢在这个时候跳出来唱反调。 If stands this side the people forces the insurance company to pay damages, the consequence also makes the person egg hurt. The insurance company only has a few words, that does not have money. If resorts to the strong method, then other did not say, the insurance company has one to calculate basically must go bankrupt. As the important component of human financial system, if entire industry such dog brought, will then make the extant financial system come an earthquake without a doubt. But regarding just all governments that withdrew from the disaster, this will turn without doubt has one misfortune after another, wants the matter that you assigned. 而要是站在人民这一边逼迫保险公司赔付,后果也是非常让人蛋疼的。保险公司只有一句话,那就是没钱。如果动用强硬手段,那么别的不说,保险公司有一家算一家基本都要破产。作为人类金融体系的重要组成部分,如果整个行业就这么狗带了,那么毫无疑问会让现存的金融体系来一场大地震。而对于刚刚从灾祸中脱身的各国政府来说,这无疑就会变成雪上加霜,要你命的事情。 The government can only smooth over differences, wants completely all means compromises all parties' contradictions. But when the whole world because this type from the nightmare regains consciousness suddenly, but place chicken feather, in each corner of the world, some from beginning to end not by the person who affects chaotic, in abundance the change to this world reacted. 政府只能和稀泥,想尽一切办法的调和各方的矛盾。而就在整个世界都因为这种骤然从噩梦中苏醒而一地鸡毛的时候,在世界的各个角落上,一些从始至终都没有被混乱影响到的人,也纷纷的对这世界的变化做出了反应。 New Delhi, Alice several people of fathers who use energy the time to unite them just to know, trigged going crazy Hulk. Hulk is sane extremely frail existence. When arrives chaotic, superhero who he almost first goes crazy. 新德里,爱丽丝几人费劲了功夫才联合了一个他们刚刚认识的神父,制住了发狂的浩克。要知道,浩克本身就是理智极为脆弱的存在。所以在混乱降临的时候,他几乎是最先发狂的超级英雄。 This point is like General Ross, although said that their strengths are indeed strong, but lacks with the will and spirit that this strength matches, unavoidably will let them, when encounters this situation becomes at a loss. 这一点就和罗斯将军一样,虽然说他们本身的力量的确非常强大,但是过于缺乏与这种力量相匹配的意志和精神,难免会让他们在遇到这种情况的时候变得束手无策起来。 Hulk skill big, naturally does not need to relate in detail. In situation that in he goes crazy completely, his teammates absolutely do not have the sufficient ability to control him. 浩克的本事有多大,自然是不必细说的。而在他完全发狂的情况下,他身边的队友们根本就没有足够的能力来控制他。 They can only walk randomly, tempt the enemy, directs going crazy Hulk to the insurrectionary army site that they are at little. Then if did not meet one saying that walked randomly above the land, father who acted as the Spiritual God informer, they might pay a big loss, can Hulk controlling. 他们只能游走,诱敌,把发狂的浩克一点点地引离他们所在的起义军所在地。然后如果不是遇到了一个自称是游走于大地之上,充当神灵耳目的神父的话,他们说不定要付出不小的损失,才能把浩克给控制下来。 Even if said that they controlled Hulk finally, the situation still and have no special improvement. Hulk is still crazy, but is under the control of others, can only unproductive is venting own anger. To control him, that father has to use up the spear/gun to intersect is catching his neck, simultaneously steps his shoulder stubbornly. 而即便说他们最终控制住了浩克,情况也并没有什么特别的好转。浩克依旧疯狂,只是受制于人,只能徒劳的发泄着自己的怒火。而为了控制住他,那个神父不得不一直用光枪交叉着卡住他的脖子,同时死死地踩住他的肩膀。 Alice they also without idling. Alice almost own read the power to put in a big way, but several other people also resorted to the respective method, Hehe air/Qi and Hulk remaining strengths compete. 爱丽丝他们也不带闲着的。爱丽丝几乎把自己的念动力放到了最大,而其他的几个人也是动用了各自的手段,合和一气的和浩克剩下的力气较起了劲来。 This is not the long-term plan. Because the truth is very simple, the Hulk anger is inexhaustible, so long as his anger does not extinguish, his strength will never decline. But they are not good, the limit of human also stays on their bodies, competes with such Hulk, they will use up sooner or later powerfully. 这并非是长久之计。因为道理很简单,浩克的怒火是无穷无尽的,而只要他怒火不熄,他的力量就永远不会衰退。而他们这些人则不行,人类的极限还停留在他们的身上,和这样的浩克较劲,他们早晚会有力竭的时候. But the strength uses up to mean anything, the answer is self-evident. Who going crazy Hulk will not care about you are, if really fell in his hand, he ripped two to swallow whole you you directly, that really must look at his mood. 而力竭意味着什么,答案不言而喻。发了疯的浩克可不会在乎你到底是谁,真要是落在了他的手中,他是把你撕成两段还是直接把你生吞活剥了,那真是要看他的心情的. Said the strength to use up, in these breath. Competes with a monster, is in itself so difficult. But what luckily is, the miracle arrives in the meantime, under light rain scrubbing, sweeps away exhaustedly. Even if the strength uses up most serious Alice, currently still has to fight 300 rounds of feelings again. Naturally, present she, already not such opportunity and that's the end. 说力竭,也就在这几个呼吸之间。和一个怪物较劲,本身就是如此艰难。而幸好的是,神迹就在此时降临,光雨洗刷之下,疲惫一扫而空。就算是力竭最严重的爱丽丝,现在也有了一种自己能再大战三百回合的感觉。当然,现在的她,已经没有这样的机会就是了。 That who? Can act charitably, gets down from my body? I thought that I am now good, can therefore give to let loose me “那个谁?能行行好,从我的身上下来吗?我觉得我现在挺好的,所以能不能把我给放开” Restored Banner of normal shape, obviously does not adapt to this being under the control of others treatment. Naturally, others do not have again the idea that he ties up. They almost breathed as if by prior agreement a big tone, then when being survivor of disaster, could not bear look up to the sky. 恢复了正常形态的班纳,显然不适应这种受制于人的待遇.当然,其他人也没有再把他捆绑下去的想法。他们几乎是不约而同地喘了一大口气,然后在劫后余生之余,都忍不住仰望起了天空来。 What this is, light rain? Why can under this type of strange thing “这是什么,光雨?为什么会下这种奇怪的东西” In smallest as team, seismic wave female Skaj catches up the rain with the palm, while exuded the sound curiously. But facing her issue, in the person who she knows no one can say a reason why. 作为团队里最小的一个,震波女斯凯一边用手心接住光雨,一边好奇地发出了声来。而面对她的问题,她所认识的人中根本没有谁能说出一个所以然来。 Only then that father, he looked at the airborne light rain long time, then inspires the body fiercely, stretches out two giant golden wings, flies toward the sky high place. 只有那个神父,他愣愣的看了空中的光雨半晌,然后才猛地一振身躯,伸出两只巨大的金色羽翼,向着天空高处飞去。 Damn, a bright envoy? Haven't they guarded in that sanctuary?” “见鬼,一个光明使者?他们不是一直据守在那个庇护所里吗?” Sees the father to reveal that such true body, in the team some people called out in alarm immediately. 看到神父显露出这样的真身,团队里当即有人惊呼了起来。 This is a rare fellow, although said that with belonging to resist the Hydra camp, but obviously, these subordinate in the Zhou Yi family member are only interested in their little plots of land. In addition under they were basically placed the eye to hide by Hydra, therefore wants to see a leaving behind bright envoy, but also is really not that easy. 这可是一个稀罕的家伙,虽然说同属于对抗九头蛇的阵营,但是显然,这些隶属于周易的眷属只对他们的一亩三分地感兴趣。再加上他们基本都是被九头蛇放在眼皮子底下,所以想要看到一个落单的光明使者,还真不是那么容易 It is said sees them to be the symbol of good luck “据说看到他们会是好运的象征呢” That is not natural? Can see them on this damn land, was not equal to that said was getting more and more close to the sanctuary. If aimed at seeking livehood, isn't that the symbol of luck?” “那不是理所当然的吗?在这个该死的土地上能看到他们,不就等于说距离庇护所越来越近了。如果是以求生为目的的话,那可不就是运气的象征吗?” Some people regarding this small complained, but regarding this complaining, Skaj actually showed a mysterious smiling face suddenly. 有人对此小小的吐槽了一下,而对于这种吐槽,斯凯却是突然间露出了一个神秘的笑容。 Mates, must make a bet. I can definitely say, today's matter, absolutely will be we in the future the good luck beginning. Bets two not, five canned fruit. Has the person to be willing with me to bet one?” 伙计们,要不要打个赌。我可以肯定的说,今天的这件事,绝对是我们往后好运气的开端。就赌两个不,五个水果罐头。有没有人愿意和我赌上一把的?”
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