MSG :: Volume #21

#2021: Follows up a victory with hot pursuit the stratagem to turn round again

The status of Victor from exposing is shocking, naturally, not because of his strange nickname, but is his lets the status that the person does not dare to imagine. 维克托自曝出来的身份让人震惊,当然,不是因为他那奇怪的外号,而是他那让人不敢想象的身份。 At first many people also think Victor is only a spy, they have thought that for Victor back influence, was Hydra cannot most likely be inescapable. However now he said a such status, this already stems from their unexpected, let in their innermost feelings unavoidably disturbed. 起初很多人还只是以为维克托只是一个间谍,他们都已经为维克托想好了背后的势力,十有八九是九头蛇跑不了了。但是现在他却说出了这样的一个身份,这既出乎他们的意料之外,也让他们内心里免不了地忐忑了起来。 Facing Lord of the hell, with facing a feeling of average person is different. Although said that they had seen many world, existed including that from void terrifying has faced. However spoke of formally faced directly to deal, this was the first time. 面对一个地狱之主,到底和面对一个普通人的感觉是不一样的。尽管说他们已经见过了很多世面,连那种来自虚空的恐怖存在都已经面对过了。但是说到正儿八经的直面应对,这还是第一次。 But since continuously about the terrifying legend of hell and devil has also played the role at this time, making them start to give birth worried, the Lord of this so-called hell can come to handle some stealthy fearful matters with his evil magic to them. 而一直以来关于地狱和魔鬼的恐怖传说也在这个时候发挥出了作用,让他们心里开始生出担忧,这个所谓的地狱之主会不会用他那邪恶的魔法来对他们做一些鬼祟可怕的事情。 This is the way things should be, but actually will not be everyone thinks. For example Stark, as has had more than once the social dealings with hell, character who even has fought including Satan. He regarding Victor's status, although shocks, but actually is also insufficient fearing like other people. 这是人之常情,但是却并不会是每个人都这么想。比方说史塔克,作为已经和地狱打过不止一次交道,甚至连撒旦都交过手的人物。他对于维克托的身份虽然震惊,但是却也不至于像其他人那样的惧怕。 In addition, in Victor from the behavior of report status, he also calculates that saw Victor's sinister intention. In knowing own status has exposed, it is expected that after plot is unable to realize, the matter that he can handle were not many. But, comes to threaten their these heads of human by own status, without doubt is one does not spend the intelligent business of qualification. 此外,在维克托自报身份的行为中,他也算看出了维克托的险恶用心。在自知自己的身份已经败露,预期中的阴谋都无法实现了之后,他能做的事情已经不多了。而在其中,以自己的身份来对他们这些人类的首脑进行恐吓,无疑就是一个不花本钱的聪明买卖。 Besides exposing own status, he almost does not have any loss. But this cannot say that by far loses, because this will only make him obtain others' fear. But dreads, like will be the poisonous snake that will occupy will affect the ideas of these leaders, making them start becomes is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, the fraught with uncertainty will get up. 除了暴露出来自己的身份之外,他几乎没有任何的损失。而这也远远称不上损失,因为这只会让他得到别人的畏惧。而畏惧,就会像是盘踞起来的毒蛇一样影响这些领导人的想法,让他们开始变得投鼠忌器,畏首畏尾起来。 This is the typical toad lies on the foot, does not bite, but the meaning of disgusting person. It is not necessarily have anything to help to Victor's plot, but actually obviously can implicate their here footsteps. Regarding this, Stark naturally is unacceptable. Therefore he has opened immediately mouth, incited the mood of scene. 这就是典型的癞蛤蟆趴在脚上,不咬人但是恶心人的意思。其未必能对维克托的阴谋有什么帮助,但是却显然可以拖累一下他们这边的脚步。对此,史塔克当然是不能接受的。所以他立刻就张开了嘴,鼓动起了现场的情绪来。 „The main Monarch of hell? Really big reputation. But if the supreme master and I said good, the so-called hell should not exist. You said the given name that this not existed what meaning is, wants to bring to threaten us? If so, tells you who then I can only be sorry very much, your idea perhaps cannot achieve wishes.” “地狱的主君?真是好大的名头。但是如果至尊法师和我说的不错的话,所谓的地狱应该已经不复存在了吧。你说这个已经不复存在的名号是什么意思,想拿来恐吓我们吗?如果是这样的话,那么我只能很抱歉的告诉你,你的想法恐怕是不能如愿的了。” Everybody, does not need because of the status of this fellow, but has any scruples to him. Before looking like me, such that said that the hell, his given name has not survived in name only. If I guessed good, these devils who before rebelled should be final crazy that he can make. But now last capital is eliminated continually cleanly, he is loner in the true sense. Only remaining his, have anything to be good to fear. Also feared that he will follow network to crawl to you in front of goes to want your life?” “各位,没有必要因为这个家伙的身份而对他有任何的顾忌。就像是我之前说的那样,地狱都已经不在了,他的这个名号也已经是名存实亡了。如果我猜测的不错的话,之前作乱的那些魔鬼应该就是他所能做出来的最后的疯狂。而现在连最后一点资本都被消灭干净,他已经是真正意义上的孤家寡人了。只剩下他一个,有什么好怕的。难道还怕他会顺着网络爬到你们面前去要了你们的命吗?” The Stark words, or Stark oneself existence immediately has given these state leaders not small energy. No matter what, they completely do not have the strength of revolt. Did not say that some hidden methods, was only existence of Stark this once super hero, sufficiently made them have enough energy. 史塔克的话,或者说史塔克本人的存在顿时就给了这些国家首脑们不小的底气。不管怎么说,他们这些人也不是全然没有反抗之力的。不说一些国家暗藏的手段,单就是史塔克这个曾经的超级英雄的存在,就足以让他们拥有足够的底气。 The sky collapses has high is going against, this is not only then a small number of talented people can have the idea that. Most people will have at the last moment similar idea. This truth places is also no exception at present. As that in all state leaders most can hit, Stark by own colleagues is placed the great expectations without a doubt. But he regarding this, has the similar idea. 天塌下来有个高的顶着,这不是只有少数人才会有的想法。大部分人在事到临头的时候都会有类似的想法。这个道理放在眼下也不会例外。作为所有国家首脑中最能打的那一个,史塔克毫无疑问地被自己的同僚们寄予了厚望。而他自己对此,也有着差不多的想法。 After all is he suspects Victor's behavior first, was he bit by bit has revealed his status through the judgment and question. From beginning to end is almost he is dealing with this fellow, even if said that stemming from starting well and ending well this factor, he also thought oneself are duty-bound. 毕竟是他最先怀疑维克托的行为,也是他一点一点通过判断和质疑来揭穿了他的这个身份。从头到尾几乎都是他在对付这个家伙,而哪怕说是出于善始善终这个因素,他也觉得自己责无旁贷。 But sees itself Stark to hide in that threat in secret disappears for in a few words invisible, how even if Victor is the city mansion is deep, had a breathless feeling unavoidably. 而眼看着史塔克三言两语之间就把自己隐藏在暗中的那份威胁化消为无形,维克托哪怕是再怎么城府深沉,也难免地有了一种气急败坏的感觉来。 An original situation excellence, even if did not regard that so-called hell to advocate, most minimum can also preserve itself in the Hydra internal status. However who once thinks, first is not a well-known fellow suddenly chaotic enters, in addition following up a clue of Stark such when good luck comes the wits are sharpened. Not is only Smith. The week gave his duty to be stirred spatial, the status that he painstakingly planned, came to naught thoroughly. 本来局势一片大好,就算是当不成那个所谓的地狱之主了,最起码的也能保住自己在九头蛇内部的地位。但是谁又曾想到,先是一个不知名的家伙突然间的乱入,再加上史塔克这么福至心灵的顺藤摸瓜。不仅仅是史密斯.周交给他的任务被搅成了一场空,就连他苦心经营的这个身份,也彻底地化为了泡影。 This could be is defeated thoroughly. But under a such premise, Stark actually an opportunity of disgusting person does not leave him, this makes him feel that some are unable to tolerate. 这已经可以算是彻底的失败了。而在这样的一个前提之下,史塔克却连一个恶心人的机会都不留给他,这就更加让他感觉到有些无法容忍了。 However, even if he is unable to tolerate such doing faction , is very difficult to make anything to Stark. Because looks like such that Stark said that he is the skill is big, was impossible to follow the network to look for their troubles in the past. Therefore at the present this time, he besides putting ruthless words, is impossible to have other procedures. 不过,即便是他无法容忍这样的做派,却也很难对史塔克做些什么。因为就像是史塔克所说的那样,他就是本事再大,也不可能顺着网络过去找他们的麻烦。所以在现在这个时候,他除了放点狠话之外,根本不可能有其他的做法。 But after similar being on vacation from school do not walk this putting ruthless words behavior, Victor cares about his later this what course to follow actually. 而相对于类似放学之后你别走这种放狠话的行为,维克托倒是更在意他自己之后该何去何从。 Rato Vigna definitely could not treat. Although said that he confessed has not handled the matter that a point has been unfair to Rato Vigna, but to this time, Stark these people will not look that chooses to put his horse in the share of this matter. 拉托维尼亚肯定是待不了了。虽然说他自认没有做过一点对不起拉托维尼亚的事情,但是到了这个时候,史塔克这些人可不会看在这件事情的份上选择放他一马。 Like beforehand secret seizing, since there are the first time, then definitely also will have the second time. Although said that and does not fear by his skill in this small method, but such has been harassed the situation of absolutely not being he is also willing to see by the fly. 就和之前的秘密抓捕一样,既然有了第一次,那么肯定还会有第二次。虽然说以他的本事并是不惧于这种小手段,但是一直这么被苍蝇骚扰着也绝对不是他所愿意看到的情况。 With standing clearly is working as compared with a target, he likes hiding in secretly, does person who monopolizes everything in secret. Therefore flaunted the temporary rapidness with it at this time, he favored later calculates this true again slowly. Has a lot of time for that in any case, so long as he can escape the present, in the future, his some will be the time recovers the gathering place. 和站在明地里当个靶子相比,他还是更喜欢躲在幕后,做一个暗中把持一切的人。所以与其在这个时候逞一时之快,他到底还是更倾向于以后再慢慢算这笔后账。反正来日方长,只要他能逃过眼下,那么在未来,他有的是时间找回场子。 Victor thinks quickly to oneself the escape route, afterward, he quickly on the scene owed the body to Stark as well as the people meaningfully. 维克托很快地就给自己想好了退路,随后,他很快就对着史塔克以及在场的众人意味深长地欠起了身来。 You said right, Mr. Stark. Present I indeed am have no alternative to you. Even if said in my innermost feelings to be full of various violent ideas to you, perhaps could not make anything at this time. This round I admitted defeat! I acknowledged that you have won this game. However also merely is only this game, because of the next round, I believe me taking carry back of all both capital and interest today will lose, this will not be the empty talk, but will be only a a matter of time.” “你说得对,史塔克先生。现在的我的确是对你们无可奈何。哪怕说我内心里对你们充满了各种各样极端的想法,在这个时候恐怕也是根本做不了什么。这一回合我认输了!我承认你们赢了这一局。不过也仅仅只是这一局,因为下一个回合,我会把今天输掉的一切都连本带利的拿回来相信我,这并不是什么空话,而只是一个时间早晚的问题罢了。” This implied meaning is not difficult to understand, nothing but is sees the situation to be disadvantageous, leaves to draw back one representation that. The smart people such did in this time metropolis choice. However regarding Stark, his rather Victor makes a stupid point choice actually. 这个言下之意不难理解,无非就是眼看事态不利,抽身而退的一种表象而已。聪明人在这个时候大都会选择这么做。不过对于史塔克来说,他倒是更宁愿维克托做一个愚蠢一点的选择。 No matter is swayed by personal feelings also well, stems from own being proud. So long as he can treat obediently and honestly in same place, waits for him to walk in personally, is the best result. 不管是意气用事也好,还是出于对自己的自负也罢。只要他能老老实实地待在原地,等着他亲自找上门去,那么就是最好的结果。 However he also knows, counts on the person besides teammate to play dumb is really a not realistic matter. Therefore in present this situation, he also can only be is separating the blowdown to have the ruthless words to Victor. 不过他自己也知道,指望除了队友以外的人犯傻实在是一件不怎么切合实际的事情。所以在眼下这个情况下,他也只能是对着维克托隔空放起了狠话来。 You want both capital and interest brings back you to lose all that? If you have this courage, that comes. Let us have a look is you brings back all these, you walk into a trap finally, becomes a huge joke! Said, I very anticipate and you see above face-to-face a time. If not face to face, I did not have that absolute assurance clutching really the mouse of this in the sewers “你想要连本带利的拿回你输掉的一切?如果你真的有这个勇气的话,那就来吧。让我们看看到底是你拿回这一切,还是你最终自投罗网,成为一个天大的笑话!说真的,我还是挺期待和你面对面见上一次的。因为如果不是当面的话,我还真没有那个绝对的把握把你这个阴沟里的老鼠给揪出来” Adopted the consistent arrogant stance, Stark has also placed hopes in this way enrages the opposite party, making the opposite party make not the sane behavior. However he has looked down on Victor. Because is similar to he can see clearly Victor's some intentions to be the same, Victor regarding his provocation, can see clearly his some intentions. 摆出了自己一贯的傲慢姿态,史塔克也是寄希望于用这种方式来激怒对方,让对方做出一点不理智的行为来。不过他到底小瞧了维克托。因为正如同他能看清楚维克托的一些意图一样,维克托对于他的这种挑衅行为,也能洞察出他的一些意图来。 His brain pulled out such one to hit in the Stark trap, how therefore did not need to think that he is Stark has been in sharp opposition. 他脑子抽了才会这么一头撞到史塔克的陷阱里去,所以都不需要怎么多想的,他就已经是和史塔克针锋相对了起来。 Will have such one day, Mr. Stark. Waited till me to think after opportunity appropriate, we will have meet face to face such for day. Naturally, is not the present and that's the end “会有这么一天的,史塔克先生。等到了我觉得时机合适了之后,我们会有当面见面这么一天的。当然,不是现在就是了” Coward, coward! I know, the fellow who your in the back will only be using the plot is the reptile that one crowd must not exposed to the light. Including stands the courage before person not to have frankly and uprightly, this also dares to covet this entire world. If I you, already ran back home to interrogate that own father, why was not initially careful, must oneself shooting “懦夫,胆小鬼!我就知道,你们这些只会在背地里耍阴谋的家伙就是一群见不得光的爬虫。连光明正大站到人前的勇气都没有,就这还敢觊觎这整个世界。我要是你,早就跑回家质问一下自己的父亲,当初为什么那么不小心,要把自己给射出来了” Stark was still trying hard, wants to the utmost possibly to enrage Victor. Therefore, he even put out that type to say a word radically with his status incompatible vulgarness in this situation. Since by education that he receives as well as continuously living conditions, this was considered as probably on is he most serious words. But he feels, if some people dare such to insult itself as well as oneself parents, then how he must give a these fellow attractiveness again. However what stems from him to anticipate, Victor actually to relative light of such insult performance. 史塔克仍在努力,想要极尽可能地去激怒维克托。为此,他甚至在这种场合拿出了那种与他身份根本不符的粗俗言语来。以他所受到的教育以及一直以来的生活环境来看,这大概算得上是他最严重的话语了。而就他个人感觉而言,如果有人敢这么辱骂自己以及自己的父母的话,那么再怎么着他也要给那些家伙一个好看。但是出乎他意料的是,维克托倒是对这样的侮辱表现的相当平淡。 What is different from Stark, Victor may not have that happy young people time. When his mother is also alive, Rato Vigna who he lives for the backward country that even Kun is famous, the barren mountains and untamed rivers have the defiant person, counted on that one crowd has any gentleman demeanor the full fellow who the belly not necessarily fills , the time says the civilized two characters, that is definitely impractical. The regularity stops up in your family entrance, for the petty profit shouts 'motherfucker', that is the normal doing faction. 史塔克不同的是,维克托可没有那么幸福的青少年时代。在他母亲还在世的时候,他所生活的拉托维尼亚可是以平困而著称的落后国家,正所谓穷山恶水出刁民,指望一群连肚子都不一定填的饱的家伙拥有什么绅士风度,时刻把文明二字挂在嘴边,那肯定是不切实际的。经常性堵在你家门口,为了点蝇头小利骂娘,那才是正常的做派。 Any mother annoys, any whore raises, he hit to listen to the cocoon in the ear slightly. But leaves the world in his mother unfortunately, he must by himself in this world uses all might, this hears. The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, only if Stark can change the pattern were asking that his parents parents with several different languages spends, otherwise he will not have any obvious fluctuation. Naturally, must say that will not lose one's temper completely, that definitely is impossible. 什么妈惹法克,什么婊子养的,他打小就在耳朵里听出了茧子。而在他母亲不幸离世,他要靠自己一个人在这个世界上摸爬滚打之后,这样的话就听得更多了。说句不好听的,除非史塔克能变着花样用十几种不同的语言把他父母双亲问出朵花来,否则的话他心里还真不会有什么明显的波动。当然,要说完全不会动怒,那肯定就是不可能的了。 He bears in mind, after waiting till had the opportunity, the repayment that he naturally today will receive all insults that gives to double. Like the present this. 他只是记在心里,等到了有机会之后,他自然会把今天所收到的一切侮辱都给加倍的偿还回去。就像现在这样。 Hung the communication not silently, completely cut off the relation in ally conference. Victor is gripping tightly oneself scepter, turns toward outside of castle to walk. 一言不发地挂掉了通讯,彻底地断绝掉了同盟国会议上的联系。维克托紧握着自己的权杖,就向着城堡的外面走去。 The surprise attack of Chilean weapon triggers some traps that he has arranged, this no doubt lets these machine destroyed cleanness, but simultaneously, made this time-honored castle change to stretch of ruins thoroughly. 智械的突袭触发了他所布置的一些陷阱,这固然让那些机器被破坏的干干净净,但是同时的,也使得这座历史悠久的城堡彻底地化作了一片废墟。 This makes Victor unavoidably somewhat grieved. Because has never thought he who can expose on managing this castle made many efforts. Did not say that extravagant accessories in these real world, is he uses some ancient magic things that oneself status then collects is only not a small loss. 这让维克托难免有些心痛。因为从未想过自己会暴露的他可是在经营这座城堡上面投注了不少的心力。不说那些现实世界里的奢饰品,单就是他利用自己身份之便收集来的一些古老魔法物件就是一笔不小的损耗。 Now he surely does not have the time to dig up to draw from these ruins these thing 11 places, but must say that loses these things here, even white cheap Stark that group of people, he definitely will not want. 现在他肯定是没有时间把这些东西11地从这些废墟底下扒拉出来了,但是要说就把这些东西丢在这里,平白的便宜了史塔克那伙人,他心里肯定也是不会愿意的。 The model that as a qualified fierce and ambitious role, he is always others who that I cannot obtain not to obtain. If walks following this mentality, he will make what kind of choice can be imagined actually. 作为一个合格的枭雄角色,他从来都是那种我得不到的别人也别想得到的典型。而如果顺着这个思路走的话,他会做怎么样的选择其实就已经是可想而知了。 Victor had planned that must such do. The issue that however before then, he considers is, oneself must make anything beside this. 维克托已经打算要这么做。不过在这之前,他所考虑的问题则是,自己是不是在这之外还要多做点什么。 Rato Vigna, his motherland. Did not say that politely under his control, this country was reborn, changed in those days that backward style. 拉托维尼亚,他的祖国。并不客气的说在他的掌控之下,这个国家已经是脱胎换骨,一改往日那种落后的风貌了。 Said that Germany , France this established Europe powerful nation possibly somewhat is side by side exaggerating, but said, is Italian and Spanish this type light depends to rest on one's laurels to occupy the country of small space likely on the world bulk lots, he has not paid attention to. 说比肩德法这种老牌欧洲强国可能还有些言过其实,但是说真的,像是意大利、西班牙这种光靠吃老本才能在世界大盘上占据一席之地的国家,他还真不怎么放在眼里。 These are his effort, is contribution that he makes. Regarding this, a he affirmation extremely. However thinks after oneself left, these must become others' bridal clothes, he unavoidably has been uncomfortable. 这些是他的努力,是他所做出来的贡献。对此,他一万分的肯定。但是一想到自己离开了之后这些都要成为别人的嫁衣,他心里就难免不是滋味了起来。 As an intriguer, he acknowledged that perhaps own this whole life has not done any good deed. However, in Rato Vigna this lives him to raise on his land, he can actually pat oneself chest saying that all that he makes only have the advantage regarding this country, but does not have the fault. In this regard, said that he is the heroic estimate of this country is not overrated. Even if so, cannot elute him the charges in these state leader hearts. 作为一个阴谋家,他承认自己这辈子恐怕是没有做过什么好事的。但是,在拉托维尼亚这个生他养他的土地上,他却可以拍着自己的胸脯说,他所做的一切对于这个国家来说都只有好处,而没有坏处。在这一点上,说一声他是这个国家的英雄估计也不为过。然而即便如此,也并不能洗脱掉他在那些国家首脑心中的罪名。 He can imagine, after entire world restores, these state leaders will discredit themselves with what kind of way, what dirty method also with will carve up Rato Vigna's all. 他可以想象得到,等到整个世界重新恢复过来之后,那些国家首脑们会用怎么样的方式来抹黑自己,又会用什么样的龌龊手段来瓜分拉托维尼亚的一切。 From some perspective, all these that he pains build is doomed not to exist. But regarding this, he unavoidable somewhat hesitant. 从某种角度上来说,他所苦心营造的这一切注定将不复存在。而对此,他心里难免的有些犹豫了起来。
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