MSG :: Volume #21

#2020: Unravels to reveal the true body

Victor was quibbling for oneself with all might and main, he must become by oneself behavior is well-founded the line no matter how , but he argued again, perhaps very much pressed own behavior to find a satisfying reason. 维克托竭尽全力地为自己狡辩着,他必须要让自己的行为变得有理有据才行但是不管他再怎么辩解,恐怕都很难为自己的行为找到一个让人满意的理由来。 He does too desirably, extremely finished in a hast. This lets him, even if said one has seemed like the reasonable excuse, but was unavoidable must make others have the vision of question to him. But regarding that excuse that he gives, Stark has considerable every reason to suspect him. 他做的太刻意了,也太过急于求成了。这让他哪怕说出了一个看似合理的借口,但是还是免不了的要让别人对他生出质疑的目光来。而对于他自己所给出的那个借口,史塔克更是有着相当充分的理由来怀疑他。 Really is interesting? The amount of space occupied of our that influence had not understood, had not discussed one time about the matter that this influence divides afterward. Knows nothing obviously, you so definitely said pig's intestines full belly who oneself can eat. Was some takes for granted? You so are self-confident, said that you don't care about these things?” “真是有意思呢?我们连那个势力的体量都不曾了解,更没有商谈过一次关于这个势力事后分割的事情。明明一无所知,你却如此肯定的说自己能吃的肥肠满肚。这是不是有些太想当然了?你就这么自信,还是说你根本就不在乎这些东西呢?” Self-confident? Why can't I display self-confidently? Don't forget, Mr. Stark. In my hand is controlling the energy life of most Europe. Under such premise, I want to share benefit at present from this fine food the little residual, has what question?” “自信?我为什么不能表现得自信一点?别忘了,史塔克先生。我手里可是掌握着大半个欧洲的能源命脉。在这样的前提之下,我想要从眼前这顿美餐里分润出一点点残渣,难道有什么疑问吗?” Victor air/Qi instead smiles extremely, to the self-confident tone refute the view of Stark absolutely. But regarding this, Stark is actually hehe smiles, then immodestly said. 维克托气极反笑,以绝对自信的口吻反驳起了史塔克的说法来。而对此,史塔克却是呵呵一笑,然后就不客气地说道。 Question? Naturally has. That is I did not think that you have the qualifications of slicing. When is located in the European remote corner continually, the small country can grow up to stand brightly including a name has not listened , was the tone that by exerting its utmost saying such words to us? You don't think strange? Obviously has not grasped including France and Germany said that such words, a ruler in your small country actually so self-confident, didn't this appear you too will be unique?” “疑问?当然有。那就是我不觉得你有分一杯羹的资格。什么时候连位于欧洲偏僻角落里,连一个名字都没有怎么听过的小国都可以光明长大地站出来,以一副势在必得的语气对着我们说出这样的话了?你难道自己都不觉得奇怪吗?明明连法国和德国都没有把握说这样的话,你一个小国的统治者却如此的自信,这不会显得你太独特了吗?” I “我” Victor had also realized improper of oneself view, he wants to recover. However Stark actually does not give the opportunity that he recovers. 维克托也意识到了自己说法的不妥,他想要补救。但是史塔克却根本不给他补救的机会。 Naturally, you definitely will find the excuse to yourself. No matter you found what kind of excuse unable to change points to yourself, that was your idea radically is not this. You do not care about these so-called benefits, all that you make have other fish to fry!” “当然,你肯定会给自己找理由。但是不管你给自己找了怎么样的理由都不能改变一点,那就是你的想法根本就不是这个。你根本就不在意这些所谓的利益,你所做的所有一切都是另有图谋!” Agitation, instigated. You as if want to cope with this sudden influence with our hands. Even if said that he simply has not shown any tendency, even if said that we do not know he is the enemy is a friend. You have defined him unilaterally on our opposite. You extremely in displayed your intention obviously, under Grand Duke. This will only make you appear suspicious!” “鼓动,挑拨。你似乎非常想要借我们的手去对付这个突然出现的势力。哪怕说他还根本没有展现出任何的倾向,哪怕说我们根本不知道他是敌是友。你都已经是单方面地把他定义在了我们的对立面上。你太过于明显地表现出自己的意图了,大公下。这只会让你显得更加的可疑!” Suspicious? You say me?” “可疑?你是说我?” Facing the indictment of Stark, Victor has realized the gravity of situation. However he sank air/Qi, has not displayed obviously any was flurried. 面对史塔克的指控,维克托已经意识到了情况的严重性。但是他还是沉住了气,没有表现出什么明显的慌乱来。 Obviously he is also knows that oneself in this time flurried not any significance. Such being the case, then might as well the dead bar, perhaps can also make the matter have the favorable turn. After all, his status has that a weight/quantity, before not having exposed true status, directly how no one can give him. 显然他也是知道的,自己在这个时候的慌乱没有任何的意义。既然如此,那么还不如死杠到底,说不定还能让事情出现转机。毕竟,他本身的身份还是有那么点分量的,在没有暴露真正的身份之前,谁也不能直接把他给怎么样了。 Mr. Stark, you such concluded that I am suspicious? Because merely I did propose a point on this matter my view? Was this too arbitrary?” 史塔克先生,你就这么断定我可疑?就仅仅因为我在这件事情上面提出了一点我自己的看法?这是不是太武断了?” No! I did not think that this is called arbitrary. I just had investigated your material, Rato Vigna Grand Duke Fradd VII. Your life also makes me feel suspiciously!” “不!我可不觉得这叫做武断。我刚刚调查过你的资料,拉托维尼亚大公弗拉德七世。你的人生也让我感觉到可疑!” Stark also know, relies on these views to be also not enough to prove his viewpoint merely. Therefore he has gone into seriously, from this so-called Rato Vigna Grand Duke starts to exploit his entire life. 史塔克自己也知道,仅仅凭借这些说法还不足以证明他自己的观点。所以他更深究了一些,从这个所谓的拉托维尼亚大公的一生开始盘剥起来。 Is alive from your father Fradd VI, you are very famous playboys. He has spent the massive painstaking care, the buckle the suo suo squeezes out the money from backward Rato Vigna, delivers you to study abroad to the US. We hope that you can have prospects compared with him, the nest do not work as a wealthy villager in that small place for a lifetime. Then your achievement indulges in dissipation in the US, used six months the people who the school can offend to give to offend merely. The case history that the diplomatic service left behind at that time is, if not look in you are in Rato Vigna Grand Duke the share of successor, they must kick to return to Europe to you. Even if your father warns you repeatedly, you are still the rigidity do not change to live the extravagant life all day.” “从你的父亲弗拉德六世在世的时候,你都是一个非常出名的纨绔子弟。他花费了大量的心血,扣扣索索的从落后的拉托维尼亚挤出一大笔钱,送你到美国留学。希望你能比他更有出息,不要一辈子窝在那个小地方里当一个土财主。然后你的作为是在美国花天酒地,仅仅用了半年的时间就把学校里能得罪的人都给得罪了一遍。外交部门当时留下的案底就是,如果不是看在你是拉托维尼亚大公的继承者的份上,他们早就要给你踢回欧洲去了。而即便是你的父亲几次三番地警告你,你也依然是死性不改地整天过着穷奢极欲的生活。” Your living has irritated own father, then has almost taken over the entire country from his hand impatiently. But sits in the position of Rato Vigna Grand Duke, as soon as you changed oneself father in the past that conservatively, but many can also let the policy that the people in country ate to sate the appetite, started to plunder the wealth of entire country to come in a very violent way.” “你活生生的气死了自己的父亲,然后几乎是迫不及待地从他手上接手了整个国家。而坐在拉托维尼亚大公的位置上,你一改自己父亲过去那保守但是多少还能让国家的人民吃饱饭的政策,开始以一种非常极端的方式掠夺起了整个国家的财富来。” You appointed the lackey of college days to treat as the prime minister in your country, because only he most understood how should satisfy your desire. Then at the suggestion of his, you started to Rato Vigna this country to levy the high taxes in the name of all kinds of that concocted pretexts.” “你任命了大学时代的狗腿子当做你国家的首相,只因为他是最了解该怎么满足你个人的欲望。然后在他的建议下,你开始巧立名目的以各种各样的名义对拉托维尼亚这个国家征收起了重税。” „A Eastern European backwardness country focusing on agriculture must pay the airport construction tax unexpectedly, but this national only airport in your castle, only then you alone have the qualifications use. Perhaps such arrangement, including you also to think laughable.” “一个以农业为主的东欧落后国家居然要交机场建设税,而这个国家唯一的机场则是在你的城堡里,只有你一个人有资格使用。这样的安排,恐怕连你自己也会觉得可笑吧。” What did you want to say?” Victor is gloomy the face, exclaimed lowly. But displays regarding him at this moment, Stark shows a faint smile, then like this said. “你到底想要说什么?”维克托阴沉着脸,低吼道。而对于他此时此刻的表现,史塔克则是微微一笑,然后就这样说道。 Do not worry, when I spoke the words.” “别着急,等我把话说完。” You in nearly 30 years of dominant time, will make the complete mess this country. The hopeful young people fled Rato Vigna in abundance, the old person who the remaining these do not only go on living waits for death in this country. It can be said that this was one does not have the future country. However, in such short several years, this country actually occurred earth-shakingly changed you not to think generally strange?” “你在将近30年的统治时间里,把这个国家做得一团糟。有希望的年轻人纷纷逃离了拉托维尼亚,只剩下那些活不下去的老人在这个国家里等死。可以说,这是一个没有未来的国家了。但是,就在这么短短的几年时间里,这个国家却发生了天翻地覆一般的变化你不觉得奇怪吗?” If your this, when feudal lord quickly awakens suddenly, had realized responsibility and duty that oneself shoulder, perhaps then fortunately said. However, because merely you quickly awaken can change the situation in entire country, making this country transform the atmosphere from top to bottom, and can also make you have the nuclear fusion such state-of-art technology, can this too the child's play a point?” “如果说你这个当领主的突然间幡然醒悟,意识到了自己肩负起的责任和义务,那么或许还好说。但是,仅仅因为你幡然醒悟就能改变整个国家的局势,让这个国家从上到下都转变风气,并且还能让你拥有核聚变这样尖端的技术,这会不会太儿戏了一点呢?” If you said that this is the scientist of meeting misfortune has own painstaking care to come to go to you. Then I will ask why he does not go to a these more developed country, instead must choose anything no Rato Vigna. If you said that this is the achievement that Rato Vigna studies, then I am more curious, by Rato Vigna's financial resource, supports this series of scientific efforts? ern takes in the world the biggest particle physics laboratory, has these many member nations unable to carry out the improvement the nuclear fusion theory. A you young Rato Vigna not making a sound has succeeded, was some too does not give the ern face!” “假如你说这是落难的科学家带着自己的心血前来投奔你。那么我会问,他为什么不投奔那些更发达的国家,反而要选择什么都没有的拉托维尼亚。如果你说这是拉托维尼亚自己研究出来的成果的话,那么我则更加好奇,以拉托维尼亚的财力,是怎么支撑起这一系列的科研工作的?ern作为世界上最大的粒子物理学实验室,拥有这么多个成员国都没能搞出完善的核聚变理论。你一个小小的拉托维尼亚不声不响的就成功了,这是不是有些太不给ern的面子了!” If time from the beginning, Stark these words also some ingredients of speculations, very much easy makes the person think that this is his some aims at desirably. Then now, after Stark said such oversuspicious point, person who even if not believe that also started unable to bear suspect. 如果说一开始的时候,史塔克的那些话还有些臆测的成分,很容易让人以为这是他的某种刻意针对的话。那么现在,在史塔克说了这么多疑点之后,哪怕是再不信的人,也开始忍不住得怀疑了起来。 Matter impossible such, was fortunately impossible saying that Rato Vigna Grand Duke just wanted to turn over a new leaf, the God turned over a new leaf all conditions that needed to give the arrangement him was clear. His face did not have to this situation in a big way, even if has, they do not believe that this is a fact. 事情不可能这么的凑巧,不可能说拉托维尼亚大公刚想要重新做人,老天爷就把他重新做人所需要的一切条件都给安排的明明白白了。他的面子还没有大到这种地步,就算是有,他们也不会相信这是一个事实。 If not treat as a fact this matter, is very obvious, this was known as that was the fellow of Rato Vigna Grand Duke extremely is suspicious. 而如果不把这种事情当做一种事实的话,那么很显然的,这个号称是拉托维尼亚大公的家伙就太过于可疑了。 Arrived has made the person detest suspiciously, is doubtable his reality to exist. This without doubt is his errors. In seeing almost all people are revealing the vision of suspicion, Victor also can only sigh, said such words. 可疑到了让人忿恨,让人怀疑起他的真实存在来。这无疑是他本身的错漏。而在看到几乎所有人都对着自己露出怀疑的目光之后,维克托也只能叹息着,说出这样的话来。 „It looks like what no matter as if I said that isn't able to win your trusts again?” “看起来似乎不管我说什么,都无法再得到你们的信任了是吗?” Trust received exchange by the sincerity, under Grand Duke. Should not know that called anything's mister. If you take from beginning to end is the lie and false, then among us also what discussed the trust?” “信任是靠真诚来换取的,大公下。不应该是不知道叫什么的先生。如果你从头到尾拿出来的都是谎言和虚假的话,那么我们之间又何谈信任呢?” The Stark determination had victory in the hand, speech naturally is arrogant, between the lines disclosed a victor is proud. But regarding this, Victor actually grinning corner/horn, ironic say/way. 史塔克自觉已经是胜券在握,说起话来自然是趾高气扬,字里行间头都透露出一种胜利者的自负来。而对此,维克托却是咧了咧嘴角,反讽道。 „, if not because this sudden influence has disrupted my plan, making me suddenly display extremely is anxious. Perhaps you are also not necessarily able to realize these issues.” “呵如果不是因为这个突然出现的势力打乱了我的计划,让我一时间表现得太过于急切了。恐怕你们还未必能察觉出来这些问题吧。” You have exposed, therefore do not speak these useless idle talk again. The East has a proverb to be called the nobilities defeated invader, since were defeated, then simply, exhibits a loser to have the stance that then forget about it. Continues to make senseless struggling, meaningful?” “你已经暴露了,所以就不要再说这些没用的废话。东方有句谚语叫做成者王侯败者寇,既然都已经失败,那么就干脆一点,摆出一个失败者该有的姿态算了。继续做无谓的挣扎,有意义吗?” Stark looks down upon Victor this type for the doing faction that own failure finds the excuse very much. Therefore he selected Victor's current situation unrestrained/no trace of politeness. 史塔克很看不起维克托这种为自己的失败找理由的做派。所以他毫不客气地就点出了维克托当前的处境。 Lost this status as shield, he already was in a dangerous and awkward region. Trades to make the ordinary time, perhaps various countries and intercourse between Rato Vigna must shut off, and surrounds in depth, isolates thoroughly Rato Vigna. Only if were said that Victor planned to resist stubbornly, by a strength of resistance entire Europe and even entire world Rato Vigna country, otherwise he can only have a fate, that came up to the World Court by direct, or simply died in the hands of these Allied Troops. 失去了这个身份作为掩护,他已然是处在一个危险而且尴尬的境地里。换作平常时候,恐怕各国和拉托维尼亚之间的往来都要被切断,并且层层包围的,彻底把拉托维尼亚隔绝起来。而除非是说维克托打算负隅顽抗,以拉托维尼亚一国之力对抗整个欧洲乃至整个世界,否则他就只能有一个下场,那就是被直接架到国际法庭上去,或者干脆地死在那些盟国军队的手中。 Naturally, now after all is not the ordinary time, therefore a such situation also requires time from the development, but also has realized this point, Victor also unflustered and Stark talked. 当然,现在毕竟不是平常的时候,所以距离事态发展到那样的一个地步还需要一点时间,而也正是意识到了这一点,维克托也就从容不迫地和史塔克对话了起来。 Indeed is senseless struggling, you said is very right, I indeed should not waste everybody's time in this issue. However, did you such have confidence to eat to decide me?” “的确是无谓的挣扎,你说的很对,我的确不该在这个问题上浪费大家的时间了。不过,你们就这么有把握吃定我了吗?” You cannot escape, Sir. What no matter behind you are standing is what kind of influence, no matter you have what kind of plan. This after all is Europe, is the domain in our ally. Since you dare to make such matter, then you must pay the price!” “你逃不掉的,先生。不管你背后站着的是怎么样的势力,不管你到底有着怎么样的谋划。这毕竟是欧洲,是我们同盟国的地盘。而既然你敢做出这样的事情,那么你就必须要付出代价来!” I waited Victor voice just to fall, immediately was a fierce explosive sound is similar to the background sound equally transmits from his. This lets he secure complexion immediately is one stiff, afterward, he narrows the eye immediately, has been turning upwards the corners of the mouth to Stark. You started to take action evidently. Should I commend your speed? Mr. Stark, you may really be unexpected, hit my one to be caught off guard.” “我拭目以待”维克托话音刚落,顿时就是一阵剧烈的爆炸声如同背景音一样从他的身后传来。这让他本来有恃无恐的脸色当即就是一僵,随后,他立刻就眯起了眼,对着史塔克翘起了嘴角来。“看样子你们已经开始行动了。我该称赞一下你的速度吗?史塔克先生,你可真是出人意料,打了我一个措手不及啊。” I know your secure reason! You think in situation that in this confusion had not ended, we have no way to reassign the manpower to seize your. Waited till us to get strength back, you perhaps already disappeared without a trace? Very regrettable told you, since discovered after your questionable points, I have used the wisdom weapon and quickest flight vehicle, went forward in Rato Vigna's direction. I said that you cannot escape!” “我知道你有恃无恐的原因!你以为在这个混乱还没有结束的情况下,我们是没法抽调人力去抓捕你的。等到了我们缓过劲来了,你恐怕早就消失的无影无踪了是吗?很遗憾的告诉你,自从发现你的这些疑点之后,我就已经动用了智械和最快的飞行器,向着拉托维尼亚的方向前进了。我说了,你逃不掉的!” For clarity, this sudden explosive sound in the action that under the arrangement of Stark does, he is better in this aspect. However although has put forth a skilled artist, but unavoidably , he when arranges like this somewhat crossed the ingredient of yellow line. Therefore, he has to give the explanation of apology toward various European countries leaders. 很明显的,这个突然出现的爆炸声就是在斯塔克的安排之下搞出来的举动,在这方面他算是棋高一着。不过虽然是使出了一记妙手,但是难免地,他在这样安排的时候有些越过了黄线的成分在。所以,他不得不向着欧洲各国的领导者们做出了歉意的解释。 Sorry, everybody. I think that you also know the present situation has badly how. We cannot make this understand that we secret fellow flees calmly, therefore I have to carry on such arrangement. I think, you should be able to understand in this point my.” “抱歉,各位。我想你们也知道眼下的情况有多么的恶劣。我们不能让这个了解我们许多秘密的家伙从容走脱掉,所以我不得不进行这样的安排。我想,在这一点上你们应该是能理解我的吧。” In present this situation, must say that angry Stark regarding the infringement of their sovereignty, that is the affirmation. After all has not undergone their agreements, Stark strong gets involved in their Europe business, this was some rules by force obviously. However, looks like such that Stark said that they cannot take the consequence that Victor flees. 在眼下这个情况,要说恼怒史塔克对于他们主权的侵犯,那是肯定的。毕竟都没有经过他们的同意,史塔克就强势地介入到了他们欧洲内部的事务,这显然是有些过于霸道了。不过,就像是史塔克自己所说的那样,他们承担不起维克托走脱掉的后果。 Victor has held the post of that long state leader after all. Did not say that ally many secret business, EU all dirty, he is also clear. In some things cannot know to the public, looked like a moment ago among them struggling, once disclosed, could not say which national repeated difficulties that must mix, can not be peaceful. 维克托毕竟担任了那么久的国家首脑。不说同盟国内部的许多机密事务,就连欧盟内部的一切龌龊,他也清清楚楚。这里面有许多东西是不能给公众知晓的,就像是刚才他们之间的挣扎,一旦透露出去,说不得就要搅动的哪些国家风风雨雨,不得安宁。 Compared with such situation, the Stark overflight is only the minor matter. Therefore they also can only with one eye opened and other eye closed let off this behavior. 和这样的情况相比,史塔克的越线只算是小事。所以他们也只能是睁一只眼闭一只眼地放过了这种行为。 In brief, the present situation is, Stark they thought that eats Victor. But facing them like this self-confident, Victor actually shows a faint smile. 总之,眼下的情况是,史塔克他们觉得已经是吃定了维克托了。而面对他们这样的自信,维克托却只是微微一笑。 You happily too early? Don't forget, can I not fall to your hands in now?” “你们是不是高兴地太早了?别忘了,我现在可还没有落到你们的手中呢?” What's wrong, you think that what opportunity you also does have to escape?” “怎么,难道你以为自己还有什么机会逃脱掉吗?” Stark just wanted to ridicule, is actually immediately by a news attack earth-shaking transformation the complexion. In just that flash, Jarvis had spread this news, he dispatched to seize Victor's these wisdom weapons to lose the contact. 史塔克刚想要嘲弄一下,却是立刻被一个消息打击地变了脸色。就在刚刚那一瞬间,贾维斯传来了这个一个消息,他派遣去抓捕维克托的那些智械们已经是失去了联系。 Silent, does not have the sound. Matter obviously accidental/surprised somewhat superior. This made Stark realize anything immediately, he is fixing the eyes on Victor immediately, asked such words. 无声无息,没有一点儿动静。事情显然意外的有些超常。这让史塔克立刻就意识到了什么,以至于他立刻就紧盯着维克托,问出了这样的话来。 Who are you?” “你到底是谁?” Finally asked on the drop, please allow that I introduced oneself.” “终于问到了点子上了,请容许我自我介绍一下。” On the face has shown the smiling face, on Rato Vigna Grand Duke who Victor acts immediately is a smog transpiration. After the smog dissipates, is bringing the iron mask, is wearing the black cape held scepter to appear in the front of all people. 脸上露出了笑容,维克托所扮演的拉托维尼亚大公身上顿时就是一阵烟雾蒸腾。而在烟雾消散过后,带着铁面具,穿着着黑斗篷的持权杖者就已经是出现在了所有人的面前。 I am Victor. Victor Von Doume. The new main Monarch of hell. Naturally, you can also call me to destroy the doctor!”. Sets pen to paper the Chinese net. _ “我是维克托。维克托冯杜姆。地狱的新任主君。当然,你们也可以叫我毁灭博士!”。着笔中文网。_ ########################### ###########################
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