MP :: Volume #61

#6007: He walked

High Heaven Territory Star Boundary, ten thousand Monster Territory many universe, as long as there is a Human Race survival gathering place, is praising the name of Yang Kai all, passes on the prestige of Void Great Emperor. 凌霄域星界,万妖域的诸多乾坤,但凡有人族生存聚集之地,无不在颂杨开之名,传虚空大帝之威。 Initial several days also nothing unusual, but with passing of time, near everyone's ear bank resounded an unusual sound. 最初几日还没有什么异常,但随着时间的流逝,所有人的耳畔边都响起了一个奇特的声音。 That sound great waves strike the shore, the spray was shattered. 那声音似浪涛拍岸,浪花破碎。 As unceasing acting of all Human Race, the sound is getting more and more obvious. 而随着所有人族的不断施为,声音愈来愈明显。 Until some moment, inborn phenomenon. 直到某一刻,天生异象。 In that each and everyone Human Race gathering place, does not know that spans from the where fresh river suddenly. 在那一个个人族聚集之地,一条不知从何处生的大河忽然横亘。 The sound of great waves startled anger, transmits from that river, everyone saw this mysterious one. 浪涛惊怒的动静,正是从那大河之中传来的,所有人都看到了这神奇的一幕。 The river water gallops, flows to the distant place, across endless Void, winds through big territories, crosses No-Return Pass, bridges over recent antiquity battlefield, finally gathers in Yang Kai and battlefield of black ink final war. 河水奔腾,流淌向远方,穿过无尽虚空,流过一个又一个大域,越过不回关,跨过近古战场,最终汇聚到杨开与墨最后大战的战场 On that Palace, the Yang Kai's more than ten close facial expressions look at this excitedly, in the mouth are chanting even more rapidly, the look that praised even more was also reverent. 宫殿上,杨开的十多位至亲神情激动地望着这一幕,口中咏颂的愈发急促,神色也愈发虔诚。 Somewhat was unreal, resembles only has the river in another space-time becomes the congealing reality rapidly, among the great waves surges, the form treads the wave from the river in together. 原本还有些虚幻,似只存在于另一个时空中的大河迅速变得凝实,浪涛翻腾间,一道身影自大河之中踏浪而出。 He is looking on Palace that form, unfolds face/color say/way: I came back!” 他望着宫殿上那一道道身影,展颜道:“我回来了!” On Palace, each and everyone person crying tears of joy, forms fly to flee, throws toward that person. 宫殿上,一个个人儿喜极而泣,一道道身影飞窜而出,朝那人扑去。 ...... …… The place of taboo, many powerhouses come, short moment time, then gathered about over a hundred people, more people catch up from the distant place. 禁忌之地,诸多强者闻风而来,短短片刻时间,便汇聚了上百人左右,还有更多的人从远处赶来。 These people all are each world to the powerhouse, each reached own limit, their anyone, once was the legend of respective world. 这些人俱都是每个天地的至强者,每一个都达到了自身的极限,他们任何一个人,都曾是各自天地的传说。 Now, their world have forgotten them, causing them to be stranded in the place of this taboo. 只是如今,他们的天地早已遗忘了他们,导致他们被困在这禁忌之地。 Calmly stand more than hundred to the powerhouse in the four directions, a corpse that looks at not far away floats. 百多位至强者静静地站在四方,看着不远处漂浮的一具尸体。 That is the sword eight corpses, in the hand also grasps a to break the sword, broke another section of sword to insert his chest, sipped to extinguish his vitality. 那是剑八的尸体,手中还握着一柄断剑,断剑的另一截插进了他的胸口,抿灭了他的生机 Deceased people! 死人了! In the place of taboo many struggles fight ruthless bravely, sometimes has the war to erupt, moreover is that type in the rarely seen unrivalled struggle. 禁忌之地中不乏争勇斗狠者,时有大战爆发,而且都是那种在外界难得一见的旷世之争。 But in fact few meeting deceased people. 但实际上很少会死人。 Because to powerhouses, although practice system different, but practice to the pinnacle is the pursue to the say/way, it can be said that ten thousand laws with turning over , then to cause everyone's strength to be basically almost the same, no matter how intensity of war, will rarely have the situation that some people died in battle. 因为至强者们虽然修行的体系不一样,可修行到极致都是对道的追求,可以说是万法同归,由此便导致大家的实力基本相差无几,所以不管大战的如何激烈,也很少会出现有人战死的情况。 The previous deceased person is several 100,000 years ago, the bad fellows annoyed the popular anger, was besieged falls to the powerhouse jointly. 上一次死人还是几十万年前,有一个性格恶劣的家伙惹了众怒,被很多至强者联手围攻陨落 But now, the sword eight death shapes were not besieged obviously, what no matter people practice is what force system, this eyesight has. 可是现在,剑八的死状明显不是被围攻的,众人不管修行的是什么力量体系,这点眼力还是有的。 Kills the sword eight, is only a person! Moreover kills simple agile, even destroyed the sword eight swords! 杀剑八的,只是一个人!而且杀的干脆利索,甚至毁了剑八的剑! These on the scene to powerhouse, even if eight does not get to know each other well with the sword, many have still had to do. 在场的这些至强者,就算不与剑八相熟,多少也是打过交道的。 The sword eight swords are his say/way, the murder perhaps is not anything, may kill people at the same time also destroyed the say/way of opposite party, that somewhat was unthinkable. 剑八的剑可是他的道,杀人或许不算什么,可杀人的同时还毁了对方的道,那就有些匪夷所思了。 What makes numerous care to the powerhouse, just now they obviously felt that here has some unusual sounds, even if separates, that sound such as the jet black flame equally is also obvious. 更让众多至强者在意的是,方才他们明显感觉到这边有一些异样的动静,哪怕隔得很远,那种动静也如漆黑中的火光一样明显。 That broke through the sound of existing strength level! But waits for them to rush to here time, is anything has not actually seen. 那是突破了现有力量层次的动静!可是等他们赶到这里的时候,却是什么也没看到。 That powerhouse mouthful that under the public gaze, ninth day of the ninth lunar month and sword eight invited surpassed bitterly and astringently ate the Chinese goldthread rhizome. 众目睽睽之下,重九与剑八请来的那个强者满嘴的苦涩赛过吃了黄连。 Yang Kai cuts to kill sword eight them to look in the eye, the mind was under the huge impact, waits to get back one's composure, has to detect sound caught up with nosing to the powerhouse. 杨开斩杀剑八的一幕他们看在眼中,心神受到了巨大的冲击,等回过神的时候,已经有察觉到动静的至强者赶过来查探了。 Causes them to walk now cannot get away. 导致他们现在想走都走不了。 this time walks, will definitely stay behind by others forcefully. 这个时候走,肯定会被别人强行留下的。 Was stranded to the powerhouses was too here long, any unusual sound will arouse their interests, deceives discusses that is the sound of surpass existing force system limit. 至强者们被困在这里太久了,任何一点不同寻常的动静都会引起他们的关注,更罔论那是超越现有力量体系极限的动静。 Who presents?” Some people open the mouth to ask suddenly. “谁在场?”有人忽然开口问道。 Although is quite baffling a few words, but that meaning is very obvious, nothing but is asking, the sword eight die who saw. 虽是没头没尾的一句话,但那意思很明显,无非是问,剑八死的时候谁看到了。 Everyone did not speak. 大家都不说话。 Who first arrived here?” Also some people asked. “谁最先来到这里?”又有人问道。 No one spoke, but started to move to the vision of powerhouses, everyone looked that direction ratio own was earlier. 还是没人说话,但至强者们的目光开始移动,每一个人都看向比自己更早来的。 The final vision gathered the ninth day of the ninth lunar month. 最终的目光汇聚到了重九身上。 Ninth day of the ninth lunar month the nose of air/Qi was crooked, looks helper who side that sword eight are inviting: You also look at me! You with me together!” 重九气的鼻子都歪了,望着身边那个剑八请来的帮手:“你也看我!你跟我一起的!” Although the two people original standpoint varies, but must stick together at this moment, the this time situation deals with not the good words, must become to the public enemy of powerhouse, is beyond control they carefully not to treat. 虽说两人原本立场不一,但此刻显然是要抱团的,这一次的情况应对不好的话,说不定要成为所有至强者的公敌,由不得他们不谨慎对待。 Does not have outlet the place of taboo in this, if becomes everyone's public enemy, that later day does not feel better absolutely. 在这没有出路的禁忌之地,若是成为所有人的公敌,那以后的日子绝对不好过。 Sword eight who kill?” Has the figure diminutive old man to open the mouth to ask, this old man does not know that was stranded in place of many years taboo, said that is place of most ancient powerhouses one of the taboo is not overrated, at least, presents to come place of taboo time more than 100 to the powerhouse to be later than him. “剑八谁杀的?”有个身形矮小的老者开口问道,这老头子不知道被困在禁忌之地多少年了,说是禁忌之地最古老的强者之一也不为过,最起码,在场这一百多位至强者来禁忌之地的时间都比他要晚。 Does not close my matter.” Ninth day of the ninth lunar month pretends non-involvement the responsibility hastily, I may not have such big skill.” “不关我事。”重九连忙撇清干系,“我可没这么大本事。” Stands also denied in of his side to the powerhouse hastily: „It is not I kills.” 站在他身边的那个至强者也连忙否认:“也不是我杀的。” You first come this, hasn't could it be that seen?” The diminutive old man closely examines, although only then he opens the mouth, but actually represented everyone imperceptibly. “你们最先来此,难道没有看见吗?”矮小老者追问,虽只有他一人开口,但无形中却代表了所有人。 „......” The ninth day of the ninth lunar month did not make excuses, knew in the heart that this matter cannot dodge in any event, deceives others to cause the hostility with it, might as well told the facts, wants to understand this point, then opened the mouth saying: Yang Kai kills.” “唔……”重九支吾了一声,心知这件事是无论如何都搪塞不过去的,与其糊弄别人引起敌意,还不如实话实说,想明白这一点,便开口道:“杨开杀的。” Who is Yang Kai?” That diminutive old man knits the brows, he has not listened to this name completely. 杨开是谁?”那矮小老者皱眉,他完全没听过这个名字。 Changes into the rookie in river the strength of main road obviously, will come to here almost in 8000.” Some people answered. “一个将大道之力显化为长河的新人,来这里差不多八千年了。”有人解释道。 The diminutive old man understands clearly: Probably a little impression. However can an rookie, how kill the sword eight? Others?” 矮小老者了然:“好像有点印象。但是一个新人,如何能杀得了剑八?他人呢?” He walked.” Ninth day of the ninth lunar month said. “他走了。”重九道。 Which went?” “去哪了?” Walked, left here.” “就是走了,离开这里了。” First was startled to the powerhouses, each and everyone is looking at the ninth day of the ninth lunar month shocking. 至强者们先是怔了一下,紧接着一个个震惊地望着重九。 Was staring by such vision, ninth day of the ninth lunar month also the pressure like the mountain, stood in of his side moved moving to the powerhouse toward side with no trace, drew a line with him. 被这么多道目光盯着,重九也压力如山,站在他身边的那位至强者不着痕迹地往旁边挪了挪,跟他划清界限。 You said that...... he did leave here?” That diminutive old man asked that although the tone did not have the mighty waves, but the innermost feelings have turned the difficult situation. “你说……他离开这里了?”那矮小老者问道,语气虽不起波澜,可内心已翻起惊涛骇浪。 Does not need to stare at me, he truly left, I personally see with this friend.” Ninth day of the ninth lunar month is saying, referred to pulling open one distance that with him to the powerhouse. “诸位不用这么盯着我,他确实离开了,我与这位朋友亲眼所见。”重九这么说着,指了指跟他拉开了一点距离的那位至强者。 That person of complexion one black, knows in the heart unable to avoid, can only brace oneself saying: Yes, he truly left.” 那人脸色一黑,心知躲不开,只能硬着头皮道:“是,他确实离开了。” Ninth day of the ninth lunar month said with a smile: Was not being attracted by that strange fluctuation? With spoke frankly, in that rumor left the two means of place of taboo, second real, Yang Kai also drew support from that means to leave this place. While he breaks the strength of this place taboo, he as if spied on higher say/way boundary, therefore the sword eight died!” 重九笑道:“诸位不正是被那奇怪的波动吸引过来的吗?就跟诸位直说了吧,那传言中离开禁忌之地的两个办法,第二个是真的,杨开也正是借助了那个办法离开了此地。而在他打破此地禁忌之力的同时,他似乎窥探到了更高的道境,所以剑八死了!” Since the ancient times, the place of taboo spread the laws of two difficulty-relief, fights unceasingly, cuts kills other to the powerhouse, so long as kills enough many, has the opportunity to leave here, second is the world also has enough many people to remember you, is willing to admit your return. 自古以来,禁忌之地就流传了两个脱困之法,一个是不断地战斗,斩杀其他的至强者,只要杀的足够多,就有机会离开这里,第二个就是所处的天地还有足够多的人记得你,愿意接纳你的回归。 Are the first means good, no one knows, because place of few meeting deceased people taboo. 第一个办法到底行不行,没人知道,因为禁忌之地很少会死人。 However at present, this second means obtain the verification, if ninth day of the ninth lunar month has not lied, Yang Kai that departs then got rid of the place of taboo with the aid of this means. 但是眼下,这第二个办法已经得到了印证,如果重九没说谎的话,那离去的杨开便是借助这个办法摆脱了禁忌之地。 Under this situation, ninth day of the ninth lunar month does not need to lie, this point people are well aware. 这种局势下,重九是没必要说谎,这一点众人心知肚明。 How possibly? After entering this place, the world life and others will forget me rapidly, without remembering, how to remember? This radically is not the matter that is possible to realize.” Some people questioned. “怎么可能?进入此地之后,所处的天地生灵会迅速将我等遗忘,没有记忆,如何记得?这根本就是不可能实现的事。”有人质疑道。 Ninth day of the ninth lunar month lets go saying: I do not know that before Yang Kai is very in any case early, told me, his world can remembers him, perhaps he saved that stretch of the world, therefore people in that stretch of the world still do remember him?” 重九摊手道:“那我就不知道了,反正杨开很早之前就跟我说,他的天地会记得他,或许他拯救了那片天地,所以那片天地的人们还记得他?” The numerous are still hard to accept this matter to the powerhouse, because of ancient to present, all was stranded here, has not left precedent. 众至强者依然难以接受这种事,因为自古至今,所有被困在这里的,就从没有离开过的先例。 At present one comes in the rookie who only then in 8000 to achieve. 偏偏眼下一个进来只有八千年的新人做到了。 This lets they envy the envy at the same time, saw a ray of hope. 这让他们羡慕嫉妒的同时,也看到了一线希望。 Some people can leave, that represents the prisoner's cage that the place of this taboo is unable to get out of trouble, but they have not looked to the method. 有人能够离开,那就代表这禁忌之地并非无法脱困的囚笼,只是他们没找对方法。 Profiting from the Yang Kai's means definitely is incorrect, why not to mention his world will remember him, time that mainly he comes will be short, only has in 8000. 借鉴杨开的办法肯定是不行的,且不说他的天地为什么会记得他,主要他进来的时间短,只有八千年。 Others simply do not have this condition, that comes in most late, was stranded here for several tens of thousands of years, that stretch of the world that several tens of thousands of years of time in the past, he was at does not have the trace that he had. 其他人根本没这个条件,最晚进来的一个,也被困在这里数万年了,数万年时间过去,他所在的那片天地早已没了他存在的痕迹。 Breaks the strength of taboo, can spy on higher say/way boundary? What boundary is that?” That diminutive old man congealing sound asked. “打破禁忌之力,就可以窥探到更高的道境?那是什么样的境界?”那矮小老者凝声问道。 Ninth day of the ninth lunar month shakes the head: What boundary my not clear, but the sword eight swords were pinched-off by his two fingers.” 重九摇头:“什么境界我不清楚,但剑八的剑被他两指夹断了。” The numerous all hold breath cold air to the powerhouse. 众至强者皆都倒吸一口凉气。 Two fingers sword, broken is not a sword, but said! 两指断剑,断的不是剑,而是道! Conceivable, in that flash, a Yang Kai's boundary reached the shocking altitude. 可以想象,在那一瞬间,杨开的道境达到了何等耸人听闻的高度。 „Before Yang Kai departs, passes message informs me, he will think the also means to rescue me, although does not know that this matter can become, but if really can become, will then have an outlet in everyone of this place.” Ninth day of the ninth lunar month ejects one to let everyone inspired news. “诸位杨开离去之前传音告知我,他会想办法把我也救出去,虽然不知此事能不能成,但如果真的可以成的话,那在此地的所有人都将有一个出路。”重九又抛出一个让所有人振奋的消息。 In a flash, comes this looked at his expression to the powerhouses is changing. 一瞬间,来此的至强者们望着他的表情都变了。 less than half a day later, diverges to the powerhouses. 小半日后,至强者们散去。 Ninth day of the ninth lunar month long shouted the one breath, wiped the sweat on forehead, although he to the powerhouse, did not fear anybody, but was staring by so many people, was such as the burr back. 重九长呼一口气,擦了擦额头上的汗水,虽然他也是至强者,不惧任何人,但被那么多人盯着,还是如芒刺背。 His final moment said that a few words, ninth day of the ninth lunar month even suspected that these fellows will act to him together, then pressed for an answer more information. 要不是他最后关头说了那么一句话,重九甚至怀疑那些家伙会对他一起出手,然后逼问更多的情报。 The information that although he knows has said completely...... 尽管他所知道的情报已经全部说出去了…… However had those words scratch coat that he finally said to be different, so long as also the hope left the place of this taboo, will then not feel embarrassed him in the future, even said that if dares to feel embarrassed him ninth day of the ninth lunar month, must become the public enemy of place of taboo! 不过有他最后说的那句话打底就不同了,只要还希望离开这禁忌之地,那么日后就不会为难他,甚至说,若敢有为难他重九的,必会成为禁忌之地的公敌!
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