MP :: Volume #61

#6006: Broken boundary

The powerhouses in place of taboo come from the each and everyone different world, the practice systems in these world are different, for example ninth day of the ninth lunar month that side world, then no Open Heaven Stage, their side people have own way of one set of division boundary. 禁忌之地中的强者们来自一个个不同的天地,这些天地中的修行体系是不一样的,比如重九来的那一方天地,便没有什么开天境,他们那边的人有自己的一套划分境界的方式。 But the matter of practice is mostly the same except for minor differences, to Yang Kai and the others this level, had evolved a geminate sensibility and utilization. 修行之事大同小异,到了杨开等人这个层次,都已演化成对道的感悟和运用。 Ninth day of the ninth lunar month behind that shining big tree is his say/way, Space-Time River is Yang Kai's said that with Yang Kai to war holds sword Great Han/big person naturally also to have the own say/way. 重九背后的那一棵金灿灿的大树是他的道,时空长河杨开的道,与杨开对战的持剑大汉自然也有自己的道。 The sword in his hand said! 他手中的剑就是道! Yang Kai never sees the corridor boundary so pure person, these in 8000, he has seen many powerhouses here, encounters with many people, but by the attack nature and aggressiveness, no one can hold sword Great Han/big person to place on a par with this. 杨开从未见过道境如此纯粹的人,这八千年,他在这里见过不少强者,也与许多人交锋,但论攻击性和侵略性,没有人能与这持剑大汉相提并论。 The enemies' most time in the fight are attacking, basically does not have the concept of defense, will make the avoidance at most slightly. 对方在战斗中大部分时间都是在进攻,基本没有防守的概念,顶多就是会稍作躲避。 With the this kind of person battle is most troublesome, because is very difficult to decide the victory and defeat, once decided the victory and defeat, that also saw the life and death inevitably. 这样的人争斗是最麻烦的,因为很难分出胜负,一旦分出胜负了,那必然也见生死。 Sword eight, your I did not have the enmity, why to compel with hardship?” Encounters, Yang Kai drinks one severely, under the body the spray whirls around. “剑八,你我本无仇怨,何必苦苦相逼?”交锋一阵,杨开厉喝一声,身下浪花翻卷。 Opposite not far away, the sword eight grin to grin fiendishly: Why to discuss what enmity in this damned place? Today since I came, that is not you dies is I perishes!” 对面不远处,剑八咧嘴狞笑:“在这种鬼地方何必谈什么仇怨?今日我既然来了,那不是你死就是我亡!” Yang Kai shakes the head slowly, could not convince with this fellow completely. 杨开缓缓摇头,跟这家伙完全说不通。 If sketch technique available, he also has the confidence to defeat the sword eight, but before he 8000, copes with black ink time, has summoned the sketch in future space-time section, the consequence is he is then stranded here, simply does not have the means to stimulate to movement the sketch technique at this moment again. 如果剪影术可用的话,他还有信心能战胜剑八,但他八千年前对付墨的时候,已经召唤过未来时空段中的剪影了,后果便是他被困在这里,此刻根本没办法再催动剪影术。 The sketch of same space-time section, can only summon forever one time. 同一个时空段的剪影,永远都只能召唤一次。 But, can only stimulate to movement the strength of river, eight engages in fierce battle with the sword continuous. 无奈之下,只能催动长河之力,与剑八鏖战不休。 Why however does not know, Yang Kai always restlessing feelings, he thinks that today will be in 8000 the deadline, own mood disturbed reason, but afterward the discovery was not. 然而不知为何,杨开今日总有一种心神不宁的感觉,他本以为是八千年期限将至,自己心情忐忑的缘故,但后来才发现不是。 With the sword eight this kind of powerful enemy battles, not being able to allow him to have the least bit to divert attention, will his where have the ample force to consider what in 8000 the deadline? 与剑八这样的强敌争斗,容不得他有半点分心,他哪有余力去考虑什么八千年期限? Causes own to restless, is an external strength! 导致自己心神不宁的,是一种外来的力量! Then, in the sword eight battles, he fell unexpectedly slowly some leeward. 如此一来,在与剑八的争斗中,他竟慢慢落了一些下风。 The ninth day of the ninth lunar month that the distant place observes detected that this unusual situation, frowned. But he does not know that Yang Kai encountered anything, at this moment he is still confronting with the helper who the sword eight invited, was not good to go forth to battle to help, can only watch changes quietly. 远方观战的重九察觉到了这异常的情况,不由皱起眉头。但他也不知杨开到底遭遇了什么,此刻他还在与剑八请来的帮手对峙,不好上阵帮忙,只能静观其变。 The strength of main road is turbulent, the confrontation continues, some moment, the Yang Kai ear transmits a summon. 大道之力动荡,交锋不止,某一刻,杨开耳边传来一声呼唤。 His look absent-minded, has not waited for him to listen to clear, at present the sword eight have lost the trace. 他神色一个恍惚,还没等他听清楚,眼前剑八已经失去了踪影。 The sense of crisis covers the whole body, the Yang Kai secretly thought is not wonderful, the figure rapid distortion desalinates, next one flickers, the sword eight throw before the body, a sword cuts. 危机感笼罩全身,杨开暗道不妙,身形迅速扭曲淡化,下一瞬,剑八扑至身前,一剑斩下。 Has the fresh blood splash, the Yang Kai form presents while another position, lifted the hand to cover the abdomen, there eight was cut a wound by the sword, the flesh whirled around. 鲜血飞溅,杨开身影出现在另一个方位的同时,抬手捂住了腹部,那里被剑八斩出了一道伤口,血肉翻卷。 That shout made a sound, Yang Kai shook the head, wanted to scatter this inexplicable sound, could not achieve. 那呼喊声又响起来了,杨开晃了晃脑袋,想要将这莫名的声音驱散,却怎么也做不到。 When the first sound resounds, is second, third...... 当第一个声音响起的时候,紧接着便是第二个,第三个…… The short several breath times, Yang Kai only felt that has the innumerable sounds to buzz in the own mind, the countless sound groove chaotic static, that static gathers two phrases finally. 短短几息功夫,杨开只感觉有无数个声音在自己脑海中嗡嗡作响,数不尽的声音化作槽乱杂音,最终那杂音汇聚成两个字眼。 That is his name! 那是他的名字! Cuts to damage the Yang Kai's sword eight to follow up a victory with hot pursuit to come, moreover when he will soon act, has the greatest frightened feeling to raid the heart suddenly, when this feeling surges, enormous that the sword eight eyeballs stare, his expression not panic-stricken, instead becomes extremely stimulated. 斩伤杨开的剑八乘胜追击而来,而且就在他即将出手的时候,忽有莫大的惊悚感袭上心头,当这种感觉涌起的时候,剑八的眼珠子瞪的极大,他的表情没有惊恐,反而变得极为亢奋。 Because since his cultivation level big accomplishment, then no one can feel to his type again, even if in the place of this taboo, ran into the innumerable powerhouses, still no one who can make him feel frightened. 因为自从他修为大成之后,便再没有人能给他这种感觉了,即便是在这禁忌之地,遇到了无数强者,也没有人谁能让他感到惊悚。 Facing one by him the enemy but who at this moment, was cut the wound, this feeling appears once again. 可此时此刻,面对一个被他斩伤的敌人,这种久违的感觉又一次出现。 He recalled many powerhouses who the own weak childhood faced. 他不由回想起自己弱小时候面对的诸多强者。 Accompanied his lifetime long sword to make noise at buzz the cry, is warning him to retreat immediately. 陪伴了他一生的长剑在嗡鸣作响,在警示他立刻退去。 The sword eight have not drawn back, instead a sword cuts, the expression of ninth day of the ninth lunar month and another powerhouse who the distant place observes becomes incomparably dignified, because this sword can be said as they have seen the strongest sword, is the sword eight uses a full power sword. 剑八没有退,反而一剑斩下,远方观战的重九和另外一位强者的表情都变得无比凝重,因为这一剑可以说是他们见过的最强之剑,是剑八倾尽全力的一剑。 This sword leaves, does not die, fresh! 此剑出,非死,既生! sword light floods the field of vision, does not see the otherness. 剑光充斥视野,再不见他物。 When sword light extinguishes, ninth day of the ninth lunar month catches the eye to look hastily with that powerhouse, sees one to make them stare in a big way the eye. 剑光消弭时,重九与那强者连忙抬眼看去,所见一幕让他们瞪大了眼睛。 Yang Kai has not kept off this sword completely, this sword cuts on his shoulder, nearly pares his arm, the water of winding endless river on the sword eight long swords and arms, enabling his sword the completely entire merit. 杨开并没有完全挡下这一剑,这一剑斩在他的肩头上,险些削去他一只臂膀,无尽长河之水缠绕在剑八的长剑和胳膊上,让他这一剑没能尽全功。 Although Yang Kai is injured, but the expression is quite strange, seems somewhat puzzled, as if also somewhat feels relaxed. 杨开虽然受伤,可表情却极为奇怪,似乎有些困惑,似乎还有些释然。 What lets ninth day of the ninth lunar month care, Yang Kai behind Void becomes extremely strange, is twisting unceasingly, from the space of that distortion, hidden has space-time strength from the inexplicable place connection. 更让重九在意的是,杨开身后虚空变得极为怪异,正在不断地扭曲,从那扭曲的空间中,隐有时空之力从莫名之地连接而来。 This place the strength of taboo was broken! 此地的禁忌之力被打破了! Ninth day of the ninth lunar month before remembering Yang Kai , the words that vows solemnly, the heart beats fiercely, spreads difficultly inadequately in the rumor in place of taboo real, the world that Yang Kai is, many do enough people still remember him? 重九想起杨开之前信誓旦旦的话语,心脏剧烈跳动起来,难不成流传在禁忌之地中的传言是真的,杨开所在的天地,还有足够多的人依然记得他? But will this matter happen? 可是这种事又怎么会发生? Therefore enters here person to forget rapidly, otherwise for these years, enters here powerhouse to be insufficient one not to have the means to leave. 所以进入这里的人都会被迅速遗忘,否则这么多年来,进入这里的强者不至于一个都没办法离开。 But except for this possibility, ninth day of the ninth lunar month could not have found well to explain. 但除了这个可能,重九已经找不到更好的解释了。 Yang Kai!” He drank one hastily. 杨开!”他连忙喝了一声。 Is immersing, in that felt marvelously Yang Kai hears to say raises the head, shows a faint smile to him, later looks to the close sword eight, under the gazes of sword eight dumbstruck, stretched out two fingers to press firmly between the fingers his long sword. 正沉浸在那奇妙感觉中的杨开闻言抬头,冲他微微一笑,随后又看向近在咫尺的剑八,在剑八目瞪口呆的注视下,伸出两指捏住了他的长剑。 Originally, breaks the strength of taboo, can spy on higher Martial Dao boundary!” “原来,打破禁忌之力,才可以窥探更高的武道境界!” He is so saying, the finger lifts gently, that cuts the long sword of his shoulder also to be pinched. 他这般说着,手指轻轻抬起,那切进他肩膀的长剑也随之被捏起来。 The sword eight corners of the eye beat fiercely, the instinct feels uneasy. 剑八的眼角剧烈跳动,本能地感到不妙。 Yang Kai at this moment gives his feeling is not very right, as if has indication that must break the boundary. 此刻的杨开给他的感觉很不对劲,似乎有要破境的征兆。 The heart gushed out the huge shock, the powerhouses in place of taboo has reached own limit, they will be stranded here, the basic reason was to want the broken boundary, finally touched the taboo of the world to varying degrees. 他内心深处涌出巨大的震惊,禁忌之地中的强者都已经走到了自身的极限,他们之所以会被困在这里,根本原因就是想要破境,结果不同程度地触碰到了天地的禁忌。 But today, he must see a truth, heard a secret. 而在今日,他得见了一个真相,听闻了一个秘密。 That breaks the strength of taboo, can spy on a higher boundary! 那就是打破禁忌之力,就可以窥探到更高的境界! This has the enormous impact on the sword eight mind, did not say that he so, the helper who in the distant place observes the ninth day of the ninth lunar month and that sword that eight invites, same so. 这对剑八的心神是有极大冲击的,不说他如此了,就是在远处观战的重九和那个剑八请来的帮手,也一样如此。 Lets go!” Yang Kai is looking at front sword eight. “撒手!”杨开望着面前的剑八。 The sword eight clench teeth not to speak, all strengths fill to start the long sword, presses downward, resembling to Yang Kai one broken be two. 剑八咬牙不吭声,所有的力量都灌入手中长剑,往下压去,似要将杨开一破为二。 In his hand the sword is his say/way, abandons the sword to be equal to abandoning said how he can comply? 他手中之剑就是他的道,弃剑就等于弃道,他如何能够答应?
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