MP :: Volume #55

#5431: space-time is confused

The fierce combat moment time, regardless of Yang Kai that sheep's head Royal Lord, all the heart sinks, the complexion is dignified. 激战不过片刻功夫,无论杨开还是那羊头王主,俱都心头一沉,脸色凝重。 Yang Kai so , because the present strength compares the beforehand sharp increase several times to have, however actually as before will not be the opposite party rival. 杨开会如此,是因为如今自身实力比较之前暴增数倍有余,然而却依旧不是对方敌手。 Although the disparity in boundary is only 1-Rank, but this 1-Rank, is actually dropping variance biggest 1-Rank. 境界上的差距虽然只有一品,可这一品,却是落差最大的一品 He can kill 6-Rank in 5-Rank, 6-Rank time can kill 7-Rank, 7-Rank can kill Territory Lord, nowadays to 8-Rank, is actually how regardless of unable to massacre 9-Rank. 他在五品的时候可以杀六品,六品的时候可以杀七品,七品可以杀域主,现如今到了八品,却是无论如何也杀不掉一个九品 The Royal Lord strength and 9-Rank are equal. 王主的实力与九品是等同的。 He even can clearly detect, this sheep's head Royal Lord injury has not recovered, in other words , when the opposite party strength is not the peak. 他甚至能清楚地察觉到,这羊头王主的伤势并没有痊愈,换言之,对方实力并非巅峰之时。 Difficult to do! The words this way, the situation is disadvantageous to own, didn't kill this sheep's head Royal Lord here, how the sea celestial phenomenon secret can preserve? 难搞!继续这样下去的话,处境对自己不利,可不在这里杀了这个羊头王主,大海天象的秘密如何能保住? Yang Kai headache, sheep's head Royal Lord also has a headache. 杨开头疼的时候,羊头王主同样也头疼至极。 Opposite this Human Race strength compares for 500 years ago, powerful far more than tiny bit, now fights, although shortly after time, but sheep's head Royal Lord can detect, own wants to kill him, is not an easy matter. 对面这个人族实力比起五百年前,强大了何止一点半点,如今交手虽然时间不久,但羊头王主能够察觉到,自己想要杀他,绝非易事。 He truly is still not an opponent, but has with the capital that own contends with. 他确实依然不是对手,可已经有了与自己抗衡的资本。 Trades to make other 8-Rank, even if powerful, will contend with time with him sufficiently, sheep's head Royal Lord can still kill it cutting sooner or later, but Yang Kai will be different, this fellow will be skilled in Space Principle, sheep's head Royal Lord has not forgotten for 500 years ago pursues him the predicament, but not getting. 换做别的八品,就算实力强大,足以跟他抗衡一段时间,羊头王主早晚也能将之斩杀,但杨开不同,这家伙精通空间法则,羊头王主可没忘记五百年前追击他而不得的窘境。 Continues to hit like this, perhaps the opposite party must run! 继续这样打下去,对方恐怕要跑了! Cannot make him have the opportunity of fleeing, otherwise dark green gives his subsequent hand is anything, own is unable to know forever. 不能让他有遁逃的机会,否则苍交给他的后手到底是什么,自己将永远无法知晓。 Subsequent hand who dark green leaves behind, the absolute responsibility is significant. 苍留下的后手,绝对干系重大。 Person of Black Ink Clan, the thoughts are different, but this flash, decides as if by prior agreement, resorts to the own strongest pressure bottom method, gives the final word! 一人一墨族,心思不同,可这一瞬间,不约而同地打定主意,动用自己最强的压箱底手段,一锤定音! Next flickers, Yang Kai jumps to go to battle with the circle suddenly, spread out among with that sheep's head Royal Lord, he thinks that the opposite party will prevent own, actually does not think that sheep's head Royal Lord has not prevented his plan completely, instead the ignores he departs. 下一瞬,杨开忽然跳出战圈,拉开了与那羊头王主之间的距离,他本以为对方会阻止自己,却不想羊头王主完全没有阻止他的打算,反而放任他离去。 Although Yang Kai is puzzled, has not actually thought that Azure Dragon Spear toward a side Void pestle, both hands magic arts rapid transformation. 杨开虽不解,却也没有多想,苍龙枪往身边虚空一杵,双手法决迅速变换。 When Golden Crow cried, great sun jumped. 金乌啼鸣之时,大日跃升。 After great sun, the quiet and beautiful full moon lifts off together, the chilly moonlight falls in torrents under. 大日之后,紧接着一道清幽圆月升空,清冷月华倾泻而下。 sun and moon simultaneously shines, world wonderful scenery. 日月齐辉,天地奇景 great sun and full moon interlock revolving, changes to the top, affects Void, deducts the time mystery, the Time Principle strength flows. 大日和圆月交错旋转,化作陀螺,牵动虚空,演绎时间奥秘,时间法则的力量流淌开来。 Meanwhile, Space Principle is unconstrained, interweaves to blend with the strength of time, evolves a brand-new mysterious strength. 与此同时,空间法则跌宕,与时间之力交织融汇,演化成一种全新的玄妙之力。 Sun and Moon Divine Wheel! 日月神轮 Until now, Yang Kai besides stimulating to movement dragon bead does life-and-death strikes, most powerful trump card was this together Sun and Moon Divine Wheel. 迄今为止,杨开除了催动龙珠做殊死一击之外,最强大的杀手锏便是这一道日月神轮了。 This is also divine ability that he comprehends to found, not necessarily exquisite, actually agrees with extremely own strength, therefore this move displays in his hand, the might is very big. 这也是他自身领悟开创出来的神通,未必有多精妙,却极为契合自身的力量,所以这一招在他手上施展,威力很大。 dragon bead this thing easily cannot use, wants to cope with sheep's head Royal Lord, that only has Sun and Moon Divine Wheel. 龙珠这东西轻易不能动用,想要对付羊头王主,那就唯有日月神轮 If this move is not easy-to-use, Yang Kai can only retreat in advance, again slowly scheme this sheep's head Royal Lord life. 若是连这一招都不好使,杨开就只能先行退走,再慢慢图谋这羊头王主的性命。 While he makes Sun and Moon Divine Wheel, that sheep's head Royal Lord also catches the eye to look suddenly to him. 而在他打出日月神轮的同时,那羊头王主也骤然抬眼看向他。 That jet black double pupil changes to the bottomless trench, must swallow the Yang Kai body and mind, in the obsidian pupil the clearly inverted image the Yang Kai's form, that form was being covered by the strength of boundless black ink suddenly, as if one group of black fires are burning. 那漆黑双眸似化作无底深渊,要将杨开身心吞噬,黑曜石般的眸子中清楚地倒影着杨开的身影,那身影骤然间被无边墨之力笼罩,仿佛一团黑火在燃烧。 king level Secret Technique! 王级秘术 Flickers instantaneous, regardless of Yang Kai or sheep's head Royal Lord, offered a sacrifice to the own most powerful method, wanting to divide a hero female to come out at one fell swoop, the assurance to the fighter aircraft and situation, the judgment of this two it can be said that happened to hold the same view. 瞬瞬间,无论杨开还是羊头王主,都祭出了自己最强大的手段,欲要一举分个雄雌出来,对战机和局势的把握,这两位的判断可以说是不谋而合。 Yang Kai is startled. 杨开微怔。 To king level Secret Technique this thing, he had heard so much about you. 对王级秘术这东西,他可是久仰大名了。 That side Black Ink Clan, Black Ink Clan under Royal Lord wants black ink to melt the Human Race words, can only stimulate to movement the strength of black ink to corrode the Human Race martial artist body and mind and Small Universe, if Human Race cannot resist, will be changed into black ink disciple by black ink. 墨族那边,王主之下的墨族想要墨化人族的话,只能催动墨之力侵蚀人族武者的身心和小乾坤,若是人族抵挡不住,就会被墨化为墨徒 The powerhouse of Royal Lord level can also do that but they have a more convenient and effective method. 王主级的强者也可以这么做,但是他们有更加便捷和有效的手段。 That is king level Secret Technique. 那就是王级秘术 In the Human Race mountain pass has the rumor, when the Royal Lord level powerhouse stimulates to movement king level Secret Technique, is Human Race 8-Rank is also hard to resist, perhaps shortly will turn into black ink disciple by black ink. 人族关隘中有传言,当王主级强者催动王级秘术的时候,便是人族八品也难以抵挡,或许顷刻间就会被墨化成墨徒 When this is also Human Race 9-Rank when with the Black Ink Clan Royal Lord battle, the reason that 8-Rank Open Heaven will easily not meddle, 9-Rank can resist king level Secret Technique, 8-Rank is not necessarily able, when the war is deeply worried was affected black ink by king level Secret Technique, that is very likely to cause the greatest losses to one's own side. 这也是人族九品在与墨族王主争斗时,八品开天轻易不会插手的原因,九品可以抵挡王级秘术,八品未必可以,一旦战局焦灼时被王级秘术影响墨化,那极有可能对己方造成莫大的损失。 To cope with Royal Lord, only has Human Race 9-Rank to intend to be good personally. 想要对付王主,唯有人族九品亲自出手才行。 To this king level Secret Technique mystery, Human Race also studies for many years, but cannot study what positive result, because almost will not have Royal Lord to stimulate to movement king level Secret Technique casually. 对这王级秘术的奥秘,人族也研究多年,只不过没能研究出什么名堂,因为几乎没有王主会随便催动王级秘术 Without the object of research, naturally cannot obtain too the useful information. 没有研究的对象,自然得不到太多有用的信息。 However the Human Race high level also once some speculation, this king level Secret Technique perhaps is Black Ink Clan one natural talent divine ability, only then can display the strength to the Royal Lord rank, moreover this natural talent divine ability, very greatly possibly is Divine Soul attack. 不过人族高层也曾有过推测,这王级秘术或许是墨族的一种天赋神通,只有实力到了王主级别才能施展出来,而且这种天赋神通,很大可能是一种神魂攻击 Yang Kai has naturally heard these news. 杨开自然听到过这些消息。 But now, he understands finally, king level Secret Technique, is not pure Divine Soul attack. 而如今,他总算明白,王级秘术,并非单纯的神魂攻击 But is Divine Soul attack and union of pupil technique. 而是一种神魂攻击与瞳术的结合。 When that sheep's head Royal Lord stimulates to movement this king level Secret Technique, Yang Kai clearly saw that in his double pupil the inverted image has the own form. 当那羊头王主催动这王级秘术的时候,杨开清楚地看到他的双眸中倒影出自己的身影。 That form was covered by the strength of rich black ink, as if own really changed to black ink disciple. 那身影被浓郁的墨之力笼罩,仿佛自己真的化作了一个墨徒 Meanwhile, in the reality, Yang Kai was really covered the figure by the strength of extremely rich black ink, that strength of black ink is pure, resembles gives birth baseless, at least Yang Kai had not seen that opposite enemy has to stimulate to movement the sign of strength of black ink. 与此同时,现实之中,杨开果然被极为浓郁的墨之力笼罩身形,那墨之力精纯至极,似是凭空生出,最起码杨开没有看到对面的敌人有催动墨之力的迹象。 The strength of rich pure black ink invades in his flesh rapidly, is Yang Kai spells to go all-out unable to resist. 浓郁精纯的墨之力迅速侵入他的血肉之中,便是杨开拼尽全力也抵挡不住。 This corrosion too has not in a big way affected on flesh body, Black Ink Clan Royal Lord king level Secret Technique, is in itself not destructive Secret Technique. 这种侵蚀对肉身没有太大影响,墨族王主的王级秘术,本身就不是什么杀伤性的秘术 Suddenly, the strength of black ink invaded in Small Universe, then...... such as liked a stone dropped into the sea, did not have the response. 眨眼间,墨之力就侵入了小乾坤之中,然后……如石沉大海,没了反应。 Trades to make general 8-Rank to encounter this situation, at this moment only feared that has degenerated into black ink disciple, always does as one is told to that sheep's head Royal Lord. 换做一般的八品遇到这种情况,此刻只怕已经沦为墨徒,对那羊头王主唯命是从。 However in Yang Kai Small Universe has World Tree subtree suppress and seal, has no time clearly, he has even planted feudal lord level Black Ink Nest in own Small Universe, breeds Black Ink Clan to supply disciples of Void Buddhist temple to be informed and experienced. 然而杨开小乾坤中有世界树子树封镇,圆润无暇,他甚至在自己小乾坤中种下过一座领主级墨巢,借此孕育墨族来供给虚空道场的弟子们历练。 In his Small Universe, but also suppress and seal massive the strength of black ink. 他的小乾坤中,还封镇了大量了墨之力。 How also to fear the corrosion of strength of black ink. 又岂会惧怕墨之力的侵蚀。 Dark green has said with him, the World Tree subtree is not necessarily able to resist the strength of black ink, but that is black ink, is the sources of strength of all ink. 苍与他说过,世界树的子树未必能抵挡住墨的力量,但那是墨,是一切墨之力的源头。 Although sheep's head Royal Lord the strength is not weak, may compare to Mexico to miss, how could also to shake suppress and seal of subtree. 羊头王主虽然实力不弱,可比起墨本身还是差了些,又岂能撼动子树的封镇 But after displaying this king level Secret Technique, Yang Kai detected suddenly sheep's head Royal Lord aura is rapid, fell a big truncation suddenly. 而在施展了这王级秘术之后,杨开忽然察觉羊头王主气息迅速衰弱,陡然降了一大截。 He is suddenly enlighted, this knows why Royal Lord will not easily use king level Secret Technique. 他恍然大悟,这才知道王主们为何不会轻易动用王级秘术 Because needs to pay the price. 因为是需要付出代价的。 This Secret Technique prestige energy level, displaying is also silent, 8-Rank Open Heaven is hard to resist radically, if can stimulate to movement unrestrainedly, that previously on battlefield, Black Ink Clan only need send out Royal Lord to walk randomly, then can turn into black ink disciple Human Race most 8-Rank black ink, when the time comes Human Race wants the rout surely. 秘术威能极强,施展起来又是无声无息的,八品开天根本难以抵挡,若是能够毫无限制地催动,那此前战场上,墨族这边只需派出一位王主游走,便能将人族大部分八品墨化成墨徒,到时候人族定要溃败。 Because needs to pay a big price, therefore Royal Lord will not use this king level Secret Technique casually, so as to avoid being found the opportunity to cut to kill them by Human Race 9-Rank. 因为需要付出不小的代价,所以王主们也不会随便动用这王级秘术,免得被人族九品找到机会将他们斩杀。 Melts several Human Race eight Rank to compare with black ink, obviously their lives finer are more expensive. 与墨化几个人族品相比,显然他们的性命更加精贵一些。 Understood this point, Yang Kai grinned to smile, was still being wrapped by the strength of rich black ink from top to bottom, seemingly evil offense to the extreme. 明白了这一点,杨开咧嘴笑了起来,浑身上下依然被浓郁墨之力包裹着,看起来邪戾到了极点。 His was also worried that own Sun and Moon Divine Wheel can be insufficient facing the Royal Lord prestige, but opposite party king level Secret Technique displays together, oneself weaken much, perhaps Sun and Moon Divine Wheel wanted the accomplishment. 他本还担心自己日月神轮面对王主威能不足,可对方一道王级秘术施展出来,自身削弱不少,日月神轮恐怕要建功了。 Affected him in king level Secret Technique, lets the strength of his whole body black ink surges at the same time, prestige of revolving staggered great sun and full moon, covers sheep's head Royal Lord. 就在王级秘术影响了他,让他周身墨之力涌动的同时,旋转交错的大日和圆月之威,也将羊头王主笼罩。 The Yang Kai pupil is even more bright, the heart rouses secretly. 杨开眸子愈发明亮,心头暗暗振奋。 This is the first time that not he displayed Sun and Moon Divine Wheel, before then, he has displayed many times, facing the powerful enemy who that own is unable to contend with. 这不是他第一次施展日月神轮,在此之前,他施展过很多次,都是面对那种自己无法抗衡的强敌。 Which displaying Sun and Moon Divine Wheel never has, has today so the prestige energy. 可从来没有哪一次施展的日月神轮,有今日这般威能。 Today this Sun and Moon Divine Wheel might, as if big somewhat extraordinary. 今日这日月神轮的威力,似乎大的有些出奇。 This no doubt had him the say/way boundary on Principle of Time to promote the 1-layer reason, the biggest reason perhaps was because balanced! 这固然有他在时间之道上的道境提升了一层的原因,最大的原因恐怕是因为平衡! until now, on practice of time space two main roads, the space forever compared with time. 一直以来,在时间空间两条大道的修行上,空间永远都要比时间更强一些。 Before going to No-Return Pass, the Yang Kai's space main road boundary is 8th-layer, at that time Principle of Time say/way boundary 6-layer. 早在前往不回关之前,杨开的空间大道道境就已经是第八层了,那个时候时间之道的道境才第六层而已。 Differs enough a 2nd layer boundary. 相差足足两层道境。 practice in dragon pool, making the strength of his dragon vein rise dramatically, Principle of Time also has progressive, enters a 7th-layer boundary. 龙潭中的修行,让他龙脉之力暴增,连带着时间之道也有进步,进入第七层道境。 In the sea celestial phenomenon, gathers dozens River of Time to refine the fusion, a Principle of Time boundary steps into 8th-layer finally, is the same as Principle of Space reluctantly! 大海天象之中,收取数十条时光之河炼化融合,时间之道道境终于踏入第八层,与空间之道勉强持平! Yang Kai previously stimulated to movement Sun and Moon Divine Wheel time discovered, time space the strength of main road is somewhat unbalanced, this imbalance causes the Sun and Moon Divine Wheel prestige to be able not to have the means to erupt completely. 杨开此前催动日月神轮的时候就发现了,时间空间的大道之力有些失衡,这种失衡导致日月神轮的威能没办法全部爆发出来。 He has had the suspicion, if the strength of these two main roads achieve a state of equilibrium, Sun and Moon Divine Wheel also has room for tremendous growth. 他有过猜想,若是这两种大道之力达到一个平衡状态,日月神轮还有巨大的成长空间。 Now looks like, really so! 如今看来,果然如此! Two the strength connection fusions of main roads, deduct brand-new space-time strength, that space-time strength fills four wildly, sheep's head Royal Lord just now displays king level Secret Technique, then complexion big change. 两种大道的力量交汇融合,演绎出全新的时空之力,那时空之力弥漫四野,羊头王主方才施展出王级秘术,便脸色大变。 But this time, is his aura weak instance, facing that Sun and Moon Divine Wheel, had a fatal threat feeling unexpectedly. 这个时候,正是他气息虚弱的瞬间,面对那袭来的日月神轮,竟是不由生出了一种致命的威胁感。 He stimulates to movement the strength of black ink crazily, wanting to resist. 他疯狂催动墨之力,欲要抵挡。 However under the attrition of space-time strength, his movement, the thought came under and serious impact, does not wait for him to respond, Sun and Moon Divine Wheel has then hit ruthlessly on him. 然而在时空之力的研磨下,他的动作,思维都受到了及其严重的影响,不等他反应过来,日月神轮便已狠狠撞击在他身上。 Does not have the shadow invisible impact, spreads suddenly. 无影无形的冲击,骤然扩散开来。 sun and moon explodes, changes to bigger light ball. 日月爆开,化作更大的光球 space-time this flash seems to be confused. 时空这一瞬间仿佛错乱。 Stimulates to movement this Secret Technique Yang Kai, has the misconception that space-time inverts. 就连催动这一秘术杨开,也不由生出一种时空颠倒的错觉。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. 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