MP :: Volume #55

#5430: killing intention

At this moment, a Black Ink Clan feudal lord knits the brows to stare at the front sea celestial phenomenon, over the face doubts. 此时此刻,一位墨族领主皱眉盯着前方的大海天象,满面疑惑。 He always felt that these years, this sea celestial phenomenon as if had some changes, seemingly became small, but this change accumulated over a long period of time, was not quite obvious, he did not affirm very much. 他总感觉这些年来,这个大海天象似乎有了一些变化,貌似变得小了一些,不过这种变化日积月累,不太明显,他也不是很肯定。 Turns head to look toward Royal Lord Black Ink Nest that side, this feudal lord in must report this matter hesitant. 扭头朝王主墨巢那边瞧去,这位领主在犹豫要不要将此事上报。 Sir Royal Lord also in healing, although time passed for 500 years, but his injury still has not recovered, if this time did not have the critical matter to disturb him, perhaps own also had no good fruit to eat. 王主大人还在疗伤之中,虽然时间过去了五百年,可他的伤势依然没有痊愈,这个时候若无紧要之事打扰了他,自己恐怕也没什么好果子吃。 Perhaps is the own misconception! 或许是自己的错觉! This feudal lord shakes the head, so many companions are monitoring this sea celestial phenomenon, if this sea celestial phenomenon really changed small, other companions should also detect that was right. 这位领主摇了摇头,那么多同伴都在监测这大海天象,若是这大海天象真的变小了,其他同伴应该也会察觉才对。 Since other feudal lords had not detected, then definitely was own wants. 既然其他领主都没有察觉,那么肯定是自己想多了。 Is thinking time, the front sea celestial phenomenon suddenly had an unusual change, this Black Ink Clan feudal lord is startled, exceptionally originates to look with rapt attention toward that. 正这么想着的时候,前方大海天象忽然有了一丝异样的变化,这个墨族领主一怔,凝神朝那异常来源望去。 He monitored here for enough 300 years, until now this sea celestial phenomenon had no sound, as if one stagnant water, have some mighty waves today unexpectedly, was really strange. 他在这里监视了足足三百年,一直以来这大海天象都没有任何动静,仿佛一摊死水,今日竟起了一些波澜,着实奇怪。 However also not clear that waits for him to look, then sees that sea celestial phenomenon, suddenly has person's shadow together to kill outrageously, holds a long spear/gun every, seems resisting with the invisible enemy, murderous intention is steaming, a world mighty force unconstrainedly continuous. 不过还不等他看的清楚,便见那大海天象内部,忽然有一道人影悍然杀出,那人手持一杆长枪,仿佛在与无形之敌抗争,杀机腾腾,一身天地伟力跌宕不休。 That person kills, happen to and this Black Ink Clan feudal lord four eyes contact. 那人杀将出来的时候,正好与这墨族领主四目相对 Both are all startled. 两者皆是一怔。 Black Ink Clan feudal lord suddenly has gotten back one's composure, quickly leaves to draw back anxiously, simultaneously the opens the mouth long and loud cry warned! 墨族领主猛地回过神,急忙抽身急退,同时张口长啸示警! Human Race that Sir Royal Lord must look, came! 王主大人要找的人族,现身了! Although has never seen Yang Kai, but instantly, he, when Yang Kai appears then knows that this is the goal that Sir Royal Lord must look. 虽然从未见过杨开,可当杨开出现的刹那,他便知道这就是王主大人要找的目标。 The organing just resounded, Azure Dragon Spear then spiked in his mouth directly, under the world mighty force erupts, blasts out his head directly. 啸音才刚刚响起,苍龙枪便直接戳进了他的嘴巴中,天地伟力爆发之下,直接将他的头颅炸开。 Black Ink Clan feudal lord who where comes? The Yang Kai brow slightly wrinkle, catches the eye looked, the doubts were thicker, see only in the front dead universe, is standing erect feudal lord Black Ink Nest, that universe surrounding, many Black Ink Clan are walking randomly. 哪来的墨族领主?杨开眉头微皱,抬眼一看,疑惑更浓,只见前方一座死去的乾坤上,屹立着一座领主墨巢,那乾坤外围,还有不少墨族正在游走。 In addition, in all around Void, some similarly many Black Ink Clan, disperse in the sea celestial phenomenon surrounding, seems monitoring anything. 不但如此,四周虚空中,同样有许多墨族,分散在大海天象外围,仿佛在监控着什么。 His thoughts revolution, responded quickly. 他心思一转,很快反应过来。 Has that sheep's head Royal Lord intelligent fellow, been defending own in this outside actually unexpectedly? Moreover he should have own Black Ink Nest, otherwise is impossible to breed so many Black Ink Clan to come out, with the aid of Black Ink Clan that these breed, so long as own gets out of trouble from the sea celestial phenomenon, which direction no matter from comes out, he can immediately know. 那羊头王主倒是个聪明的家伙,居然一直在这外面守着自己?而且他应该有自己墨巢,否则不可能孕育出这么多墨族出来,借助这些孕育出来的墨族,只要自己从大海天象中脱困,不管是从哪个方向出来,他都能第一时间知晓。 Evidently, this sheep's head Royal Lord has not pursued in the sea celestial phenomenon, these years perhaps outside healing. 看样子,这羊头王主并没有追进大海天象中,这些年来恐怕是在外面疗伤 How many years did own pass in the sea celestial phenomenon? Since the decision leaves from the sea celestial phenomenon, he spent about 200 years of time to look for the outlet, in this period has drifted with the current with various undercurrents, did not distinguish the direction. 自己在大海天象中到底度过了多少年?自决定从大海天象离开至今,他花了将近两百年时间寻找出路,期间一直随着各种暗流随波逐流,不辨方向。 Nearly 200 years of searching of hardship, making Yang Kai also feel desperate, is good does not lose observant and conscientious person because of the time, the difficulty-relief only in the flash. 近两百年的苦苦寻觅,让杨开也感到绝望,好在功夫不负有心人,脱困只在一瞬之间。 Thinks without enough time, in a distant place universe, suddenly a powerful aura recovery , Yang Kai then sees in that side universe, a big form such as the meteor plunders to come toward here generally anxiously, the person , the familiar Royal Lord pressure has not covered. 来不及多想,远处一座乾坤中,忽然一股强大的气息复苏,紧接着,杨开便见到那边乾坤中,一道高大身影如流星一般朝这边急掠而来,人未至,熟悉的王主威压已经覆盖而来。 Come quite quick! 来的好快! Yang Kai knew in the heart that should be nearby feudal lord gave the information through Black Ink Nest to him. 杨开心知应该是附近的领主通过墨巢给他传递了信息。 The Black Ink Clan feudal lords in Void also started toward the Yang Kai rush in the past, to want him to delay obviously. 虚空中的墨族领主们也开始朝杨开冲杀过去,显然是想将他拖延住。 In the Yang Kai hand Azure Dragon Spear shake-out a spear/gun to be colored, cracks into a smile, flushes away in the direction that sheep's head Royal Lord comes outrageously , nearby Black Ink Clan has ruptured along the way in abundance. 杨开手中苍龙枪抖出一个枪花,咧嘴一笑,悍然朝羊头王主来的方向冲去,沿途所过,附近的墨族纷纷爆裂开来。 In Void, sheep's head Royal Lord is somewhat startled however. 虚空中,羊头王主有些怔然。 Hasn't run? 没跑? He also thinks Yang Kai , if there is opportunity to get out of trouble from the sea celestial phenomenon, definitely meets immediately to flee, this Human Race strength is not much, in the escaping aspect is actually a expert. 他还以为杨开若有机会从大海天象中脱困,肯定会第一时间遁逃,这人族实力不怎么样,在逃跑方面却是一把好手。 Message that after obtaining the subordinate gives, he is pressed with overwork anxiously, for fear that made Yang Kai escaping. May catch the eye to look, that Human Race not only has not run, instead is welcoming the homicide. 所以在得到下属传递的消息后,他急忙杀出,唯恐让杨开给逃了。可抬眼望去,那人族非但没跑,反而迎着他杀了上来。 Energy where this Human Race comes? He forgets for 500 years ago by such as the ugly performance of stray cur own pursues? 人族哪来的底气?他是忘记五百年前被自己追的如丧家之犬的丑态了吗? Quick, sheep's head Royal Lord apparent his energy where. 很快,羊头王主便知他的底气何在了。 As each other unceasing nearness of distance, that Human Race aura increases successively, then broke through the 7-Rank limit quickly, arrived in the 8-Rank degree. 随着彼此距离的不断靠近,那人族气息节节攀升,很快便突破了七品极限,抵达了八品的程度。 8-Rank Open Heaven! 八品开天 Sheep's head Royal Lord slightly absent-minded, did this fellow promote unexpectedly? 羊头王主微微失神,这家伙居然晋升了? In that sea celestial phenomenon obviously crisis-ridden, initially own did not hope stops over is too long, he has not died in inside is lucky, how to also break through the limit? 那大海天象中明明危机四伏,当初就连自己也不愿在其中逗留太久,他没死在里面已是万幸,怎么还会突破自身极限的? Difficult to be inadequate, what chance can he in also? 难不成,他在里面还得了什么机缘? Sheep's head Royal Lord complexion suddenly one cold. 羊头王主脸色骤然一冷。 How breaks through 8-Rank? He is Black Ink Clan Royal Lord! 突破八品又如何?他可是墨族王主 Before did not have the means with that Human Race, was because he was also damaged heavily, without the means displayed the complete strength, however 500 years of training lived, his injury has changed for the better most, although also no longer peak, but has not been 500 years ago may compare. 之前拿那人族没办法,是因为他本身也受创不轻,没办法发挥全部实力,然而五百年的修养生息,他的伤势已经好转大半,虽还不复巅峰,可早已不是五百年前可比。 don't said 8-Rank, is 35, he can also solve with ease. 莫说一个八品,便是三五个,他也能轻松解决。 The premise is this Human Race don't several hundred years ago same flees. 前提是这人族别跟几百年前一样遁逃。 Two forms toward each other rush ahead, from pulls closer rapidly, the powerful aura collision, has not really fought, Void has then started to twist. 两道身影朝彼此冲杀,距离迅速拉近,强大的气息碰撞,还未真的交手,虚空便已开始扭曲。 , In the eye of sheep's head Royal Lord lost the Yang Kai's trace towering, the next moment, powerful murderous intention covers him, everywhere spear/gun shadow fills the air suddenly. 突兀地,羊头王主的眼中失去了杨开的踪影,下一刻,强大的杀机将他笼罩,漫天枪影忽然弥漫开来。 This flash, the Yang Kai long spear/gun waves, the harvest in sea celestial phenomenon blossoms and bears fruit, uses own Spear Principle as the foundation, the good fortune, Yin-Yang, the life and death, five elements, karma, slaughters, bloodthirsty...... 这一瞬间,杨开长枪舞动,在大海天象中的收获开花结果,以自身枪道为根基,造化,阴阳,生死,五行,因果,杀戮,嗜血…… All sorts of boundaries fill the air to interweave. 种种道境弥漫交织。 The prestige of this spear/gun, makes the universe peak, the entire world collapse. 这一枪之威,直让乾坤巅峰,寰宇崩坏。 The front then has Black Ink Clan Territory Lord, Yang Kai will also have extinguishing to kill self-confidently. 面前便是有一位墨族域主,杨开也有自信将之灭杀。 This absolutely is he until now, strongest spear/gun that attacks! 这绝对是他迄今为止,攻出的最强一枪! Under facing this gathering of beautifully dressed people attack, dealing of sheep's head Royal Lord is only a fist, the strength of black ink surges, a fist wields ruthlessly! 面对这花团锦簇般的攻击,羊头王主的应对只是一拳,墨之力涌动之下,一拳狠狠挥出! Then Yang Kai flew on such as the kite generally, in the midair the mouth spurts Golden Blood. 然后杨开就如纸鸢一般飞了出去,半空中口喷金血 A strength falls ten meetings! 一力降十会! Even if Yang Kai harvests greatly in the sea celestial phenomenon, comprehended many non- person of same belief boundaries . Moreover the attainments are not low, actually cannot make up for the strength strong and weak that the disparity on Rank brought. 纵然杨开在大海天象中收获巨大,参悟了许多不同道境,而且造诣都还不低,却弥补不了品阶上的差距带来的实力强弱。 He quickly adjusts the figure, when pauses, not only not discouraged, instead the pupil shines! 他急忙调整身形,停步之时非但没有气馁,反而眸子发亮! Because he saw possibility that contends with Royal Lord. 因为他看到了抗衡王主的可能性。 Trades to be him before the Senior sea celestial phenomenon, he at all impossible to fight with Black Ink Clan Royal Lord like this, only feared that struck must be beaten to explode by others. 换做他在进入大海天象之前,他根本不可能与墨族王主这样交手,只怕一击就要被人家捶爆了。 But now, although seems like miserable, had the capital of resistance. 而如今,尽管看起来还是凄凉,却有了对抗的资本。 The promotion of 8-Rank, the comprehensions of various say/way boundaries, made his strength have the full leap, present he, has not been past he. 八品的晋升,各种道境的领悟,都让他的实力有了十足的飞跃,如今的他,早已不是当年的他。 Sheep's head Royal Lord was also shocked obviously, after a fist bang flew Yang Kai, has not been chasing down anxiously, but looks with rapt attention toward the fist of own. 羊头王主显然也是愣住了,一拳轰飞了杨开之后并没有急着追杀出去,而是凝神朝自己的拳头望去。 On that fist, is filling many strengths of being unable to put things clearly unexpectedly, all around in Void has many, these strengths transform to measure not, resemble to involve the strength the basis, making him ponder over airtight. 那拳上,竟弥漫着许多说不清道不明的力量,就连四周虚空中都有不少,那些力量变换莫测,似牵扯到力量的根本,让他琢磨不透。 However quick, he then abandons the heart distracting thoughts, catches the eye to look toward Yang Kai, in the pupil murderous intention roasts greatly! 不过很快,他便抛弃心头杂念,抬眼朝杨开望去,眸中杀机大炙! 500 years ago, he made this Human Race run into the sea celestial phenomenon, 500 years later, this fellow came out the later strength to rise suddenly a big truncation, this kind of Human Race cannot leave alone, otherwise does not know in the future will have many Black Ink Clan dead in his hand. 五百年前,他让这个人族逃进了大海天象,五百年后,这家伙出来之后实力暴涨了一大截,这样的人族绝不能放任不管,否则日后不知会有多少墨族死在他手上。 Decides, how regardless of today must cut to kill Yang Kai. 打定主意,今日无论如何也要将杨开斩杀了。 Another side, Yang Kai is also thinking at heart, how regardless of today must cut to kill this sheep's head Royal Lord. 另一边,杨开心里也在想,今日无论如何也要将这羊头王主斩杀了。 Strength increase makes his self-confidence inflate actually not, but involves the sea celestial phenomenon the mystery, this sheep's head Royal Lord cannot remain. 倒不是实力增加让他自信心膨胀,只是牵扯到大海天象的奥妙,这个羊头王主留不得。 The sea celestial phenomenon absolutely is a buried treasure, although he was stranded in inside many years, may harvest greatly also incomparable, this kind of celestial phenomenon, to him, even has big using to Human Race. 大海天象绝对是一处宝藏,他虽然被困在里面不少年月,可收获也巨大无比,这样的天象,对他本身,甚至对人族都有大用。 In the future will perhaps have the opportunity to come this place again, well practice. 日后或许有机会再来此地,好好修行 Therefore the secret of this place cannot expose. 所以此地的秘密不能暴露出去。 Today if makes this sheep's head Royal Lord live, he will definitely penetrate noses, cannot do well can understand clearly the mystery in sea celestial phenomenon. 今日若是让这羊头王主活下来,他肯定会深入其中查探,搞不好就能洞悉大海天象中的奥秘。 Say/Way boundary that in these undercurrents contains, is truly useless to Black Ink Clan, is useful to black ink disciple. 那些暗流中蕴藏的道境,对墨族确实没什么用,可是对墨徒有用。 Black Ink Clan only needs to bring some black ink disciple to come, can completely receive all sorts of advantage in sea celestial phenomenon. 墨族只需要带一些墨徒过来,就能尽收大海天象中的种种好处。 In order to guard against this matter's occurrence, Yang Kai must silence a witness of crime! 为了防备此事的发生,杨开就必须得杀人灭口! Furthermore, the opposite party will not readily make him run away, here waits so many years, own to come now, how could the opposite party did not have killing intention. 再者说,对方也不会轻易让他逃走的,在这里等了这么多年,自己如今已经现身,对方岂能不起杀心 To maintain a livelihood, only had to kill him! 想活命,唯有杀了他! The respective idea decides on, kills the thoughts of opposite party to happen to hold the same view, the Yang Kai form rocks, vanishes instantaneously in place, sheep's head Royal Lord also stimulates to movement the strength of black ink, the behind transparent shark's fins opens loudly. 各自主意打定,弄死对方的心思不谋而合,杨开身影晃动,瞬间消失在原地,羊头王主也催动墨之力,身后肉翅轰然张开。 Next flickers, the Yang Kai's form appears in sheep's head Royal Lord behind towering, a spear/gun pounds. 下一瞬,杨开的身影突兀地出现在羊头王主身后,一枪捣去。 Behind that sheep's head Royal Lord steadily, the person seemed to be motionless, searches the hand then to grasp toward behind, under the big palm, resembling to seize the solid world. 那羊头王主背后仿佛长了一眼,人不动,探手便朝后面抓了过来,大掌之下,似能擒固天地。 However is actually one gets nothing for one's effort, Yang Kai's afterimage dissipates in his hands, this Senior/true body has actually organized his left side. 然而却是一把抓了个空,杨开的残影在他手中消散,本尊却已腾挪到了他的左侧。 Sheep's head Royal Lord seems the expectation, a fist has rumbled, when Yang Kai comes, as if hit. 羊头王主似有预料,早已一拳轰出,杨开现身之时,仿佛一头撞了上去。 Electric light flint two people has fought over a hundred moves, all touches receives. 电光火石两人已交手上百招,皆都是一触即收。 Yang Kai's afterimage proliferates Void, as if presented over a hundred him all of a sudden, this afterimage has not dissipated, new afterimage has appeared. 杨开的残影遍布虚空,仿佛一下子出现了上百个他,这个残影还未消散,新的残影就已经出现了。 One after another, various say/way boundaries stimulate to movement, establishes network of the say/way boundary, must enter the sheep's head Royal Lord net. 一枪又一枪,各种道境催动开来,编制成一张道境之网,要将羊头王主网进其中。 Sheep's head Royal Lord only copes with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle, he knows that this Human Race is skilled in Space Principle, even if own strength strong he, cannot have the rhythm by him, otherwise is then hard to end. 羊头王主只以不变应万变,他知道这人族精通空间法则,纵然自己实力强过他,也不能被他带了节奏,否则便难以收场。 He can take advantage, is the strong strength, so long as made him find the opportunity, he can strike to kill! 他所能依仗的,便是强大的实力,只要让他找到机会,他就能一击必杀! Flickers instantaneous, the tactical situation becomes strange. 瞬瞬间,战况变得古怪至极。 A gaudiness of hitting, various say/way boundaries have words at fingertips and write with facility, the body walks along with the spear/gun, seemingly plain clumsy, is actually safely motionless, great power can. 一个打的花里胡哨,各种道境信手拈来,身随枪走,一个看起来古朴笨拙,却是安然不动,举手投足间莫大威能。 Please remember this book first round domain name:. Cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:。手机版阅读网址:
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