MP :: Volume #54

#5325: 7000 zhang (3.33 m)

Three age aged ancient dragon Elder look at each other one, all sees each other in the eye to have doubts. 三位年纪老迈的古龙长老对视一眼,皆都看出彼此眼中疑惑。 That Human Race broke through in dragon pool. 人族在龙潭中突破了。 According to them the news obtained from Human Race supreme, that person should be only a big dragon, has broken through, that ancient Long's body? 根据他们从人族至尊那边得到的消息,那人应该只是一头巨龙而已,既已突破,那岂不是古龙之身了? This somewhat is actually strange, since ancient times, the Dragon Clan source lost much, is many races obtains, but grows to this degree, is very rare. 这倒是有些离奇,古往今来,龙族本源遗失了不少,也为不少种族获得,但成长到这个程度的,还是很少见的。 Another side, knew that this time enters clansman of dragon pool to grow so slowly, unexpectedly because of that Human Race reason, remains behind Dragon Clan outside somewhat to be all filled with righteous indignation, has the big dragon to clamor is waiting that Human Race to come out to be then attractive to him. 另一边,得知这一次入龙潭的族人之所以成长如此缓慢,竟是因为那个人族的原因,留守在外的龙族皆都有些义愤填膺,更有巨龙叫嚣着待那人族出来便给他好看。 Stands in the Dragon Clan standpoint, dragon pool this equipollent can allow other families to enter has made an exception, if not for Human Race has 9-Rank supreme to act, will reach the agreement with Dragon Clan, Dragon Clan will not agree in any event. 站在龙族的立场上,龙潭这等重地能让一个外族进入已是破例,若不是人族九品至尊出面,与龙族这边达成协议,龙族无论如何都不会同意的。 Entered dragon pool, asks for some advantage, now unexpectedly also disturbs to the growth of more than ten clansman, how could does this tolerate? 入了龙潭,讨些好处也就罢了,如今居然还干扰到十几个族人的成长,这岂能容忍? Must know that dragon pool opens the exactly what easy matter, can enter in dragon pool practice, to each Dragon Clan is the chances. 要知道龙潭开启可不是什么容易的事,能入龙潭中修行,对每一头龙族来说都是机缘。 When Dragon Clan shouted in confusion continuous, that vortex dragon pool entrance, wipes golden light for the first time presently , gigantic dragon's head ran out. 就在龙族这边吵嚷不休的时候,那漩涡般的龙潭入口处,一抹金光乍现,紧接着,一个硕大龙头从中冲出。 Dreadful dragon prestige fills the air. 滔天龙威弥漫。 The square that makes noise fails to explode instantaneously. 喧闹的广场瞬间哑火。 With the sound of soaring Dragon Roar, huge dragon body also rapid jumps out from dragon pool, these Dragon Clan that just now also clamored, dumbstruck is looking at the sky. 伴随着高昂的龙吟之声,庞大龙身也迅速从龙潭之中窜出,方才还叫嚣的那些龙族,目瞪口呆地望着天空。 Three ancient dragon Elder are out of sorts similarly. 三位古龙长老同样失神。 Ji Old Third is the corners of the mouth twitches...... 那姬老三更是嘴角抽搐…… 7,000 zhang (23,333m)! 七千丈 7,000 zhang (23,333m) dragon body, occupies above No-Return Pass, golden light is shining, power and prestige coldly, bright prestige overweening arrogance. 足足七千丈龙身,盘踞在不回关上方,金光灿灿,威风凛然,煌煌之威不可一世 Ji Old Third looks is filled with bitterly and astringently. 老三瞧的满心苦涩。 7,000 zhang (23,333m)! 七千丈啊! Yang Kai enters dragon pool time 3500 zhang (11,655m) dragon body, later, did dragon body grow for these years one time? 杨开入龙潭的时候才不过三千五百丈龙身而已,这几年下来,龙身成长了一倍? since ancient times, has no Dragon Clan to enter dragon pool practice to obtain such big advantage. 古往今来,就没有哪个龙族入龙潭修行能得到这么大好处的。 7,000 zhang (23,333m) dragon body, even if takes a broad view at the Dragon Clan ancient dragon sequence, was not a weak one. 七千丈龙身,即便放眼龙族的古龙序列,也不是弱者了。 The one who makes Ji Old Third speechless is, under that dragon prestige, some own unexpectedly hands and feet becomes tender, was suppressed completely. 更让姬老三无语的是,在那龙威之下,自己竟有些手脚发软,完全被压制了。 Not only he so, many similarly are ancient dragon Dragon Clan, for no reason under that dragon prestige has a pressure, that is the bloodlines suppressed sign. 不但他如此,还有许多同样是古龙的龙族,在那龙威之下都平白生出一种压力,那是自身血脉被压制的迹象。 Golden Dragon......” in three Elder, the old woman drinks one lowly. 金龙……”三位长老中,那老妪不禁低喝一声。 Another Elder is staring at one in that five Dragon Emperor statues stubbornly, that is three generations of Dragon Emperor statue, at this time also blooms unexpectedly dazzling golden light, during with aura resonance of space that big dragon, is dark, seems anything to relate the two involves. 另一位长老则是死死地盯着那五座龙皇雕像中的一座,那是三代龙皇的雕像,此时竟也绽放出耀眼金光,与天上那头巨龙的气息共鸣,冥冥之中,似有什么联系将二者牵连。 So that's how it is!” This Elder twittering, such situation , he if could not have guessed correctly the Yang Kai's source origin, that also lived in vain so many years. “原来如此!”这长老一声呢喃,此等情形,他若还猜不出杨开的本源来历,那也白活这么多年了。 Dragon Clan here past years had also once searched the source of that losing, not only Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan is also looking, only missed the best time pitifully, had not harvested. 龙族这边当年也曾寻觅过那遗失的本源,不但龙族,凤族也在找,只可惜错过了最好的时机,一直没有收获。 But regardless of Dragon Clan or Phoenix Clan know, such as the strength of that two powerful source, is impossible easily to be destroyed, not being able to find, is only losing, did not represent not to have. 但无论龙族还是凤族都知道一点,如那两位强大的本源之力,是不可能轻易被摧毁的,找不到,只是遗失,不代表没有了。 Everyone didn't expect, that source in this manner, presents in Dragon Clan at present, for a moment, knows ancient Longmen who details has mixed emotions. 只是谁也没想到,那一位的本源会以这种方式,重新呈现在龙族的眼前,一时间,知道详情的古龙们百感交集。 They previously think what Yang Kai refining up is only the ordinary Dragon Clan source, that also has nothing to care, the source that Dragon Clan loses are many, others obtain is also others' chance. 他们先前都以为杨开炼化的只是普通的龙族本源,那也没什么好在意的,龙族遗失的本源不少,别人得到的也是别人的机缘。 But if this source involves to three generations of Dragon Emperor, that significance was different, in that source, but is concealing road of the direct access to the highest authorities. 可若是这份本源牵扯到三代龙皇,那意义就不同了,那本源之中,可是暗藏着一条通天之路。 In the sky, Yang Kai huge dragon body circled on No-Return Pass, the figure shrank, changes to the human form, dropped the body. 天空中,杨开庞大龙身不回关上盘旋了一圈,身形一缩,化作人形,落下身来。 Feels all around that surprised vision, Yang Kai knew in the heart that own these feared brought many doubts to Dragon Clan, at least, own refining up the matter of Golden Holy Dragon source to fear that cannot conceal the truth. 感受到四周那一道道惊疑的目光,杨开心知自己这一趟怕是给龙族带来了不少疑惑,最起码,自己炼化金圣龙本源的事怕是瞒不住的。 Dragon Clan should have many matters to ask own. 龙族这边应该会有不少事问自己 Also does not wait for them to ask, Yang Kai takes the lead to open the mouth saying: Sees three Elder, the Fu Guang senior has had a thing to make the younger generation transmit.” 也不等他们发问,杨开率先开口道:“见过三位长老,伏广前辈有一物让晚辈转交。” Mediation Elder of that old man appearance, were choked the words to the mouth, is surprised the different way: Fu Guang, did you see Fu Guang in dragon pool?” 居中的那位老叟模样的长老,话到了嘴边被噎了回去,诧异道:“伏广,你在龙潭见到伏广了?” Yes.” Yang Kai nods. “是。”杨开点点头。 His situation how?” The old man concern asked. “他情况如何?”那老叟关切问道。 Yang Kai said: Fu Guang senior all well.” 杨开道:“伏广前辈一切安好。” What thing does he want you to bring to come back?” Old woman Elder asked. “他要你带什么东西回来?”那老妪长老问道。 Yang Kai handed over Fu Guang that piece of Dragon Scales, the old woman received, the sensation, after a little while, gives another Elder Dragon Scales with rapt attention, the vision is looking at Yang Kai complex. 杨开伏广那一片龙鳞递了过去,那老妪接过,凝神感知,少顷,将龙鳞递给另外一位长老,目光复杂地望着杨开 When also noses after another two Elder, each other looks at each other one, no exchange, but actually saw the tacit understanding in respective. 待到另两位长老也查探完之后,彼此才对视一眼,也没什么交流,不过却都看出了各自眼中的默契。 Old man Elder of mediation nods slightly, looking at the Yang Kai's look no longer is so finally faint, were many a gentleness: You shed the body and exchange the bones, the bloodlines are pure, that from now henceforth, is my Dragon Clan one.” 居中的老叟长老微微颔首,望着杨开的神色终不再那么淡漠,多了一丝柔和:“你既已脱胎换骨,血脉精纯,那从今以后,便是我龙族一员。” In fact, in Yang Kai that flash of dragon pool flushing, three ancient dragon Elder have felt. 事实上,在杨开从龙潭冲出来的那一瞬间,三位古龙长老就已经感受到了。 Yang Kai and beginning No-Return Pass time is not quite same. 杨开与初来不回关的时候不太一样。 If Yang Kai just came No-Return Pass time, the body is also doping thick Human Race aura, when that he runs out from dragon pool, that aura was then nothing left, now lingers in his whole body, is pure Dragon Breath. 如果说杨开刚来不回关的时候,身上还掺杂着浓浓的人族气息,那么当他从龙潭冲出时,那气息便荡然无存了,如今萦绕在他周身的,乃是纯正的龙息 Nosed again Fu Guang after the information that in Dragon Scales leaves behind, three ancient dragon Elder also understood clearly in dragon pool all. 再查探了伏广龙鳞之中留下的信息后,三位古龙长老也洞悉了龙潭中发生的一切。 Such that truly such as they think, what Yang Kai refining up is three generations of Dragon Emperor loses strength of the source outside, this point, Fu Guang has confirmed over and over. 确实如他们所想的那样,杨开炼化的是三代龙皇遗失在外的本源之力,这一点,伏广已经再三确认过。 He must Sun's Burning Shine, Moon's Nether Glimmer regard as important, must bestow the solar moon to record, is dependent this two marks, he can swallow the strength of dragon pool in dragon pool wantonly, rapid growth. 他还得太阳灼照,太阴幽荧看重,得赐太阳太阴记,正是依赖这两道印记,他才能在龙潭之中大肆吞噬龙潭之力,迅速成长。 Also because of this reason, these clansman that enters dragon pool display badly like that. 也正是因为这个缘故,这一趟入龙潭的族人们表现才那般不济。 It is not their aptitude is not good, but the advantage was robbed by Yang Kai. 并非他们资质不行,只是好处都被杨开抢走了。 When trades to do enters No-Return Pass Yang Kai to do this matter initially, Dragon Clan will definitely not give up, Dragon Clan in the future on these later generations, hindered their growth, is disadvantageous to Dragon Clan. 换做初入不回关时的杨开搞这种事,龙族这边肯定不会善罢甘休,龙族的未来在那些后辈身上,阻碍了他们的成长,就是对龙族不利。 Yet now, Yang Kai was also Dragon Clan, was clansman, fight between clansman, that is internal fight, Elder who will not accuse anything. 可如今,杨开也是龙族了,算是族人,族人之间的争抢,那是内斗,长辈们谁也不会指责什么。 Do not say, in information that Fu Guang leaves behind, he also drew support from the strength of Yang Kai, is likely to tread that last step. 更不要说,伏广留下的信息中,他还借助了杨开之力,有望踏出那最后一步。 Compares the growth of more than ten later generations, Fu Guang promotes Holy Dragon to be without doubt more important. 相比较十几个后辈的成长,伏广晋升圣龙无疑更加重要一些。 Yang Kai now is the 7,000 zhang (23,333m) ancient Long's body, has three generations of Dragon Emperor source to return, makes up for the loss of later generations sufficiently. 杨开如今是七千丈古龙之身,更带着三代龙皇的本源回归,也足以弥补后辈们的损失。 The old man Elder word, raises the head looks to numerous clansman, shouted high: Dragon Clan declines, the ethnic group is on the wane, now has clansman to return, is strong my dragon prestige, celebrates for my Dragon Clan!” 老叟长老言罢,抬头望向众多族人,高喝道:“龙族式微,族群凋零,今有族人归来,壮我龙威,为我龙族贺!” Other two Elder has the tacit understanding of drink extremely with one voice high: Is Dragon Clan celebrates!” 身边另外两位长老极有默契地齐声高喝:“为龙族贺!” Is Dragon Clan celebrates!” “为龙族贺!” ...... …… Yang Kai stunned, did this become Dragon Clan one slightly? When he promotes ancient dragon truly abandoned as the part of Human Race, changed to pure blood Dragon Clan, but really became Dragon Clan one, somewhat made him too not adapt. 杨开稍稍愕然,这就成龙族的一员了?虽说他晋升古龙之时确实摒弃了身为人族的部分,化作了纯血龙族,但真的就这么成了龙族一员,还是有些让他不太适应。 Regarding the bloodlines of own is Human Race or Dragon Clan, Yang Kai has not actually cared, he really does not come Dragon Clan after all, regards to the bloodline has not that attached great importance. 对于自己的血脉到底是人族还是龙族,杨开其实并没有太在意,他毕竟不是真的出身龙族,对血统看待没那么重视。 However three ancient dragon Elder took a stand, that means that he really became Dragon Clan one. 不过三位古龙长老这么表态,那就意味着他真的成了龙族一员。 Before Dragon Clan here many clansman , is still clamoring and other Yang Kai to have dragon pool then to want him to be attractive, but after three Elder coffins cover the conclusion, shouted loudly together, quite the same as do not look for his troublesome meaning. 龙族这边许多族人之前还在叫嚣着等杨开出龙潭便要他好看,可三位长老棺盖定论之后也一起高呼起来,浑然没有要找他麻烦的意思。 Holy Spirit to and heavy, Yang Kai that ethnic group concept looks if the bystander, that naturally tells the truth, telling the truth, but the present is not only clansman, nothing more to be said. 圣灵们对族群这个观念看的及重,杨开若是外人,那自然是有一说一,有二说二,可眼下既是族人,那就没什么好说的了。 The Yang Kai angriest Zhu Wuyou of that side to the qi energy that shouted, do not say other Dragon Clan. 那边对杨开最为气恼的祝无忧都喊的气劲,更不要说其他龙族 Only Ji Old Third rolls the eyes crazily, did this become clansman? 唯独姬老三狂翻白眼,这就成族人了? Did that own enmity also report? 自己的仇还怎么报? However thinks, others present 7,000 zhang (23,333m) dragon body, own 5,500 zhang (18,333m), the strength of bloodlines is inferior to the person, the source is inferior to the person, really revenges also brings contempt upon oneself, the innermost feelings sighed, extinguished the thoughts of revenging, at least, before the own strength was inferior to others, cannot report the enmity. 不过想想,人家如今七千丈龙身,自己五千五百丈,血脉之力不如人,本源不如人,真去报仇也是自取其辱,内心一叹,熄了报仇的心思,最起码,在自己实力不如人家之前,是报不了仇了。 On Parasol Tree, Huang Siniang watched a good play, delighted. 梧桐树上,凰四娘看了一出好戏,眉飞色舞。 She only knows that Yang Kai these enters dragon pool peacefully definitely not static, actually does not want to do finally, Yang Kai was admitted by Dragon Clan unexpectedly, became clansman. 她只知道杨开这一趟入龙潭肯定不会太平静,却不想搞到最后,杨开居然被龙族这边接纳,成为族人了。 Although with Dragon Clan coexistence No-Return Pass, two looked year to year two tire, but in the final analysis, everyone is standing in the same battleline, Dragon Clan here powerful, is also favorable for No-Return Pass. 虽说与龙族常年共处不回关,两看两相厌,但说到底,大家都在站在同一阵线上的,龙族这边实力强大了,对不回关也有利。 Although for these years, No-Return Pass has not encountered what war. 尽管这么多年来,不回关也没遭遇什么战事。 Dragon Clan is still shouting loudly rouses, three Elders look at the Yang Kai's look is becoming kindly is also kind. 龙族还在高呼振奋,三位长老们望着杨开的神色也变得和蔼亲切起来。 Pure bloodlines naturally being insufficient makes them regard with a special fondness purely, but Yang Kai refining up the source is three generations of Dragon Emperor source. 单纯的血脉纯净自然不足以让他们另眼相看,可杨开炼化的本源乃是三代龙皇的本源。 The strength of that source means an exceedingly high main road, if Yang Kai can inherit not saying that completely grows to comparing favorably with three generations of Dragon Emperor degree, Holy Dragon cannot run away. 那本源之力本身就意味着一条通天大道,若是杨开能够完全继承下来不说成长到媲美三代龙皇的程度,一头圣龙是跑不掉的。 Holy Dragon...... since ancient times, how many Holy Dragon has Dragon Clan presented? 圣龙啊……古往今来,龙族又出现过多少圣龙 Furthermore, Fu Guang also mentions the Yang Kai's Sun moon to record when the information that in Dragon Scales hid, stimulation of movement, can the strength of pulling huge incomparable dragon pool, that be the best boost that Dragon Clan broke through. 再者,伏广龙鳞中隐藏的信息还提及了杨开的太阳太阴记,催动之时,能够牵引庞大无比的龙潭之力,那可是龙族突破的最佳助力。 Then if in the clan has ancient dragon to promote Holy Dragon again, can definitely make Yang Kai get down to help together, can greatly promote the promotion the success ratio. 回头族内若再有古龙晋升圣龙,完全可以让杨开下去一起帮忙,可以大大地提升晋升的成功率。 Three ancient dragon Elder have reached the limit in their boundary, don't they want about one? 三位古龙长老在自身境界上已经走到了极限,他们不想更近一步吗? Also is thinks that is only the restricted bloodlines restriction, without the means treads that. 也是想的,只是受限血脉制约,没办法踏出那一步而已。 If records to push up with the aid of the Yang Kai's Sun moon, perhaps possibly breaks through, although hopes not in a big way, is always worth trying one. 如果借助杨开的太阳太阴记推上一把,或许就可能突破,尽管希望不大,总是值得尝试一番的。 At present is not good, Fu Guang is diving to cultivate in dragon pool, can not disturb, waits for Fu Guang to go out, three ancient dragon Elder could not say that must try. 眼下不行,伏广正在龙潭中潜修,受不得干扰,等伏广出关,三位古龙长老说不得也要去试试。 If by some chance gave birth to a child in old age. 万一老蚌生珠了呢。
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