MP :: Volume #54

#5324: That Human Race too bastard

Resembled sees the Yang Kai's thoughts, Fu Guang said: My accumulation is enough, what remaining is only exchanging of bloodlines changes, this point external force is not able to help.” 似是看出了杨开的心思,伏广道:“我的积累已经足够,剩下的只是血脉的兑变,这一点外力是帮不上忙的。” Three years of time, Yang Kai records the strength of dragon pool pulling comes with the aid of the solar moon, is almost equivalent to a Fu Guang hundred years of merit, obviously great strength of two marks. 三年时间,杨开借助太阳太阴记牵引而来的龙潭之力,几乎相当于伏广百年之功,可见两道印记的强大。 Before he is unable to tread that step, because are not enough using the strength of dragon pool pulling came, no means accumulated from the quantitative change to the effect of qualitative change, but this matter front the solar moon recorded is completely not the issue. 之前他无法踏出那一步,是因为利用古法牵引而来的龙潭之力不够多,没办法由量变积累到质变的效果,但这种事在太阳太阴记面前完全不是问题。 He consumes the strength of dragon pool hundred years of merit pulling comes, is equal to Yang Kai three years of pulling, does not represent the effect same. 他耗费百年之功牵引而来的龙潭之力,与杨开三年牵引等同,并不代表效果一样。 Without Yang Kai helps one another, don't said that short three years, is again the millenniums, he is also not necessarily able to go out this step. 若没有杨开相助,莫说短短三年,便是再有千年,他也未必能走出这一步。 But now, he had felt that his bloodlines are having some changes, was the time treads that truly. 而如今,他已感觉到自身血脉正在发生一些改变,是时候真正踏出那一步了。 Perhaps waits for next dragon pool to open time, Dragon Clan will add Holy Dragon again! 或许等下一次龙潭开启的时候,龙族这边将再添一位圣龙 Listened to him saying that Yang Kai also relaxes, owing the person favor was not the good deed, now Fu Guang directs own Principle of Time, own helps him promote Holy Dragon, was accords to his need. 听他这么说,杨开也松了口气,欠人人情不是什么好事,如今伏广指点自己时间之道,自己助他晋升圣龙,也算是各取所需。 Dragon Scales flies to Yang Kai, Fu Guang to say suddenly: Takes to three Elder in clan this thing, you will obtain the proper treatment.” 一枚龙鳞忽然飞向杨开,伏广道:“将此物带给族内的三位长老,你自会得到应有的待遇。” Yang Kai extends the claw to fish, felt in that Dragon Scales to be used the mysterious technique seal by Fu Guang faintly something , does not know that was anything. 杨开伸爪捞住,隐隐感觉那龙鳞之中被伏广利用玄妙手法封印了一些东西,也不知是什么。 Meaning that he has not spied on, own this Xialongtan, except for swallowing the strength of dragon pool were many, no why the matter that does a disservice to Dragon Clan, instead also helped Fu Guang busy, according to the truth, the Dragon Clan that side should thank own to be right. 他没有窥探的意思,自己这一趟下龙潭,除了吞噬的龙潭之力多了点,也没干什么对不起龙族的事,反而还帮了伏广一个忙,按道理来说,龙族那边应该谢谢自己才对。 Now although he is pure blood Dragon Clan, when promotion also got rid to be the part of Human Race, but in the subconscious, he still thought that own was Human Race. 如今他虽已是纯血龙族,晋升时也摒起了身为人族的部分,但潜意识里,他依然觉得自己是个人族 Wipes luminously gets down from the above directly shoots, that rays of light does not know that from many ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), actually resembles to penetrate the entire dragon pool. 一抹光亮从上方直射下来,那光芒不知来自多少万丈之外,却似能穿透整个龙潭。 from the above lowly transmits: Time limit already, fast deep pool.” 紧接着,一声低喝从上方传来:“时限已至,速速出潭。” The Yang Kai hear that is a Dragon Clan ancient dragon Elder sound. 杨开听出那是龙族一位古龙长老的声音。 Also does not delay, nods to Fu Guang slightly said: Senior, we said goodbye, hopes that another day can hear your good news.” 也不耽搁,冲伏广微微颔首道:“前辈,那咱们就此别过,希望他日能听到你的好消息。” Although Fu Guang said that he has accumulated enough, what remaining is only exchanging of bloodlines changes, but the matter is not necessarily able is so smooth. 尽管伏广说他已积累足够,剩下的只是血脉的兑变,可事情未必就会这么顺利。 Only looked that Dragon Clan here Holy Dragon quantity knew, if promotes Holy Dragon so to be really easy, the Dragon Clan Holy Dragon quantity is also insufficient to be bleak year to year. 只看龙族这边的圣龙数量就知道了,若是晋升圣龙真这么容易,龙族圣龙数量也不至于常年萧条。 Goes.” Fu Guang nods slightly. “去吧。”伏广微微颔首。 Yang Kai flings Dragon's Tail, goes into that rays of light channel, plunders rapidly toward the above. 杨开一甩龙尾,扎进那光芒通道之中,迅速朝上方掠去。 This wipes the rays of light channel seems passes through the space the wonderful effectiveness, does not know how Dragon Clan to make, Yang Kai penetrates the dragon pool several million zhang (3.33 m) at this moment, but the blinking time, had arrived above dragon pool. 这一抹光芒通道似有贯穿空间的神效,也不知龙族这边是怎么弄出来的,杨开此刻深入龙潭数百万丈,但不过眨眼功夫,就已到了龙潭上方。 At this moment, No-Return Pass, that giant square above, five all previous Dragon Emperor statue stands erect as before, among the statues, hidden has the vortex to revolve. 此时此刻,不回关,那巨大广场之上,五尊历代龙皇雕像依旧矗立,雕像中间,隐有漩涡旋转。 Dragon Clan dozens clansman assembling four directions, three young dragons, ten big dragons run out of the vortex one after another, comes to No-Return Pass. 龙族数十族人围聚四方,三头幼龙,十头巨龙陆续冲出漩涡,现身不回关 for a moment, in No-Return Pass, Dragon Roar roared, Void shook. 一时间,不回关中,龙吟咆哮,虚空震荡。 However after seeing clearly these clansman conditions, Dragon Clan stunned, three ancient dragon Elder frown unavoidably. 不过在看清这些族人的状况后,龙族这边都不免愕然,就连三位古龙长老都皱起眉头。 Does not have him, this time enters dragon pool practice clansman, the growth does not seem big. 无他,这一次入龙潭修行族人,成长似乎都不大。 According to their beforehand ideas, in the middle of three young dragons, Ji Boss can promote the big dragon certainly, after all he had nine thousand feet (333 m) Dragon Body, is not far from the big dragon, in dragon pool practice for several years, bridges over this stage sufficiently. 按他们之前的想法,三头幼龙当中,姬家老大是铁定能晋升巨龙的,毕竟他原本就有九百丈龙躯,距离巨龙也不远了,龙潭中修行数年,足以跨过这个阶段。 Zhu Wuyou and Fu Gan must slightly almost, but the luck good words not necessarily cannot promote the big dragon. 祝无忧伏乾要稍微差点,不过运气好的话未必不能晋升巨龙。 Yet now, Ji Boss truly promotes the big dragon right, is actually less than thousand thousand feet (333 m), this situation seems like the promotion shortly after appearance. 可如今,姬家老大确实晋升巨龙没错,却是不到千百丈,这情形看起来像是晋升没多久的样子。 Zhu Wuyou and Fu Gan were more pitiful, now nine thousand feet (333 m), have big one section from the big dragon reluctantly. 祝无忧伏乾就更可怜了,如今勉强九百丈,距离巨龙还有好大一截。 This is also only the young dragon, the big dragon is more disappointing. 这还只是幼龙这边,巨龙这边更让人失望。 Ten big dragons, should be at least 2-3 promote ancient dragon. 十头巨龙,最起码也应该是2-3位晋升古龙的。 However actually only then Ji Old Third promoted ancient dragon, other clansman still remain at the big dragon stage, the growth of Dragon Body is also unsatisfactory. 然而却只有姬老三一个晋升了古龙,其他族人依然停留在巨龙阶段,龙躯的增长也不尽人意。 Three ancient dragon Elder have also never seen the so disappointing later generations, can say that since this has been all previous generations promotes smallest a number of Dragon Clan absolutely. 三位古龙长老还从未见过如此差劲的后辈们,可以说这绝对是历代以来提升最小的一批龙族 Another side, on the crotch of Indestructible Chinese parasol tree, Huang Siniang of colored clothing is sitting well, two calves sway leisurely and carefree, the vision looks toward here, stance that watches the good play. 另一边,不灭梧桐的一根树杈上,一身彩衣的凰四娘端坐着,两条小腿悠闲地晃荡,目光朝这边望来,一副看好戏的架势。 After she sees dragon pool the condition in Dragon Clan, immediately smiled: I know, making that person enter dragon pool, Dragon Clan must certainly have what mistake, sure enough.” 等她见到出龙潭的龙族们的状态后,顿时笑了起来:“我就知道,让那人入龙潭,龙族这边肯定要出什么差池,果不其然。” Phoenix Rokuro Station by her, knits the brows: That side Dragon Clan has not thought under can nose his strength of source?” 凤六郎站在她旁边,皱眉道:“龙族那边就没想过要查探下他的本源之力?” Huang Siniang curls the lip saying: Dragon Clan is arrogant, wants to come in them, even if that person refine to melt a Dragon Clan source, had nothing at the worst, in addition had some agreements with Human Race 9-Rank supreme, how also to waste the energy to nose, actually does not know, some source no small matters that the fellow obtained.” 凰四娘撇嘴道:“龙族何等高傲,在他们想来,那人纵然炼化了一份龙族本源,也没什么大不了的,再加上与人族九品至尊有一些约定,又岂会浪费精力去查探,却不知,那家伙得到的本源有些非同小可呢。” Yang Kai carries the strength of Golden Holy Dragon source, moreover is three generations of Dragon Emperor source, this matter Dragon Clan does not know, Phoenix Clan had instead guessed. 杨开身负金圣龙本源之力,而且是三代龙皇的本源,这事龙族不知,凤族反而有所猜测。 Does not have him, Yang Kai can enter in that Phoenix Nest. 无他,杨开能进入那一座凤巢中。 That Phoenix Nest with three generations of Dragon Emperor same era Phoenix Empress Phoenix Nest, this two source lost in the past together outside, has not heard from. 凤巢可是与三代龙皇同一个时代凤后凤巢,当年这两位的本源一同遗失在外,杳无音讯。 Yang Kai can enter that Phoenix Nest, said that his my wife resulted in that generation of Phoenix Empress source, Dragon Clan source origin was worth considering. 杨开既能进入那凤巢,更言道他那内子得了那一代凤后的本源,本身的龙族本源来历就值得思量了。 Dragon Clan is disinclined to nose, Phoenix Empress will not go to remind meddlesomely, allowing the this kind of person to enter dragon pool, definitely will have some accidents. 龙族懒得查探,凤后自不会去多事提醒,让这样的人进入龙潭,肯定会有一些变故。 Therefore this time dragon pool opening, she will wait to watch the good play specially here. 所以这一次龙潭开启,她才会特意等在这里看好戏。 When was too bored in No-Return Pass, usually in then practice in Phoenix Nest, does not have a provoking laughter place. 待在不回关中太无聊了,平日里便是在凤巢修行,也没个逗趣的地方。 ...... Huang Siniang has not done to understand, what Yang Kai did in Longtanli, how this time enters Dragon Clan of dragon pool to grow is so small . Moreover, is this matter really related with him? Even if his source is really three generations of Dragon Emperor loses, can't affect other Dragon Clan? 只是……凰四娘也没搞明白,杨开在龙潭里到底干了什么,怎地这一次入龙潭的龙族成长都这么小,而且,这事真的跟他有关?就算他那本源真是三代龙皇遗失,也影响不到其他龙族吧? Quick, her doubts explanation. 很快,她的疑惑得到的解答。 Zhu Wuyou comes up then to directly soar that side the own parents, called to shout: That called the Yang Kai's fellow too bastard, robbed the strength of dragon pool in dragon pool unexpectedly, done we have not eaten to the full.” 祝无忧一上来便直奔自己的爹娘那边,叫嚷道:“那叫杨开的家伙太混蛋了,竟在龙潭之中抢夺龙潭之力,搞的我们都没有吃饱。” The Zhu Wuyou parents, one is ancient dragon, one is the big dragon, hears word knits the brows slightly. 祝无忧的爹娘,一个是古龙,一个是巨龙,闻言都微微皱眉。 In dragon pool fights for the strength of dragon pool is the habit, they entered dragon pool initially time, for better location/position with clansman battle. 龙潭之中争抢龙潭之力是常态,他们当初入龙潭的时候,也会为一处更好的位置族人争斗一番。 Zhu Wuyou said the matter with this, obviously cannot stand firmly. 祝无忧拿这个说事,明显站不住脚。 The father of Zhu Wuyou, that ancient dragon reproved immediately: Being not as skillful as others, having what is good to complain that moreover...... that Human Race should be able the incarnation big dragon, then to fight, cannot snatch your place, you are the ordinary day extremely weary, this time does not have the too big harvest.” 祝无忧之父,那位古龙当即训斥道:“技不如人,有什么好抱怨的,而且……那人族应该能化身巨龙,便是争抢,也抢不到你的地方,你是平日太过惫懒,此番才没有太大的收获吧。” The Zhu Wuyou big feeling is suffering: „The father, the fellow somewhat is not strange, does not know that he used what method, can swallow the strength of dragon pool unexpectedly rapidly, the child strength is weak, only occupied most above location/position, the strength of location/position dragon pool but half a month time, the child occupies is then dry.” 祝无忧大感委屈:“不是啊爹爹,那家伙有些古怪的,也不知他用了什么方法,竟能迅速吞噬龙潭之力,孩儿实力是弱,只占据了最上方的位置,但不过半月功夫,孩子占据的位置龙潭之力便已干涸了。” „Is the strength of dragon pool dry?” The mother of Zhu Wuyou, that big dragon face stunned. “龙潭之力干涸?”祝无忧之母,那巨龙一脸愕然 Zhu Wuyou nods said: Yes, therefore child then prepares to contend for the Fu Gan domain, finally fought half a month with him, his place was also dry, then we snatch others downward, but could not maintain is too long, the place that not only our three young dragons, fellow uncle uncles occupied was also same, the words that did not believe you asked them.” 祝无忧颔首道:“是啊,所以孩儿便准备去抢伏乾的地盘,结果跟他斗了半月,他那地方也干涸了,然后我们就一路往下去抢别人的,但都维持不了太久,不但我们三个幼龙如此,各位叔叔伯伯们占据的地方也是一样,不信的话你问他们。” ancient dragon turns head to look, looks the questionnaire. 那古龙扭头望去,面露征询。 Numerous big dragons nod the head slightly. 众多巨龙都微微颔首。 Sees that these wait in this's Dragon Clan in an uproar. 见状,那些等候在此的龙族不禁哗然。 this time enters not too many promotion of dragon pool no wonder.” “怪不得这一次入龙潭的诸位都没有太多的提升。” How can so? The strength of dragon pool is by rights ought to continuous, how to be dry?” “怎会如此?龙潭之力理当连绵不绝,怎会干涸?” „The strength of dragon pool flows from bottom to top, if under swallows extremely, will break the foundation, above that will be dry, but...... that does Human Race have this grade of skill?” “龙潭之力由下往上流动,若是下方吞噬太过,自会断了根基,那上方自会干涸,可是……那人族有这等本事?” Can it be that reason?” “莫不是那位的原因?” Has the possibility, if that promotion nears, perhaps needs the strength of massive dragon pool, will break above the foundation of strength of dragon pool is also nothing unusual.” “有可能,若是那位晋升在即,或许需要大量的龙潭之力,会断了上方龙潭之力的根基也不足为奇。” If is really that reason, this time these boys enter dragon pool not to catch up with the time actually.” “若真是那位的原因,此番这些小子们入龙潭倒是没赶上好时机。” „......” “……” Zhu Wuyou does not know that in their mouth is, Fu Guang will enter dragon pool practice in 5000, Zhu Wuyou will be only several hundred years old, does not know that in the clan will have Fu Guang. 祝无忧不知他们口中的那位是哪位,伏广入龙潭修行五千年了,祝无忧才几百岁而已,根本不知族内还有一个伏广 His parents somewhat know the circumstances of the matter actually, if is really because of that reason, causes this Dragon Clan harvest that enters dragon pool are not many, matter that does not have the means that can only recognize, if after all in the clan many Holy Dragon, may compare many several big dragons, several ancient dragon stronger. 他的爹娘倒是有些知情,若真是因为那位的原因,导致这次入龙潭的龙族收获不多,那也是没办法的事,只能认了,毕竟族内若是多一头圣龙的话,可远比多几头巨龙,几头古龙要强。 Zhu Wuyou sees that saying: Any that is that Human Race dry/does good deed, words that you do not believe that asks Ji Third Uncle, that Human Race breaks through time, clearly that Ji Third Uncle looks.” 祝无忧见状道:“什么那位那位的,就是那人族干的好事,你们不信的话,问问姬三叔,那人族突破的时候,姬三叔可是看的清清楚楚。” Breakthrough?” One crowd of Dragon Clan all show the astonished look. To be honest, the Dragon Clan bloodlines of that Human Race were concrete what degree, Dragon Clan have really not known, before he had not stimulated to movement dragon prestige, has not revealed dragon body. Only knows that he is the big dragon, this news passes from Human Race. “突破?”一群龙族皆都露出讶然神色。说实话,那人族龙族血脉具体到了什么程度,龙族这边还真不知道,之前他也没有催动过龙威,更没有显露龙身。只知道他是巨龙,这消息还是从人族那边传过来的。 Just like Huang Siniang said that Dragon Clan was arrogant, even if Yang Kai refine to melt a Dragon Clan source, they did not have to care, was disinclined to nose anything. 正如凰四娘所言,龙族高傲,杨开纵然炼化了一份龙族本源,他们也没太放在心上,更懒得去查探什么。 Ancient dragon Elder of old man appearance looks at Ji Old Third to ask: That did Human Race break through in dragon pool?” 那老叟模样的古龙长老望着姬老三问道:“那人族在龙潭中突破了?” A Ji Old Third face however nods astringently. 老三一脸涩然地颔首。 Before he enters dragon pool, about five thousand zhang (3.330m) Dragon Body, have dragon pool now, 5000 five thousand feet (333 m). 他入龙潭前,将近五千丈龙躯,如今出龙潭,才不过五千五百丈而已。 That Human Race? 人族呢? Enters time 3500 zhang (11,655m) of dragon pool, a half year of time then breaks through to ancient dragon, now three years pass by, have not known that grew to what degree. 入龙潭的时候三千五百丈,半年时间便突破到古龙,如今又三年过去,还不知成长到什么程度了。 But he pure blood Dragon Clan! Unexpectedly compares harvest of one Human Race in dragon pool, really does not have the face to mention this matter. 他可是纯血龙族!居然比不过一个人族在龙潭中的收获,实在没脸面提这事。
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