MP :: Volume #54

#5322: Must with me......

In No-Return Pass, the Dragon Clan three points, are to bend down, wish, Ji, the bloodlines are also continued by this Three Families. 不回关中,龙族三分,为伏,祝,姬,血脉也是由这三家延续。 Let Fu Guang feel what is strange, he has not felt this Three Families any bloodlines aura from this later generation. 伏广感到奇怪的是,他没从这个后辈身上感受到这三家任何一家的血脉气息 Moreover, words that has not made a mistake, he detected that for the first time this later generation, the opposite party should use to quench the lineage/vein, in other words is also not ancient dragon. 而且,没弄错的话,他第一次察觉到这后辈,对方应该正在用古法淬脉,也就是说还不是古龙。 However now under the short distance observation, the opposite party is about seven thousand zhang (3.330m) ancient dragon, short more than one year time, the promotion is so huge, is inconceivable simply. 然而如今近距离观察之下,对方已是将近七千丈的古龙了,短短一年多时间,提升如此巨大,简直难以想象。 Then such as the capital of his so having god-given wisdom, is impossible to achieve this thing, since ancient times, has no Dragon Clan to grow is so quick, this surpassed the Dragon Clan cognition completely. 便如他这般天纵之资,也不可能做到这种事,古往今来,就没有哪头龙族成长这么快的,这完全超出了龙族的认知。 When question, Fu Guang looks at Yang Kai's two Dragon Claw unintentionally. 问话之时,伏广有意无意地瞧了瞧杨开的两只龙爪 Just now the solar moon records appears, he looks in the eye, knew in the heart that this later generation grows so rapidly, strength of consumption dragon pool is so serious, decides cannot withdraw the relations with that two marks. 方才太阳太阴记浮现的时候,他可是看在眼中,心知这后辈成长如此迅速,龙潭之力消耗这般严重,定跟那两道印记脱不开关系。 Returns to the senior, I am not No-Return Pass Dragon Clan.” Also the definite opposite party is Fu Guang, Yang Kai has nothing to fear, at least, others will not begin to him with no reason at all. “回前辈,我并非不回关龙族。”既确定对方是伏广,杨开倒没什么好惧怕的,最起码,人家不会无缘无故对他动手。 Isn't No-Return Pass Dragon Clan?” Fu Guang slightly reveals astonished, „does outside find roots?” “不是不回关龙族?”伏广略显讶然,“外面认祖归宗来的?” Yang Kai shakes the head saying: „It is not, the boy came Human Race, under the accident of sorts refining up to melt a Dragon Clan source, when promoting ancient dragon the bloodlines can be pure.” 杨开摇头道:“也不是,小子出身人族,机缘巧合之下炼化了一份龙族本源,晋升古龙时血脉得以纯净。” Fu Guang surprise: Human Race? Do that several old stick-in-the-mud agrees make you get down unexpectedly?” 伏广更诧异了:“人族?那几个老顽固居然肯让你下来?” He also knows obviously that several ancient dragon tenacious degree, dragon pool is the Dragon Clan basis is, besides pure blood Dragon Clan, who the qualifications visits this place. 他显然也知道那几头古龙的固执程度,龙潭乃龙族的根本所在,除了纯血龙族,谁又资格踏足此地。 Now that side makes Human Race go to dragon pool unexpectedly, does not know that considered stemming from anything. 如今那边居然让一个人族下了龙潭,也不知出于什么考虑。 Nods the head slightly said: No matter you come Human Race, now the bloodlines are pure, you were also Dragon Clan, moreover ancient dragon.” 微微颔首道:“不管你是不是出身人族,如今血脉纯粹,你也算是龙族了,而且还是古龙。” So saying, faint looks at his one eyes, exudes the whisper at heart, Golden Dragon source, moreover seems like the strength of source is quite powerful, without making a mistake, should be that lost source outside. 这般说着,幽幽瞧他一眼,心里泛起嘀咕,金龙本源,而且看起来本源之力极为强大,如果没弄错的话,应该是那一位遗失在外的本源了。 No wonder several old stick-in-the-mud agrees in clan make him get down, should have the consideration in this aspect. 怪不得族内的几个老顽固肯让他下来,应该也是有这方面的考虑。 Not to mention he wishfully so believes that after Yang Kai hear of his words, was startled actually slightly, somewhat said dejected: Yes, the younger generation now was also Dragon Clan.” 且不说他一厢情愿地这般认为,杨开听的他的话之后倒是微微怔了一下,有些颓然道:“是啊,晚辈如今也是龙族了。” Fu Guang chuckle: How the place, looks at your look, resembles does not hate to give up Human Race with the foot?” 伏广轻笑:“怎地,看你这神色,似是舍不得割舍人族的跟脚?” Yang Kai said: Pouring is not, but...... some are not familiar with.” 杨开道:“倒也不是,只是……有些不太习惯。” Fu Guang nods slightly: Although such as your this kind of is very rare, but in my Dragon Clan Ancient Book, many also recorded several, I could not understand your mood, but made Dragon Clan is also no harm, at least, under the same Rank premise, Dragon Clan many that Human Race was more powerful.” 伏广微微颔首:“虽说如你这样的很少见,但在我龙族典籍中,多少也记载了几位,我理解不了你的心情,不过做龙族也没什么坏处,最起码,同样的品阶前提下,龙族可是要比人族强大的多。” Shifting to a new subject, Fu Guang said: I saw you to stimulate to movement two marks, that came from Burning Shine Nether Glimmer?” 话锋一转,伏广道:“我见你方才催动了两道印记,那是来自灼照幽莹?” Senior have good eyes, is from Burning Shine Nether Glimmer.” “前辈目光如炬,正是来自灼照幽莹。” Huang Siniang can an actual situation that sees that two marks, Fu Guang does not have the truth unable to look, Yang Kai not accidental/surprised. 凰四娘都能一眼看出那两道印记的虚实,伏广没道理看不出来,杨开也不意外 Fu Guang swam around Yang Kai, the doubts extremely: That two marks can the strength of pulling dragon pool, this never hear unexpectedly actually. However that two eyes direct access to the highest authorities, has this skill is also nothing unusual, what making me feel strange, how can you withstand the huge strength to enter the body like that? According to the truth, you should be supported to explode early are.” 伏广绕着杨开游了一圈,疑惑万分:“那两道印记竟能牵引龙潭之力,这倒是从未听说过。不过那两位手眼通天,有这本事倒也不足为奇,让我奇怪的是,你如何能承受那般庞大的力量入体?按道理来说,你早该被撑爆了才是。” Other source has been observing Yang Kai, this situation makes him really puzzled. 他方才一直在观察杨开,这情况让他实在不解。 Yang Kai explained: In the past that two left behind a strength when my within the body respectively, is divided into Yin-Yang, the strength of younger generation pulling dragon pool enters the body, that Yin-Yang two strength change to the grinding pan, grinds the strength of dragon pool, the younger generation can absorb to refine rapidly.” 杨开解释道:“当年那两位各自在我体内留下了一道力量,分为阴阳,晚辈牵引龙潭之力入体时,那阴阳二力化作磨盘,研磨龙潭之力,晚辈方能迅速吸收炼化。” Fu Guang surprised: That two also has this method.” 伏广大为惊讶:“那两位还有这手段呢。” He also never knows that has this matter, don't said him, perhaps is entire Dragon Clan no one knows, otherwise on Ancient Book definitely has the record early. 他还从来不知道有这种事,莫说他,便是整个龙族恐怕都没人知道,否则典籍上肯定早有记载。 However front boy, has the Burning Shine Nether Glimmer mark, is they bestows the strength, quite that two regards as important evidently actually. 不过面前这小子,又是有灼照幽莹的印记,又是得他们赐下力量,看样子倒是颇得那两位看重。 Burning Shine Nether Glimmer strength exactly bestows casually, at least, he never heard that who has the this kind of chance. 灼照幽莹的力量可不是随随便便赐下的,最起码,他就从未听说有谁有这样的机缘。 Comes, you stimulate to movement that two marks to try again.” Having a relish of Fu Guang face. “来来来,你再催动那两道印记试试。”伏广一脸的饶有兴致。 Yang Kai swings the rattle-drum the head: Inadequate senior, that two the strength of Yin-Yang exhausts now, again before such as , the strength of pulling dragon pool, the younger generation cannot endure like that.” 杨开把脑袋摇成拨浪鼓:“不成啊前辈,那两位阴阳之力如今耗尽,再如之前那般牵引龙潭之力,晚辈吃不消的。” Fears anything, making you try you to try, has me.” Fu Guang you felt relieved that does boldly, I to the stance that you revealed. “怕什么,让你试你就试,有我呢。”伏广一副你放心大胆地干,我给你兜底的架势。 The stance that his takes responsibility on oneself makes Yang Kai some not know to should do, does not know that Fu Guang intends what for, but considering others existence close to Holy Dragon, really must be disadvantageous to him, he does not have the means to resist. 他这大包大揽的架势让杨开有些不知该如何是好,更不知伏广意欲何为,不过考虑到人家一条接近圣龙的存在,真要对他不利,他也没办法抵挡。 Moreover, the words that but tries slightly, should no too in a big way relate. 而且,只是稍微试一试的话,应该没什么太大关系。 Read hence, Yang Kai nodded the head said: That younger generation revealed shortcomings.” 一念至此,杨开颔首道:“那晚辈献丑了。” So saying, stimulates to movement solar moons on two Dragon Claw to record, the mark appears instantly, the strength of all around rich dragon pool then by pulling. 这般说着,催动两只龙爪上的太阳太阴记,印记浮现的刹那,四周浓郁的龙潭之力便被牵引而来。 Yang Kai the plan stopped after getting a smattering, after all now his within the body does not have that Yin-Yang grinding pan, truly anti- the strength of too many dragon pool enter the body. 杨开本打算浅尝辄止,毕竟如今他体内没有了那阴阳磨盘,确实抗不住太多的龙潭之力入体。 However him just now stimulates to movement the mark, Fu Guang then has the movement, about ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) dragon body in a disorderly way vibrates continuous, Dragon Scales set upright piece by piece. 然而他这边才刚催动印记,伏广便已有了动作,将近万丈的龙身有规律地震动不休,一片片龙鳞都倒竖了起来。 But with his movement, Fu Guang Dragon Body changed to a bottomless trench suddenly probably, swallows the strength of dragon pool is welling up crazily. 而随着他的动作,伏广龙躯更是忽然像是化作了一个无底深渊,疯狂地吞噬着涌来的龙潭之力。 dragon vein galloping roared, dragon bone crack, Fu Guang dragon eye was splendid. 龙脉奔腾咆哮,龙骨炸响,伏广龙睛熠熠生辉。 Yang Kai on the contrary not too tremendous pressure, because was recorded the strength of dragon pool pulling comes by the solar moon, had almost 80% by the Fu Guang truncation. 杨开反倒没有太大压力,因为被太阳太阴记牵引过来的龙潭之力,几乎有八成都被伏广截了下来。 Remaining two mature is introduced Yang Kai within the body. 剩下的两成才被引入杨开体内。 Although makes him somewhat uncomfortable, but finally in tolerance range, before not such as such, has explodes the trend that the body perishes momentarily. 虽然让他还是有些难受,但总算在承受范围内,不会如之前那样,有随时爆体而亡的趋势。 Yang Kai understands suddenly Fu Guang wanted him to stimulate to movement the intention that the solar moon recorded, does this fellow want to come tempering dragon vein with the strength of own? 杨开忽然明白伏广要他催动太阳太阴记的意图了,这家伙是想借自己之力来淬炼龙脉 Four mothers said that he has closed up practice in dragon pool in 5000, has not broken through, obviously ancient dragon promotes Holy Dragon is not the simple matter. 四娘说他在龙潭内已经闭关修行了五千年,至今没有突破,可见古龙晋升圣龙也不是什么简单的事。 If own can help him break through, that is a huge favor, not only to Fu Guang so, is to entire Dragon Clan so. 若是自己能助他突破的话,那可是一份天大的人情,不但对伏广本身如此,便是对整个龙族都如此。 Dragon Clan Holy Dragon, are many now Holy Dragon, the strength rises dramatically instantaneously. 龙族如今才一头圣龙而已,再多一头圣龙,实力瞬间暴增。 When Yang Kai thinks, the Fu Guang that side hinted Yang Kai to stop. 就在杨开这么想的时候,伏广那边示意杨开可以停下了。 Yang Kai accepts good advice readily. 杨开从善如流。 Fu Guang has not spoken, is lost in thought that once for a while shoots a look at Yang Kai one, how as if should open the mouth in the consideration, some look slightly hesitations. 伏广没说话,陷入沉思中,时不时地瞥杨开一眼,仿佛在考虑该怎么开口,神色略有些踌躇。 Yang Kai feels funny, is this embarrassed? 杨开感到好笑,这是不好意思? But this has anything to be embarrassed, compares the face, promoting Holy Dragon is the main matter. 可是这有什么不好意思的,相比较脸面而已,晋升圣龙才是最主要的事情。 He does not have the many words, but is waiting for silently. 他也没多话,只是默默等待着。 Good long time, Fu Guang a face puzzled said/tunnel: „Can boy, with my dual cultivation?” 好半晌,伏广才一脸纠结地道:“小子,要不要与我双.修?” Yang Kai has a big shock: Double...... dual cultivation?” 杨开大惊失色:“双……双.修?” Any ghost thing, how raised this matter suddenly. Moreover, is Fu Guang the female dragon? But how to see not like, that sound is not obviously right. 什么鬼东西,怎地忽然就提起这事了。而且,伏广是母龙吗?可是怎么看也不像啊,那声音明明也不对。 Fu Guang is actually serious nods: Good, dual cultivation! You looked, you stimulate to movement this two marks to be able pulling to come huge the strength of dragon pool, but you could not digest, I can help you digest majority, remaining your own digestions.” 伏广却是一脸严肃地颔首:“不错,双.修!你看,你催动这两道印记牵引庞大的龙潭之力,但你又消化不了,我可以帮你消化大部分,剩下的你自己消化。” Yang Kai does not know whether to laugh or cry: „Is this dual cultivation that the senior said?” 杨开哭笑不得:“这就是前辈说的双.修?” He also by why matter. 他还以为啥事呢。 Fu Guang stern saying: Naturally!” 伏广正色道:“当然!” Yang Kai had nothing to say in reply, he even suspected that Fu Guang does not know from the start this word was what meaning, in his idea, everyone in together practice, that was dual cultivation. 杨开无言以对,他甚至怀疑伏广压根就不知道这词到底是什么含义,在他的想法中,大家在一起修行,那就是双.修了。 Seeing him is silent, Fu Guang said: Naturally, this matter is favorable for me, I do not make you suffer a loss, this, you are pure blood Dragon Clan, the promotion bloodlines mainly depend upon yourself now, others cannot help, but my Dragon Clan bloodlines natural talent is Principle of Time, if you intend, when dual cultivation I can direct you in this aspect 12.” 见他沉默,伏广道:“当然,这事对我更有利一些,我也不让你吃亏,这样吧,你如今既已是纯血龙族,提升血脉主要依靠自身,旁人也帮不了忙,不过我龙族的血脉天赋时间之道,你若有意的话,双.修之时我可以在这方面指点你一二。” Yang Kai hears word at present one bright: Takes seriously?” 杨开闻言眼前一亮:“当真?” Fu Guang nods: Nature.” 伏广颔首:“自然。” Then on many thanks, Senior.” “那就多谢前辈了。” don't said that Fu Guang has not opened this condition, Yang Kai also plans to help his helping hand, if after all really helps him successfully promote Holy Dragon, Dragon Clan may owe a own huge favor, now also has the this kind of advantage, how could Yang Kai to reject. 莫说伏广没有开这个条件,杨开也打算助他一臂之力,毕竟真要是帮他成功晋升圣龙,龙族可就欠自己一份天大人情,如今又有这样的好处,杨开岂能拒绝。 „Were you agreement?” Fu Guang confirmed. “你这是同意了?”伏广确认道。 Younger generation cannot find out the reason of rejection.” “晚辈想不出拒绝的理由。” Very good.” Fu Guang dragon body flings, matter cannot be delayed, you come with me.” “很好。”伏广龙身一甩,“事不宜迟,你跟我来。” dragon pool opening has more than one year time, several years feared Yang Kai to depart again, Fu Guang is not willing to waste time. 龙潭开启已经有一年多时间了,再有数年恐怕杨开就要离去了,伏广可不愿浪费时间 Follows close on Fu Guang behind, plunders downward. 紧跟在伏广身后,一路往下掠去。 Does not know to penetrate many, Yang Kai felt one to the limit faintly, the thorough words, have not needed him to stimulate to movement the solar moon to record again downward, the strength of all around that rich dragon pool then can want him to be attractive. 不知深入多少,杨开隐隐感觉自身已到极限,再往下深入的话,都不用他催动太阳太阴记,四周那浓郁的龙潭之力便能要他好看。 On the contrary is a Fu Guang relaxed appearance, Yang Kai not accidental/surprised, both's dragon body missed about three thousand zhang (3.330m) after all, Fu Guang is existence that is likely to promote Holy Dragon, dragon pool here, the resistant to compression ability is more natural than own. 反倒是伏广一副轻松至极的模样,杨开也不意外,两者的龙身毕竟差了将近三千丈,而已伏广还是一头有望晋升圣龙的存在,在龙潭这里,抗压能力比自己强是理所当然的。 Fu Guang also detected obviously this point, did not wait for the Yang Kai opens the mouth, then stopped on own initiative: Then is here.” 伏广显然也察觉到了这一点,不等杨开开口,便主动停了下来:“便是这里吧。” Yang Kai from obeys all: Senior takes responsibility can. Actually Fu Guang sympathizes very much, urged: „ You, and stimulates to movement the solar moon to record, the strength of pulling dragon pool, does not need to arrive one time, slowly enhances the effort.” 杨开自无不遵:“前辈做主便可。伏广倒是体贴的很,叮嘱道:“你且催动太阳太阴记,牵引龙潭之力,不必一次到位,慢慢加强力度。” Yang Kai nods: I try.” 杨开颔首:“我试试。” He had not done the this kind of matter before, the solar moon has recorded to stimulate to movement not to go to pay attention, within the body has the Yin-Yang grinding pan to help him refine in any case, pulling again many also no relations. 他之前还没做过这样的事,太阳太阴记催动出来也没去理会了,反正体内有阴阳磨盘助他炼化,牵引再多也没什么关系。 Now must help Fu Guang practice, some attempts are necessary. 如今既要帮伏广修行,些许尝试还是必要的。 Gets up your body plate.” Fu Guang also urged one. “把你身子盘起来。”伏广又叮嘱一句。 Yang Kai hears word occupies one group Dragon Body hastily. 杨开闻言连忙将自身龙躯盘踞成一团。 Fu Guang transferred around him, is connected, protects him in the middle. 伏广绕着他转了一圈,首尾相连,将他护在中间。 Sees that Yang Kai feels relieved much, then, he stimulates to movement the solar moon to record the strength of dragon pool pulling comes, must first be swallowed by Fu Guang surely, he cannot swallow, will flow to own. 见状,杨开放心不少,如此一来,他催动太阳太阴记牵引而来的龙潭之力,必定是要先被伏广吞噬,他吞噬不掉的,才会流动到自己这边来。 The security has the enormous safeguard. 安全性有极大的保障。
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