MP :: Volume #54

#5321: Fu Guang

The master of great eye from Yang Kai little said that also several 100,000 zhang (3.33 m), such far distance, even his strength is extraordinary, under the isolation of strength of dragon pool, is still hard to be comprehensive sensation Yang Kai that side situation. 巨眼的主人距离杨开少说也有几十万丈,这么远的距离,即便他实力超绝,在龙潭之力的隔绝下,也难以全面感知杨开那边的情况。 He can only detect, Yang Kai that side sound is big. 他只能察觉到,杨开那边的动静不小。 Hasn't this boy promoted? The master of great eye somewhat is slightly strange, such long time got down, swallowed many strength of dragon pool, unexpectedly has not promoted, obviously the natural talent of this later generation was not much. 这小子还没晋升?巨眼的主人略有些奇怪,这么长时间下来,吞噬了多少龙潭之力了,居然还不晋升,可见这后辈的天资不咋样。 However can insist such for a long time, the disposition of little fellow is actually good. 不过能坚持这么久,小家伙的心性倒是不俗。 Sighed however sighs, the disposition was good, natural talent insufficient that was also useless. own then makes toward the deep place, but also really can, because was disturbed to ask him to trouble inadequately? 喟然一叹,心性不俗,天资不够那也没用。罢了罢了,自己便往更深处让一让,还真能因为被打扰了找他麻烦不成? The master of great eye does not want to help, the promotion of Dragon Clan break through mainly depends upon himself, the bystander cannot help. 巨眼的主人也没想去帮一把,龙族的晋升突破主要依靠自身,外人是帮不了忙的。 Thinking, to be plundering the 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) quietly downward, could not feel the above sound finally. 这么想着,悄无声息地又往下掠了十万丈,总算感觉不到上面的动静了。 time swiftly, two months later, Yang Kai build rising near thousand zhang (3.330m), present he, has almost six thousand zhang (3.330m) dragon body again. 时间倏忽,两月之后,杨开体型再涨近千丈,如今的他,已有差不多六千丈龙身 If five thousand zhang (3.330m) dragon body are the ancient dragon sequences, endures Human Race 8-Rank that ratio just promoted, then six thousand zhang (3.330m) dragon body, mean that Yang Kai has stood firm in this boundary. 如果说五千丈龙身是古龙序列,堪比一位刚刚晋升的人族八品的话,那么六千丈龙身,就意味着杨开在这个境界已经站稳了脚跟。 Two moon/month times, the build grows thousand zhang (3.330m), this is the Dragon Clan not unimaginable matter, if the promotion of Dragon Clan can be so rapid, that since ancient times, does not know that can be born many ancient dragon, many Holy Dragon. 两月功夫,体型增长千丈,这是龙族都无法想象的事情,如果龙族的提升能有这么迅速的话,那古往今来,不知能诞生多少古龙,多少圣龙 Really was strength of too huge that dragon pool Yang Kai swallowed. 实在是杨开吞噬的龙潭之力太庞大了。 The strength of magnanimous dragon pool was recorded pulling to come, to swallow into the body by the solar moon, Burning Shine Nether Glimmer the strength of Yin-Yang changes to the grinding pan, is grinding these strengths, making Yang Kai refine the absorption conveniently, this is the basic reason of his rapid growth. 海量的龙潭之力被太阳太阴记牵引而来,吞噬入体,灼照幽莹阴阳之力化作磨盘,研磨着这些力量,让杨开更方便地炼化吸收,这才是他迅速成长的根本原因。 However Yang Kai can also detect, in the future, own promotion is more difficult. 不过杨开也能察觉到,越往后,自身的提升就越困难。 Before just came this place time, heavenly body can increase dozens zhang (3.33 m), now a day is less than one zhang (3.33 m). 之前刚来此地的时候,一天体型能增加几十丈,如今一天不到一丈。 One was own dragon vein was purer, before promotion of strength of same dragon pool to own not big, two were also strength of the location/position dragon pool becomes thin. 一则是自己龙脉更加精纯了,同样的龙潭之力对自己的提升没有之前大,二则也是所处的位置龙潭之力变得稀薄。 He swallows crazily, the strength of dragon pool cannot shoulder again richly. 他这么疯狂吞噬,龙潭之力再浓郁也扛不住。 this time has not waited for the strength of dragon pool to be thorough actually, felt thinner than before, Yang Kai then continued to penetrate the 100,000 zhang (3.33 m) downward. 这一次倒是没等龙潭之力彻底干涸,感觉比之前稀薄了许多,杨开便又继续往下深入了十万丈。 The master of great eye was disturbed again, rolls the eyes crazily. 巨眼的主人再一次被打扰,狂翻白眼。 Has not to end, this junior opposes with own specially? 有完没完,这小辈专门跟自己作对的吧? Has no alternative, gives way to traffic again. 没奈何,再次避让。 Also two months later, he felt the above sound unexpectedly again, obviously was that later generation pursued. 又两月之后,他居然再一次感受到了上方的动静,显然是那后辈又追了下来。 The master forehead blue vein of great eye jumps, depresses the heart anger , to continue to give way to traffic. 巨眼的主人额头青筋直跳,压下心头怒气,继续避让。 Is undesirable that has happened more than three times, will have again next time, wants your boy to be attractive surely! In his heart makes a determined effort secretly. 事不过三,再有下次,定要你小子好看!他心中暗暗发狠。 Again two months later, great eye master raises the head is looking at the above, does not see the angry look, instead is the eyeful doubts. 再两月后,巨眼主人抬头望着上方,不见怒色,反而是满眼疑惑。 He detected the above sound once again. 他又一次察觉到上方的动静了。 He thinks before these sounds are that later generation quench the lineage/vein to make using, but now looks like, probably some are not right. 他之前以为那些动静是那后辈利用古法淬脉弄出来的,可如今看来,好像有些不对劲。 Such long time, if broke through had broken through, if did not break through, this later generation should also be exploded by strength of brace dragon pool, how to have been continuing? 这么长时间了,若突破的话早就突破了,若不突破,这后辈也该被龙潭之力撑爆了,怎么会一直在继续? Under the doubt, he restrains oneself aura, plunders quietly toward on, the preparation peeps the outcome. 狐疑之下,他收敛自身气息,悄无声息地朝上掠去,准备一窥究竟。 Meanwhile, Yang Kai is diverting attention two to use, stimulates to movement the solar moon to record to swallow the strength of dragon pool, comprehends Principle of Time, whole body Time Principle surges, making his Dragon Body seem like dream-like. 与此同时,杨开正在分心二用,一面催动太阳太阴记吞噬龙潭之力,一面参悟时间之道,周身时间法则涌动,让他的龙躯看起来都如梦似幻 Reason that every other both months downward thorough, is mainly Yang Kai also detected that the own approach to the difficulty that these big dragons and young dragons bring. 之所以每隔两月都往下深入,主要是杨开也察觉到自己的做法给那些巨龙和幼龙们带来的困扰。 The strength of dragon pool seems like flows from top to bottom, if he location/position the strength of dragon pool will swallow dry, then the above big dragon and young dragon Men could not obtain what advantage. 龙潭的力量似乎是由上往下流动的,他若是将所处位置的龙潭之力吞噬干涸,那么上方的巨龙和幼龙们就得不到什么好处了。 When he detected all around strength of dragon pool starts becomes thin, his then downward thorough 100,000 zhang (3.33 m). 所以当他察觉四周龙潭之力开始变得稀薄的时候,他便会往下深入十万丈。 own eats the meat, must keep bone anything to others. 自己吃肉,总得给别人留点骨头啥的。 Breaks through ancient dragon to have more than half a year time, such long time harvests big, not to mention Dragon Body increased about two thousand zhang (6.666m), now has almost about 6,700 zhang, is on Principle of Time also harvests greatly. 突破古龙已有大半年时间,这么长时间下来收获不小,且不说龙躯增加了将近两千丈,如今已有差不多六千七百丈左右,便是时间之道上也收获巨大。 Yang Kai faint feeling, own on Principle of Time can again diligently the breakthrough next level. 杨开隐隐感觉再努力一把,自己时间之道上能够突破下一个层次。 When the time comes Principle of Time was 7th-layer technique precedes outstanding heroes. 到时候时间之道便是第七层技冠群雄了。 However when he acts with single-hearted devotion, suddenly unusual feelings. 不过就在他专心施为的时候,忽有一丝异样的感觉。 within the body that is Burning Shine Nether Glimmer the strength of Yin-Yang, is weakening rapidly. 体内那属于灼照幽莹阴阳之力,正在迅速衰减。 Yang Kai was startled slightly, responded quickly, these two strengths have soon exhausted. 杨开微微怔了一下,很快反应过来,这两道力量已经快要耗尽了。 In the past Big Brother Huang and Big Sister Lan infiltrated his within the body the respective strength, these years also recovered several times, were pure his bloodlines, are continuous connect the attrition the present to dragon pool continuous. 当年黄大哥蓝大姐将各自的力量打入他体内,这些年来也数次复苏,精纯他的血脉,如今到了龙潭这边更是连绵不休地交汇研磨。 This strength is not he has after all, always has one day of exhaustion. 这力量毕竟不是他本身拥有的,总有耗尽的一天。 Yang Kai also has the preparation, actually does not want to come unexpectedly is such quick. 杨开对此也有心理准备,却不想来的竟是这么快。 He is not disappointed, if not for with the aid of the strength of that Yin-Yang grinding pan attrition , he even if can withstand huge the strength of dragon pool to enter the body, cannot refine is so rapid, building up is not very rapid, is not naturally able to absorb to use to promote oneself body. 他也不失望,若不是借助那阴阳之力所化的磨盘研磨,他纵然能够承受庞大的龙潭之力入体,也决不能炼化的那么迅速,炼化不够迅速,自然无法吸收用以提升己身。 Now he has obtained enough many advantage, before entering dragon pool, 3500 zhang (11,655m) the body of big dragon, this short more than one year the times, then has grown the 6,700 zhang ancient Long's body, own dragon vein is becoming pure incomparable. 如今他已得了足够多的好处,入龙潭前,不过三千五百丈的巨龙之身,这才短短一年多功夫,便已成长到了六千七百丈的古龙之身,连带着自身的龙脉都变得精纯无比。 What also has is not dissatisfied? 还有什么不满足的? The external force was the external force, the Burning Shine Nether Glimmer strength had built the solid foundation to own eventually, in the future can walk far on dragon vein this road, that looked at own. 外力终究是外力,灼照幽莹的力量已经给自己打下了坚实的基础,日后能在龙脉这条路上走多远,那就看自己了。 With the feebleness of strength of Burning Shine Nether Glimmer, within the body that invisible grinding pan also has sign that faintly must collapse. 随着灼照幽莹之力的衰弱,体内那无形的磨盘也隐隐有要崩溃的迹象。 Yang Kai felt the pressure quickly. 杨开很快感觉到了压力。 Before had this grinding pan , regardless of he swallowed many strength of dragon pool to be ground rapidly, but is not good now, swallowing was too quick then has a full feeling. 之前有这磨盘在的时候,无论他吞噬多少龙潭之力都能被迅速研磨掉,但如今不行了,吞噬太多很快便生出一种饱胀感。 Yang Kai even suspected, continues to get down the own finally supported exploding body perishes. 杨开甚至怀疑,继续这么下去自己终会被撑的爆体而亡。 Dragon Clan most starts is defending the own domain respectively, is this reason, downward, the strength of dragon pool truly is richer, but can absorb must be able to refine is good. 龙族最开始的时候都各自守着自己的地盘,也是这个原因,越往下,龙潭之力确实越浓郁,但能吸收也要能炼化才行。 Each Dragon Clan enters dragon pool, will seek for own limit location/position. 每个龙族入龙潭,都会寻找到自身的极限位置 Which like Yang Kai, depends the strength of Burning Shine Nether Glimmer to protect the body, dares to penetrate 1 million zhang (3.33 m) location/position by trivial 3500 zhang (11,655m) the body of big dragon. 哪像杨开这样,仗着灼照幽莹之力护体,以区区三千五百丈的巨龙之躯就敢深入百万丈的位置 The side that the strength of Burning Shine Nether Glimmer declines is quick, perhaps before is the spent force, after Yang Kai detects this point, without a trace that half double-hour, these two strengths have not then vanished thoroughly. 灼照幽莹之力衰退的极快,兴许之前就已经是强弩之末了,杨开察觉到这一点之后不过半个时辰,这两股力量便已彻底消失的无影无踪。 Hurried Yang Kai hurried to receive solar moon. 慌的杨开赶紧收了太阳太阴记。 Vertical is so, he also still felt that big pressure, all around to him is thing of big making up the strength of dragon pool, at this moment finally reveals the fierce true colors, making him stuffy snort/hum, stimulates to movement the strength of dragon vein just now to resist reluctantly. 纵是如此,他也依然感觉到不小的压力,四周原本对他来说是大补之物的龙潭之力,此刻终于显露狰狞本色,让他不禁闷哼一声,催动龙脉之力方才勉强抵挡。 This place cannot treat, waits to have an accident again. 这地方不能待了,再待下去要出事。 Decides on the attention, Yang Kai then must return toward the above. 打定注意,杨开便要往上方返回。 However opens eyes, then has a scare. 然而才一睁眼,便吓一跳。 The front two giant eyes, are staring at that splendidly, in that pair of pupil overflowed completely the curious look. 面前两只巨大的眼睛,熠熠生辉地盯着那,那双眸中溢满了好奇的神色。 Must know that the Yang Kai present has 6,700 zhang, the build is big, making him feel greatly, the nature is small not. 要知道杨开本身如今有六千七百丈,体型不小,让他都感觉巨大的,自然小不到哪去。 dragon prestige fills the air instantaneously, Yang Kai nearly does not have a claw to pat. 龙威瞬间弥漫而出,杨开险些没一爪拍过去。 The critical moment bore finally, what because he sees clearly in front of own is gigantic dragon's head. 紧要关头总算忍住了,因为他看清自己面前的是一个硕大的龙头 Looks around toward the rear area again, long Dragon Body almost one shortly not to the end. 再往后方张望,漫长龙躯几乎一眼看不到头。 In a flash, Yang Kai then judges, this is ancient dragon! Moreover is extremely strong ancient dragon, his Dragon Body, is almost ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 一瞬间,杨开便判断出,这是一头古龙!而且是一头实力极强的古龙,他那龙躯,差不多已有万丈! Five thousand zhang (3.330m) are ancient dragon, ten thousand zhang (3.33 m)...... that is Holy Dragon! 千丈为古龙,万丈……那是圣龙 Among the electric light flint, Yang Kai then understood clearly the status of opposite party: Fu Guang senior?” 电光火石间,杨开便洞悉了对方的身份:“伏广前辈?” Before Huang Siniang Phoenix Nest was a guest, Yang Kai has inquired Dragon Clan here situation with her specially, was not the secret intelligence, Huang Siniang will not have too conceals. 之前在凰四娘凤巢做客的时候,杨开特意跟她打探过龙族这边的情况,也不是什么机密情报,凰四娘自不会有太多隐瞒。 According to four mothers, Dragon Clan here present Holy Dragon, is present Dragon Clan Clan Head. 据四娘所说,龙族这边如今有一头圣龙,也是如今龙族族长 ancient dragon number should have more than ten, but usually in practice, disappears, in No-Return Pass presides over the Dragon Clan business, is Yang Kai had once seen that three old ancient dragon, is Dragon Clan three Elder. 古龙数量应该有十几个,不过平时都在修行之中,不见踪影,不回关中主持龙族事务的,便是杨开曾见过的那三位老古龙,也是龙族的三位长老 That three ancient dragon, the age is enormous, strength also, but had cut off the hope that promotes Holy Dragon, in other words , their present strengths are the limits, does not have the further possibility again. 那三位古龙,年纪极大,实力也很是了得,不过都已经断绝了晋升圣龙的希望,换言之,他们如今的实力便已是极限,再无进一步的可能。 But in Dragon Clan, has ancient dragon to go a step further hopefully, achievement Holy Dragon. 龙族之中,却是有古龙有希望更进一步,成就圣龙的。 From this recent, is Fu Guang. 距离这一步最近的,便是伏广 More than 5000 years ago, Fu Guang had then reached ancient dragon the limit, subsequently goes down to dragon pool to close up, until now without making an appearance, according to four mothers' views, Fu Guang this kind of, achievement Holy Dragon goes out either, either passes away in dragon pool, dragon Liyi enters dragon pool, the blessings left by predecessors later generation descendants. 五千多年前,伏广便已到了古龙的极限,继而深入龙潭闭关,至今没露面,按四娘的说法,伏广这样的,要么成就圣龙出关,要么就是老死在龙潭之中,一身龙力逸入龙潭,遗泽后辈子孙。 No this kind of was determined, ancient dragon who reaches the limit will not easily enter in dragon pool. 没有这样的决心,走到极限的古龙是不会轻易进入龙潭中的。 since ancient times, Dragon Clan does not know that many ancient dragon pass away in dragon pool, cannot tread that. 古往今来,龙族不知多少古龙老死在龙潭之中,都是没能踏出那一步的。 Passed on a message dragon pool most deep place, buried many dragon bone, naturally, four mothers were Phoenix Clan, to this matter also not very clear. However everyone each other somewhat understands in No-Return Pass also normally. 传言龙潭最深处,埋葬了许多龙骨,当然,四娘是凤族,对这事也不太清楚。不过大家都在不回关中彼此有些了解也正常。 Fu Guang closed up in the dragon pool deep place has in 5000, no one knows how his situation, can only determine he has not died. After all to life span long Dragon Clan, in 5000 is really not anything. 伏广在龙潭深处闭关已有五千年了,谁也不知他情况怎样,只能确定他没死。毕竟对寿命悠长的龙族来说,五千年实在不算什么。 don't will say in 5000, will then be 50,000 years not necessarily dies. 莫说五千年,便是五万年都不一定死的了。 Each dragon pool opening, Dragon Clan later generation, although enters, but is impossible to penetrate into Fu Guang location/position noses, therefore does not know that he closes up is smooth. 每一次龙潭开启,龙族后辈虽有进入,但也不可能深入到伏广位置来查探,所以也不知他闭关到底顺利不顺利。 However in 5000 has not made an appearance, is not quite definitely smooth. 不过五千年没露面,肯定是不太顺利的。 dragon pool so deep location/position, braves ancient dragon close to Holy Dragon, how could Yang Kai unable to guess correctly his status suddenly. 龙潭如此深的位置,忽然冒出来一头接近圣龙的古龙,杨开岂能猜不出他的身份。 This is White Dragon, all over the body snow white, even in the dragon pool deep place, is still difficult to cover that pure brilliance. 这是一头白龙,通体雪白,即便是在龙潭深处,也难掩那纯净的光辉。 The opposite party do not have dragon prestige to fill the air, but was staring by that pair of dragon eye, the Yang Kai faint trace pressure, the source of opposite party is then not as good compared with own, but the bloodlines are more powerful than own. 对方没有龙威弥漫,但只是被那双龙睛盯着,杨开便有一丝丝压力,对方的本源比自己稍逊一筹,但血脉却比自己强大。 Fu Guang nods slightly: Strange, which later generation are you?” 伏广微微颔首:“奇怪,你是哪家的后辈?”
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